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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL AIVEUTISKK: HOXOLri.t'. OCTOIIKH lv.w -Ainiother Large Shipment OF THOSE WELL KNOWN Keen Kutter Goods Has Just arrived and been opened up. Chisels, Bits, Hatchets, Knives and fill such articles with this brand on are guaranteed and will always be re placed by us If any defects show up on using the tools. The "TRUE BLUE" Saws, Squares and other tools are about the neatest and best things in the way of fancy tools that have ever been shown. Call and see them and we think you will say so, too. These goods are made for, sold by and guaran teed by the Simmons Hardware Co. of St. Louis, Mo., the largest hardware house In the world by long odd3, and you get honest goods when you buy these brands. The only place In town you can buy KEEN KUTTER and TRUE BLUE Goods Is at E. O. HALL & SON, LTD. READY ROCK ROOFIN(j Best Roofing on Earth. PARLIAMENT SITS British Legislature Now United. On Vigorous Prosecution of the War Against the Boers-hecici Surclks Will tc VoteJ. a Honolulu 31 ax yfey' "1 1 ij IT NOT EXPENSIVE; comes ready to lay; any workman can lay it; is Slgit; lnurance 50 per cent less than shingles on buildings covered with it. Wt affected by any climate. SEND FOR SAMPLE. Mawaiiaini Trading (So- Ltd Office: Nos. 6 and 8 Love Building, Fort St. tel. 1132. MosqjMDtoMinie Will Drive Mosquitoes Away. Cures the Bites! Brings Comfort! -OSV3B-V AT enson, Smith & Co B LIMITED- Fort'and Hotel Streets. LONDON. October 17. Parliament opened today in extraordinary session to consider the Sju:'.i African situa tion. LONDON. October is. la th- Hoao of Commons today the. First Lord of the Treasury and Government bidr Arthur J. Halfotir. brought In th fol lowing message from the Queen: "The state of affairs in Africa hav ing constituted. In the opinion of her -Majesty, a case of emergency within the meaning of the act of Parliament, her Majesty deems it proper to provide additional means for military service. She has. therefore, thought it right to communicate to the Iiouse that her Majesty is. by proclamation, about to order the embodiment of the militia and to call out the militia n-s-rve force, or such part mereof as her Ma jesty may think necessary fo;- perma nent service." The tailing out. of the militia t.' the military reserves has occasioned widespread wonderment. Other stories of preparations against continental combinations are revived. It is freely rumored that the (lovernment is deter mined to demonstrate to Europe that the Rritish army is no: a negligible quantity. The Speaker read the Queen's speech. shortly after which Sir Alexander Pul ler Acland Hood. Conservative member for West Somerset, rose to move the address in reply. Dwelling upon the horrors of war he declared that war should not be undertaken except from absolute necessity, but that in this case, all peaceable means having fail ed, war had become necessary "to es tablish equal rights for the white race in South Africa and to remove the grievances of the Outlanders." Clement Royds. Conservative mem ber for Hochdale. seconded the address. Sir Henry Campbell-Hannerman. Liberal leader in the House of Com mons, who followed Mr. Royd. said Parliament had been summoned to give its approval to the early steps of war. Never had the House met In cir cumstances more serious or amid con ditions engaging to a greater degree the profound interest of the British people. The demands made by the Government of the Soutu African re public were such as to make it impos sible for the Govern mem or any self- respecting country ever to take them into consideration. "Actual hostilities have commenced," said Sir Henry. and an active aggros sion has been committed which It Is the nlain duty of our Ministers, of Par liament and of the people to resist. There will be no disposition on the part of this House-to place any obsta cle in the way of granting such sup plies and such powers to the crown as may be necessary to secure the rapid and effective prosecution of a war com menced to vindicate our rights. The campaign should be vigorously and promptly prosecuted ami nothing ne cessary for that purpose saould be re fused by the House of Commons." Talks of I)oans Hacktuhc KiJncy PilN. When an incident lifcf th following otcurs here at home it U bound to carry weight with our readers. Th public Matement of a reputable cttix n living in this city leave no ground for the skeptic to stand on. Mr. Jam C. Steven, of thu city, informs us: "I was troubled with an ache In the small of my back for a long time, and such was th' 1 onditlon of chines until I tried mr. of IVunV Packacl.o Kidney Pills, whbh 1 ob tained at the HolUt.r Drus Co store. A short treatment ca the Wired relief, and I am atls!le, that hey are a good remedy for backache ind deserve to be recommended." Mr. Stevens Is one of our own clt- zens. Is not such testimony stroncr nan that of someone living in Amor- THE ORPMEUH THEATRE NEW TALENT JUST ARRIVED By the Australia for tho GRAND : OPENING : SATURDAY : NIGHT Does your back or side ache o that t is hard to Mand straight? IM you lave headaches, nervousness, frequent hirst, hot dry kln. or !ortne?s of jreath? Evil foreboding, or unsettled sleep? Ar you eyelid distended or feet and ankles swollen and have you ost Ilesh? Are the secretions from the iidncys thick, dark colored, ar.d do hey deposit a sediment? Kidney dis ease I insidious and if you have any of these symptoms you should treat hem at once. Delay may mean you can't bo cured. I loan's llarkarho Kidney Pills are sold by nil chemists and storekeepers it f.0 cents per boxt six loxc S2Z). or will le mailed on receipt of price by the Holllster Drug Co. Honolulu. wholesale ncent for tn Hawaiian Islands. !Hl)im(rj)MBiui Tobacco o., Ltd. IMPORTERS OF HAVANA AND MANILA SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Fine Grades of Smoking Tobacco. Corner Tort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu. A. OFFERS TO SELL OUT. MANILA, Oct. IS. N:33 a. m. Ccner- ai Otis has received messages purport ins to come from the insurgent General Pio del Pilar, offering to sell out ami deliver his army into the hands of the Americans. Although he is not satis fied that this offer is authentic. It Is not intrinsically improbable The iol icy of General Otis is firmly set against buying any surrenders. Pilar offers for the-sum of ?..) to refrain from attacking Manila with his army; for the sum of $2."0.X0 he offers to surrender his army after a sham battle, both sides tiring1 into the air and for the sum of $500,000 he says he will procure the overthrow of the in surrection and the capture of Aguinal- do. Paterno and the other leaders In the course of the communication he re fers to Agiiinaldo in contemptuous terms, indicating that strained rela tions exist between them. soshiraa, ca? mm On the Ice. Frozen Mi stern and California Oys ters. Celery. Caul i flower. Artichokes. Rutabagas. Turnips. Horseradish, fresh Huttcr. drapes. Apples. Pears, Peaches, fancy Cheeses, Salmon anil Sole. Smoked Salmon. Red Cabbages. Etc.. Etc. Lewis & Co. FOOD SPECIALISTS. Ill Fort St. Telephone 210. KAXK UYIJnN and KAXH Tin: Iomkuy lr: that ha vtt .irfi-.iroJ s:i It r..-!wtj. MISS MINX IK lUMIVns ; HIY !.KVIN;sTnN Spanish amki: Pixkii-tiyi: n.oi-7 AMI SlNC.n: ; ami loUIC SlNtil K, - Sec Saturday's Advertiser for Full Program. SPECIAL SALE OF" Ribbons i L&ces AT THE TEMPLE OF FASI NeM Monday October 2$rd, we will oft-r to cur customer, ihe e vire stock of Rib bons and Lace, at verv 'ov prices. Firt line of Ribbon, fc.cvr pjUo rrdiul to .v j r jr: Firt line of Lnrr. former price Zr, r-v- and ZZc, rrda4 t Zc tr yirZ I-idlcs IMtJ at tc rxtti I-idloV ShlrtuaUtJ. at locrach l.adie Collar, at Jiceach Gingham, al r-i jaidn for I LOO Fine Liwnn, at z 4td for 1I-O0 I-ico Curtnln. at Half lllc 1-tdlc.V Fndrrhlrtjt. at Z tattle A Wautlful chance to buy good at xrry low prior, at lb Trtnj!o of Fashion, commencing next Monday, October zi. 1?. M. PAUAC. Manager. Carriage, Wagon and Truck REPAIRING, PAINTING. TRIMMING AND MANUFACTURING HXFINE HORSESHOEING a ptcu!tv. Agency of the Rubber Tire Wheel Co. Hawaiian Carriage IVPrg Co., QUEEN STItKET. NEAR FOItT. Mar slhi OF AMY (BdDdDttDS, OO AN OO HAT MANUFACTURER. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. KING STi, Next to Castle & Cooke. Hearamice Sale off Straw Hats, Silt .and Grepe Shirts, Nectaar, Handkerchiefs, Etc., Etc. t Lowest Prices Ever pffered In Honolulu. This Bale will commence on Sept. 30 and continue for 3 weeks only. FRENCH OFFICERS MASSACRED PARIS, Oct. 18. The Minister of tho Colonies. M. Decrals. has reocivcil an I official dispatch announcing that Cap! tain Voulet and Captain Chanolne. of J the outlawed French expedition in the Soudan, whose members recently mas sacred most of the members of the ex pedition under Lieutenant Colonel Klobb, sent to arrest those officers on charges of cruelty and insubordination, have been shot by their own men. A commemorative service was neld to day in honor of Lieutenant Colonel Klobb at the Church of St. Clotllde. President Loubet and all the members of the Cabinet were represented. Madame Loubet was present. LAWKS ntllllKI) VK3TS 5 Cents THflQPf TTv n r A AVWJL II TK TT T- 1 -TLA -TLA r1 iA -V HAVE ARRIVED AT THE Itfy Furniture Sitoref H. H. WILLIAMS, Manager. Love Building, 534-536 Fort St TOLEPHOKE 4 6: RESIDENCE. 849. NEBDHAM KNOCKED OUT. LEADVILLE. Col.. Oct. 17. Two thousand people saw Paddy Purtell knock out Danny Needham of St. Paul in one of the hardest battles ever fought here. For five rounds the men fought evenly. Purtell rushed fre quently, but was blocked by his antag onist. In the fifth round there was a mixup and both men landed heavily, but Purtell. with a left on the neck had his man groggy and finished him. with a terrific right swing on the jaw. Need ham was unconscious for. fully a minute. FORTIFYING LAING'S NEIxT DURBAN (Natal). Oct. 10. General Joubert is believed to be at Lalng's LADIES' WHITE UIDltEI) VEST:?. Tapi Trimmed 10 Cents LADIES WHITE UIIU1ED VESTS. High Neck. SUla Ribs 20 Cents LADIES WHITE IlimiED VESTS. Low Nfck. Silk; Trlmmrtl and Tape. Pink and Light IUuc 25 Cents MEN S SILK STRIPE SHIRT and I1ALI1RIGGAN DRAWERS 25 Cents MENS RANDOM STIUPi: SHIRTS ar.4 DRAWERS.... 25 Cents MEN'S PLAIN lIALtmiOGAN SHIRTS atl DRAWERS 25 Cents MEN'S COLORED IX.YPTIAN It ALU It IGG AN SHIRTS and DRAWERS 40 Cents MENS EXTRA QUALITY n II O W N H ALRRIGGAN SHIRTS ac! DRAWERS.... 50 Cents ME.VS SUPERFINE WHITE LISLE SHIRTS 60 Cents If the above H.MU5A1XS arc -oM when you rail there will tunny others equally attractive. A few cases of XKYV OOOHS have been ojenel anl wc will oon cotninence opening our ENTIKE XEW STUCK. Nek, which he is fortifying.