Newspaper Page Text
INK !Vuri; .1MKK,t.L .HV KUTJiiKK: HONOLULU, NOVKMIIKU !. IfM. TUK PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser. "WKHNKSDAY . . . r a. t - & II. II I s:.ys in tms article xaat tiu reuirt? ti;tiic ci rmoKcr of though, nas in fart shiried from ! in tn; cod'. '.it: ii .nljcinlnc :h.- N-" eternity to time, from the worship of ; England Ilakery. fri n!s to th n:m God to the service of men," ho siib-;i,Pr nf s-,xv as.-f mb.-.1 :.! n.j.r W. N. ARMSTRONG EUi 1 stantiaJly condemns me Lnun a useii. , to fn r .a : ,.! For the Church, like other institutions. 1 PiovIU-tl bv Sv.;:ih Thl -vrV.T FIl 1 i - i :. . , i imusi i. iBLf-n i us ii u oi-va.-ir.a was t... ann'u - - - - theological engines cannot pull its : THE 10KK WaII." trains of cars, loaded with faithful ad- herents up the rising grades of moral- I n . i .i I ? . ,i i : : . : e ... . . .1 The latest reports from tne war ueiu uy ami reusioa, u n i.iu"i, .mu . in South Africa indicate clearly that the passengers get under the seats J . . I . - .( tho IJoers intend to confine the light- wnen tne evn one. line an unscrupulous on aij s:,p.s a:i,i ,,f:, r a ,;,. - . . rr -,.--1T--l ---- T 1 1 ni T - t r ' t . in1 . ing to Natal, ana Keep ui'j nuusva.u nt-au -m.. iivi.i.- ..4, """'upca tne ni"r.:s i . ,i a In reserve. Their main hope of success insists on taking off all the moral oin ! lit-jry. the social portion is 1n occupying a strong position in they have on their persons, it is -..-ar !Kran, was commune. d. (;; Natal, and in stopping the British from enough that somothing is the mattvr marks by chairmnn. (. . I)..:: ........ . i . ....-... rV l- I if it V t V - m - "i t f t - to?" "" li I t advancing oeyonu tnai ten iLoiy. uu -i.-n. j. w ii.un. ioiiowmi oy vocii a:ii m .ni.i.::a would naturally hasten to make this track is mislaid, or the engine .Vs. an- ; contributions from which inav be , Mood's Pills -WE- to io run justice r ..p : .i :n::i'.- Till provided by S.;:ih Thi:'.. .lab. Favorite O The ccvasir.a the annul Hal-, Cathartic J. JLJLJL3 BiMMMBmsmmMM 1SPECH0H the internal org wv.z ati .n or ::u;i w. .,. the liver ond all th? tran of the Uxl : - 4. .. ;;.a. ;a- p a::i COT J move "before the large reinforcements of troops arrive. The news regarding the interference of tho European Powers with the Brit ish possessions in the Orient are of the kind that have appeared in the newspapers for the last twenty years. It is now generally conceded that the lected as worthy of special : U. Brown's scng "Scotland Y-t ; respoasv to an 'ncore. "The It takes into account the variety j i,njKran;s r.t,,. A,:;- .44..; '.'..x. (Iars .'..a-. "K..h.-a as th-y out of late men, who should to back to huckleberry trains. The V. M. C. A. treats men are of temperaments, weakness?, vacilla tions, hopes and fears, and deals with man as a composite nature, and not as an abstraction. The Church has re garded men as "totally depraved." and the instinct to engage in a candy-pull. :: Mr. " and S.M;:;i-h Tie lit fun onilrim ' tl British navy is able to take care of th combined navies of at least three or hunger after a chicken-pie dinner, j ja(l of tho European. Powers. Besides no as the clearest evidences of : hopeless j (,f 1 European nation has any desire to woriuiiness. me . n. . a. sees m "igi man a wonueriul living temple, tml oi ; marvellous machinery, and that m or der to make it run chicken-pie and Tho ISorrowctl at hb. police conjecture that sol li rs i from the Rianvnnd dnstnu rf clo:i;td corjurr4l lriltia,rr. IIcHHi lillcrKi: IJvrr IlN.Uk head ache, blliounof cntiitbn, uitheu! Iuri titj, without in, without vhdrr.o JLfiver Ills Hood VilU nr tt.c cnty pUU to tVr v. lth Ifood'-i Sarapirl!'. SoM V? nV. dru?ci!. 'rr. S nt by matt or. rtrr!; of price, by C .-uokI Co., Lowe If, Mai I Jreak up her commerce with the world by war with Great Britain, if it did, it -would simply play into the hands of the neutral powers who would cor--dfcilly thank her for the trade shethrew away. In the meantime, the journals will indulge in excited and belligerent news. ir.g. while rl road near th without friction, ant Bollman candv-pulls serve as along at a very : ELEELE i noticed hack coming TKAVELlM HUUfiriS. The contagious disease known as the boldly manifest in public "'Moving Spirit of the Age" has at last j in the sensual enjoyment of attacked the houses an Honolulu. For chicken-pie fast gait and nalural- J,.1.,;tinrr or,.. ,-.,. cr,,o ..-,. ll.V SUpPOSlIlg th?rP WAS tm , t. . . i charge he called out a wnrnin "- v.. ..j,... ....... . . - , ... .,, flllll !U til.. V... The Church has for so many centuries j hide Hashed past, narrowly missing a j taken such a lurid view of man's en- ! collision with him. lie saw it was unoc- . vironment beyond the grave, tiiat it ( "Pil. so giving chase ho rapidly over-j . . hauled and brought it to a halt. Not ! v. as shocking beyond endurance to mar , ,...., fsll.. :itlli KlllltMii.. one who might not be among the elect, horse had broken away from someone! , . I . . Tt. 1 1 : 1. 1 l .i i At... 1 1 ..x.. f several weeks past, a number of them The i. M- C. A. is cautiously bum have exhibited feverish symptoms of ing its bridges as it moves out into the disease, and have moved off from, the unexplored wilderness of human their foundations, and accented new nature. Gen. Washington was bled to m iniprnsr 1 at Waikikb lie drove in that tllrit-tion. a j but finding no owner, drove towards I town, being met upon the road by Jtoa J ! himself in another hack. The lines SSiils the Name Of our nt-w Mm-lc of Hot Water ltottliF, Hull an.J Fountain fringe.. PACIFIC HEIGHTS a tin. situations. A few days ago a smali .house took a moonlight walk through a part of Iiliha street. Several weeks ago another respectable house got astray and moved up Juud hill on Nuuanu street and several persons passing tip the road late in the even ing found this architectural tramp .peacefully slumbering in the middle or' the road, while, so far as appearances went, the policeman was also peace fully slumbering inside of it. In one of the old colonial songs the skipper of a New England coaster re lates his singular experience in run ning into a Methodist meeting house in the open sea. A freshet in the Con necticut river rose to unusual heights, nand had lifted a Methodist meeting Jionse from its foundations and carried it down to Long Island sound, while the tides were sweeping it out into the .Atlantic beyond Montauk point. It was Itis sacred edifice, sea-sick and desert ed, with its steeple "dowsed" every few minutes in the waves, that struck ter ror during the night into the soul of this demoralized skipper. For, in the song, he describes all of the terrible eights of his many voyages, but the .running into a Methodist meeting house upon the ocean, while he was running with a free sheet, was the onoet thrilling" of all. death, it was said by one of his at tendants, when the old fashioned doc tor took a quart of blood out of him, when he had a cold, i he Y. M. C. A. finding that the old fashioned doctors (of Divinity) have drawn off the vital ity of man's best nature by spiritual bleedings, are now ma king same ser ious and successful efforts to get that good spiritual blood back into his sys- ! tem. And in doing so they have the warmest sympathy, even if i is sup pi essed, of the thinking spiritual lead ers ot the churches. had been fastened to" the dashboard but. nllnwed thn hnrsn n fro lnvid :md it is supposed that, having no further use for the rig. the soldiers set the horse's head toward town and set him moving. Stocks at Sati Francisco. San Francisco. Oct. 24, 10 a. m. Bid. Asked. Kana ?12.23 $12.75 Honokaa , 34.87 ::r,.00 Hutchinson 29.00 H. C Kilauea Makaweli 40.00 U.50 Onomea OS.OO :i9.00 Faauhau . : 35.25 35.75 Sales Hana at and $13, Hono kaa at $34.75, Paauhau at $35.25. Ma kaweli at $49.12H'. II II II II II V Ml ! ' ' Tho Only High C ratio Baking ; Powdor Offered at a Mod- erato Prlco. , f NOT v j ( MATHEEBY ) NONE SO GOOD. j VTRUSTy i i I Residence Lots on Pacific Heights. Are Now Offered For Sale. ran u nr 4mj 11 It V ; ....... .. . 10 .i,,o,,,,T i."!'r;r'..,,avin.-; :In;ition. li;tin an elevation if fnm 17n to Ni twU ami ;if fouling the ramlet inarino ami mtiiii: vi;v: as alo itV Hspecially manuf irturtd for us and . pioximit- to tin? li!!Mlir Klt of till rit licill lis thai! Ii guaranteed to la.t longer than other j flnm tlio Pioiv lUork. rW before Ineil Jnexitetl ! Ono of the main feature of tlii pnipcrtj. ami jrorurc4l at j irat. expense, is the ahtimlaut Mipply of iinn piin iatcrt prouotnu'el by Dr. I. II. Wooil hein the piint ami Insst thinking water ohtaiuahle in the ilami. which i now hemjr jromltictetl into tonij;e reservoirs nion the projHTty hyatiinde i pendent pipe line, ami will he pppliel to reii1rnts at (overniuciit nite. Huhhcr Coods in this Clltnnu-. Guaranteed! OTIS REFUSED TO PAULEY. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2o. The fol lowing 'dispatch from General Otis was received today: 'MANILA, Oct. 22. Octoher 20th a - ttt nr. Art! t.l nf nrrk i t rl 111 tr la the Waikiki district the moving " "l .so v I 4- m -v y-v r.nvl .I rr t rv r 1. f rv 1 1 t. r REFRIGERATORS AND ICE CHESTS 'Have You Seen Our ASSORTED SIZES. I WINDOW !miir-Gtuiairainitee. disease has been virulent. largest of the residences, near Kapio Jaal park, during the absence of the -owner, moved away seme distance and took up a'evv position on the beach. Tho distracted owner only found it, through an advertisement in the "Lost" -column of the Advertiser. This inci pient., it may be parenthetically stated, -shows the value of advertising in this jourrfal. Several other houses, in this district. -have also walked off, and the occupants of-the quietest and most tranquil manfiions retire at night in lear lest they wake up elsewhere. The recent erection of several large houses in the district tends to create social discord, , and annexation, besides, has .fed tJhe microbes of this disease of the moving spirit. The Board of Health and tho police, will do their duty. Aguinaldo to send commission to Ma- , nila to arrange difficulties connected I with delivery of Spanish prisoners and I Rubber Hose PANSY STOVES, ll. 7 and S. BUCK STOVES. 0 and 10. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. 2. I and f Burners. Aermortor Wind Mills S, 10, 12 and 1 feet. Piping 12 and H feet. Geared with pumps to fit. WINDMILL OIL. NON-SHRINKING Wooden Tanks .r,00 to 10.000 Gallons. DI SPLAY? ; V (UrAKANTEi: to all imrrhaHrn- ;of Lots on PACIFIC HKIiMITS that wc will, within i; month-, provHe r.ipil tntni)rtatioit to the hihiM lots on the i property, connect in;; the ame with the Honolulu K;ipil Trpn i it Co.Vlincon Panoa RoaI at the hcinmiigoT Kaiuhtnt Drive. i to discuss matter of particular charac ter. Reply returned that commission . accredited by any one other than Gen-, eral Aguinaldo, General-in-Chief of in-' surgents, could not be recognized or received. No, later correspondence. OTIS." For Garden. Assorted Sizes. STEAM HOSE. Assorted Sizes. SUCTION HOSE. Assorted. Leather Belting, Assorted Sizes, both Single and Double. New Bill at Oipheum .Tonight. MESSENGER SERVICE. Honolulu Messenger Service deliver messages and packages.' Tel. 378. Il'i; iiii illlie Co I - LIM1TED- 307 FORT STREET. Now Is the time to rDlic your leak ing Hot Water Hcttlc with a real first-clasM article. TKKMS: I-:; Ca-li. in one year, Ml in two interest, ix per rent, per annum on ieferrrl p;iytnrnt yrair. Otir rarrie will convey paitie liriii to iipecl the j Property to and from the ame. For sale only by 11 on SOLE AGENTS. Only tho highest Era le of RED BER la used In the Stamps made b? : tho HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. milainl full part trtilar rail at nurOlhVe, Hooni V 7 and s. lron Itlnrk. Bruce" Waring & Co, THE C1LUKCU V.-. THE V. M. V A. B Ian Maclar?-n. in the Ladies Flomt Journal, opens an article in these words: "As I write, the appeal of a Younj. Men's Christian Association to its memhers lies on the table before me, and I copy it verbatim: ' 'Do Not Forget " 'The next Social 4The next Candy-pull " 4The next Entertainment 'The next Song Service " 'The next Gospel Meeting ' 'The next Meeting or the Debating lab " 'The next Chicken-pie Dinner s, " The next date when you ought to make the secretary happy with your cash.' "This remarkable lis: ... pt?iuions. combining evangelistic zeal, creature comforts and business shrewdness, re quires no commentary: the items give -us a convincing illustration of an up- Ho-tlate religious institution a verita- hie hustler of a Y. M. C. A. It is within the church itself that arise the most depressing and pessi mistic commentaries on its present and future condition. When Ian Maclaren ad qi carter KERR, OUEEN for STREET, SewflttiKDi IVOaiclh.oiie ooocooxoooooooooooc ooo The following Machines in stock and for sale for Cash, or on installments: Domestic. Standard. Automatic. Eldridsfe B. Seamstress. Pearl Columbia. STANDARD TAILORING MACHINE NO. 10, with button hole attachment. i ooo$tcoriCi Hand Machines for sale cheap. n" NEEDLES. PARTS AND ATTACHMENTS, and REPAIRS for all makes of Machines Wheeler & Wilson. PAN-AMERICAN Norwood. HAND MACHINES. QUEEN STREET, Bo KERR IMPORTER.