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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, NOVKMIIKK 1, HENRY R. WORTHINGTON, A CHIEF RETURNS IN CIRCUIT COURT M. G II -(INC.) Engineers and Builders I ii i! fiiiis eps i list ins in iiitiii ; i Frmirinn TillE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND AfcBNTS is called to the fact that we carry in stock at our Queen Street warehouse a large assortment of pump for all kinds of sugar house service, including vacuum pumps, air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumps, a a ... : t V. n innlnlo ctnnl" rf ' cm ra nirta nnil 1 CdOiasses pumps, eic, lugeiuei wuu uiuunju-ir i" valves for all sizes. Careful attentio given all orders and prompt shipment maranteed. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY OR POWER. I Office: Corner Fort and Queen Sts. Honolulu. II. I. San Francisco, ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS PnciDinf Machinery, Heine Boilers. Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines, Cane Gars, Vacuum Pans And all Machinery for the complete equipment of Sugar Mills. OFFICE: Room 9, Spreckels Block, HONOLULU. H. I. Pacific Hardware Co. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT, BETHEL ST. ooo- In addition to the stock of .1. T. Waterhouse, have lately ordered lines of Daulton, Mint on and Haviland Ware, Crockery, Lamp Ware, Japanese and China Lacquered Ware, Fine Cut Glass Ware.-- The above are being opened as rapidly as possible and having been bought at the factories at prices ruling previ ous to late advances, offer exceptional opportunities for pur chases at bargain rates. Bath Tubs and Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures. MACHINES oe h Pite nil iifs. OUR SPECIALTY IS There's as much difference between plumbing and SANI TARY PLUMBING as there is between daylight and darkness. Anyone can put a lot of pipes together and run them off anywhere, but with Honolulu's surface sewerage the essential point is to have the plumbing done in a way that makes the Sanitary conditions perfect. JOHN 75-79 KING ST. CATTON, NEILL & CO. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. 213 Queen St., bet. Alakei and Richards St?., Honolulu. Invite Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Bras 3 Castings, Steam Eoilers, Water Pipe ami All Kinds o! Sheet Iron Work Made and Repaired, Machine and Ships' Blacksmithing. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDEP TO. fnr U! COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMPING Warehouse: Corner Oneen and Cook Sts. I " j, Telephone 50G. California. 'm. ixm ji j-i'i i 11IU VV11COX illlU UIODS Automatic, New Victoria and the Pan American Hand Machine. j HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES In great variety. Id. anitary Plumbing NOTT TEL; NO. 31 TEL. 4IO Head of Local Census Bu reau is Home Aain. Vas a Mon'h In Washington Plans for Enumeration Some Per sonal Experlnncef. Alatau T. il;ins.i has h :x :t-ri Half the iUu p.:i: two months. in Washington. Mr. At kins. -in was calW-d to lh( captto'. Lr -:)nsMl;ati.Ki with Gov. Morrinui. hvd of tho nu and staff. The Island man his till "SpM-i:i! Agnt in (hi f for th- A LATA l T. ATKINSON. ITnitetl States eensiis in the lluwuikin Islands." He will ins:itute ojnratl:ns at once, probably asaiu having his offices in the Judiciary UniMing. Mr. Atkinson took the census nete in lS'.ti and the work was so thorough and sat isfactory that no one else was even mentioned for the place this time. The organization for making the head count here during the month of June, 1900, will consist of an office force of three including a special steno grapher to come out from Washing ton. Mr. Atkinson -made his calcula tion for 9S enumerators or sub-agents, but has permission for a maximum of 110. The chief will use practically the system of 1S0". The schedules, with the exception of those on manufactur ing and perhaps one or two o:!it. Mr. Atkinson has engaged to have in Washington complete by the end of August next summer. The whole of th? work will be entirely finished six months later. It is learned that at Washington CJov. Merriam and others were greatly pleased to have secured Mr. Atkinson for the work. The first request oT the census cials upon the Hawaiian (tovernm:i: will be for the franking privilege through the Island postal system. It is expected at Washington that tliir will be readily granted. I'rr a time at the fountain head of the bureau the Hawaiian there was really serious consideration on a cou ple of words in the population sche dule. Mr. Atkinson argued, debated. presented facts and dwelt on sentiaien: in his effort to have the word "race substituted for "color." He even threatened to resign before the point had been carried triumphantly. Sev eral other concessions or exceptions for the Islands were made on the recom mendation of Mr. Atkinson. Mr. Atkinson says that the schedules tall for much more d?tail than w;: sought in l!S9rt. Every effori will be made to quietly, peacefully secure the required data. It is thought that the expense of the Island census wiil be about $15,000. While in Washington Mr. Atkinson enjoyed the prized distinction of being an especial guest of the Metropolitan club, where he several times met Ad miral Dewey. The Honolulu man was on the main grand stand when the naval hero received the sword voted by Congress in the name of the whole people of the Tnited S.ates. Mr. At kinson had audience with President McKinley on several occasions, being presented in the f4rst intanre by Gov. Merriam. The newspaper man and census chief has been greatly improved in general health by his trip, though he worked hard nearly every day while in Wash ington. Lo .Muiiyoii (iocs luit. C. K. Le Mnnyon. of this i;y. Uft San Francisco for New York on Octo ber LMih. having been detained by busi ness lander than he xpwted. Mr. ... Munyjn poes Kast via Seattle and the (Ireat Northern U iilroad as "the firm has received an order for a lare num ber of Hawaiian view- and the rail- .personally in Seattle and St. Paul. WILL HETUUN. L. H. Kerr expects to return soon with an immense stock of the latest styles In Dress Goods. Trimmlnps, etc. The store is undergoing an entire al teration to make room for the new soods. Watch for further announce ments. mm mm. JtM&bfc Christley - Magoon Case Still on Trial. Pil;ion for Letters of omlnllfft tlon and CJAraiansht-Lucas-Porry Suit Nearly Endid, Mary P irt.-r. a !mi.ii.:r.r.ri f th" . -tatf of Th-. i. Pr:r. d .! I. ha tiled h r f.r-: anil ao-- ;nt. in which she barse her.e'.f with fl3.22."S a:vl a-k to !v a'.. M Peputy"a.: I'hiaingw jr:b na mad" return ?erv: ox sum mons in th a- of Sa Yoas and oihrr vs. Alr. McKlVbln. ecnt.r of thn etate c.f John Montp'.nt ry. and u- b.-rci Montgomery, a bill t. .rate a nuU.mce and f r injunction. Tliom.i" l.ln l.-ay f W.iimea. Hawaii, has petitioned Judge 1 rry for the probate of the vjll of i? mm i An?eline I.vverill. tbvca.-e-!. laic of Honolulu. TI; estate consists of a one-tenth In-te:t-; In t-ru'.s lands in Kohala and Ham ikui. va!v.e! at about In :h. suit of Mary Lucas : al. v. Anna ilas Anjc- Perry i :.. an action to quiet title, a stipulation Ii.t bcrn filed slitwlng a:i rcrecnent l"-;wcrn the inrties as to the boundary of the laml in .'.L-patc. and defendant filed a r.:o:ian f-if J tdcr.Knt in accordance ihrrwlth. In the partition suit of Kase K. Ana- hu i-t al. vs. M.ry Kamlki ct al. a motion has I.a filed asking that the sale of the property by (Jeorse I.acas as commissioner for the sum of fVt2T b confirmed. Horace H. I.?wb has pe:l:!ncd for letters of guardianship over the pcr- s:j:i and estate f Kmma 1 Lewis, a minor. The est.ite con3ists of cash in bank amounting to alnnit $2y. Deputy Marshal Chlllingworth has made final return cf service of sum mons in the cae of Julia A. Paly vs. Oahu Railway .tnl Uind Company and many others. Judge Perry U still occupied with th: Christley-Magra case, which N. how ever, nearlng the end. Tin: niociiSAN synoh. What the lUshon Proposes to ltrin IScforc It. Uy law the Itishcp has t. m.tify rarh synodsman as to what be pioposrs to bring forw.mi. i !!s Is hi- letter tt uae of tlicm: Hor.vMulu. on. r.o. i:n. My dear Sir: The m it! rs I purpn.? t:i brinu !ef(re the synod for Its dV.Ib erati :i at the c.::iin-i s. lnv. are these: 1. The Anglican Church in Hav. :1J in ivhition to the amievitii-.n .f Ha waii to the United S:at-i f America. The appointmmt r ,i .:aadiug c.Mnmittte. The appointment of a !.ird of missions. Yours very f ti; Ii fully. al!im:d noNpu Lr. psi:d p.y HUITISH SOLDIKKS IN AFUICA. ('apt. ;. Dcnnisoii is well known all over Africa as commander of iho forces that raptured the famous rebel (Jalishe. Pnder date of November 4. 1V.7, from Vryburjr. Hecbuanaland. he writes: "Heforo starting on the last campai!;n I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with Uiwel complaint. and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficial." For sale by all dealers. Hanson. Smith & Co.. Ltd.. auents for H. I. iilni NOT MADE BY THE TRUST. OUTFITTER AMD FURNISHER pout stiii:i:t. ni:ai: kinc.. I th l iHrt for II f t!;- Ov-?rall.-, C.irpcnt'rs.C'ok. anl Wnltrr Aprons. Ilys !?:! Cloth Ir.ff. Hats. anl C:p. t'mlor wrar, l anl Cotton Sox. Tis. llanlkercli!f.. (Jlf. Stanly. Civp nRl Nrsl!f;cn Shirts, at Pr!rr. that WILL .lIT YOC. I. O. O. F. UuIMin. Sui-tc.45r to Is. i:. TRACY. I HEALTHFUL J V FOOD J Porter Each and Even School Teacher C ri return r. t ihiir fields of labor s!vuld nwe wm thorn n copy of COCA (PALM AND OTHER .... Songs For Children. Wordt and xaaitc bj Mary Dllllnc a&m Frexr. For Sale at LIMITED. ALBKCIIANT STKKKT. r r AND OILCLOTH. 1 E Bugs, CENTER, SOFA AND STAND Heavy Stock nnd Great Choice Mm, Mm. Of Best Yalne Ever Imported oo- ew Shipment SILK GOODS. uabm : Cloth, : HAXDZEscmcra, DoTUiy, : Table : Covers, ilLK SHIRTS, SILK PAJAHAS, ETC Handsome Carpets fur iialia acd JAPANESE RUGS. VERY PRETTY PATTERNS. A large stock on Land to select rom, at prices that will eurprve rou, 5. OZAKI. VAYlBLET BLOCK HOTEL STHET HHawaii Land Co. L.1MITJSD. Capital Stock Capital, paid up $50f000. $29,070. OFFICERS. W. C. Ac hi J. K. Kahookano J. Makainal .... Jow$on Goo. I- Dcha .. . .. PreMdat I: Manager VIc PreiJdcnt .... Trcajurrr STtary i ..... . Au i'tnr HOARD OF DIRECTORS. K. Kabookaao. . J. Makaicai. J. W. Iilp'.kaae. Tho ahovc Coajraajr trill bur. Ij or 11 lacdii la all paru of th Ma trallaa Islant!; a-J alio baa houtcs la th Cltr o Honolulu for rtat. ill 111 1 lllll! IB 0 R ii c, he LIMITED Offer for Sale: REFINED SUlfAILS PARAFINE PAINT CO.'S PAINT OILS, Lucol lUw at J HoiW. INDDUIXE, Water-proof cold- air r PxlaL. la 1 an4 outiMc; in wbfte color. FERTILIZERS. AU. CroM 4c ?on blxh-y4 iVocch frrtlllirr. adar' tor n lur one an J coffrr. N. Oalasdt St C cbk-al kVrul Ixrr and naelr Knma4 lUa MraL STExVM PIPE C0YEKI.VG. Uesl'a patent elif.te floaal Covrrlac FILTER PRESS Cl.OTIb, Linen aid Jute. CEMENT, LIME & UltlCl . AGENTS FOR vi:sti:un SCCAU hkfininc co Saa Kraacltco. Cat HALDWIN IjOCOMOTIVI: WOItKS. PhlladcIpbU. IV nn V. S. A. NKWKLl. UNIVERSAL ilILL CO (ManL -Nitloaal Caa 8hrtxl4cr-. New York, V. S. A. OIII.NDT& CO San Krsr.clfoo. Cal. UI5HON IRON AN!i LiKIUlOTIVii WORKS. San 1-Yaarlwx. CaL A Model Plaat U cot coap'.ctc wlLb- out Cltrlc Power, lb us dipcaa:ax viia a a all taglar. Way not. ceacraic yorr power fro a oao CENTRAL tiation? Oa Rcacr- ator caa furnlh power lo your Pttap. Ontrifual. Eleraton. Plows. IUJI- vayi and Ho'.jU; alto, faralih l!at and power for a radius of from IS to 20 miles. Electric rower belci; used. ravr ta Labor, of baallnc coal la your S0d. tUo water, aad does away with aUb-pr!ci easiaeer. aad ouly have oae riae lo look after la your xailL Where waier power U available U cost aoiaiac lo ceoerat K'ecir.c lower. THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM PANY Is aow ready to furalsb Electric P2aa:s aad Cr aerators of all oWerlp- tioas al abort no.icr. aad aUo baa oa baad a large stock of Wir. Cb aad e Hers aad Electrical Goodc All orders will be Rlra proapt at tention, aad etiaatrs furaisbetS for IJsblla aad Power Ilaats; a'm. tl leailoa Is rUea to Hout acJ Marias Wiriac THEO. HOFFMAN. MaaiRer. WM. G. IRWIN & CO. LIMITED. Wa G. Irwin.... Prexideni l Mxaier Claus Fpreckfli Vir? IYet!4ect W. M. C I fTartl... secretary L. Trea rarer H. M. Wbiiaey. Jr Auditor SUOAU FACTORS AND COM H I SS I O N AGENTS AOENTS FOR THE Oceanic Steamship Company Of Saa Kraaciico, CaL