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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
1 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: tmNOI.L'Lt. XQVKMItKIt ' iVX I I 5S i (Q)yir Menu's FMnnishings WAGES GOING UP ;jSuch is the Report of the TT - . . - A rr on f T (Or as one of our department heads put it, MEN'S SMALL NEEDS). Department Is prevalent and redolent with an air of good taste. The flowers in glass bowls which grace the showcases are rivalled by the Silken Blossoms woven into our latest Neckwear. The colors of our Business Shirts are pleasing and artistic. The English and American Un derclothing of serviceable and fine textures lends a sub stantial air to the whole, to which the dainty things in tended for men's wear adapt themselves with good grace. Magnificent value is coupled with modest price in such a way as must give our store an additional prestige as a men's wear shopping center. Views on M:cey-Traie-Tke Petilicrs-Co' lcctlo:s-Caccei Cools-Pioiuce Prices-Bui! 31fi MiteriH. t THE M MMffl--YOK -COMPANY. LIMITED.- importers g ComroinroossiiQini Mercltoffl(n)u QUEEN STREET. o-o Lnnne IT Full Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Notioms X As well as all kinds of ? GENERAL MERCHANDISE. COMMKUCIAl There .eems to te quite a contraction in local circulation of money, al though the larp number of troon re cently iaslni; throuch Honolulu loft much wiih us. The large amount in (lovernment vaults. and the drains by assessable stocks In the hands of clerks ami others of small income, prevent a general exchanp. The result is that merchants Renerally report business below expectations for the season. I'mviir cffuls fi fill hnvn lioen Iur- chased ami cretlits more carefully ex-? fended. Kruit stamls. saloons and restaurants I - . . i ....l.llnf I report increasea revenue iroiu rwmt Combination of Coast canneries andl- shnrlnco In t rons have made still hlKh-l-i er rates in canneii roous. rears navu,, ... ww-nttrtn-rO C risen 25 oer cent in the last six weeks. ' . . ,..t..r.?J,?7JrUT7,.TiiT.y. ? ? WM'fr'MHKHrMT'W Flour tlrm and upward. : wheat. Hutter advanced cents per pound on the Coast: tallow In propor tion, luce -i.a. island io;aioe no vanced 2 cents; California potatoes lo mllv cents to 3 cents. Canne meats advancing. Collections very tardy, due to r.iiKfs alreadv named. Bicycle trade Hoeiniits For The Lancashire Insurance Co. of Manchester. England- Fire and Life. The Baloise Insurance Co. of Basle. Switzerland. The Union Gns Engine Co. The Domestic Sewing Machines. The New Pacific Hand Sewing .Macnincs. ana ou.ei uo. 1 ' ' I AT ACTIVE WORK THE causes aireauy naineu. im-jviv i large; one local tlrm report average I GenS. YOUIlgt LalOn. sales of 4. wheels ier month for the ana umers arc ouav. (DMA Merchant and Fort Streets. - el's - 1 IV year. Uullding materials are firm. Little changes in feed stuffs. Ilreat local de mand for printers in all departments. Mechanics of all classes una rcauy em ployment. Wages advancing. product: PRICKS. Oats, oer ton 53.. 00 to $37 Rarlev. per ton - o0 to 2S :. Ha v. per ton 27 So to 2S .o Ilran. per ton - i . v fV. si . M. 4;aral Hams and Uacon l. to 1. renin 1 " vvhrat tir lb 14 to 2 cents Youngs column, which left n Flour, per bid M i'Ma diyhrcak niovlns nirt!ianl In th dint t Ion of Santa Uia. cncountcml Rtbtls Found Intronchod-A Ffllio Frlond Arrtd-Houtot Curntd Station FtAbIIhd H-HACKFELD 8tC0.LTb- HONOLULU. H.I. .1. J, A . & .7, J. .7. 3. t'l' lol .n.l Klf.n 4 I.O tO I U 1 .M TKRI L PRICKS. Iy :rd the Ttil.utln rucr. A iri!x ss.i. X. W. rough, per M .'..$21 hj "to $r.o .h, er.u. d and tho xrWU mrrr rr;M.. d. Selected T (i. per M... - o .. 1 -.vo .:n-rt-.u' !..- J ' I wounded. Pursuit l:n;-i I coitus 1 tl width and d-p:!i ; e:im. In MWII.A. Ik-:. 27 P. M. M. V '."llrpvrto Satiliagii. : f th- n-a.h!'-: 2"i fMiVis.iyans. h lvl l.k-n J "n 7r.LilVgl.tnc.- t.i the I'nisol S:a: ir... I 1 iv of Ann ri-: . Wt'tx ar rested at ll;l. wai!- .! r Vu nn-H nr.- In in i- Tt.- actions in large amounts hao Iioon wn few. A glance at the summary below rtvo.utloair: J in. 1. .a. ... fortnight: although in small amounts. K- j.roB still aggregating quite a respectable 1 i. 1: :i -in il .f .md the ni.mag.-r :1c J ;n- ni Islands has increased since our la.t re- L u Santlacts ..rir - f r . I 151 I . . t . 1 ... t. ..itp-' I llnf l Smtlao's fim-r rapiur.-l car- Redwool rough, per M 2. to Spruce clear, per M ... 27 T.o Shingles, per M 2 7.. to Lath, tier lull " Split nlwood posts.each Lime, per bid Cement, per bid Hrick. per M 2" to Cut nails, per keg .... Wire nails, per keg ... (Add $1.7.0 on galvanized) RLAL 1 1ST AT II. The market continues linn. U on In foil nrlec ao4 we arc prrpartxl Lo oatfit jm la sl&!s3 you may rraulrc in a way of FbII Drrrt Cood. .M lllliti: YOU ILWi: a rartlal tut of the ttaajr lhlnr to WIfr owning niKbt: A full 5rcw IL cllhcr J0, ttZjlLl?! rx. white or black, a fall drri i:lrL a full lrrt lie. a full tfrcaa pair cX glo r. i of full dnsM lnd and coIT buitosx. aad a rxf- ALL THIn THINGS tsay bo bad at rJibrr of our two loraa cZ rrlm that will orlrclih too. Our dmr.t ruiu are from lb tilacturrr In the Suiet asd require co altcrlci:: ibey Ct wbm ra pst Uci ca and that U more thin a UHor-mad ult will da. WITH Till! CX)MlNO of tK? a R. AutrlU lt cx oor ,:ork of Straw and IVlt Uxl. Vhlch we will bre cm ow udy: al t" nlficnt line of Neckwrar. tbe UrgX inc?c Irajwrtailloa eI tvJcwcar crr mad In th! town for a retail Horr. Wi: CANT I1IIOIN to taction tbe 4Ie: yon cxa bar asylbl&g U war of iu-arf that arr worn. In a variety nf dr4. axd tilka taal wlU o tnn!h jo-4. 66TM Recorded instruments during two weeks have been as follows: Number. Amount eeamie Gas AND 1 Deeds 1,M Mortgages 2t Leases Chattel omrtgages .. Releases Rills of sale Power of attorney .. Assignments mort gage I Assignments leases.. Agreements Options Mortgages 7 per cent Mortgages 7!s per cent Mortgages S per cent Mortgages 1 per cent Mortgages 11 Mortgages 12 M, S172.7M Mryi:g Mippli.-s- to tb- r ".. .r- 1H7. t-lr..4. , in.d rrmors of an ni.f.-.u . -..u..4 .f Itfi!l. an.l iiri-raullon .rj tiin.ive oeen iacn i' 1S.0VJ 0l A battalion t.f th l.lg:nnia nf mnt and the marines of ih eun!ia: Concord have returnee! from an cp dltlon to Conception. Northern Panay. where thev went In iarch of the Cn- r.r rnT4.itn. !io wa lurM a!.re 117..uh ChLm. a wj,jle fj.t- and who 1 snpp-l to IS s r. !.o (K) 13.L0 00 LM.1 h a prisoner. They found th- piar L.-. v I .1, I. irrx.l rlrtV h:i:. 3 a per cent 3.1J (o punishment. per cent 2..v w I WASlllNC.TON. X t. :7. Tho f dl j. itMtmnirin' u ir Dotorimrni irnm .-nrrai I.U.IIIVIUlt IVil. i (INCORPORATED SEPT. 8, 1899.) o 46 Merchant Street. i 5 optic Americans i English ! Canadian Scotch Germans Irish French Hawaiians Russians . Austrians Portuguese Swedes Western Islands .. Japanese I Japanese Contract Arrived. Departed. Oil: 10 21 7.1 1 1S07 O o Total 211C NEW FIRMS. ls l f iit T71 To front RWTRf? "RTTTTF!RMTTuTv SOAP, only 25C a box. A beautiful Toilet Soap, the Dairy Queen at 25c a box. Also a lew ross of French highly PERFUMED SOAP in very desirable odors, at 25c a ake 60c per box. , We have also purchased that large lot of GERMAN ALCOHOL, per ship Hackfeld, which we can quote at bottom prices. Honolulu Drug Co. mwii.v rw- "7. Lint '.fin ad vaucc under Young. North S-n lMm. near Cabanatuan. IlntabJUhed -rm-ncnt station, three months ippli Ins forwarded by the San Juan titer route. Iiwton meets little re-tar.c. Twenty-sixth Volunteers ar.d a bat talion of the Nineteenth Infantry snt to Hollo. "Th transport Tacoma. headquar lers. seven companies Twen:y-Mvnth Vdunteer. arrive!. CaAualtJe). Cor- poral Henderson. Company C. wahcl oerboard. Two men deertcd and jeven left lck at Honolulu, of whom VON HOLT BLOCK. TELEPHONE NO. 364. P. O. BOX NO. 679 3 i: 2 4 Cures while g jvw i?lCC j; Whooping Gough, Asthma, Croup, Catarrh, Golds, i; rracnlonn when vaporized in the sick icf.-m vi'.T ":ve iinncJi.ite re'iel. I. Its curative powers are wonderful, at t!;e sane time prevent ti;; tV.e spread 2 of contagious diseases by acting as a po verful diitifectar.:, 1: .rra.css to the ; youngest child. Sold by druggists. X'aluaLIe bolci free. HOLLISTCJ? DRUG CO.. riCKCWLU, h. i. Acr.ts. ; lifaA UroihfV.3 Fort trwl. K- Corpor,, ,. Con,,.,ny kul and Vineyard. No other cauiltle,. Command In cl O. Walmea. Kauai. health." K. Tomlshlma. Keaau. Puna. Hawaii. -Transport Sheridan. Thirty-third Rlsdon Iron and Locomotive Works. ,,linl4 n. rwrill.A .-rivl ti room 9. Spreckels block. Kort street. . ntw.. and revrul. 1 nton K. Centelo. Klnau. near condition. One casualty. Private Hul- Punchbowl street. Waklmoto. Walpahu. Hwa. Oahu. E. U. Thomas, corner King and Ko nla street?. Sam Wo. Iihalna. Maul. Tachlno Asajlro. Front street, llllo Lexington & Soule. northeast cor ner Tort and Hot?l streets Chans Tins Hons. Schod .-tree: Kuahine. Uiie-Malo. KtMdatib'.i. KX POUTS. From port of Honolulu fr parte' endlns SeptemlT lMi: aloe, 77. . Pnt A.J workmen, Jp istoooldtobe Y See us about it fce- fore you throv yomr old books away. Mawaiian (a2zete a WITH A - Complete and expert we turn 01 that cannot SURPASSED anywhere. Telephone 39S. P. O. Box 441. can. Company K. died en ro-i:-." New mil at Orphenm TunishL I EAI LEY'S IKE ITS. into th next :orr. hlch f!r U rery necxry raoe lo 't. lock of UJcjcIe and IlJcyde Good. la llrpxln and PJjTU JJfV!! eroad to cone In Honolulu. were Crtt In the field cl tlUjx nrpr and trill try and tuy at tie lop In that line. REPAIRING IS OUR SPECIALTY. 30 Sttennis' Wheells 0i G Susar r.l l";j Kite 1VMI J Coffee 1 Hinina- -"....I Hide ii....i,t.w 1 I'J N. Above data is from report f-r O. :- RAXES HEALTHFUL FOOD NOTKADE BY THE TRUST. ber by J. C. Perrey for the lla Aati.iti v -E ; ruwuBi Mp ri the jkr tonT-mbre lteen Ran KraociKtj and Itoooalo. had prhai'i ltur lok yor ordT and not diarpoaid. 22 Sanson 3-Crown Wheells .MllInNoon th mharf. to up;dy th d tand for :bat t?ulr heeL To rn t;-l WhU at t!? Irt Uvlns PruSt aud to Oo a Cool Jfci r i:pa!r!ns i the alci cf BAILEY'S HONOLULU CYCLERY. 229 and 231 King Strce Read the Advertiser Mercantile A?eiuy. 4