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10 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HOSni.rLF. NOVKMUKi: 0. I-r0. AXATINE. DIMOND & GO'S LIMITS SET OUT The Hog Pen Problem Finally Solved. JAS. F. MORGAN JUST ARRIVED: AT H. MAY Si CO'S. By the Australia: ill i THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS bought has borne the signature of the Western Chemical Co. of Chicago, 111.,' for years. Allow no one to deceive you with counterfeits. Imitations and "just goods" are hut experiments, and en danger the health of children. What is Laxatine? LAXATINE IS NOTHING BUT THE FINEST CASTOR OIL, with its objec tionable taste removed by our new process. LAXATINE is as pleasant to take as honey. Children like it. No trouble to get them to take it. It con tains neither opium, morphine, nor other narcotic substances. It relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency; it assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giv ing healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea the Mothers' Friend.' Prepared only by the Western Chemical Co., Chicago, Ills. GONSALVES&CO. XiOl.IT.KD. Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. NEW BOOK BULLETIN Golden Rule Bazaar, Fort St. "Tho Man With the Hoe," and other poems, by Edwin Markham. "David Harum," by Westcott. "Richard Carvel," by Churchill. "Stalky & Co.,' by Kipling. "When Knighthood Was in Ffower," by E. Caskoden. "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam." "Enchanted India," by Prince Rojidar Karageorgevitch. "Tho Professor's Daughter," by Anna Parquhar. "A Dash for a Throne," by A. W. Marchmont. "The War With Spain," by Henry Ca bot Lodge. "The Prince of Georgia," by Julian Ralph. "The Lion and the Unicorn," by Rich ard Harding Davis. "In the Forbidden Land," by Savage Land or. "Through Asia," by Dr. Heddin. "Mr. Milo Bush and Other Worthies," by Hayden Carruth. "One Poor Scruple," by Mrs. Wilfred Ward. "The Gulistan Being the Rose Garden of Shaikh Sa'di." "When the Sleeper Wakes," by H. G. Wells, 111. And Hundreds of Other Equally as Good Books. Books Sold at Publishers' Prices. TO OUR I -Have you tried any of those -CHOCOLATE or COCOANUT -(fresh) cakes from the German -Bakery? They are only 25 and -COc each and pronounced delic--lous by those who have tried -them. Order one for your Sun--day dinner. We also have a -Bponge cake which we sell for -the moderate sum of five centi ach. -THE GERMAN BAKERY, 833 Fort Street., -Headquarters for genuine ginger -snaps, sugar cookies, etc. -Telephone 677.' ouse Furnishing Goods V L A Department. ooo SOME OF OUR REGULAR PRICES: Kitchen Knives 3c Egg Beaters 10c Wooden Spoons ."c Tea Strainers 3c Kitchen Strainers 20c Sink Scrubs 3c Bottle Brushes 10c Wire Toasters .: 10c Potato 'Mashers 10c Chimney Cleaners , . 10c Vegetable Graters 10c Whisk Brooms 10 Mr. Reynolds Presents a P an Define: Mites ani Bounds and Retn'athns -Waiklkl District Tata. The Hoard of Health has ado.;.d rerommendations of I'x.-cutive OfnYer C. B. Reynolds em!: jdied in as follows: his r j.ri 1 ; It "i 1 LIMITED. IMPORTERS OF GrocKery In Furnlsnina Goods o&o- SOLK AGENTS JEWEL, STOVES, Coal or Wood; GUERNEY CLEANABLE REFRIGER ATORS, STANDARD WICKLESS BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, PRIMUS STOVES REED & BARTON'S PLATED AND STERLING SILVER WARE. -OfO- KS5VO STREET. Merchant street entrance next to the Postoffice through our Arcade. "See Ooir arEisnmami. M 95 o -fo lic Makes Bulls Eyes Evervtirae WITH HIS KING AIR GUN mmm The purcnase ot a " Cleveland Bicycle will prevent any mis take in the choice of your Automobile. The same popular prices prevail. Single Shot $1.25. Magazine $1.75. nONOLULU 1UKE CO JUST x ARRIVED New Importation of SILK GOODS, In the piece; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK SHAWLS, DECORATED FLOWER POTS, NEW PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS, TEA AND DINNER SETS, CARVED IVORY, RATTAN CHAIRS, CARVED SANDALWOOD BOXES. THESE GOODS ARE THE HAND SOMEST IN ALL HONOLULU. WING WO CHAN & CO. 210-212 Nuuanu Street. HONOLULU m i vn did -ixi flmvnm MM bmiubmuhtmii Supported by .Voluntary Contributions. FREE TREATMENT to the Poor of -ill nationalities. For information as to cards of ad mission and to the service, etc., etc., apply at the .INFIRMARY THIRD FLOOR, PROGRESS BLOCK. i EHLERS BLOCK, FORT STREET. R. A. DEXTER, Manager. Civil Service Rules IN OUR RESTAURANT. Office of the Board of ...m Honolulu. II. I.. Nov. s. Henry E. Cooper. Esq.. I:vsid.ri of Health. Sir: Ac-tin? under fr.ui. the Board of IIeal;h. Asem Charlock and I made an inspection of the dis tricts and promises of most of tho ap plicants for permits t.i keep swin. within the four-mile limit, and U.z to submit tho following report and r- i:n mendations: Conditions for keeping svln in suitable localities within the four-mile limit: All pens to have a sdzjpini; ce:m-n; Moor, with a Rood drain from the sarin into a covered vault, the contents of said vault to be removed as ofioti as necessary in covered containers, ami the premiscJMo b kept in Rood .-an:-tary condition. The district in K-vsalo bounded by Mrs. Ward's n rem ire to a line .V0 feet from Waikiki road, and from r.0 feet makai of Kins street to 700 feet tnattka from Beach road,'nt be allowed for swine, providing the ahove conditions were enforced, there being considerable high and dry land, r.nd a number of large vegetable gardens where ihcv can dispose of the i leanings of the pens as fertilizer. The districts of Kapaakea. Pahoa. Kamoiliili and Kaluaolohe contain suitable localities, providing the condi tions mentioned are strictly observed, and that the peas are sufficient dis tance from public rads or dwellings. The Waikiki district from Sunny South to the park should be tabooed entirely, owing to the low, swampy na ture of the ground and the limited amount of dry land. The present con dition of this district is nithy. and a menace to the public health. The district of Kapalama-uka be yond the Insane Asylum and beyond Kamehameha Scnools might be al lowed conditionally, ami the' lands from the Iwilei slaughter houses along the beach to the 1-mile limit might be used if the sanita y conditions are com plied with and tho pens were-at least :i00 feet below tlu line of railroad or from houses other those occupied by the hoe-ranchers. Respect fully submitted. B. REYNOLDS. Exccutixe Officer Hoard of Health. 8(8 33 Queen Street. P. 0. Box 594. TeIe:honi 72 HIS DAY. Auction Sale OK HOLD FURNITURE ! i:i:n ci:.Ni:i:i:nu. AITI.KS. I.KMONS. FANCY NAVAL OltANiH. !'i:aciii:.-5. I'I.i ms ciiapi:. Ar. ! AH Othf r Kra:;j In i-ao3 oa tho Coo:: vi:n cin.nitY. c.ii.inx)vi:!t. AUTICIIOK!. UKUHAMl. OX THURSDAY, NOV. UTII. AT ! O'CLOCK A. M.. At the resilience, corner Kins and South Mroets. next to Honolulu Stovk Yard Company. ! will fell at Public Auction the entire Household Furni ture, comd.itlmr. In rart, of HANDSOMi: PAULOn FFRNITFIUI WALNFT TAHLKS. IMCTFULS. KF(;S. Hi:i)i:o)M si: r.. ciiiffonifks. DININC. KOOM TAULi: AND CI l. 1113. sim:nom. ciiockliiy. c.uxs.s waui:. K ITCH FN FTFNSII. irTC. ITTC. JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. Auction Sale OF TailorGoods. (K FKIIIAV. NOV. 10TII At AT lo O'CLOCK A. M.. my salesnxim. T.3 Queen street. I Bullman a Premier . NFW YORK. O-t. ::r.biiuine. in the last race, was the only favorite to win at Aqueduct today, the other live goins down in quick succession. Toll man took the jocey honors, winning the last three events. The followers of O'Connor had a bad day. as he did not ride a winning mount. The fourth race, a handicap :t a mile and a fur- lonjr. was the best of the day. Trillo was made a slight favorite over Wait Not and Lothari . He made the run ning up the bad? sietcli and around the upper turn, wiMi Wait Not close up and the rest of the field trailing. He went wide coming into the stretch, car rying Wait Not with him. and Hull- man, bringing Lothario through on tho rail, saved ground, and in a hard drive the last sixteenth won by a neck from Trillo. who was two lengths before Wait Not. Dullman is the boy who rode here last year for Colonel W. II. Corn well and others. It has to. Our waiters are trained to be civil, quick ami at tentive to our quests. Our chef is unrivaled in preparation of dainty and appetizing dishes. Everything is scrupulously clean, evervthins: as comfortable as o can make it. And tin pri !? arc alwavs in reason. Junk Run Down. Off Barber's Point yesterday morning at about 7 o'clock the steamer Nilhaii. inward-bound from Kauai, collided with a Japanese fishing boat which was at anchor and !s sole occupant en gaged in fishing. The glare of the sun on the water Is held accountable for the accident, as the boat was not seen till too late to avoid n collision. The Nil hau picked up the man and his craft and brought them to Honolulu, where the Jap's injuries, consisting of a deep cut on one leg and numerous bruises were deemed of suCicent importance to warrant his being taken to the Queen's Hospital. The boa: is a complete wreck. will m U at Public Auction, a large and complete assortment of TAILORING C.OOHS. Sl'ITINCS and TUOFSFHINCS of Various Colorr and Weights. Some of these good are unli able for ladles na linen ts. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. Auction Sale OF mi m m ON -SATURDAY. .NOV. IS AT '2 O'CLOCK NOON. At my ales room. U.1 (Jucen Mm-:. I win seii at ruiipe .Miction, in order of the Treasurer. Mr. J. P. Cooke, cer tain delinquent .shares of Mock in the Kinm I 'LA STATION COM 1 N Y. If the delinquent r..erment. with in terest thereon. Is not paid ! above date. the For list See Mge 1. JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. Residence Sites AT MANOA FOR SMJB. oo Aute!Hte Civilly, it Ion. Before civilized man .had heard or dreamed of it, Kickapoo Indian Oil was healing the wound, relieving and cur ing the aches and pains of the Ited Man. Before civilized man had heard of it, it kept the natives in perfect health. And since civilized man has known it. the category of cures has become voluminous. No other medi cine has made such cures, because Kickapoo Indian Oil is nature's reme dy, and nature stands back of It. Your druggist has it. or can get it. Insist on getting the genuine Kickapoo Indian Oil. Hobron Drug Co., a cents for Kickapoo Indian Remedies. HAVING I'URCHASKD A Tit ACT of the finest land In Manoa. for resi dence sites, I will now receive appli cations from parties desiring to purchase. These lots ore Immediately In front of the residence of II. E. Cooper. Ilq., and command a grand vicar of Manoa Valley and the picturesque country to Diamond Head There aro 10 lots In 2 erls. 5 front ing on the west, or main, Manoa road, and 5 facing on LIhollho street. The lots nre each 100 feel w!d and rom 100 to 2SS fet deep. Government water mala laid past the lot on West Manoa road. Karly applications necessary. Map of the property and v.W lr.forma:!cn in regard to terms of p.:rchac. :c., it my offlce. Terms One-third cash, balance one and two years at 6 per cent. Early application necessary. UlTAl!At;0. fj:ih if.f.p-m: ixa.-a Fi:t7.i:N oY.Ti:iii .VHlKF.ll SALMON ANl HALIBUT. cni:.M cm:ii: ia f:iL (iii'iin n . i:.vs r-os-nox s. ANI M A US1I MALLOWS. i:lci: fkfits. srriTirii rafNns. In JAS. F. MORGAN. For Sale: MEWKYIVflAY&CaLTB). 2-BIG STRES2 WATERHOUSE STORE Bethel Street. Tolophono S3 TH Cm. MclNTYRE STORE Corner King and Fort Sts. 'nlophono FOR SALE. Drift. HsrssM sxJ SiMl Uwm, risxtttka McIm. tic Pnfl Tffil' k S tLicitct. LflVERY. WILL BUY or SELL ON COMMISSION Anything and everything in our line. S HUMAN FORT STREET. Keeps constantly on hand in bis corrals A LARGE STOCK OF Fine Young, Strong, Imported Mules (BROKEN AND UNBROKEN.) Also, Handsome Bnggy and Draft Horses. Island Orders Promptly Attended To. Plantation Owners, Managers, Agents And Buyers. . . . IIJIE (f P KM I'ATKOXI.K HOMK IXI)U.STI:V. nor.,l f M nlin- alr..i.I f..r Hanji-. With a-Mol iinprtno luvuiMo my MANUFACTURING DKPAKTMENT ax:l iini-.r:aJi..!i .f i:u?f nnl? I am now Tvrurtl to lMnni r nnI Asm: with anv aniotiM anl !wrii.:ion ..f WOIUC HAKNIuS.S -r turn thcrtf. Home Bakery Cafe THE BEST MEAL CAFE. Only the highest grade of RED RUB BER is used In tho Stamp3 made by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. Dan'l as a Ju?gc. On. tf tin a w.i I'll hoards at Otn.ih.i i-all'l Dan'l I.ocan In as juli; on ir. Iy. Mr. I.ogan. loni; oxrirm o a? consulting ranly-nu;k r for II irt S: Co. here well qualified hini for h jmisi to which he was .ii",ointfl ly lhi tioition authorities. The ctinteat :ii Omaha narrowed to tho uods of - rr month. correspondent says that Daniel -threw ,.p urthr palcu..r ar.J trrc. ap-; the deciding vote to the Irishman" t0 ! That iarcel of land oa th 5utha: corner of Bercunia an! Miller s'.rtf. The proierty has a frontag of 1 feet on Herc tania and ?3 frt o M:i:r street. j Area 4. TOO square f et. j There are two mtur on th p:;-i rrty. one of tvhlch ! low rented at nstin- that will romjure fa.v.ral.!.- with COAST 1I:ICK. n:il ih nnra::-Y .f a FA 1 1 IJKTTF1! WKAKINft AiniCIJL A full Ih.o r.f CAKKIAf.K. IIAHNKSS. TA- r.i.i: in)i:i: nf)on.-. I-!a!.l mp!.t- FKOMFI I.V SATISFAC- TOKII.V M 1 - c R. COLLINS presumaMy O'Hrien. JAS. F. MORGAN. TCLCP1I0C 662. l. O. LOX 307. ESTABLISHED IS9I. KING ST. near NUUANU ST