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6 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, NOVKMItKK 10. lt0. HENRY R. WORTHINGTON, FOR PURE FOODS -(ISO.)- . 1 lueers &id Suilders E oi in Ben Pi ii ehik hi niti nib id mm j - i i i THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AGENTS is called to the fact that we tarry in stock at our Queen warehouse a large assortment of pemp for all kinds of sugar house service lncludine vacuum duidds. air duiqds. condensers, feed pumps, juice pumps mnlassps numns. etc.. together with a complete stock of spare parts and Talves for all sizes. Careful attentio given all orders and prompt shipment 1 guaranteed. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION PUMPING PLANTS OF ANY CAPACITY OR POWER. ; (Cwiiti;;'-.' i J torn I'aue I. j ally aMfl to fo.i. Proviil.! a co'.ur 1 ! harmless and is n: i.s.M to lrini: .it-eit resemblance to some t!ur riore .till able article, I can little more i..uu in coloring artic!M of food than in ijl i iiiiiiiiit. 3 i i . -.. Ii a k:ur:i t: :i: n;u h la:. dra; a:tl w v. i ( .il .4T ! v . . . . " : i t 1 1 k '.' V . ! . . '..' . I t . ; .r :.' y a . . .. a AND ! coloring article Street a t ur- . v.v. .: . 1 4 1 ..'.It 'i I k ' . . 1. a A Fine Collection 1. I II i so or L i however, colors are addM to fo.i l n" .vlv.ur of tw. ;.arl- f t i. : I : i- TTTT A TT TT TTTCTTT A imitate something el.-e or it make it : ;f watt r. re;:l;in;: ;-:! I:i taaa5.-i o A II A , appear of more value than it really K I or :n :h!r. .f v ,.!, , " l IPS II V A J The use of harmful coloring material hiLirm die. Th.- in.- .i t .::... n: ..; "lY 11 vll V V ilV t j is not very extended for manufacturer.! j.'.j. . uf;ri to i ::! n i mil. The,-, JJJ f f Xii of any standing k?-v themselves'Mi t ,r,. v,,ry f,.w t,ran,u .;f ..-.!. :ar UIMITED Offer tor Sale: iiKKi.NKh sr;.i:. PAKAFINE TAINT COS Office. Corner Fort anil Queen Sts. Honolulu. H. I. Wirehouse: Corner Queen and Cook'Sts. Telephone 590. I MOTEL a urn woirks San Francisco, California. ooooo IV.aU. PAINT OILS. result.-. !.. I.. -. 1 ' . J . rir.iiui a.j'i wnir ill" oiii .j i'rr ri!- el ly !( torn toth a fHjl ar.l inli- m ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS Pumping Machinery, Heine Boilers, Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines, Cane Gars, Yacuum Pans 'And all Machinery for the complete equipment of Sugar Mills. OFFICE: Cor. King and Nuuanu Sts. HONOLULU. H. I. (Pacific Hardware Co., Ld. HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT, BETHEL ST. ooo- point their us shoplu ie look'il upon with disfavor. Poisonous colors .ire tho rontain- zi?c. and a few organic colors. Urh as'. V I,,,:h il'Ut Urf: ,n Kambofio. picric acil an.l naphthalene ; th",r, ntit::oa froni r.ontx-! vellow. Most colors uerivcl from ani- it-in,,-,t'i- A Vni t.iiir.s wtr,. "mal or voRotahlc Mibstantes aro not svnlns a rh-.ip r!.ir-t poisonous as also tho majority of coal Hn ficcharlno. fortir.l ui:h .mmr tar colors when pure. J v al liol. anl latH'tUil i'ort" i n: The following articles of foo.l are likely to c!. rie in.n U n f.t fmm It. often colored: Sausages pink or red ! A note on a f-.v :ni:oncip!l r. r with coal tar dye, oleomargarine yel- j irdlns adult. ra:!tn m.iy r. ! o'it low with annuato. turmeric, or eoal tar I f plan. Hour i nr: .'u'.t. r lt-d a colors: ground spievs with various and a nth. I n, t th. ,ddi:i n .sometimes poison'.:s colors: tomato 'of ground u.ut-r ruU a.iip catsup and sauces with coal tar dyes; I sjrtie hau? !.: n n pjru !. I n a:ia! pickles and canned vegetables such as of luindrcd J r:d peas green with copper salts; wlns with coal tar dyev.; llcpiors and vim gar with caramol; cakes and confec tionery, ilavoring syrups ami Ice cream generally with coal tar c olors; teas are faced with Prussian blue. Indigo and plumbago; green -offee with indigo, lead chromate and ultramarine; trust ed coffer? with caramel. Candy, etc., from reputable makers is as a rule colored with harmless colors: that froui itinerant vendors should often be looked on with sus picion. I have rc-Mitly obtained from a Japanese cm h street here, candy WA1UUA. of Annvicin PHOTOGRAPHIC Co. VN LIMITED. V ItOTT-SMlTlI DLOOC Corner Fort ml note! Street. INDUU1NK, ;4 asi c!-; fa wb)t frts:ixrf, for - Hour sliow thi: a.l'ilt-ratl n i i-oaiui.iti. !r.ezar l r.o. ;id i!tr it .! witli mineral acl-'- as a r.ib-. It i :. a:.-i .mi l y ti.i:it t.i . , m : . . , , , - watered, color v. hi h i: hr. more. Iter and v. with tH-cul'j- nous ilrug-t nr. ".l.i. to-. d" Ir.'Ht or :h r j by manufacturer, al- thougli thy tr. ty ;":r.t-! . re tailers. t'.mtu d n:-.i 'tr r. : ir.alr. d or tir.itcd wit!t f;.r t!nn ill and sal;pfe. Ii thl ronneribin It m.y not ! of p!ae ! note a p;.ic Each and Ever' School Teacher On returning to their fields of labor should take with them a copy of colored with naphthalene yellow which !5(V. wh.u it ; n u ,,;, PfT f A idea that alum i added to bread to?,, .... . i i t, i I VLLJ L vA make it white. While this may have tU. ir? J;1 UA U neen true in tlie past I do not tnlnk ill : , : . I I c In addition to the stock of J. T. Water-house, have lately ordered lines of Daulton, Mihton and Haviland Ware, Crockery, Lamp Ware, Japanese and China Lacquered Ware, Fine Cut Glass Ware. The above are being: opened as rapidly as possible and having been bought at the factories at prices ruling previ ous to late advances, olfer exceptional opportunities for pur chases, at bargain rates. Bath Tubs and Sanitary SEWING MAraiNESj Plumbing Fixtures. The 'Wilcox and Gibbs Automatic, New Victoria and the Pan American Hand Machine: HOUSEHOLD SUPPL1 KS 1 n great variety. is the rule now. The use of alum in has been the sou tee of mueh sion. While it has been acknowledge that alum in bread is exceedingly in jurious, it has been urReil that In bak ing powder the reaction which ensues leaves the alum as alumina hydrate in soluble in the juices of the stomach. On the other hand it has been shown that alumina hydrate is not so insolu ble in the stomach as has been sup posed and that often all of the alum is not decomposed. The opinion is gain ing ground that aluai in baking powder suoum not be allowed, and last year the legislature of Missouri passed ;i bill prohibiting alum, among other things, in any article of food or in anything entering in any way into food. In the class of accidental addition or presence of injurious substances in food we find lead urvl tin from the cans in which the food has been preserved. arsenic or other roisonous metals in troduced with impure coloring material and ptomains the result of bacterial action on the food itself. Lead is most apt to be found in foods which art liquid, somewhat acid, and not much thickened with su:::r: and its preseme is due to the action of the acid present on the solder which consists chiellv of lead. I recently had fH-casion to report a sample of toma-.o soup cniiaiuing o.T grains of lead In a quart can. but 1 have since examined several cans of the same brand and found no lead The exact conditions necessary to bring about action on the solder are perhaps obscure, time, temperature and fre quent shaking prjbably all figure in the case. To guard however against these chance off-cans I think manu icii-iiuriK suoum kie iorceu to put up goods with no solder on the inside of the cans. In the case of nearly all Ku- ... i iupeau cuiiueu goons uie cans arc either made without solder or with the solder on the outsi le only. in cases wnere lead Is found, tin Is generally found also, but ail the ei oence seems to indicate that the tin is in such combination that it is not if i... 1. 1. t IK1K1I1U IIIIUIII'I 1 . . . 1. - t t iifiii liini' piact in tim f'rn-:.::ii'0 ! a few a : join of tn can. IRALM The gases s'. fr- t!;1 rani ai: There h Mir ID the tips and bottora to a11 or l"i!ce out. ThS' cir- r i l::vwi: to ihc trad as bb.v:;-ad-." l prart- I refer to 1.4 of .1 hole In tht t'jj; nr.. allowing the gass to e.sci;.'-. r -torit.s: the can to Its original sh :o;;)lns tb ho. wiili .1 drop i t .--MtT :nd sdUnc a sioumi goctiH. :o tvu ini i lo re. !. :t I 'n'-'A t!:.: 1 can f.ntl here. gooN u tr.,;. la tills way. 1 think I ,v.r. J :..!!; I ir; s.iyt! liirinful nJ'tlt-ratlon :: lir'mins gradually l-v frquen:. An.! tU ! due partially t: :!. i.f r n-.i: f pure fiHd I : r.I iMrti.illy t lh fact tliat ir.r.::"f.i- '.t:it that .!u:- lon vi thl.4 k:rvl ! n.; pay In th long r::r.. r er. outi.jx'ken writ, r on :!:' ?:::Jct l.a .id. ( ir iaauut;:i'lt:ri r.4 rf f;xi r f t . 1 1 1 a far po.slbb' fror.i t."; l.:rtau lifv. u if they do lie ..r. t. il." n r.ccuttr.t t i;'. ail ili ra tions- M-hcrr.'-s to ol-tain money for which no v.ilt; !. glen Is a much Ing-r sioiy. and re 1 c it;n: t il.- up now. Midi a iuu.'t it'ir!- ar . I taluk. o:i i!if Incrr-.!. r:i 1 n w ch :r.e are being ontiLi; illy i!"i.l t get of 1 be chetnl't and foo l lnptor. The whole systrm nf traud Is l:pt lillve by or.:p tltion l-twtn i!'lrr. and by 1 he demand f a ery larpe rla..- 0 Isolde for a ch?ap article a demand which in really the uteomo ,f inor- anf. for the ihap article U. In the end. nearly always the dearer. Tor In stance, many think they canno; afford to pay r.rt cents Kr T.::.d fir toffee. and yet will pay -3 cents er iitind ftir a mixture of chl?ry lean ami coffee which they could n:rke at hom for ! or fifteen cents. A cheap baking pow der always ftirnt.a!iei le, available ga in proportion to lh price than one at a niun price, an 1 so on czon ine nn. Pure laws 1 in do muih to pre vent adulteration, but it uiu never AND OTHER Songs For Children. Word and muitc bj Miry DUllsf t&Q Freax. STEiVM niE COVERING, Itcrvlj palrsi eUj'.lc 1ioa.U CorrrJcc. FILTER PRESS CLOTHS, l.!on ar4 Jul. CEMENT, LIME 4- BRIC-?. AGENTS FOR Fi3 rntr xxi, C4L ti.U)vts ijocoviotivi: woitKa. l:ia4f:;bJ. IVaa U. A. A. For Sale at 111 to OUR SPECIALTY IS anitary Plumbing. There's as much difference between pluinbiug and SANI TARY PLUMBING as there is between daylight and darkness. Anyone can put a lot of pipes together and run them off anywhere, but with Honolulu's surface sewerage the essential point ia to have the plumbing done in a way that makes th Sanitary conditions perfect. absorbed in the stomach, ami whllt- of ,Us.inprar until taU c!cn:ar..l of Unor- course its presonro is undesirable no a:r fr Mimcthln r cheap Irrc-;rtlr rases of poisoniim from tin In t!: fo.d ir valu- h.ts been done away with by are on record. Connor is ant to Li lm-:it ton. In thi wnrk of rlizrtioii present in foods prepared in copper I in diral tun can i!j rauch to help. for. utensils also in soda water and artlfi-whlb thf old-fa.HhloiiCtl family phyl JOHN NOTT. 75-79 KING ST. TEL: NO. 81 CATTON, NEILL & CO. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. 213 Queen St., bet. Alafcea and Richards Sts., Honolulu. Invit Enquiries for General Ironwork; Iron and Brass Castings, Steam Boilers, Water Pipe and All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work Made and Repairedi Machine and Ships' Blacksmithin REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDEP TO. TEL 410. ei.u mineral waters from contact with the copper apparatus used. aireauy noieu most 01 t lie coal tar colors are harmless when pure, but tin fortunately arsenic is used in one stape of the manufacture of many of them and the commercial articles often con tain appreciable ipiantitics. I hae recently examined a tomato catsup Highly colored with a coil tar dyo sup posed to lie harmless and have ob:ain eu Ironi it arsenic reactions quite readily. byrups and light colored molasses are apt to contain tin or zinc; salts of these metals be i 111; used to bleach thes? articles and being imperfectly removed v ises 01 poisoning aitrilrtted to ptomaines are no: uncommon. ln maines are nasie caemual bodice the result of the action of bacteria on nit rogenous sub-stances. A number, no: ..11 ...1. t -i- -.. .. an 01 uiiieii are poisonous nm ietl isolated and their chemical composl tion and structure determlnel. The exact conditions which favor the form ation of ptomaines are not clearly tin derstood. Generally ,hen poisoning by ptomaines has occurrtl there has b?en nothing in the outward appearance c:f the article to indicate that it was no: wnoiesorae. nut generally it mav ! said that when ptomaines r present . l e..t t . r .1. 1 t . mi- iuviu is nut itcsu ami ia tne ii.e of canned goods tho most plausible explanation I thins Is that th ptoma ines were formed before the canning. Ptomaines are found In meat and fish, milk, cheese, ice cream and In canned meats and sausages. A more tharouga supervision 01 meat xnarKeis ana can ning factories might rentier cas of ptomaine poisoning less frequent. In order to lu healthy it Is not only clan vho knew almost what each mem ber of tlie families in his charge atr and wore heems fi have iasctl away, the physician of today ha arorle op- iMirtunity 10 give advice along this line. In conclusion. I think rr.tdlcal wn generally, and the dK torn of Honolulu hi jiarticular. ate to be congratulated on the tand they t.tke In this matter, and on all matters v. htch pertain to the maintenance or 1 ! vatlon of th pub lic health. While lawyers t:.ake laws o vaira and entangling :!.at tut one who gets Into the clutches cf the law can hope to esii without u lawyer's aid. whll promoters promo; h.mply for the ln- ox me HiDiic. :.:! i.ike in cream f tlie concern as a promoter fe. hHe jMilitlt ians ostensibly forsake tluir private lnt:r-,ts to mtv their ciuntry and end by taking everything in sight, we find !n the medical frater nity a body of r.i n who. to put It plainly, make their living out o: th ilbhealth of the community, nnd yet nt every turn do all in their iiwer to les sen tills ill-health or immv- It alto- grther, Surely, in ih- l.rafter they !.onld be giv n :. a little h!gh-r up. r. SIIOIIKY. t. I ('iiimUiti',r. It will ru: be a vtirpr!- to any who are .-.t all familiar v;t!i the gtd qualities of fhamUrl tin's Ovtgh lUm t dy. to know that -up!e ecrjwh re t;;ke pleasure in telatlz;g th!r cx;rl et'ce in the n. of that pVndM r:e lb rir.e and in tellipg of tl.r. .-r.rit they liae received from I:, of !.! rf!.! it has cured, of threatened attark.-i of pr.eumonla it h.s av- rttd nd f the children il tias saei i.oni i;;.ir ui nniiio and whoctdt:g r.eirh. It I n necessary to have pure food, but alsocrand. gmd medicine. For -ale l,y all the proper food In the proper propor-1 .to ilers. lter.snn. Smith A: Co.. I.'d tions. Staple articles of food havelntretits for II. I. MS I, LIMITED. m jjuciiANT sTit 1:1:1. Hevj Shipment SiLKG00DS. A! JO haj : Cloth, ; HAN.tccuotts rs, uotlii, : Tahxx : Cuyki. SILK SHIRTS, SILK PAJAHiS, ETC Flanlsorac Carets fur iuu and Stairs JAPANESE RUGS. VERY FRETTY PATTER ft S. . A large Block on hand totelecl from, at price that will irarpm NKWCM. UNIVKUSU, mus QO CMaaf. -NaJoa! CUt- 5are54er) Nrw York. II. a. A. 0HI.NDT A: CO 5a a rras.clro. CaL ni.tKis 11:0s WOItKS. AMI IJOL'OUTIVM V J S. OZAKl, 9AT3LET BLOC I EDTIL STKICT l(A III HOTEL. is now orns to tiik runua Carrtigra and aiddlf borM-t will tst the arrival and departure of eTery Kl nau al Kavalbie; alto for any other xloL SHERIFF ANDRHWS OF HAWAII nyi: "Tee oaiy war or racnicc tat preeat Uta Cow ty waoa road U la Waliaea carriage; caa to wliafi two ta Ilea of the Cow. Fcr rarUcalAra apply lo IL AKONA. Proprietor. Walsea, HawalL (1ST Uncle Sam Cafe. 512 FORT STREET. Open frora S a. ta. to 12 p. ra. Hxcelleat oeotj at an rswla. Firtl-cUM French chf csptoje All tbo dcllcadcs of tbd fuoa. Ham or Es Sacd!caea wl-Jx Cof fe Tea or Milk. 15 ctsti. LOOK WO SING CO. A Model Pla&l U a at cosp! oat IHectric Ijer. thai dlrpeaaa with aaall rsgtaf. Way coi ce3ra: yoar ;oer frwa o-s ClVTILAI, :a:Joa? Oa ceov ator caa fara!a roer to your Peas p. Octrif jca!. IHetatort. Iovc Ttall- way aal llo'.ttj; a!o. faraUa lirt aad per for a radlut cf froa U to Z0 Ieciric rof r Vlzc ritna tbm labor of baallsc coal la yonar f54. alao water, aad d away wi:a L!cb-prlrd rzcizrr$ aad tdy bar sca to look after la ycrar fcUL Wbre a:er rmrr l au:ut!c it ext aotblsc to ztirT tr. Io er. TIIK HAWAIIAN IIUXTTIUC COM PANY la sow rraiy to f araUb Iedrta Ilaart aa1 Gara'.ora cf all !ecrfp l!cat at abcrt cotW. as $ a! o taa oa fcasd a larr :ock cf V.'irr. Chaad lUra aad K!ectr1cal Coodt. All ordra win clv-a pr&spt ct teatloa. aad r.tilsa!'-t farsUbetf fcr IJcbtlac asd Poer PUau; a?o, at teaUoa It c'.rea to Hc- aal Martaa Wlrisc TIIHO. HOFFMAN. MaaaeT. WM. G. IRWIU & C0 WMITKO. v.o. n. lr:a.... Fret: 2:t Maaxctr Clau ?rmkOi vir !rUdcat W. . ni!?ard...Sfrtiary II Trexirrar II. M. Wfcitaf-y. Jr Attinor hUOAIt FACTOIIS AND COMHISSION AGENTS AOHNISI-Olt tiii: 0:c3nlc Steamship Compaoi Of Saa FraaciK. Cai.