OCR Interpretation

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, November 13, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047084/1899-11-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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KMtnbltlil Julr v.. 1H.MI.
VOL. XXX., NO. 5388
riiifi: nvi: cunts.
'jzSj 0 (J1
r.T . r i r
crir-i . -&&&s---4my-r- cJM-m?
I 4l 111 II II
son and Albert P. Judd, Jr.) Office
over Bishop & Co.'s bank, cor. Mer-
chant and Kaahumanu Sts. .
ACHI & JOHNSON (W. C. Achi and
Enoch Johnson). Office No. 10 West
King St.; Tel. 884.
X.YLE A. DICKEY King and Bethel
Sts.; Tell 800; P. O. box 786. .
FREDERICK W. JOB. Suite 815, Mar
quette Bldg., Chicago, 111.; Hawaiian
Consul General for States of Illinois,
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wiscon
nu St.
-15 Kaahuma-
DR. C. G. G. SCAPARONE Graduate
of the Royal University of Turin and
of the Medico Chirurgical College of
Philadelphia, Pa.; approved by the
local- Board of Medical Examiners;
member of the American Medical
Association; office hours 10 to 12 a.
m., 3 to 5 p. m.; Love bldg., Fort. St.
DR. GEO. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic
Practitioner and Surgeon. Special
attention given to chronic diseases;
office and residence, Beretania St.,
nearly opp. Methodist church; office
hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 3 to 4 p. m.; 7
to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.
m.; Tel. 733.
C. L. GARVIN, M.D. Office 537 King
SL. near Punchbowl; hours 9 to 12
a. m., 7 to 8 p. m.;. Tel. 448.
and residence, Ge'dge Cottage, corner
Richards and Hotel Sts.; office hours
9 to 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 953.
St., opposite Hawaiian Hotel; office
hours 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to
8 p. m.; Sundays 8 to 10 a. m.; Tel.
510; P. O. box 501.
DR. T. MITAMURA. -r- Consulting
rooms 427 Nuuanu St.; P. O. box 842;
Tel. 132; residence 524 Nuuanu St.;
hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 9 p. m.;
Sundays 2 to 6 p. m.-
DR. I. MORI. 136 Beretania St., be
tween Emma and Fort; Tel. 277; P.
O. box 843; office hours 9 to 12 a. m.
and 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12
a. m.
OR. A. N. SINCLAIR. 413 King St.,
next to -the Opera House; office hours
3 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7 to 8 p. m.;
Sundays 12 m. to 2 p. m.; Tel. 741.
T. B. CLAPHAM . Veterinary Surgeon
' and Dentist. Office Hotel Stables;
, calls, day or night, promptly ans-
. wered; specialties, obstetrics and
nary Surgeon. Skin diseases of all
kinds a specialty. Office room 11,
Spreckels Bldg.; hours 9 to 4; Tel.
474; residence' Tel 1093.
M. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Alakea St,
: three doors above Masonic Temple,
Honolulu; office hours 9 a. m. to
DR. C. B. HIGH. Philadelphia Dental
College 1892; Masonic Temple; Tel.
GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. Fort St., op-
pesite Catholic Mussion; hours from
. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
' Office hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Love
Bldg.. Fort St.
A. J. CAMPBELL. Office Queen St.,
opposite Union Feed Co.
C. J. FALK. Member Honolulu Stock
' Exchange; room 301 Judd Bldg.
all . Parts of the Islands bought or
sold; No. 310 Fort St.; Mclnerny Blk.
J. A. BUTTERFIELD Contractor and
Builder. Store and office fittings,
shop and repair work; Bell Tower
Bldg., Union St.; Tel. 702.
H.-K. MEEMANO & CO. Contractors
, and Builders, Painters, Paperhangers
' and' Decorators; all work neatly
- done: office Fort St., back of High
- School, Honolulu.
WM. T. PATY. Contractor and Build
er- Store and office fitting;, brick
wood or stone building; shop Palace
Walk; residence Wilder Ave., near
MISS A. A. ALLEN Office cor. King
and. Bethel Sts. (upstairs); Tel. tol
Studio, "Mignon' 720 Reretania St.
Fort St.; Piano, Voice Culture, Sing
ing and Harmony; especial attention
paid to touch, mu?cular control and
musical analysis.
An opportunity now presents itself
to learn from a competent teacher of
the piano, graduate of Leipsic Uni
versity, for the small tuition fee. of
$5 per month; satisfaction guaran
teed; pupils taught to play in six
months. Address "Musician," Ad
vertiser office.
HOWARD & TRAIN, Architects.
Suite 7, Model Block, Fort St.;
Tel. 989.
O. G. TRAPHAGEN. 223 Merchant
St., between Fort and Alakea; Tel.
734; Honolulu.
t r nRART.P.Y Pinntnttnn nnd Tn. I
pographical Maps a Specialty; room I
306, Judd Bldg.; Tel. 633.
S. E. LUCAS. Love Bldg., Fot St., 1
upstairs; P. O. box 351. I carry a full
from the CHEAPEST to the BEST.
Free Examination of the Eyes.
JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E.
Consulting Hydraulic Engineer;
306 Judd Blk, Honolulu.
MRS. B. F. McCALL Latest designs
in Tailor-Made Evening, Dinner
Gowns, and Wedding Trousseau, 73
Beretania St.
J. MORGAN. Opal Merchant. Jeweler
and Lapidary; Opal Cutting a Spe
cialty; No. 2 School St., near bridge.
P. SILVA. Agent to take acknowledg
ments to instruments, district of Ko
na, Oahu; at V. C. Achi's oflice,
King St., near Nuuanu.
WAII. Price 60c; beautifully illus
trated. For sale by all newsdealers.
Specialist for Lye,
Ear, Thoat and Nose Diseases and
Catarrh; Masonic Temple; hours S to
12 a. ni., 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.
King St.; Tel. C39. Dr. Luella S.
Cleveland, medical sunerintondent.
Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; methods of
Battle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium; prosecuted the case. his prcvi ?i term he wa atl!artnry m thMr jmjrr unw. tbrn tu all ith the &ir-!.ls&4 Cpatjy for
baths of every description; trained The list of jurors for the next term al!kf. t hu chlcf ril:ira5Sr and the nJKhl and hejond it; with lhl rr-alt: rnany raoath. IVrnbsck saaaarS lo
nurses in bathrooms as well as in of court at Iihaina has lnen drawn. . .... that I had a very 1 and dtaile ar. f, -
sickroom; massage and manual The calendar promises to be unusually Mlr al Whether or no Mr. rounl wf lhc orun rple fajr al rlay lth thkh h4
movements; electricity In every hirge inasmuch as it already numbers Damon will rare to return to th oHlcr nln- In the morninc. while th? corre- trtntel to h!ra hr Chltie. cm
form; classified dietary, etc.; ample sixty-nine cases. upon finishing his trlpls oneof thetoral Pndcnu of the lUn lYanclxo Jrar- other Dtand, Ihe Intrr-ltUd Corn
facilities for thorough examination. During the afternoon of the 9th the firdahlng his trip is one of the naI wa,l tthlr,c hut a hrif outline i- fay ha roar ro-d fr rxivrry
Dr. C. L. Garvin, consulting physi- second birthday of Bertram S. Aiken ..,,,. Mr IintIn. u 14 r t".1 -for thry didn't it up. The now- f tht x.u. the xmt havlnc tm
cian and surgeon.
A riant Pnwrlor Victim
A native named Kiliona, aged above
60, while blasting coral in shallow wa-
ter at Kaalawai on Frldav list wn
tearfully maimed or. account of use of
" Anyr
wmiJ; Tt.,.c "uiuu.B iu iue res-
cue of Kiliona after the accident and
assisted in landing him at the Queen's
Hospital. Kaalawal is beyond DIa-
mond Head and it vas some time be
fore the unfortunate native could have
me uueuuou ot i-r- v;. n. cooper. 11
was found that the man's two hands
t' c Buaucjcu aua iua. uis laic
body were badly marked. Ev
for the relief of the man that
suggested was done carefully,
d:ed Saturday morniug. Kiliona
steady, industrious c?an. His
Kaalawal was to make a bathi
Circuit Court
J. A. Magoon. as guardian
Love, has filed an answer to
plaint of Annie K. Hart for an order
from the Court directing J. A. Magoon
to take his client from out of the con
trol of Annie Roe. Hearing is set for
the ISth inst. at 0:30 a, m. Dr. F. L.
Miner and .las. F. Morgan have filed
appeals from the award by Commis
sioners in the widening of Beretania
L. B. Kerr expects to return soon
with an immense stock of the latest
styles in Dress Goods. Trimmings, etc.
The store is undergoing an entire al
teration to make room for the new
goods. Watch for further announce
Maui Galicians Tale One
Their Racial Vacations.
A Horseman Loses His Ufa at Ka-hutul-Ceo.
Randolph the Victim
Trial of a Spaniard
ISpe-clal Correspondence Advertler.l
MAUI. Nov. 1 1 . A shmklns acci
dent occurred at Kahulul during Satur
day night, the 4th Instant. George
Randolph, one of I ho head overseers of
Sprcckelavllle plantation, while on his
way home was tarown irom m norse
at the Custom-hoiiic corner, was picked
In in an insensible condition and con
veyed to Spreckelvllle. He tiled there
on Sunday morning without recovering
consciousness. Ill falling from hi
horse he must have struck on his head.
for skuii wa. iKI(iiv fracinred. Mr.
Randolph was SS veara of use and has
been known as one of the lest of
bpreckelsville lnnas for some years
past. He was soon to have been mar
ried. Rev. W. Ault of Lihalna con
ducted the funeral ceremony at Wal-
luku during the "th. Randolph was
well known in Honolulu by the name
of "Paddy Ryan.' He was a native of
During the 7th .-oven Galieian la
borers tif Pata plantation were tried
and convicted by the Makawao District
Court for refusing to labor. One was
fined ?. ami costs and the remaining
six the costs of eouit and all were or
dered back to work. At first they were
inclined to rebel and remain In dur
ance vile, as did th?ir countrymen In
Honolulu, but finally better judgment
prevailed ami they returned to the
plantation. The reason they gave for
their rebellion was that their contracts'
were ended. They had been reading
Rabbi Levy in a C'7:it paper and they
were of the opinion that President Mr
Kinley had alollnhMl contracts, etc.
The eleven Gaiiiians at Hamakua
poko were away rom work on Satur-
day, the 4th. but went back to work oniond time enters iipn lMtie a a ajTi
Mondav. the 6th. without ntiv intrrven-1 1... ..f irAi.i..ni ti -..s.... i-
lion of the Iaw. ,
During the loth Manuel Charlls, thel
Pala Spaniard who wounded Mr. En-
gle with a hoe. was tried at Makawao.
The trial progress 1 slowly owing to
the many witnesses examined and did
not end until 5:20 p. rn. The Magis -
I trate reserved his ncclaion until Tues -
I day. the Hth. oheriff 1 .M. Baldwin
was celebrated by a rnlldren a party at
the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
I ... 4 iiuuiunuj'wiw. vi
ume ones, adorned witn green and
white leis, were first photographed in
a Kro thn by twos niarched
vnroiiSnine rooms 10 me music or tnc
I ninnn Tho ilitnlv hfrf ViUi .rrw.t a.-a
Urvr.i m n lnn Lin,i.rH.n t.lin , 1 8.u .v.Uj mr riardi trmtt whirs
at which the children sat In til-
chairs. The darkened dining-
roorn was lighted by two long rows of
candles In holders made gay with dlf-
fert?nt color3 of crrpo parM,r. sixteen
children will remember the occasion
Tnc November meeting of the Maka -
wun pleasure.
1 wao Literarv Society will take pliceatin contents 01 ine ;r3S 1 a
the residence of H. P. Baldwin. Haiku, surplus now Is aVmt a million and a
uim "Thnnksp v nr" rimer-im la m t. I i . i . . i. "1 UU Ronixirru a: llirj a lOJaiaiL TTsel I? n 14 ..a. iv.m
but he via society lof two millions. What to d with than 1 thy rarae anl never o?:crJ a r.ro-1 K.ot'- h a 3atte.te f4js;.cna of Ml
was a I Mondav nfifrnm.n t ho r.ii, .iviivn pxcpm rnniv U oav of th nutl'in i.f Mwl. They only :j.:xhd In thlr l-!!r I Jratj; r. C Ik Pa-
work at tMohPMhPi.i mr.Mii... in f,'" t,t-n. a,.. Ifahion. and ad It was rohlrr. Lai I !?oa- ':i f- C Ita. tr&fr: and
ng-pOOl. Iwjin r.nv.rnmnni" hr1K..a " tu. I " "... . ... I t.n DaJI-TI It raa - ntltiA mMrM.-f tlh I Mr- A3 JS2. lt K The atilheta.
Xrtlle SmUh iVr- , 1 ha-;nro hill or my Horha rr;Wt. I cMn knw 7. JUi t;
ker s views on examinations and C. W. ,h llX aai! cx' l' tT"v' ar"1 sh h!ch: 'pay It. ! all tlrhL' V C. 4i . 2rJcc th uf-
of Jas. . soil.,..' " .audlch Man ! the lish of Jr. ft.": Hit14 MMb
tir rnm. Tr.r.1-.. TaaamK.!. a I I I They Were Rsefr l'fiv lIr.- I (: J4r. J. W. YaTtlfllrT.
a . lri riuiiri i ni' .1111111.11 i mi- mm " n - - m m
vention of Maui teachers will take
place in the Ham.ikuapoko school
house, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m.
The day was changed from Friday tas
has been customary in past yarl to
Monday, so that Hana teachers mU!it
J. W. Waldron is oon to leave Ka
hulul. W. ChamU rlr.ln Is to take his
place as bookkeeper c.f the railroad
On the K:h a sailor of th.- bark C. Ik
Bryant, now discharging coal at Kaa-J
napali. was arrested by Deputy Sheriff
Robert Lindsay forassiul: upn totfJ
his shipmate?. F!io latter appeir bid-i
ly battered up. Hi; man arrested his
the reputation of I cing a -llshtlr.u
man." He will be tried by th Lih i-
ni Maclstrnte on the m:h. x
Dursnsr las: evening, the P't'a. th
ru.-t:uary m
Xw Pa la !'
b.ito.l t! follow tii iuctiin:
Thai the World Oar
to NaiSJlion Than to IU1I
' Mr.. W. Nlcoll and David
KIraiinK ltd the affirmative nnd
Mr-irs. R. I. Enslo and Y IL Atwatrr.
the nznilvp. The former won by a
LarK majority uhm th vo of the
audinre wa tak.m. The subject for
the nxt dUctiixdoti "Reihcd. Th.it
Arbitration 1 the Ut Mo! for Set
ttlRK International Hruten."
Weather Pleasant all the wek.
Have a Ilorux Hank.
F. I. Ctr.tcr. Walter RromVy
C!iaj. Bromley, all .ell known rcl
d n: of Honolulu, are on tin C.i:
looking after an lm;rtanl property
they ha lately ictjulr"I. The thrre
uentlenien with others of Honolulu and
a couple or more California rcp!e. are
interested In Urax deposits at Djjc
pctt. (al.. on the famous Mojave de
if u ,i.t ihn .,r.,.. riv t-r.iit.lhl rtftit a a lifera- trro and ihelPi aua Za ate an larsraMWc
v,ry well indeed ar.l mcr.d of tne
trb tnentione! are already ;haplns
out con cm tiilat Ions on deserved
ces. Q iantltks of the lorax have a!-
ready !cen testel and favorable re;ier!s
in Tin: cAitiNr.r ac;.mn.
llon.Tltco. F. Imsins Once .More
.Minister of l'ltinncc.
tPholo by Williams.1
F. Uminu l;lay for !.
m ... . .
of 1 ,n-inr' to fill the vacancy nta.1 by
I the resignation of Hon. S. M. lumm.
I who Is in lhiro:e sklnc immigration
f in it TM In -.rA
This Is the ictnd
I . . .
I l,mp Mr- t--" has t n at tae head
of tl' Treasury "Department. iMrinsjl pnt four hMir uTratJiln ih twit-tl
I . . . "
l"' ,nrrmn, ouMnes nien 01 ir."
- .. - - - .. - .... - ......... - .. - , -
rhandlslng business Hh M. Phillip
U. r1 1,... u ln !in.u ,in,, tjri.
I . . . .. ,
" VV.1- . ,a !
I lilnr C1. Ptl!If IJlll V ho hi. almjft
Ann.iti..n ..r f,m t-r,v
,7" "J, "...J ' 1 T."' 7 , "I
" - -
,on ,ln,, a member f1 the lvarl of
Health. Mr. I-anMns takm the irt-
f.,iio ai wh,n th. -4 ..f tSi
prop,c" ar oa lh o!ri", r r4i:,r n
lllsh CIjss Vaudeville
Th. Orphetim will toalsh: prr.i
th u-'ial rhan?" of prrcrarn. A j
itirta'.n ra!sr th rp-.ilar fr "Th
Villas" S :!o.:'" uill b j.-c'a'e
Ja k n H arde ar.d Mi- H i
ln:r-hKo an or;itr..il
a: 1 w ill
r M :
i! x nr -...
T! Rar. I !. : a:
a ci::: ; v
ll: P.--.
M!4 p:. r,n v i!! Ir.'r-!
r'tr-.-hin- In v r
A.:.n:?:r. J. W. Win.
'- a
'.... r.r : H rv f i:
Fcncd His First "Lilcian Sicrj"
Here in HaaiL
Survivors SallcJ 4000 Wile to no -
nolulo-!l4ia Feirfol Experience
Local n 1st on
Samuel I. Cleu;r.n iMark Taln
lelU in twelve .ifc of the CVnlury
Macazlne for Novcsilfr ho- he made
Mory mieai an ucu nave i-n jatr
The first hUh-U. ork done by
Mark Twain, so l.c sayn. had Its tv-ih-
1 1- i f l..n In Vaw V.. 1 "Mi. f lt . i. 1
.. ..
aiiiu tne iurninc; uz tne ciirpf-s&ip
Hornrt on the Hue. May 2. There
were thirty-one mti on !afl at the
time. and I a ... Honolulu mhen the
, .... .
fifteen lean and Kh-mly aunrlTor or-
rlvrd there after a voyage of forty-
thrre days In an cpen boat, thnnjch
the lt!ax!ti troplo. n ten SajV rat Inn
of fofKl. A very rvmarkaMe trip; t4t
it rord:icteI b a ra plain hn viai
a remarka:;e tr.an; othcru there
would have I en na unUtu, He maa
i New-irnslantJrr of :he -t
of th old tJiiK !!e llr- -Cjj tan
Joiah MitrhrJl.
"I hal ln In the !!at.ds j--irral
i'ntb when the irviiom arrivr!. I
ui.i up in ray t win at the tlni.
and iii.ahte to nail, litre jm pirat
.wvaoiou to r re rriy journal. at4 I tot
all- lo take jdranirir ff ft. Nc-
irily I na tn t ;i inmM. Ilui by
"d I i k hi i:ci;-ncy Anan lt.it Un
uan, thrre al ll tin:-. t:i I.U ray
to t.ke up bU tn China, rnhcrr !
did fnrii -jrk Ur the tni!r1
.tatei. He came i4 r.tit tr.e a
stretcher at.d h- I ie carried to th
hospital h-rr the jhipn rkr! mn
tre. and I Hfcr r.:rl io a
im-tiou. lie &ttrrd'dt 'A tif that
himself. 3n. 1 ha I r:.i,;t. u l Un
makr the niir. JJk u,.
lake that trouble. :. a a Kfrat man I
and a frrtat Amrriran. and ll as in
hih fine nature to irrne can frm hi
hichoHireand di a ff ttidjy turn hf n-
lever he r-.ild
I "t thfuc'i Viith thU nark at
I the evening. I !"k tiO dander.
I "r tnerr via ti time to :are if
I would lal the ofhrr cojtr .:,t.!
I ani-raen aooner wa to sail for .an
1 r ranrio aUvai u!n; hen I feachJ
. - - - OT...a
JU'1 ",UK 03 nrr trrn-uae. ajy tat Ir.o defrant wr'Au-z U rf;cn-
rnri V thrown by a strong hr.d.,it for it- diOuroir of lu tierv-aat
an4 n iorl all ileal and ray lr
I !h !i I tTJir hcl lJLt IVifcr in ltsf If
t r. and vraf tU crap h1 to the
Pf k IT.V: he vra
In rharce of the Ca'iSc harrau of the
New York H'raM at the tlsse.
Whn I frtt:rT.el to Callfortila hy
and by. I wrnt up to Facraatato and
prrrntel a hill far ct.eral ro.rri;4ond
ence at fr a rk. It aa Dald. Thm
I prejcn:rl a bill for ,;ul -rle
on the Hnrc-i matter of thrr-e colsn
thrlr clcihM haar ;a? aVr:t tiel t-ao; atd iTt:ear A- Ik 1 toll, or -and
fittM thrm tq Uttr this a. sr r4S,5 ffi5tTt4 IVwa'i -,!ci i: 3or
fi: the ractarr a cairn. Ilt thVj'" a SS(t a?ll!3c tnastier.
w rr. rii nirl a the hp'.tvi: t-t
wi-a all th- !a;r.tl-.r :?,y nr-;:i fcr.;;
thy jt:h r I trr.r.h fa ar.-!
trT.tIy r,4ti r 1 a r. -.
Wi:h;n a f'r:n?c!.t t- rr.': t.f thrn
i . t -r an I r-ir.fi .,; that
r.-y ha- j.r.r.o a:ray in
r;. I wrr.t it. .e 4r
l .;r,' i a". al th. i t.w r
T.i' : t:. 1 i ha.J 7he
r r-" n. ar l -
era ! ;4'e rf Tl.r-
1 It-
T Ff-
j:'; n. .cd Iv. a
r ilt. at-d t.s7 a!
he hM
Utr hum tt. tp::n !.:.
irs tn t:.. c:-p. a .vr4 froru
rrvk tn the ;.y to t.aUw :l
-WiiLtn tra Cm Ur iLe Ucdiec
a!2 the tn n .?,. rte a.s4
t l ir.Z aKut. iV.jrJ. hy cnscLl
to tave l.t;b! tbsaltr Uh the
'lr f ?U tal fern !a) tn at
jts late tarn hi h&4
frJthtI itJr JotnwJii ;th :t1j of
le:br frva c:4 at4 l:h cblp
hUh they t!:4 Ct rt f14 of hr J ics
lion. l-4t I fthrr v xuk The cixuln
i the XMmr ij4 ntt t
trfr 4 htj. m -he t.ajjor did. bat
ra l-vl he lcal- leal her a4 the wr4.
and raJ a iu!n f iLe KtiMrci hr
cttoUtMalcc ihea txlxh ater. Tfce ihlrd
mate toM tre thai tfc Uti nr old.
and full of hole; ilea 444 lha.hl-
ftl!1V "lit! t.r.1... Ii'mII V, -
& lanil nz V:ZTZ
I tarn ni taw'c:Jr rn:ia from
lot erratics rifrft the IVnjc; h
.... . m ...
m un!mabtt!1y an riaxcerattcto; t
thlnV It wan a oisn4rnd at4 triyKme.
alrr.Jjr i.eaj:r fall erf Irtlhrr;
ii ma uccibj; uai ci u farm, ii on
loot state this cn tte third tnat a ao-
tjjurlty. far e hav what ort of
cTa he ma: I 4te It ca fay own.!"
Taln cwnJ4"j the J uinU of the
IVurtoMh- lrda rSd t.f 1
The tho try f the llorort,
Ut Uttta lht. uurr t,apcr. It
in tne of the at the Vol-
Irano IhruM.
if ih n. i intftetinc
1m;rr.cr.t l tae the
retitic i f CVld&rt h-te to-
day U1 I- Znf Hawaii iHtir
Itna ShJrj A!ir.
fJl h -"rt :;tt at-
i-rr.t to c-'.abJih jt:atter
crxtcMy n ' Kn.tu Inland, a
charraib& t - I I r ;4ea.tir
arrotitid at lls: lity. C, i. Prln-
r?e tllri i ti- aMrtalned
that lh la had fcvT teen
l '!e Si a firMfv!lfn atid
tht 11 ma to p.f,iltr!4ut.
Vtluclr Iadl lt;m1--r t.n the
lJtjd. It.t the J-t riJT lt.".ejf jieij
to tiir.i the tjjTflt c tn f
b-iil'.irac f;-"jat4it.fc. 34r. An-
drrn Ktil thin wtd atid aVa
for adilf-. The All'Tfcey Gr n-
rral will ! rjve'4rd to far-
uUh an ;luUt atid ;11 3 $
Mr. I'xlr'e 8fc J taetvhant of
lllbi. He ujt it r,w tlrae a
rh'd leather f1 the l!atJ(J f
Pccollcctlon of Ferttuk.
More cr It rn bx l-a $mh!ib-4 here
from tlcx" to lira rVtnt the lers&tJsc
IVrnhark. a woje je4rT ho u
I fi4 m the Cirr-aii tVurt ca Katurdar
ne,rx A. DavU s a!Uroer frtr lb
i jv'-MJfCJ CJ w wtlJaer Or
- li:i Vot 5raM U- fitjhhcmly ma
tc!r. rmk fall fro crae a
I 1. .M . a w . a u
11. - . . - r
1 1
a irritic taaa a rtr called Taa-or
Ut a t.arc-h
The n;cir xi Ctral VnUu Ch-arth
tat t'rhl wa imr-HJr-s. The cfTCta
f fla!e frv-ra -C.a Valeria ltticatva-
I i-a-atiftsJly i-a5eirMj j.y prcier.cr
CiC L'oioa neciirc.
A t:
J"T XiAti9 . t,r.
Z lv.
.1 J-e.
y v;
y t
, i?.r!.-;-, Th--r- wc j, c i
tny j
.- S :
i c V.
" r tr.
t Kim;
It ?. t -t t
3 !.v

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