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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
11 LOCAL BREVITIES. Orpheum tonight. Poco cameras give best results. They are up-to-date. Photos enlarge?! to any size at B. Lichtig's, COG Fort street. The band will play at Queen Kmraa Hall this morning at 10:30. Estimates given free of charge by the Peerless Preserving Paint Co. A girl is wanted to work in the bin dery of the Hawaiian Gazette office. A dainty supper awaits you tonight at The Home Bakery Cafe after the opera. Elections will be in order in many of the secret society lodges this month andnext. Will E. Fisher offers four lots for sale on Young street on very reason able terms. A party of nine gentlemen shot 1T. wild ducks on the other side of the Pa li on Sunday last. The steamer Ma una Loa will here after leave Punaluu, Hawaii day at C o'clock p. in. Be sure and drink C. I). C. with soda. That's what it's niide for. That's why we call it a high-ball whisky. A large ice-chest, nearly new, suit able for restaurant or bar, is for sale cheap. Apply at the Pantheon. Many amateur astronomers are get ting out telescopes and borrowing alarm clocks for the Jeonid shower. Hon. Alex. Young, Minister of . the Interior, has subscribed for fifty tickets for the Lepers Merry Xmas concert. ThP rpcular meetintr of Court Ca- moes, No. SI 10, will be held this (Tites day) evening at 1::') o'clock in the K LOCAL BREVITIES, Haw sugar, 4 "-!; firm. The latest in winter stvles at Hanna's. Fresh sweet creini can ! had Star Dairy; telephone lol:!. Schools an enthusiastic already or the Lyric Opera company's Fri day matin The rush of the final days for re payment of taxes is fairly on. T:i window was crowded ystrd.y. The fvtr popular "Mikado is to given by the Lyric company toniuht. The advance sale of seats is heavy. Louis Arnaud. formerly of the eminent band, is a member of the or chestra of the Olympia theater. Sari Francisco. Prof. YVm. T. Brigham will le tin- lecturer at Oahu College Monday morning next. He will present a bo tanical subject. H. M. Ayres, charged with conduct ing a game of chance in connection on Sun-i with a weekly paper, was sered with a penal summons yesterday. David Haughs. secretary of the bu reau of Agriculture, has challenged the landing of eight cases of limes broimhi fiom Samoa by the Alameda and th fruit is on the wharf. " ' Wray Taylor has called the first rehearsal of special music for the Lepers' Merry Xmas concert to be held tomorrow evening. The special ar rangement of "The Heavens are Tell ing" will be taken up first. For having che fa tickets in possess sion Kalunapiimoku was yesterday fined $15 by Judge Wilcox, who at the same tinve drew attention to a misslng word contest advertised in a Sunday We are SHOWING THIS WEE1 of P hall i- i i mi l ,i,w .nt-oiAiP paper, which he likened to che fa. A dividend will be due and pavaoie 1 to the shareholders of the Mutual Tel ephone Company on and after the 20th of November. . Theo. F. Lansing was sworn in In justice . Frear yesterday 'morning and immediately entered upon the duties of Minister of Finance. Mrs. James R. Holt Jr. has a card of thanks in this issue to her friends for their kindness and sympathy during her sad. bereavement. Do not fail to see Miss Killean's ele gant line of waists, handsome dress goods and novelties, now on display at her dressmaking parlors. The big discount f;ale of silver and silver plated ware at Counter's will close on the 29th. Secure some of these elegant goods before it is too late. A list of the names of officers of the Inter-Island Steam Navigation. Com pany who will serve during the ensu ing year is published in this issue. Notice is given that assessment No. G of 10 per cent on the assessable stock of the Waialua Agricultural Company, Limited, is deferred until further no tice. Word comes from Yale that "Sonny" Cunha, Hawaii's own football player, is being coached to be less careful with the opponents he may meet while play ing center. Lieut. R. M. M. Davey of the Glou cester regiment, which was captured by Mrs. IVlN It! B.i. r.ov- t. U n If iT d I - -v!t 0U 'mm . The Bunion Shoe MMM. P.Y HEYW0O. i l!:r ill ill fni w i x ! i . lm:itti ur ::n The "Htiitti Shu wirll that will tit tin t-nlargril joint. Plenty of room for ctilarp ji:t. '. it ting elsewhere. This des iilH-. in . Ji-w ttrl hho'H niatle on tin lntiioti li-i. Theo.H.Davies&Co LIMIT Merchants and Commission Agents, Be,! to call the attention of the Mar to ihnr coincide line ot in i (en : Sile ft PAINTS AND OILS. GENERAL PLANTATION SITME8L Manufacturers' Shoe Store. A fine assortment of Kitchen Furnishings. GRAY AGATE WARS tctaliy Sign of the Cig Shoe. fort Street. jive iiG O O O Do you it it nu your salad? If we are thf oms ti.t can plve you th KPnuine article. No Uressir.K U com plete without OUVi: OIL. and iorr oil is as tal as non at all, but vhn you ASK FOR " Italian Olive Oil Some Very Handsome SILK OPERA CAPES mported specially for the Coming Opera Season. You t-an r-t a.vuil that ym ar ins for oil that :s pure. m.u! from lectori oli vs. This is a ncv. chi;un nt that airlvcd a short time ago cm! is now nniy to he soll in pullon. half-pallon ami quar- tpr-crallon tins or iu any quantity to suit. For family n-c or for sal.ul ilrrsin: the Ayi.iie the styles i me Italian Olive Oil t 0 0 t 0 Kxtr.i V;iltir in Table Linens and Napliifvs lireotly iiuiHirtC i Scr win. low ilip!;y. Kntire It f Children's Dresses at s: really u-lnml prire to rloo tuit. tne Iit of j Traveling Rugs IhmpI valtit at ": for the well known artist reasonable. We commend them to your notice. I MI MS LIMITED. THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. PHOTOS ii TO ANY SIZE. Will Make a Suitable XMAS PItES 1CNT to Give Your Friends. H. LICHTIG, C06 Fort Street, above Dewey taurant. Hei the Boers last month, is a cousin of uAi-iuie mo imtw F"rank Davey, of this city. Jas. F. Morgan wUl hold an auction sale of furniture on Thursday, Novem ber 10, at 10 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Riemenschneider. Vineyard street near Emma. , A black swan, placed in Kapiolani Park by Mr. W. G. Irwin, disappeared some time ago. Mr. Paul Isenberg re ports that' he has seen it recently on the Island of Kauai. There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Ewa Plantation Com pany, Limited, at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, November 23, at !:r,0 p. m. . ( Arthur Johnstone, an old newspaper man of this city, will succeed Ed Towse as city editor of i-.e Advertiser. Messrs. Smith and Johnstone take hold of the paper tomorrow.. The Oceanic Gas & Electric Light Company is prepared to erect gasoline engines at any point on the Hawaiian Islands, and will instruct men how to run the same. Gasoline for sale. . There will be a meeting of the Exec utive Board of Associated Charities at the manager's office, Hotel street, Wednesday, November 15, at 3 o'clock. Visitors are cordially invited to attend. There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Waialua Agricultural Company, Limited, at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce in Honolulu on Thursday, November 23, at 10 o'clock a. m. These words, prettily lettered yester day appeared on the center window of the handsome new Mnlding on the ias tl homestead . premises on Kin; Qtrrp.t: "Henry and Dorothy Castle Memorial Free Kindergarten." Contractor Pinkham has now1 fin . . ? ii ished wltn me ivawaianao wen. a fUmiftAS heavy cap has been put over the Pjpe bDaillDOOlIlg dllfl . 4kn .? 5c. Gainer I tO nOlU LUG 611 Caili .11114 llic 1 IO tnkAn awav. The irrigation system will be installed without delay. The Kindergarten Club will hold its! first regular meeting at Queen Emma Hall Thursday afternoon at 6:6V. ur Fmerson will give a talk on "Hawaii an Mythology." The program will be of great interest and value to all teachers. The United States army transport Leelanaw will receive quick dispatch. By orders of United States Quartermas ter rni Rnhlen. Transportation Agent Fine Dress Trimmings, Pleatei GhilF n, Chiffon Applique, Silk Gimp, Fancy 'uimming Silk, I Ladies' Ties j inarkil rrv lir.v. ! Silk Dress Braids, Fancy Tuckisg, Fancy Mbbons, Uce Footings $4 each. .Mock hi Marke! lwn fir :i few iki. r t One :it Is the best to 1 had. WE CAN ALSO fcit? you Pure Olive Oil Mad in Portugal. 000 mm & mars - LIM1TKI).- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 s 4it to ro? nut 75cts each. 20O DOZEN Ladies' Handkerchiefs Ya!t:titsn I act lordtr. (iry ilainly.) To L'u :il 2 for 25cts. All Wool Golf Plaids, i .(late-1 craze.) $2.25 yard. ALL WOOL SOX, ( ii.ttin.l r'.nr.l ICelui-il fiom TitrtH. fo 3 pairs for S A lirv MnjMiK iit o! i JjAIHKS Fine Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs. 3 o New a ml pivltv lins. J 4 for Taki viiur ailv. 0 O flue r,iM of $ in Polka IM alul Fiutt. A H.iiuty ami Stylish $1.25 yard. THE LEADING I I II AND nil mm oo- Webster started in discharging last night and will not stop until she is loaded and away. On Saturday evening about 10 o'clock a tramcar, which had just left the ter minus on Nuuanu street, nearly ran over a drunken old native man. who was lying in the road. The driver held up the team in time to prevent the car from running over the native. The driver, with assistance, put the man on the sidewalk. Scalp Treatment A SPECIALTY. ENGAGEMENT MADE NY TBI. Hotel Street, next to Y. M. C. A. o-oo AlISS A. De LARTIGUE. Hnta (iron f'nrnnnriv S iiiiiii irn mi nil ; itiiiiitiii l i it . Cor. Kin? and Fort Sts. 9 -ij t 0 0 HONOLULil SNAP SHOTS 32 VIEWS FOR 50 CENTS Mailed Anywhere in Postal Union. Published by .1NO. M. DAVIS. j P. O. Box 320. Honolulu.! Telephone 6SS. 0 0 SOLE AGENTS FOR ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. MIMEOGRAPHS. MIMEUCI1A 11I HOL Is KliS. MlMEOUHAPIt PA PEHS. MIMEOCUAPU LXKS. MlMEniMAPII V A US IS I IKS And Supplies of All Kinds. Pearson & Potter Co. Ltd. :n4J roirr t. rrTi:i.. r, r..- SEND YOUK FRIENDS One of our "Hawaiian Souvenir Art Calendars" for, 1900. The most hand some calendar' yet produced, contain ing thirteen cards of choice views ia wailan scenery; P"ee NICHOLS CO., LTD. $1. WALL, MISS SUSANHE R. PATCH. TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. to Vineyard streot, ner Emma, first house in lane above Mr. P. Dodge's res- J idence, now occupied by the Misses Kelley. I JUST RECEIVED: a i,ai.m;i: invoice or Yamatoya Shirts, PAJAMAS (in Silk. Wed at d Cottcn.) GRASS CLOTH. CEMBE F1ECES, tOVllLS, SILK CCOIS, Uc. bTYLlf-ii GOL? SHIRTS. Dressmniakflinig Parlors, I h;if nUupfl my Urvinakin PcKirtmenl a html havi? plnrc) in rli;iry T I . t . 9 .Mis i. liAMi:i iu.Af;. i.iii A of Now Yrk. 9 t ORDERS DISPAICIIED IV lWEIY-rOlR IIOtRS. A . . . . . 6 I lIr'.iiit ti-k fif Mamidsonie Waists . . o Dress Goods Trim mings cincl NoellIcs. V V,. .'LI y i 5s Refers by permission to her patrons in this city. .. ! Hotel Street at o and Doolo Robinson Block. Miss M. ARLINGTON BLOCK. E HOTEL STREET. " " """ " (' Z : - s