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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
TliK PACIFIC COMMKKCIAL ADVKKTISP.U: llnNf U.PI.r. N KM I.KK H. !::. TROPIC OIL FOR THE CHANGE By tlie "Iolani" oyer a hundred barrels of this well.-known oil, and 2307 &fioat OTer 200 snore barrels; so we don't think we will run short of oU. during the coming sugar season. Tropic Oils for engine, cylinder, dyna mo, car box, roller and all other lubricating purposes have not got their csal in. this market. Our sales prove this, for from a small beginning we liavo Troried up to an oil business that shows that the article used is all xizk Get your season's supply from us. Unanimons Vole by the Ailtan Chinch Syocfl. BISHOP VLLIIS' RESOLUIIOli NOTICE E. O. HALL & SON, LTD. Quite a Hit of Detail I'm I'oilli. Address to Clergy und the La-. men- Views on the Future. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT THK AN.MWt. MKKTINT. lP! the OOKAI.A SrC.A'l PL NTATION COMPANY. held th!4 dy. ih. fo'.tu-A-; Inc ortlctrs uero l-:d ii ertr fr ihf t-nsuine ix: Dr. It. MrKlhMn Pr l! n: I J. N. Wrisht VsUWui j ". 11. !t!Tto:i TraurT J. M. !!..:: Xu.lttor K. P. IMh:;i . --rrtary ; Dr. IL MrKihMri DirwU-r (Ivt. H. KoUTtvin . liriftor ' r. I!utao Director II. Armitacc Director? (Vt 11 Hron Director ; II P. iUSHOP. I v rotary. Ditid. Hontilultt. Nov. 11. :v.. .. THE RPMEOM !S- TONIGHT! TONICHT! T!. World-Pa t Wr,::t:4t; .T J. XX. V.NTnN. ND MtilNTY.... Th M.S Not-l .i U rr rrris-l n A ay Stair. An Ordinal Tl." 1V; Var . a: -vii.i..c: .CHOO!. T? S. t-r:j;i: i- x tntnmi: iiori:i.uvr' J-.'n li:'.-, Prrra:-.! hpaudi: and hakwaud. j. it . mindi:u. n:us tmi:Yirs. CORPORATION NOTICE. o A Dah f ir. hir.. MISS JTUX HYUnW 1 UANIl&sl IIANt EADY ! ROCK ROOFING : Best Roofing on Earth. ii1! Jiii qGv ii rvviT'7r KfsolvtMl. That th Hawaiian Islands having anm-xol by the UnitMl MaU's of Amerh-a this Synod hereby o.pres.ns its general agrconivnt with the principle on which tb ro Iort of the Cotnniittfe on t! Increased Responsibilities of the Church presnted to the general convention at its M'.-tsion notici: is iii:ui:uy ;ivi:n that the annual nttln? of tin- !i.-irhM-ers of H. Hackfi !d w- Co.. Ltd.. wa held at Honolulu vn Noxmiber .. I'-. and that the following K'n:l'-t:;n arc the o!!mts f the ouinny fr th n suing year: Paul I-w'hImtc Prri.!nt J. P. H u kMd Vlo- Prei.idr:.t XX. XX'olters Iirertr Kd. Suhr IMrer tor I'.rnral Adrai ...n. an ! t. ; rv, for 4th s3f 12 done Z'. -at can Commencing Monday, November 4 os acimpnt or tiii: it xiny xYi:xTiu:it tint au: fr thl Hawaiian Islands should ul- Klarn .rrrtary IIJ) fl ll 1 f fffl and H 1 (C timately com; -nder the gpirlt- W. Pfotmhauer ..t Treasurer JJ UJVlJll 11 tXX. liCLavVV ual jurisdiction of the Church in XX. Pfotenhau r Xuditor- XVILL CONTINUE ANOTHtK XVttU, XT KOT EXPENSIVE; comes ready to lay; any workman can lay it; is l?5st; isAQra&c S9 per cent less than shingles on 'buildings covered with it. Wet J&ectfta tey climate. SEND FOR SAMPLE. Mawanlaim Trading o.. Ltd. omce: Hos. 6 and 8 Love Building, Fort St. the l.'nited States, and further puts on record its readiness to take such steps as may be nec- essary for bri:i;inu the Ansll- can Church in Hawaii into ' uninn with the Church in the United States whenever an invi- tation to. .the effect proceed from tlte authorities of that Church to the Dicce.-o of Honolulti. it being made clear at the same time that the interests of the Church in llawr.ii shall be duly and sufficiently safeguarded and its integrity maintained, and that the support the Pdshop and Clergy now receive from I'ng- land wiH bt continued by the Church in the United States un- til the Diocese or Missionary Jurisdiction of Honolulu he- comes financially independent. - P. K I.AM P. Vcrrtaiy. Honolulti. Nov. !. 1 !:. r.r.xT jr.M-r.iT AT THE REMOVAL NOTICE. (i. SOMNA HAS ItP.MOVP.t Htr f TEPvJIPLE OF FAS mm Parbir Shop from the OrphMira blink ' to one door below the Myrt CKarj Stire. Fort street, and tvlll be ( leaded to meet h!t friends and fatron at hi ; new parlors.- notice:;c-ii fv acd Z-c IVr Yat4.... Line of luillftil I.AIII XPr-S. uii!-V far Odd XXVatLcr .-t4 llc:ida XXVar. Jut UindM by the AtivtralU. -:75inrt litJ of Itibbon. former p:1r rSr. rr!4 to VT T : ci. .f i -xr fararr titicm lie. r-c atsd Ze. fTd44 to ....- prr yra . Indies' IWlu at : Ladles ShlrtmaUt. at ASHOUi: 1-idieV Collar, at TEL. 1132. nously by the Anglican Church Synod DKPOT QCAUTKUMASTIIU .s or- r j rrp .H -i-rKjrs SHHSHS! Carnage, Wagon and Trucfc he Anglican Church in Hawaii to the . m.. Thursday. Nov. HI. and J nPOAiniKfi. PAINTING. TRIMMING MS(0iLQat0)lltae il Will Drive Mosquitoes Away. Noevmbcr C. lv. The above resolution carried unani mously by the Anglican Church Symnl at i the Episcopal Church In America. It had I opened Immediately thereafter, fori been submitted l.v ItUlmn Willi to I furnishing Mich flllaMltlen of fuel Bishop Potter on the 1st instant and was approved by ihe visitor. The protest lodged by the Church De fense and Extension Association and Mi. iiiKnv nnivri on the "NA MOKIT M. XIV or IUrd Slncham. at Islands without ermislon from the ! Pino Iawn. at underslsned will be treated as trc-! Lace Curtain, at passers. KAPIOLAXI KST.xTi:. LTD.. A beautiful chancu to buy poodj at tery low rr. l ljr7' Pahion. oiramencinj: Monday. umKr iw. fM mm.r i ......... E-c wh ru yards for SLW 10 ard for ILW S farrs lb Tr3jk) cf REPAIRING. PAINTING. THIMWINU AND MANUFACTURING.. oo Cunres the Bites! Brings Comfort! B enson, Smith & Co, LIMITED Fort and Hotel Streets. IMPOI1TERG OF HAVANA AND MANILA SMOKERS' ARTICLES. H k Grades of Smoking Tobacco. Ccrcer Tort ond Merchant Sts., Honolulu. Lsirgie, Hew Stock JAPANESE : AND : CALIFORNIA : GOODS ! STRAW HATS, all latest styles. IT yt tlo not have your size we can make you a Straw Hat of any tyl& Large supply of Rough Straw on hand. rnces, lowest in ine ciiy. 1. sosm ma, HAT MANUFACTURER. GENTS" FURNISHINGS. KING STi, Noxt to Castle & Cooke. ITMOSE fey Carnages SAVE ARRIVED AT THE My Fwmiiture Store; S3. H. WILLIAT-IQ, Manager. Love Building, 534-536 Fort St 46: CESIDEHCE. 049. published in full in the Advertiser of the 1st instant. vaa considered last evenlnp, and on motion was laid upon the table. The following composed the Svnod: Clergy Kev. V. Ault.jS. II. Davis. V. H. Kitcat. Kong Yin Tet. Alex. Mack intosh. C. II. Tom kins anil K. J. II. Van Deerlin. I-aynen U Asen. C. P. Kitz W. Hall. Ceo. S. Harris. II. M. von Holt. H. V. M. Mist. S. Nowlein. Henry Smith. V. P. !. Stanley, K. Stiles. P. . Wooil and Yap See YounR. Mr. S. Meheula was excuseil on account of sickness. Bishop Willis address was delivered at 7:30 in the evening, li dwelt. In part, with affairs Tf the Diocese and had the following on the principal question: And now to turn your attention to the important matter demanding our consideration, the question that needs to be answered is ihis: Is there any action that this Synod ought to take In consequence of the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States of America, and. if .. what should that action be? But before we can proceed to determine the course to be pursued, we ought first clearly to ascertain how the political change affects us as a Church. If we know clearly where we stand, it will not be a difficult matter to determine how we ought to act. The Anglican Church in Hawaii stands today in a position which, as far as I know, is without precedent In modern times. I am awaro that our position is supposed to be parallel to that of the Church in the American colonies at the date of. the Declaration of Independence; but that is not the case. The refusal of the Crown of Great Britain to s.irctlon the consecra tion of bishops for the colonies had left the Church in America, widespread though- it was. without organization. the clergy who ministered In their churches being under the nominal jurisdiction of successive Bishops of London, not one of whom ever crossed the Atlantic to hold a confirmation, or ever deputed any other bishop to act on their behalf. It was not until the American colonies had separated them selves from the mother country that they obtained the Episcopate, and with it Diocesan organization, which there fore dates from th? commencement of the national history of the republic. Very different Is tuc position of the Church in the Hawaiian Islands. In stead of the work of Church organiza tion having to be commenced at the date of the Islands coming under the Government of the United States, th American Church finds here a Church in full communion with their own. ful ly organized with tne threefold minis try, and having a history of thlrty- fvpn VMrs. If ia In fun lerlnc , care of the Church of Kngland. exer- icvt Viinn; iui viifu IIIV J 114 V - Propagation of the Gospel, that the work of the Anglican Church has not to be begun d novo by the American ; Church in this part of their country's now possessions. js will be the case In Cuba and the Philippines. The repon- jdbillty that annexation entails on the Church In the United States In the -a II.. ...)! I . .1 . . . . ... jthat which the annexation of Cuba or the Philinnines will brine wlih it. 1 There the Church has to be planted and organized: here an already organized Church has to be maintained. Th question that has arisen Is, whether this Diocese of Honolulu ougin not now to come into the organization of the xrrr-FiNE horseshoeing a pfcU!tr. Agency of the Rubber Tire Wheel Co- (cordwood) as may 1h required by the United States from time to tlm tntll June 30, 1000. The right 1 re-rArt to reject any or all proposal. Pur fur ther Information apply to the under signed. Knvclop?- containing propos als should 1m? marked: TropoaU fori Cord Wood and addressed to j ft VVl O GTO cjKoiiGi: uuiiLKx. Hawaiian oarriagtj Major fc Q. M., Depot Quartermaster, j lVi't'g OUKKN STKEET. Aic riJiii ''..I. -------m.m.m.m. nfAjwwww 4T On. WMtoey Mar Before opening our complete new stock, we will continue to call attention to a few of many articles sell ing at prices to interest Buyers. i A few beautiful DP.P.SS PATTKIlS 4 Lv! MMXTOil. dob foM. -1.. fr.m I KS" I i. iwri- 15 to 38. 25 cents. WASH VKIUXO. donble width. r ixliins tllll.TS yard ppnfc; t 10 and 20 cents. I.AIUKS" SATIN STRING TIl j cntlm'n'n fin-LilATIIIIU IlKl.TS. .. 25 cents. t 35 cents. . . t . ioTTi:ti ii.k N:rr.. n i4.i. I yard 35 cents. w A fw more tctntUni'n'i Uk POUIt IN HAND anl BOW THS ar ctri-fl c-4t at 15 cents. MUUA UU r'. i . T lacks, p.rm: lacp.s 15 cents a yd. I WASH THIS 5 cents. We at lo-lr u: a ftw J I.ACP at ..... 1 cent a yd. : 5cf 10ctsf 15cts. NOUVHAUTi: i:il.Mt Sn a:i i J had and i: '4 t MIUlI.l.i. 15 cents a yd. : 75cts and SI. w w 4 I 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 WBBfftiniey & Mrh Ltd 9 (Continued on Pago 5.)