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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
V 4 ? . . . . . . .51 2 j .-: i i i -i 1 I ' s lubll-i-J July ', 1.-M 'I 4- ' '- - Vnl. Si. . A J - J aoo oooooo oooooooo 1 , ' linnJlJ-. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, MONDAY, JANl'A IiV 1, U0 T.VKM Y-FKiliT IW(iKS rwiri: FIVE TKNTS. O O O '"'0'ylOIOICOIOHOIOOIOICIOIOIIOIOIOIO0CIOIOIIOIOOIOIOiOIOI o a O 0 " OOOOOOOO6OOOOOOOOO0OOOO'OOOOO :oVHVi AW OU AND NEW YKAU. 3? Tin var which has imw hih' to a rlnsv was on' of tin most n iiiarkahh' in Hawaiian history. It was the first full year of ioliti ial afiiliation between the b lauds and the United States and an suoh it contributed more than nnv other one penod of ejual length to the welfare of the j;roui. In- f deed in the Hawaiian calendar it J must rank in material ircj;ri. above mine decades. Fortun.ite as other years have been their Immio lits to the jK'opIe of thete Islands were circuniscribetl by a variety of depressing Klitioal tir.'um stances which annexation remov ed. With the assurance of slablc a (verninent a larger share than -V !s ever lief ore of moner made on thitt 5 1 P soil remaiiu'41 for local invest- Q nient. Before that time our cap- ft italists hokel abroad for iruaran- te-s of financial safety. Vast T, V sums derived from commerce and 1Z the sale of Island products went "2 permanently to the Lnitcd States ft and Europe. Hut the first vear of M American soveri'icntv here wit- W nessed the acquisition or local con- jW ft mience ami as a resuir liawan 12 s,,,d its political capital have ad fy2 vanced with leaps and bounds. Two ixreat facts stand out in the ft progress of the year the increase of pmdiK'tive industry and its nd- ft. : i. x- m ft r"i v been started under most encour- ainf; circumstances and old ones have been improved. The price of suar never r'tled so hij;h. Srnne attempt was also made to intro- dnce new manufactures. Many & as ft ft l oiniiiinirs lriv Im-cii orani.iil. , J-fuv. tt:u:ii fit institutions ojM'iied $m and the ne-ds of iow1ii !usi-"V p' ncss have b-en met by splendid V w commen'ial structure. Kail V ways have been planned and j started: rapid transit for this city 2 2 is now beiii provided for. The T ...11. v ft xport and import trade has ev ft panned proiioiisiy ami new nm s ft of shiis have sought the favor of k the port. An era of modem pib 1 N" : 4 VP y p in - - - i u lie improvement lie-ran during Tin- year of whn-h Honolulu s new sewers are ;i tpe. I'.nl one facor nf depression came into beiim tlie few cases of bubonic plague. Ill a measure that checked hui ties for tin- moment but if collld not eheel: tie prosiity which the ear had founded on the rock of production and credit. In d'-fault "f a census it is not livil,Ii- toav how much the pop illation of the lland h.i ex d sin.e il.e tii-t of .laimary a r;ir;i.i. I tu I i lie demand upon the area of ilmnii ib the crowding of tin- street-, tin- strain.'' faces . el W I l ie. the pa -sender lists of steamers and saili:i vessels all these tell their OW II sfo. HolMl lulu is i:iowin'r. Hawaii is "row in. and 'lotliiiiL s,,ins hkel sl.Tp an i nl! ii x w hi- h is caused an intelligent conception of the fact that coming e ent - are likely. to do mote tlian past eM iits', d to open m w ti. lds of labor 4 . i : l...i T" a IMl I II I lie II l M' i . Having so inmh to be thankful foi dm in- tl ear that is .'one i; should be easy to take courage for the future. There can be no ,1. .iii.t that the l.usmess of the Island will 'o n lisinu to the l 1 and b. ar thet i on to fortune. min' ale ad are whares. :ail road-., municipal rapid transit. new hotels, liew business blocks. new industries and new planta tions: possibly the beinnin;: of a Pacific cable and probably the institution of Territorial and mi: nicipal rule ai.d of extensive Fed eral works. The prosjwet is in very way encouraging an ' whether tl is year is to be counted the last of the nineteenth century or tin first of the twentieth it is full of cheerful omcns for Hawaii tiei. 5:. V: V