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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVBBTISEB : HONOLULU SEPTEMBER 6 190f LILIUOKALANI'S CHILDHOOD HOME Ml TO GO UNDER THE HAMMER TODAY LIMITED, 1 To Ship Ownei s, Agents, Contractors ETC r W have now a full equipment of DIVING GKAK and APPARATUS, with competent divers, who are pre pared to do any and all kinds of work fwqagriag their services. Will give estimates for all work of thl kind on short notice. APPLY ROOM 12, P. O. Box 661. Spreckels Block. CAMPING . SUPPLIES 121 CIS STORE you'll find ssor.s core c f artlrl s particularly ui; I I , fDODt of every eort la dlralnufir. tkp tin, glass, wood and ston fesndy for tacking, hindy o I 111 III . JsA83CTS for carrying--toUBIM MM bags experience. OF COURSE you don't buy tha as eerier, but It's of great value to y aacaoa knowing how to pack enables a to tzmire safe arrival, no breakag loos) whether transported ! ajctab.s n pto 'saddle or Mfftoi lb Mbr of jour yacht. Lewis & 6o.t GROCERS, 111 Fort Street rJ; phono 240. TUP: iconoclastic hammer of the auctioneer will knock down this morning one of the landmarks ..f Honolulu. The Arlington Hotel, its furnishings and all the fit tings of the entire establishment will be sold to the highest bidder. Before the echoes of the auctioneer's mallet have died away the wreckers will have bej?un the work of tearing to . s the bttUding and dismantling the beautiful grounds so long the home of charming hospitality and in which so many earners to Hawaiian shores have looked their first on the foliage and ex quisite growths of the Islands. In the weathei beaten old house a fu ture queen spent her childhood; from it she went out the wife of a Governor to bcRin a life of rare activities. The lanala and halls of the mansion have heard a thousand times the whis perings of love, the froufrou of laces worn by the fairest of Island women and the music of the dance when the gayest of society whiled away the even ings In a round of pleasures. The winding paths and tangled gar den walks could tell fetchng tales of youth's heyday. But the Arllng ; ;i hns known other and sterner scer. .-. Once it held the soldiers of a nation upholding the hand-; nf a new-born government; again when the black death had blighted the land and Azrael overshadowed the city by night and by day a feather of the dread angel's wing fell amid the beauties of tho place. The Arlington Hotel has a most unique and Interesting history. !t Is r r. . ". - i :' : - JaVB am M iiaWal Ajiualiaffl - iw trH-fr n ' Have in Stock "fVk-i C 1 ne p and ROOFING, BUILDING PAPER, PRESERVATIVE PAINT BOII.P.n i'H e-n... PAM INSULATING COMPOUND BRIDGE AND ROOF pAINJ in j Bii M M itki- H. F. Baldwin Presldsm J. . Castle First Vice-President W. M. Alexander. Second Vice-President J. P. Cooke Treaturet AT. O. Smith .... Secretary and Auditor Sugar Factors Commission Merchants. von Hawaiian Commercial A Sugar Ce. . I - - ft Dugur company, Haiku Sugar Company, Pala Plantation Company, if Mahlku Sugar Company, Xlhel Plantation Co., Hawaiian Sugar Company, ITabulul R.-, iroa Company, and Tie California A Oriental Steamship Co. TlA ai no nTWawBvraw PHOTOGRAl hk: one of the moat biatoric spots in all Honolaltt) embracing as it does the scenes of JoyonanOM un4er royalty, ' through the stirring days of '93, when I the Bo ton's troops were encamped, the j pettinesses of a boarding house and : 'lown to the present day as the Arling ton Hotil. It is to-day. as it was fifty years ago, 1 a most lovtly und cool place of resi- j l.-nre. Fiom the fact of its more than OriMaary tatereat to the old residents L of Honolulu, many of whom express sorrow that the march of time has COOSjad the scythe to fall and, aa they look back to the years they have pass ed and ie-passed this famous place, it mak s them feel very aged indeed. To the old, the o.i.-otn'mg years Ad vance so swiftly, they h.irdly reckon YESTERDAY FO R THE ADVERTISE time until some sudden event brings in Its path a sense of loss, such as this auction at the Arlington, for instance. ' But the exigencies of business de- ' maad that these beautiful gardens must lo and their place be filled by the ! handsome modern block of buildings to be erected by Alexander Young. Many maiihinis coming straight from the colder regions of the states, retain live ly emotions .f their first stay at the Arlington. The mocking birds, whist ling magpie, cockatoo, canaries, ehl k na, qponkey. doves. qu$rreJa and other :uiimal!; the beds of ferns, the Bare i -smelling Sower; all combined to make the scene one of charming con cision and delight. It was as if one bad been transplanted into some Ara- I Man Nights story, or like Little Alice. R BY DAVEYi In o she gets her first insight Into Wonderland. It was in truth a sort of wonderland to many a grown-up child, whose home was among the pine-clad hills and crested snow-bound mountains or the great rough cities of the mainland. Soon all these will be in truth only a memory! Perhaps very few have given a passing though to the poor animals so shortly to be Separated. It is well known that both birds and animals C el acutely a change of quarters. These poor creatures who have dwelt to gether for many years w ill part to meet no more. Only last week LiUuukalattl spoke most feelingly and touchlngly regard ing the passing- away of her childhood's home. How close to her heart was this ! estate with the beautiful name, many ; be inferr. d by this brief extrac t from 1 her book, "Hawaii's Story:" "The es- i tate whic h had been so clear to us both (meaning Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop) in my childhood, the, house built by my ! father, PakI, where I had lived as a gill, which was connected with many happy memories of my married life, j from whence I had been married to Governor Dominis, when he took me to Washington place, 1 could not help feeling ought to have been left to me. The estate was called Haleakala, or House of the Sun, and the residence re ceived the name of Aikupika; ltt both are forgotten now in that of the Ar lington Hotel. This wish of my heart was not gratified, and at the present day strangers stroll through the grounds or lounge on the piazzas of that home once so dear to me. Yet ! memories of my adopted parents still j cling to that 1 'mestead. and rise before me not only when I pass ltd wall, but j as I recall in a foreign land the days j of my youth." Liliuokalani will j ass a lonely quar j ter of an hour as the time approaches : for the sale of what she holds so dear! "The residence has had a varied I history. It was built In the forties," Bald Mr. Joseph Carter, "by Abner Pa- ki. whose daughter was Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop. The Queen was only an adopted daughter, and I am some what under the impression that the Queen did not go directly from '.here to j Washington Place upon the occasion i of her marriage." Said Dr. Sereno Bishop: "I can re- member the place since my early child j hood. I am not able to give the exact date of the building of Aikupika. But j it undoubtedly must have been during j the forties. It was built by Paki, a high chief. Most of the high chiefs were tall, i but Paki was the tallest of all and a ; marked man. The place was maintain I ed as a chief's residence for many years. It-can only have been turned to ; other uses during the past fifteen years, j at the outside. Mrs. Bernice Pauahi Bishop left the estate to her husband, who turned Jthe property over to the Kamehameha estates." A Mrs. Dudoit ran the place for a 1 while as a boarding house, and she was followed by a Mr. Hamilton Johnson. Both these houses were, however, on a small scale. Just seven and a half years ago it became known as the Ar lington, six cottages were attached, the aviary and the cages of animals so familiar to us all were added. And thus vanishes another landmark. REFINED SUGARS, Cube and Granulated. PAINT OILS . Lucol and Linseed. STKAM PIPE COVERING Reed's Patent Elastic Covering. NDURINE. Water-proof Cold Water Pais oiue una outsiae, in whit ors. FILTER PRESS CLOTH; Linen and Jute. CEMENT, LIME AND BE! YOU WILL N FIVER KNOW th secret of a clean scalp until you try Pr s Dandruff Killer. This prep aration has no equal as a scalp cleanser, ft penetrates the scalp and keep tht roots healthy to the hair can grow, and Is gua.rar.teod to be more efficacious than any other similar article In tb starker PACIIECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER 1 for 3!e by all druggists and at th ITatoa Barber Shop. Telephone 691 WREATH FOR THE GRAVE OF A MURDERED MAN A HONOLULU MAN PHOTOGRAPH!! PORTRAITS. Rrst Gass Work Guaranteed Mr. Dave y doea not wish his glttart to aec2i work unleaa perfectly aatls- oiinrnr ri r- t 1 1 y- - LIMITED. MOTT-SMITH BLOCK, "oraer Fort and Hotel Street. Dr. C. A. Peterson, Ha re-opened his office at 2C Emms :rs4, iMbHbV Floors: t-11 A. M., -i P. M., 7 -I P. M. , JMepbona m. - HM FROM Pomona, California, gesterday came a laun l wreath to be placed on the grave of John w. Ldrbeer, the Oahu Railway A Land Company's yardmasb-r who was murdered by Samuel Barney a few weeks ago. It was sent by the mother and father, the brothers and sisters of Lorbeer to Mrs. James Taylor, an intimate friend of the family and the dead man. There was also a request that the remains be taken from the odd Fellows' vault whi rein they have reposed since the day of the funeral and interred in a separate pkH in ttuuann cemetery. The wi ith will be kept until the last sad rit- s OVer the grave are performed. Following is the letter accompanying th wreath and the thanks of the fam ily: "Will y..u kindly pla;- this wreath, our love token, on our hoy's grave? W. Bend the laurel wreath on account of its deep Significance to us the name of Lorbeer being the German form of the word laurel and we also think it w ill kee p green nnd fresh for sometime. 'T the many friends In Honolulu who have shown their love and res pert by their kind words and loving remem brances to us and our dear son and brother who was so cruelly assassinat-' ed. we w ish to extend a gratitude whih WOfda cannot express. MR. and MRS. J. G. I KH4F.R. MRS. I), i. GILLKTTIO. O. V. LORBEER, L. A. LORBKKR. a23.B-5HM-E.3B-E..E-a JMtL JMW -JMjB In -jam- : !mbbI BiaBfiai YAHJ.MASTKl: LORBEER, WHO MURDERED. J. H. LORBEER, BESSIE K LORBEER "MAS I.. LORBEER. "Pomona, eL, Aug. 27 1900." WAS Moses "How did you make your for tune?" Levi "By horse racing." Moses "Not betting?" Levi "No; I started a pawnshop just outside the race course for the peo ple who wanted to get home when the races were over." Tit-Bits. ; Talks of Dean's Backache Kidney Pills. When an incident like the following occurs, here at home it is bound to carry weight with our readers. The public statement of a reputable citizen : living in this city leaves no ground jfor the' skeptic to stand on. Mr. James C. Stevens, of this city, informs us: "I was troubled with an ache in the small of my back for a long time, and such was the condition of things until I tried some of Doan's Backache Kidney Pills, which I ob tained at the Hollister Drug Co.'s store. A short, treatment gave me the desired relief, and I am satisfied that they are a good remedy for backache and deserve to be recommended." Mr. Stevens is one of our own cit izens. Is not such testimony stronger than that of someone living in Amer ica? Does your back or side ache so that it ij hard to stand straight? Do you have headaches, nervousness, frequent thirst, hot, dry skin, or shortness of sleep? Are your eyelids distended or breath? Evil forebodings, or unsettled I sleep? Are your eyelid3 distended or feet and ankles swollen and nave you lost flesh? Are the secretions from the kidneys thick, dark colored, and do they deposit a sediment? Kidney dis ease is insidious and ir you leave any of these symptoms you should treat I them at once. Delay may mean you I youj can't be cured. i Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are I sold by all chemists and store keepers ; at 50 cents per box, six boxes 2.50, or ! will be mailed on receipt of price by the Hollister Drug Co., Honolulu, ! wholesale agents for the Hawaiian ' Islands. Pick Out a Piano That will please you, for a good Piano should last a life time. You cannot do this from a catalogue; you must try one. Remember that we FORTY NEW PIANOS on our floors to choose from. AGENTS FOR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING ( t-an t ranclsco, Cal. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WOE Philadelphia, Pa. NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL I Manufacturers of National Shredder, New York. PARAFFINE PAT NT COMPANT, Kan rranclsco, CaL OHLANDT & CO., San Francisco, Cal. Lands For Lots In King Street Ti t front 0 fLSOt a lot, formerly known M I lleox s premise. Twenty lota In Manoa VaDw1 aerly Montano's Tr et, $S,C four t-undred lots In Kalulsnl ' ron 120 lo $26C lot. Fifty lota In i fkJo Trsrt op 4fc3 Island, !5M s lot Twmt7 lots In Puunul Trsrt. B; ! -si Ut Etc.. etc. Dornotrnm Mucin tan nil UGiyOHUIII fflUM uuiiipij 1 CHICKERING PIANO AGENCY Tor further partlsulars &PPtt w W. C. Ac! & Compare Real Estate Brokers, iQ WES KiNGI OHIA WOOD FORSAU InnU' tO -r. n any auanu-K,, g 10 west July SO, 1N. - . . tmMlM