Newspaper Page Text
t ' . r f ' 'I . . 1 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, APRIL 15, 1901. i wap.f. of THE FACT that 5M Ho up rT0'; to Ave m Bethel Street-Household PACIFIC HARDWARE NW GOODS JUST OOOOOOCOCOOOCXXXXXXXXX) ,. , TOILET and DINNER SETS. load of toe ravorite ".nuimM ojvv.o uuu nAJNHLS. . jjew stock of GLASSWARE, at tbe Lowest Prices. QLASS STAND LAMPS at Bargain Prices. GATE and ENAMELED WARE, cheaper than ever before. CHURNS at Special Prices to Reduce Stock. OCXDCOCOC)OCOOOOOOC0000 hi niii Find our Stoves the Cheapest in the City. New Goods Constantly Arriving. Hardware ROUGH STRAW ie Latest Pad. HOTEL STREET leKash Co., Ltd we have just received a large icy Hosiery at 30, 50, 7 Sets A PAIR these prices and goods to suit the most dis- I EVEP Tp . , . dm.,. save money In buying your clothing? If tvuvwcea or a fact. We will sell you the -dae goods at nrlc. tv,. m '.. - . - j .net n i tir iti ii i w I, iiii Flannel Suits Just received. M your patronage It's money in your pocket. eKashCo., Ltd. " I tit TWO TPI KPHflMPU- TWO TELEPHONES . Mam M and Maio n1 Corner of Fort n4 a. ... & All Dealers. Department. CO. ltd. TO HAND. Co., Ltd Corporation Notices. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL meeting of the Pacific Cycle and Man ufacturing Co., Ltd., held on day of April, A. D., 1901, the following officers were elected tor Ie ensuing them f save the Joint year J. F. Humburg, President. George Rodeik, Vice President. A. Stadtlaender. Sec'v and Tr-MS V. Wolters, Auditor. Manager, k. a. uexter. The first four above named officers constitute tne lioard ot .Directors. A. STADTLAENDER, 5831 Secretary and Treasurer. ELtCTiON uF OFF.CEH6 AT THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of the Davey Photograph Co., Ltd., held April 11, 1901, the following officers were elected to serve until December 31, 1901. H. M. Mott-Smith, President. E. A. Mott-Smith, Treasurer. A. T. Brock. Secretary. J. Ellis Bird, Auditor. A. J. BROCK, 5830 Secretary. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Nh defendants to answer within ten days. AT THE ADJOURNED ANNUAL : dettnnams meeting of the stockholeders of the The Opinion states that the Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd., held at the ; unable to find a precedent where one office of the company, April 3, 1901, the is rrmitted to sue his co-part- following officer were elected for ensuing year: L. A. Thurston, President. W. M. Pomroy. Vice President. A. W. Pearson, Treasurer. Charles S. Crane. Secretary. Edward Dekum, Auditor. The above-named officers also consti tute the Board of Directors. Secretary H. G. Co., Honolulu, t. 1.. April 3, 1901 5822-2269 Lodge Le Progres Dei'tceanie. No. 124. A. & A. S. RITE. L. & A )6f THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL meeting or tne aoove louge at o'clock THIS MONDAY EVENING, April 15th, at its hall. Masonic Tern- ple- WORK IN THIRD ' DEGREE. Members of Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, and -Pftr'no I.nrirc. No. 822. and nil journing brethren are invited to present. By order of the W. M. E. B. FRIEL, Secretary POWER 0e ATTORNtY DURING MY ABSENCE the Territory my wife will act for me under a full power of attorney. T. B. CLAPHAM, D. V. S. 5S30 POWER OF ATTORNEY. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM the Territory P. C. Jones, Esq., will act for me, in all matters, under full power of attorney. T. MAY. Honolulu, T. of H., April 9, 1901. IC7. 5827 I RUBBER GOODS GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE, President. PAN FRANCISCO. CAL. U. B. A Read the Dally Advertiser, 71 cents fr month. " 'j NO SESSION ON SATURDAY The House and Senate Con clude to Take a Day Off. Owing to the leave of absence granted to various Senators, there was no session of the Senate on Saturday. An adjournment until 10 o'clock this morning was unanimously voted on Fri day. The majority report on Senate bill 45, idvi log certain amendments, will be talc en up with the minority report today. Senate bids 55 and 7-, relating to the oi ganization of the Judiciary Depart ment, are on the order of the day's bus Inesa, while the report of the committee mnu-nding the passage of House bill 41 with a few amendments, also comes up at the third reading of the bill this morning. - THE HOUSE ADJOURNS. Forty-fourth Day Ninety-three bills in troduced; seven submitted for Governor's signature. After some attempts by telephone and messenger Saturday morning to round up recalcitrant and absent members of -the House, "Autocrat" Akina declared the House adjourned until Monday for lack of a quorum. Just before 9 o'clock various members ol the Home Rule hul were to be seen hieing themselves to the various points of the compass, with apparently a predeter mination to avoid the county bill until this morning. Several members who were chatting in the lobby had no idea that the House had adjourned until so In formed by a member of the press. On Friday there was an evident desire among the "gang" to copy the example of the Senate and adjourn until this morn ii g under the belief that Saturday would ,,rt- Viu a. ivt rtAv of the session, ana a the evening decided them i-uunu...- - that they were correct in me .ue.v for them to work when the would result in me u.a.. the Senate proving to be the nrty-nrsi I yj - w . .-, . day of the House. The arguments to tne contrary forward by Robertson and others on Frt- Mhi to make the Home Rul- Ihe 13th think that they had been mistaken SSJ?,S fd the simplest way that occurred to from serious pinma, selves on Saturday. The forty-fourth day of the session has there fore been absolutely iosi - I county hill still remains at l najnei . section . ., i White's re. . It is rumored mat wu.- , tun. from Maui brought on a ; turn irum 0,,it toclav pow-wow wntcn win mvn SATURDAY'S COURT NEWS Decision Given Oven nlingr De murrer In Hasson vs Pain et al. Case ( The Ffat Judge of the Fii Circuit Court Saturday gave a decision in lhe case of W. L Hasson vs. W. H. Pain et ! ai overruling the demurrer, with leave to the iners at law where such partner Is a 'promisee aaid a compromiser as well. I The trial of Manu, before the Second Judge, was concluded and the defendant found' guilty of assault with a deadly 1 weapon. He was sentenced to one year's I imprisonment at nard labor, with costs Ltd. l- r .v. r.t Th,. Met, a 1 vs. J'jnn in me . jKidwcll, defendant waa by stipulation I given ten days in which to answer. In tbe case of Ket on Fui Kong Socie 1 ty vs. Gnau Chong, which came up for lieari:. ofl motion to set demurrer for j argument, the motion was dismissed, j plaintiff's attorneys it being present. On account of the present engagement of the- Attorney General with the term ot : the United States District Ccurt, the matter of the Territory vs. Her Majesty i.meen iuiuoKiuani was ponpuneu uni.ii April 24 or thereafter. Hearing will be had in the First Cir uit 011 M 01 tone Bright vs. KaploIanJ Estate admin Istrators. so - T. i. -Murray nas niea a aemurrer to v,o the complaint of J. Alfred Magoon. on j grounds of insufficiency of facts alleged to constitute a cause of action. ' in the United States District Court Sat- iurdav: Thomas Saffrey. forgery? P. D Day, assault on custom nffv-er; George E. Lee, F. O. Sodergren an'' .V. E. Stu TOn,, ' art. assault on the high seas; William Walsh, sault. assault, and Mike Moretta, as- EVERY DAY FACTS. Honoluu Produces Its Hmrt 1 In Comes rroni Kawaialiao. . What makes anything a fact? Isn't it an occurrence of statement that can be proven true and correct in every particular? What constitutes conclu sive evidence to the mind of a Hono- lulu citizen? Is it the statement of some one made in Texas or California? We think not but when some of our own people make a statement and it is indorsed by many, there can be no question about that. Under these cir cumstances we call them facts, and j they are every-day facts, because they j are occurring every day. Don't take ; our word for what is said. If you are ; not satisfied, ask them;' people don't ! make Btich assertions without good reasons. The Rev. J. Nua of Kawaiahao in forms US; "I suffered from kidney trouble, which wa3, I believe, caused by my lifting heavy weights whilst young. , Pains in the small of my back were ! one of the symptoms of my complaint My trouble extends back to the time . when I was 28 years of age. and as I ' am now 49, that Is a considerable pe- riod. During all this time I was sub i Ject to pains In the back. They con tinued despite the fact that I consnlt , ed several physicians and took numer ; ous remedies. No relief thus gained can be compared to the benefit ob- fained from using Doan's Backache Kidney Pills. I have got on wonder "ully well since taking them. I am quite satisfied with the result, and shall always have some of the pills by me, even when going from Honolulu to other missionary fields in the South Pacific There is no other remedy like Doan's Backache Kidney Pills for kid ney complaints. Including backache." It is important to get fhe same pills which helped Mr. Nua DOAN'S BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS. There fore, ask for Doan's Backache Kidnev Pills. Doan's Backache Kidney PlUs are sold by all druggists and storekeepers at 50 cents per box (six boxes for $2.50), or will be mailed on receipt of price by the Hollister Drug Co., Ho nolulu, wholesale agents for the Ha waiian Islands. THE DEADLY BOLO. B. Griggs Holt Has one Which Has Been Service. B. Griggs Holt was the recipient during the week of a genuine Filipino bolo knife and yggorite bow and bunch of arrows, some of which are poisoned. They were the gifts of D. Revaud Blanchard, of Seattle, who passed through Honolulu on the transport Garonne. Mr. Blanchard has oeen in the Philippines watching the course of military events there, and as a civil ian has participated in a few sharp engagements. In one of these the bolo played a prominent part. One of the mosquito fleet, accompanied by the gunboat Yorktown, had an engager 1 ment with the Filipinos near Hollo, and a party was landed to drive the enemy away. Mr. Blanchard accom panied the party. The tight was short and decisive, and one of the last men killed was a half-savage who was armed with the deadly bolo knife. It was taken away from him, together with a string of beads and a crucifix. ; The bolo is an ugly weapon, having a heavy kris-shaped blade nearly two feet long, and in a hand-to-band en- ! counter is mil to be resisted. It is j one of th- weapons most feared by the i American troops. The knife shows un- I mistakable signs of usage, the wooden i u.imwe oeiiiK v orn Bnuwu oy muci handle being worn smooth ty much 1 handlilie The blad(1 is mfirk, at in teryals with lines in groups of three. ' and Mr. Holt believes those represent , lhe numt,r ot perS(,ns killed by the late owner. MANAGER BEL&SCO HAPPY. He Reports a Big Business at Hono lulu's Play House. i Frederick Belasco is the happiest .theatrical manager in town. He arrlv- j ! ed here yesterday "ii the Mariposa. ; with his company from Honolulu. where they played a, most successful theatrical season, supporting Miss Florence Roberts in a repertoire of j plays. 1 "We were received royally, Every performance was packed, and for the first time in the history of the house the manager asked us to return at some future date. We did so well ; that I decided to make semi-annual visits. "The Shriners are having a very good time down at th lslanas. They bagged us to give a special perform ance the night before we left. The steamship company consented to allow us to haul our scenery to tne ship the day she sailed, so we gave the per- j formance. Ex-Queen Liliuokalani at tended several performances, which was quite an honor, as she nad not at- I tended a theater siin-- she has been tn mourning'. "We had lots of fun, made money, and what more could a theatrical man- ; ager want?" Chronicle. Glaze Gets His Honey. Robert E. Glaze, accompanied by his 0f 60 feet width will be opened oa the Wife and son. appeared before Judge mlMt fa of the property adjotehi the Kerrigan yesterday that the matter of Kamehameha Girls' School; satd to settlement of his interest in the Wind- sor Hotel might be effected. Mrs. extend to the Bea. TrewheUa, widow of William Trewhel- r-Rrita pnins k w la. whom Glaze killed some months CROSS ROADS will be opened be ago, was also in court, heavily veiled, tween blocks. Every lot will have The cut i settled the o remissions of frontage on a road. The elevation the receiver and ordered the attorneys , - paid. Mrs. Trewhella then left with varlee from 40 feet high to 10 feet friends, w hlle Glaze was returned to jj above sea level. prison. The residue of the sale was, ordered distributed to Glaze and Mrs. J NO SWAMPS around the premise. Trewhella. Call. No freBhet enter the property. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMER3 STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. Name. From. Date. Hnskonsr Maru S. F April 16 :, i Nippon Maru Yokohama April B i vVntiira- P Anrl! 23 mS!Si2-Anrtl 23 - ; cninag F April 24 Corie-a' F." .' '. ...'.".'.'.'..'..'.'..'.'.'...".. May 2 - ' Mariposa S. F May 4 , Coptic-Yokohama May 4 i Moana Celonies May vinnon Maru S. F. May 10 Aorangi Victoria May 11 , sierra-S. F May 14 oonuma uiuuira .America Maru Yokohama . rt - 1 1 ...May 14 ...May 14 HayLs ' Peru S. F. Citv of Peking Yokohama . May zi Mariposa S. F May 25 Gaelic Yokohama May 28 Coptic S. F May 28 Sonoma S. F June 4 Ventura Colonies June 4 America Mani-S. F Miowora Colonies Hnekong Maru Yokohama Moana Victoria , City of Peking S. F Mariposa S. F China Yokohama Gaelic S. F Doric Yokohama , ...June 5 ...June -5 ...June 7 ...June 8 ...June 13 ...June 15 ...June 15 ...June 21 Ventura R. F. sierra Colonies ...Tune 25 ..June 23 ! Hongkong Mam S STEAMERS TO DEPART. Name. For. iHorckong Maru Yokohama Mar,posa R. F. . . : vSa-cs ZZ . sierra s. F China Yokohama Date. ...April I ...April 17 ...April ...April M ...April $ ...April 2! ....May 2 ....May 4 Mav S ....May 8 ....Mav 10 ....May 11 ....May U ....May 34 - i Doric Yokohama Coptic S. F. Moana Victoria Mariposa S. F Nippon Mam Yokohama Aorangi Colonies . . .. Sierra Colonies Sonoma S. F. America Mara S. F. . . Peru Yokohama May 14 May 18 City of Peking S. F Mav 21 Gaelic S. F May 28 Coptic Yokohama May Mar'poss P. F May 23 Sonoma r'nionls June 4 Ventura P. F J'me 4 America Maru Yokohama J-me 5 Miowera Victoria Jun 5 Hongkontr Alaru S. F Jun 7 Moana Colonies June 8 City of Peking Yokohama June 1? China S. F June 15 Mariposa R. F. . . June 19 Gaelic Yokohama June 21 Doric S. F June 22 Ventura Colonies June 23 Sierra S. F June 25 Hongkong Mnru Yokohama June 29 N. B. A Urited Stat- Artrv trans port may he "xpeited fi tn Ban Fran cisco on the 9th and 4th of ach month, n route to Manlln. unlfss r ute If changed by the Wa' rpar'jner :u t m MAf 310 J) SALE Or REAL ESTATE P. J. LOWRET, President. C. D. CHASE. Vice President Manager. ARTHUR B. WOOD, Treaaursr. J. A. OILMAN, Secretary. E. P. DOLE, Auditor. WE HAV E FOR SALE Houses on Keeaumoku Street Pensacola Street Beretania Street Wilder Avenue AND ELSEWHERE. Prices range from $7,000 to $20,000. ALSO BUSINESS PROPERTY Island Realty Co. LIMITED. 1200 -:- 1200 LOTS! IN KAPIOLANI: TRACT For Sale. THE KAPIOLANI TRACT exUnds from King street to the beach. A tom THERE IS AN OFFER to buy part of the property by a great manu facturing company. The chances are the offer may be accepted. There ia every reason to believe the price f ots will increase in a short time. The owner of the property will give alt chAnces to purchasers' to make money on thelr investments. THE GROUND IS SUPERIOR te j any tract in the market. . a taA In one mile and a half from the port- office. THE GOVERNMENT WATO PIPES are laid along t;ie uoper por tion of the property. THE PRICES are. the cheapest of aa? tract within two mile from the center ef the city. THE TERMS which will be given purchasers will be the best ever gl-rv by any Real Estate Dealer or Broke .June 22 leuring the last twenty years in Hoao .Jtme 25 , nun. FOR TERMS or more particular ! Ply to S. K KANAK SURVEYOR GER OF, TRACT CO. T.R TO AND MAN A KA PiOLANT REAL ESTATE DEal'.RS AND BROKER8. Room 27 Campbell Block. February S, 190L TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF TEARS, X piece of land fronting ca South street, and rnnnrcsr tiirorh u Ci.amtsrlala treet. tee i.utu.s-j Cii et:h c: treets being 143 feet, .ind havin depth of 14 feet. This property Is suitable for t erection of wareb'-"ser and stores. Fee terms, apply t the KAPIOLANI FSTATE, LTD. 6794 . J W. 0. AGHI & 00 ! i