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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU, APRIL 20 1901. 15 SUPPLIES J I . n Waste. I nvr. Asphaltum, hp90" , Iron Wire. si541 . J tmn staples. )!ia, assorted-, L Chain L "-sorted SizeS. Lfl Forces, etc. L(t market prices. M 1 - A gUinnii. L oppose SpreckeVBank. iara hpany St., Near King. lainier ;er WINES. ELK CLUB J.C. SOUR MASH , WHISKIES. faon AND ALES OF KOUS BOAR'S HEAD BRAND. P. 0. Box 751. ! W r yt DANDRUFF KILLER klit and a natural food II gives the hair new I Md powth by feeding the Ma the hair roots. It hair and scalp food, and Whirl like It In the world. iMoraff. atop falling hair. fray hair and baldness. DANDRUFF KILLER. Ii Druggists and at the ' Shop; Telephone Main (OGRAPHIC Bins k Guaranteed not wlih his sitters unieu prfctly aatla- Si Graphic co., mm BLOCK, Win, Hotel Streets. Oil! Oil! Ik..,. .Tumble ThP n 8 ? oo i,7 . ,The Com- terey Countv. cii. ltlm i'.-oW, and Btti v w lte wl" be I? IT. ' WE MUST -Cand Map. pfS BEER SPECIAL SALE Jelly . Glasses THE OA! IN THECOUHTS Wilder S. S. Co. Files Bond for $110,000. DECREE IN THE DOWSETT CASE With covers, per dozen, 35 ents. Without covers (can he used for water glasses), per dozen, 25 cents. SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR LARGE WINDOW. Numerous Probate and Guardian ship Matters Before the Court. SALE FOR ONLY, ending 20th. ONE WEEK Saturday, April tW.W. DimonrJ&Ca, LIMITED. Importers of.... CROCKERY, GLASS AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. t Sole agents in the Hawaiian Territory for Jewel Stoves, Gur ney Cleanable Refrigerators, Puritan Blue Flame Wickless OH Stoves, Primus Stoves, double coated Granite Iron war The House Furnishing Goods Department is on the second floor. the elevator. Nos. 53, 55 and 57 King Street, HONOLULU. Rock For Ballast White and Black Sand IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. EXCAVATING CONTRACTED FOR. CORAL AND SOIL FOR SALE. Dump carts furnished by the day on an hour's notice. H. R, HITCHCOCK. Office opposite Union Feed Co. on Queen street. Telephone Main S2f. mm. L NVINCIBLE typewriter paper HAS NO SUPERIOR r.rWork.nn few8- t aoti ork Hawaii Sbmpo Sha The pioneer Japanese printing office. The publisher of Hawaii Shinpo. the only daily Japanese paper publ.sned in the Territory of Hawatt. Y. BOQA Editor. C. BHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Editorial and Printing Offlee near King street bridge, King street, P. O. Box 90 The case of E. L. Green, a hackman charged with heedless driving, was yesterday nolle pross'ed by the First Circuit Court. The defendant was charged as stated, for having upset a brake in which a native, Makaena, and his wife were driving. Green was in a wagon and drove by the brake in such manner, as to break a wheel of the lat- Iter vehicle, throwing the native woman out and injuring her foot seriously. A month or so later the woman died. It is understood that the defendant will be held to answer to another charge. COURT NOTES. J. Alfred Magoon, plaintiff in the action of Magoon vs. Murray, has filed a joinder in demurrer with the de fendant, stating that the complaint does not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. Ah Kung, by his attorneys, Wilder & Chilllngworth, has withdrawn his ap peal in the assault and battery case, excepting to judgment of the District Court. Arthur O. Hodgins, a creditor of the estate of George Mclnnis, has petition ed the First Circuit Court to appoint David Dayton as temporary adminis trator of said estate, which is valued at $27.50, this sum being now in the pos session of J. F. Eokardt. Superintendent of the Queen's Hospital. No other J I contents of which are not known, and no heirs nrr Known to petitioner ac cording to his petition. The defendants in the ejectment suit of C. Lai Young vs. Sophie Kohuole Wiley and Chun Kin Fong. have, by their attorneys Magoon & Thompson, filed an answer of general denial to I the plaintiff's complaint. Notice is given also that the defendants will rely, among other -defenses, upon the de fense of adverse possession. BECOME LAWYERS. George P. Kauimakaole and J. W. 'Keiki, both native Hawaiians and raem jbers of the present legislature, yester day petitioned the First Circuit Court for examinations to be admitted to the bar and if successful to be licensed to practice in the District Courts of Hawaii and before the Circuit Judges at chambers. They were both admitted and upon filing oaths were licensed to practice as petitioned. $110,000 BOND FILED. v In the case of George U. Hind et al. vs. Wilder's Steamship Company, the defendant yesterday filed a bond In the sum of $110,000, with Samuel G. Wilder and William G. Brasch, as sureties. The condition of the bond is that the amount pledged is to be paid to the defendants in case of the failure of the defendants to pay the sum of $54,630.75, (which amount is the amount of a judg ment rendered In favor of the plaintiff theretofore by the Supreme Court) to the plaintiffs, upon the vacation by the Supreme Court of an order staying the execution of said judgment until its further order, in case such order is vacated. DOWSETT PARTITION CASE. In the action for partition of Genevieve Dowsett. an Infant, by J. M. Monsarrat, her eruardian. vs. Elizabeth J. Knight, et al.. Attorney W. Austin Wmiing, counsel for the plaintiff, yesterday filed a motion to amend the report of the commissioner in the case, the suggested amendments being to correct errors and omissions in descriptions of real estate. In reference to the roadway set forth in the said report, the movant moves tnai the description of such road be amend ed as suggested and that the same be by decree made a private right of way appurtenant in common to certain lots nnrrtfrt to h maintained unobstructed and as a means of Ingress and 'egress for said lots and for the owners thereof and their successors. The amendments suggested in the mo tion were agreed to by Attorney Paul Neumann, for defendant Marian C. Dow sett; Robertson & Wilder for defendants Rowena N. Turner and H. V. Turner, and Atkinson & Judd for defendant Eliz abeth J. Knight, and the motion wasal lowed by the Court, tne clerk being or dered to amend the reports in accordance with the suggestion of the motion. The First Judge of the First Circuil Court then issued a decree In the matter. In this decree it is stated that it appear ing from the commissioner's report that the setting apart and partition of the property in question theretofore ordered by the Court, could not be made in ac cordance with the interests of all the parties concerned, without first having the improvements and buildings removed, such buildings and improvements were ordered to be sold at public auction, and that the lands thereafter be divided ac cording to the commissioner's plans sub- Lt th- nurchasers of such improve ments and buildings to remove the same within twenty days, and the commission er to report such sale to the Court. It was also ordered that the road or lane mapped out and specified to plain t's motion, be made a public rlgh of wav. as prayed for. It was ordered that loVs A B C, D, E and F of the Dowsett homestead be set apart, allotted and par Kned in severalty to Genevieve Dow sett freed and discharged from all claim, property, right or interest on the part of tbe defendants arlan C. Dow sett Rowena N. Turner and H. V. Tur ner' and such defendants were ordered to make deeds and conveyances of their Interest in such property to said Gene vieve Dowsett. In conclusion it is ordered that the de cree with regard to the sale and removal of the buildings and improvements or dered to be sold, may be modified upon application of counsel and the fees of the commissioner are ordered settled and al lowed upon the bringing in of his final report. PROBATE. The master's report In re the estate of Emele Piipiilani, came on to be heard be fore the First Circuit Court in probate yesterday morning, and upon hearing it was approved by the Court, and the ad ministrator was ordered uncharged upon filing of final receipts from the legal de visees of the estate, his bond cancelled and his sureties freed from further lia bilities. J. M. Monsarrat, administrator of vhe estate of Keklpi (w.), deceased, has filed his final accounts, inventory and petition of allowance, final distribution and flis charge. He charges himself with Ji.VKf, as the total amount of inventory valna, the same being in cash, and asks to be allowed $541.50 as moneys expended, lea' a balance due the estate of $958.50. The hearing of such petition was set, by order, for Friday morning. May 31, publication of notice to begin immediate ly according to law. In the matter of the petition of M. A. Gonsalves, administrator of the estate of A. C. Pestana, deceased, praying for an order of sale of a piece of land situate on Maklki street, 120 feet wide and 170 feet deep, with two cottages thereon, the proceeds to go towards paying an exist ing indebtedness of $3,692.50 against said estate, was heard yesterday morning by the First Judge of the First Circuit Court; it was deferred by the Court un til the due publication of petitioner's no tice to all persons interested, of order to show cause, if any, why the order prayed for should not be granted, on Fri day, May 24, before the Court. In re the estate of Achi K. Akau, the master's report was heard yesterday morning before the First Judge of the First Circuit Court in probate. The same was approved and an order to discharge the executor was issued by the Court. GUARDIANSHIP MATTERS. The First Circuit Court yesterday heard the petition of Mrs. Ethel Hutch ings and appointed the petitioner guar dian of the persons and estates of Alice, James Herbert, Mabel, Ethel, Minnie, George Edward and Edith Gladys Hutch ings, according to the petition. William C. Cummings, brother of the minor heirs of the estates of Clarissa E. Cummings, their mother and W. H. Cummings, their father, both deceased, has petitioned the First Circuit Court for the appointment of Fred. Wurden burg as guardian of the persons and es tate of said minors. Petitioner shows hlmcelf to be the elder brother of said minor heirs: that such minor heirs are school children and that their property interests should be guarded and taken care of; that the estate of their mother, who died intestate, was In process of administration by the father of said chil dren at the time of his death, and that such estate is still unsettled, and that W. H. Cummings, the said father of said children, left an estate which Is now be ing administered upon by Cecil Brown, the duly appointed administrator. It is also shown that such minors are entitled to an allowance for support and mainte nance from one or the other of said es tates, and this reason is also urged by the petitioner for the appointment of a guardian. STEIGMANN ESTATE. , A motion has been filed by Mrs. Lea Dollinger, guardian of Emanuel Steig mann and Israel Steigmann, minor heirs of B. E. Steigmann, deceased, by her attorney, Wade Warren Thayer, moving tbe Court that J. A. Magoon, adminis trator of the estate of the said B. E. Steigmann, be directed and ordered by the Court to show cause why he should not pay to the movant, guardian, out of the funds of said estate now in his hands such sum as to the Court may seem good for the support of the said min r heirs of said B. E. Steigmann from the time of the death of the deceased until such time as the said estate shall be closed by the administrator. The motion is accompanied with no tice to the administrator that the motion will be presented before the First Circuit Court on MOnday morning, April 22. Lum Sung, the Chinese vegetable gar dener who was on Thursday found guil ty of malicious Injury In the killing of a horse by beating It to death, was yes terday sentenced by the Second Judge of the First Circuit Court to three months' hard labor in Oahu prison, and to pay the costs, assessed at $18.50. OIL STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD BY JOSEPH B. TOPLITZ Member Producers' Oil Exchan ie 330 Pine Street, San Francisco, Cal. Refer by permission to The California Safe Deposit 1 Trus Co San Francisco. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Reliable Information on Oil Stocks furnished gratis. THE FIRST iiunMistiA. OF HAWAII. LTD. Capital, $250,000.00. President Cecil Brown Vice President M. P. Robinson Cashier W. G. Cooper Principal Office: Fort, near Merchant Street. Branch Office: Hilo, Hawaii. C jndncts a General BaDting Bnsiness AT HONOLULU AND HILO. SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and interest allowed for yearly deposits at the rate of 4 per cent per annum. Rules and regulations of savings de partment furnished upon application. ALEXANDER 1 111 UMITJED OFFICERS: ?-Jf' B&ldwin President J. B. Castle First Vice President W. M. Alexander. Second Vice President J. P. Cooke Treasurer W. O. Smith ... Secretary and Auditor Sugar Factors -AND- Commission Merchants AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Company, Paia Plantation Company, Nahiku Sugar Company, Kihei Plantation Company, Hawaiian Sugar Company, Kahului Railroad Company, and British -American Line. Hawaii Land Co. LIMITED. Capital Stock $100,000. Capital, paid up $55,000. OFFICERS. W. C. Achl.... President and Manager M. K. Nakuina Vice President J. Makainai Treasurer Enoch Johnson Secretary George L. Desha Auditor THE Qank oFawam LIMITED. Incorporated under the Laws of tSM Territory ef Hawaii. PAID UP CAPITAL - $600,000 RESERVE - - 50.OO4P UNDIVDED PROFITS - 121.DO OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Charles M. Cooke President P. C. Jones Vice Presides C H. Cooke Cashiej F. C. Atherton Assistant Caahly Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. W Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, J. A. Me Candless. Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor porations, Trusts, Individuals, and will promptly and carefully attend to aTi business connected with banking en trusted to it. Sell and Purchase For eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Ordinary and Term Deposits receive and Interest allowed In accordance with rules and conditions printed la passbooks, copies of which may be he.3 on application. Judd Building, Fort Street. Claus Spreckels. Wm. G. Irwia. mm & 68 HONOLULU. H. T. SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS THB NEVADA NATIONAL BANK OT SAN FRANCISCO. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank of London, Ltd. NEW YORK American Exchange Na tional Bank. CHICAGO Merchants' National Bank. PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdener Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong and Shanghai Banklna Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALJA Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bans of British North America. Trnngoci o eeoeroi BcnRina s Exctionce mm Deposits Received, Loans made oa Approved Security, Commercial an4 Travelers' Credits Issued, Bill of Hx change Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED FOtR. BISHOP &CG. SAVINGS BAN K BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Jonah Kumalae, J. Makainai, J. W. Bipikane. The above Company wm buy. lease, or sell lands in all parts of the Ha waiian Islands; and also has houses In the city of Honolulu for rent. HiHilRfen THE Club Stables LIMITED. Telephone 47? . Reliable Horses, experienced Drivers. New Rigs. Fair Prices. Theosophical Society The regular meeting of the Aloh branch will be held at the K. of P hall Saturday evening, April 20th, at 7:30. All Interested will be cordlallj welcomed. Admission free. Office at bank building on Merehani street. o Savings Deposits will be received and Interest allowed by this Bank at 4 per cent per annum. a Printed copies of the Rules and Reg ulations may be obtained on application. COMPANY, LTD. ACTS AS EXECUTOR. ADMINIS TRATOR, TRUSTEE, ASSIGNEE AND RECEIVER. I INANCIAL AGENT FOR INDIVID UALS OR CORPORATIONS. jC ACTS AS TRUSTEE OF CORPORA TION MORTGAGES. JtJtjl ASSUMES ENTIRE CHARGE OF REAL ESTATE. H..4M DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST COL LECTED AND REMITTED. JJJI BONDS. STOCKS AND SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMIS SION AT THE STOCK EX CHANGE OR ELSEWHERE. JiJIJi SAFES TO RENT IS BURGLAR PROOF VAULTS. jS jt 5l E. D. TENNEY President E. A. MOTT-SMITH Vice President G. R. CARTER Treasurer J. R. GALT Secretary C. H. COOKE Auditor S. M. BALLOU Director W. F. ALLEN Director ESTABLISHED IN 1853. BISHOP & CO Bankers TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. BISHOP & CO, Honolulu, September 7. 1898. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BASK LIMITED. v Subscribed Capital , . !en 24,000,001 Paid Up Capital ... fen 18,00G,00 Reserved Fond ... . Ten 8.130,000 HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. INTEREST ALLOWED. On Fixed Deposit for 12 months, 4 pel cent per annum. On Fixed Deposit for 6 months, SVi cent per annum. On Fixed Deposit for 3 months, S cent per annum. mm wo cm & co Cbony Furniture, Cigars and Tobaccos, Chinese and Japanese Teas, Crockery. Mattings, Vases. Camphorwood Trunks, Rattan Chairs. I villffi an A Rutins OF ALL KINDS. 210-212 Nuuanu Street. K. Miyamoto, King Street, Corner of AlapaL TAILORING AND REP AIR TNG, CLOTHES CLEANED.- All my work guaranteed. Give me a Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit issued, available In all the Principal Cities of the World. INTEREST allowed after July 1, 1898, on fixed deposits: 7 days' notice, 2 per cent (this form will not bear interest unless it remains undisturbed for one month) ; 3 months, 3 per cent; 6 months, V,'2 per cent; 12 months, 4 per cent. CAS1LE & COOKE CO., Ld. HONOLULU. Commission Merchants SUGAR FACTORS. The bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, and transacts a general banking business. Branch of Yokohama Specie Bank. New Republic Building, Honolulu, H. L C. BREWER & CO.L'D Queen Street, Honolulu, H. L AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Wailuku Sugar Company, American Sugar Company, Makes Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plan tation Company, Haleakala Ranch Com; any, Kapapala Ranch, Molokai Ranch. Planters' Line. San Francisco Packets, Charles Brewer & Co's Line of Bos ton Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents for Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. LIST OF OFFICERS: C. M. Cooke, President; George H Robertson. Manager; E. F. Bishop. Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. F. Allen, Auditor: P. C. Jones, H. Water house, G. R. Carter, Directors . - . n - III. tKJ JUHEI ISHIZUKA AGENCY OF KEI HIN BANK, LTD. VINEYARD ST. AGENTS FOR The Ewa Plantation Company. The Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. The Kohala Sugar Company. The Waimea Sugar Mill Company. The Fulton Iron Works. St. Louis, Mo. The Standard Oil Company. The George F. Blake Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Insur ance Company, of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Insurance Company, of London. lid Transact General Banking and Ex change Business. BEAD OFFICE TOKYO. im DRAW EXCHANGE ON ITRST NATIONAL BANK, YOKOHAMA. R. Lewers. F. J. Lowrey. C. M. Cook LEWERS & COOKE. Importers and Dealers tn Lumber and Building Materials. Office, 414 Fort Street.