Newspaper Page Text
Commercial Hbperttser. Horse Athletics Polo Racing HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY. MQDY. APRIL 22, 1901. PAGES 9 to U . . . v m t rnAll fl Jl A I !I IILT A echelon by the three forwards of th itiii t . M WON FROM MAUI IN A v' nr & a a nr ya HARD rouum kulu waiui ATHLETIC CLUB IS NOW FORMED nnatnM wnpra i n uriwzKfl s : ni-- Lilt-1 Knn. on the Moanuiu , w - - - " " ' There's For they of little gravestones that the golfers never pass. echelon by the three forwards of th nome team, the visitors' ponies hope lessly, but gallantly, trying-to overtake or even keep up with them. Unlike the close shaves that marked many a hardly contested goal in the first pe riod, every shot for goal now went unerringly between the flags, and the A well-attended meeting of the newly The Mauians wiKiefoSe.?T"o t It was a gentleman's game tnrough- In tne drl11 9ned yesterday afternoon. W. out hard, fast playing from start to P. Berry filled the chair and P. Gleason finish no wrangles, no fouls, a Dleas- acted as secretary AGGRAVATION SHOWED HER QUALITY ON SATURDAY jucic- - ,,h,. insrrintion. savins'. "Stranger, drop a tear. j iniiar nlovprs ftnrl the Maui hovs lie here." -A- for the C'Jtt ? I, WWWWWWWWW-MrWWWW ure to witness and a pleasure to play; a typical representation of what spoit ought to be with what is known as the "sporting element" delightfully conspicuous by its absence. The winners had a distinct advan tage in their opportunities ror obtain ing fresh relays of horses. The game admits of a fresh relay for every pe riod, or four, altogether, for each play er, and if one side chooses to take advantage of the rules while the oth ers do not, why, that is tne misfor tune of the latter. It should be borne in mind, however, that the transporting of horses by sea is a The business of the afternoon was the election of eleven trustees, which result ed as follows: P. Gleason, J. W. Thomp son, A. L. Cunha, W. Schermerhorn, W. C. Crook, 8. Makuka, W. P. Berry, J. Lane, C. Holt. J. Wise, J. Hansman. The meeting adjourned until May 5 at 3 o'clock in the drill shed. The trustees meet next Thursday even ing in the drill shed to appoint officers. j baseball team has been organized and will practice at Makiki every Tues day anu Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The objects of the new association are The affair will be a horse race from start to finish, and should be run w in 1:46 or thereabouts. Aggravation's last race was too bad to be true, an if not preposterously over-estimated, she should turn the tables on the daughter of True Briton this afternoon. Advertiser, April 20. great additional expanse to visiting "e1 "own below: island teams, and puts ponies much The name assumed by the club and by more thoroughly out of condition which it shah be known is the Honolulu than an overland trip. The pos- Athletic Club, and its duration shall be sibility of having to trans-ship perpetual and unlimited, ponies has probably never come up be- The object, business and pursuit of the fore under such conditions, with such a short time for the horses to recu perate. In arranging another match, it would perhaps be more sportsman like under the circumstances, for the home not to take any advantage in the number of fresh horses. The rapid de moralization of the Maui ponies in the last half of the game had much to do with their defeat, beyond a doubt. Not that Oahu boys did not play good polo; their work was brilliant, if at times erratic. Maui, under equal conditions should, however, make at all events a draw. A comment was made that the visi tors were used to longer grass, and the closely cropped turf of the Damon grounds, while making them ideal in the level portions, gives a spring and club is to promote and develop the physi cal and mental capacities of its members and to promote social intercourse among its members and to stimulate interest in indoor and outdoor sports and the ad vancement of pure and manly athletics. To that end the club shall have power to organize, support, manage, control, maintain and carry on a dub house or club houses, gymnasium or gymnasiums, baseball grounds, cricket grounds, foot baii grounds, tennis courts, polo grounds, la crosse grounds, golf grounds, cinder tracks and other places for the holding of indoor and outdoor sports and the carrying on of at ue games, sports and amusements; to provide for admission, government and expulsion of members; to make and enforce rules and regu!a- The Hero of the Day. M1M piiyi like a book!" "Oh, played evoked praises from the guests during polo speed to the ball that all who have tions for the government of its gymna played tennis on a lawn that needed slums and grounds and the sports, games cutting will appreciate. The horse- and amusements carried on thereat; and manship displayed was up with the to give public and private exhibitions of best. As the ponies get to know the athletic sports, games and amusements, game better the saddle work will com- ;ind to charge admission thereto; to pare favorably with that of even the charge an collect and enforce the pay big games of India, where they are ment 0f dues, assessments and nns racne princeps in me genue game or frorn it3 members; to elect, choose and Aggravation, Bay Mare, Aged, by Brutus-Gladctte. IMecd. eld chap!" "Maui no ka ol!" their long drive through Moanalua. Amnnp- thnfip 1 n evinenep weri Mr. It might have been at Sandnngham; and Mrs s M Damon, Mr. and Mrs. R Bljhi have been on any English George R. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert lib minds, aside from the scenic Judd. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown, Mrs. k7. ' i , tv ii vie: x t - i anu atx - . i tuii . Walker, Mrs. William Lantz, Mr. and Mrs. George Da vies, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pearson, muiHn3, The closely trimmed Una aJ ground suggested the turfy Irani of the old country. The tree i&kM paddocks, with their neat sta- The ground so generously provided by Hon. S. M. Damon, Is almost per fect. There are one or two little bunk ers, to drop into golf parlance, that are apt to check a rider, but the offer of such a place should do much to urge the interest in the game. Indeed, the owner and host was ns enthusiastic appoint and to discharge and displace of ficers, agents and servants and employes ant' generally to do whatsoever may be- Away like a shot out of a gun, Ag- was useless, ceased to persevere in gravation Saturday defeated the flnia1 eighth. C come requisite or convenient to be uone meh vaunted Virgie A at a mile with Dlow t0 tne Camp McKinley contl in connection with the carrying out or al! or any of the objects aforesaid. The club shall have power to purchase, acquire, lease, have, hold and enjoy, and to sell, lease, mortgage, convey away and nipr th frnm Afl th vpr!fit tvrn who Mrs. Mary Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. Willard has finallv succeeded in swinging his oppose or real property . anu to Rrmvn Mr and Mrs. F.. W. Wode- mallet without hlttine- his horse's acquire, hold, use and sell, transfer and HeuM outhouses were not there, the house, Mrs. S. A. Angus, Mr. and Mrs. flanks or breaking its fetlock. There db pose of personal property. mA and frowning mountains, with Kothwell, Mr and Mrs. A. G. Hawes, were no accidents in Saturday's game. The club shall also have power to Mr iwiftlv rhinein? liirhtq and Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. though a good deal of commiseration make, enact and enforce by-'.aws for the l. naries Jtlisiori, .ur. anu airs, nitruiu w as snunn uy me iiii unioiitvcri o iui uiuchj Mott-Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Wilder, the poor wounded ponies as they were business, the government of Us members race was arranged by both parties to rtiis, swmed a "far cry" from the Wis landscapes of Albion; but the ilcnr.8 of victory and encouragement re Identical with those Instituted rte.i the first teams of Englishmen pt together to play "hockey on horse- blfk" rnr van tha aintnf tx.' antlnfr Liw t !,, a , a ,' difleld, Miss Mary Widdifleld, Miss where the ponies could be embrocated Irr 6 u'aB Belle Walker, Miss Agnes Walker, rubbed down and blanketed between ue, on horseback and awheel, the Miss Kathleen Ward, Miss Lucy Ward, and after acts would make the Lihue Miss Davison. Miss Kate Vida. Miss Valley grounds perfection. They are and methodical conduct of its seven-eighths, won by Vlrgle A. Ag gravation's owner was far from satis fied w-ith the showing made by his mare in her last essay, and Saturday's Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kinney, Dr. and walked up and down behind the crowd, and the regulation of its affairs; and al Mrs. Walter Hoffmann, Mr. and Mrs. A true polo pony doesn't mind a mal- ter and amend the same at pleasure. Allan Dunn, Dr. and Mrs. Monsarrat, let blow, however, and proDably shows The club shall also have the power to Miss May Damon, Miss Cordelia Car- them to his stable companions with as borrow money, and for that purpose to ter, Miss Deming of San Francisco; much pride as a schoolboy his football ESUe its negotiable or other obligations. Ml3s Maud Gillette of San Francisco, scars. One does not wish to look a h0mis and debentures and for the pur Miss Juliet King, Miss Katheryn Wid- gift horse in the mouth, but a stable pose of SOcuring the same or any obliga tion of this club to mortgage or pledge all or any of its real and personal prop erty. The club has at this time no propertj or motley excepting Its record books; and the sources of revenue and income of this club shall be initiation fees, dues and fines collected from members, ad mission fees charged for extinctions and entertainments and such rents and in ns gym- dispensed, all heightened the il- f,el,fMrv.iaa- Tt.Kw Alfred M C Atkinson, J. Tarn McGrew, Alfred W. Carter. Robert Shingle, Oliver Car It merciful deference to a tropical ter, Senator H. P. Baldwin, Hon. C. :, the ponies' tails were not all W. Dickey. Walter F. Dillingham, rfrwulitinn rrrm n, .,, Isaac Dillingham, Dr. H. V. Murray, regulation croP though those un- w,Qtr n ss Pmntv .T P. Me. I Beginning of th- afternoon doubt V had a great deal to do with the pace of a typical feature of all polo wefl were braided up out of the way Coy, J. M. Dowsett, Julian Monsarrat, gloves and candy wagers The weather was also Brit- Hugh Walker, Frank Armstrong, E. D. Mogh N clear., up grandly in '7 Sfffafd ."gfft t"t wr the game without any serious chillingworth, Mr. Lantz, F. E. to the ground, perhaps being Thompson, Dr. High, Paymaster Hall. Httle too hot fur the entire comfort Tne Maui team, who have adopted , , " " the Princeton colors of black and yel- CL spectators. The low npd up as follows: U VOn I aspect of the w-uther at Tmn-.kv rantnln. nlavinc back. No. i- f r- f ' 4: D. C. Lindsay, 3; Jriarry uopp, -', ana W. D. Aiken, 1. Oahu, lit?ht blue, comprised, J. M. Fleming, captain, 4; Henry Damon, 3; Charles Judd, 2, and W. D. Gerritt Judd. 1. Albert Judd was umpire. S. E. Da mon, referee, and Messrs. Dickey and Mi tt-Smith. timekeepers. The game started with the visitors at the sea goal, with a vigor that was irtlne. Th.- i,..icr .Mi r i tt il n thrmichoiit thr match, even ..... t formed cession from when defeat stared the "tigers' in the fc w 1ana'ua w' nt slowly through face. Play was pushed by the Oahu - ria and showers in deference to team from the start, their work being - fair occu- distinguished by brilliancy. rather fUl?- n cL'ir.o .... i . . .n - . .1 Al4a hanHa Ktlu, bf.(k dhpartened, though about four miles from town, nut. as one society leader observed, "it only makes the meeting more select," a tru ism that was apparent by the attend ance of Honolulu society en masse, at least, the younger element of it. and tVio nhionco of nil HfF-rrifT While have come as may oe receiver iroin may - iMrest or sunshades and en .as lha'- trimmed to nrafnntnn aa artitli- a to nowers, Bh,7" 111 numoers on sucn occa- me tops of drags and four- -,-, t,IV IF I no r-.f. . Ik tuivio ' i iug up- weather the game was This was promptly no- WSciur,. . 11 " mer-t with a i''af'1' As f'T those who a u l na it-. walks ' who K . l-wnrda nnrt at the earno. tieed by the men irom humu, who, taking "things much more easy by the confidence born of patience and expe rience, took their time in "placing", the ball before the stroke. While this method proved on the whole advan tageous, towards the end of the game warts nn.i Lvamrthi-- i- tha frontier mounted boys in blue it could be sneaked away the ball several times during the placing process, me nc- UUfiit OUt-of-bOUIl(lS piayfl weie - 10 If Tfn-.. 18 Jlhflria Known gentle- 1 ' ervwhew their "mud." there in trans. y rode in on fn by the sner-tntftro p ef.illv due to the wilder strokes of the il they got tired r polo than the the lack or ndition consequent on ineiibeu. terribly on them towara STiM-p !fCtatOrS Or r-mujf uuc i." " ti f-e ,JSX urr" l,rptty and Oahu team. kirh th n P''turpsfmeness to The Maui ponies, until tjfcasine f ii y : " ' li-lds formed out, played much better te" , ; . was a society event Island horses, although ena .x. " - "'y event taat in L. wora- The firround cone J?onth f a5ltura1 ampltheater at told t, . ' thf. T.ihim lr. laVi ....... " auey. oe- ' , . -rr m.lrv nhnis rno coaenmg oi vun . the fin- ""-covered OH there with ed good generalship, and the captain t wild hills, also put up a capital game a little t foliage-Clad weak towards the encl but nen more 0D to moet the the fault of his pony's condition than , an(1 pt.rhaps a little more ear- nasiums his own. Copp did consistent wonv negt betting was jndtI mar With V v i and a . " a "ew .erV' vnon th h m m v Ia! the pounds Wofvrt 'luffed with a riPu nQr. runcuious ease, stealing nome on the gent, which was present in force, a bit in the good time of 1:16, a winner which accorded the black mare qu by a matter of lengths. ame The match was for $2G0 a side, and Ross, who- rode the winner, w was the outcome of .a previous race at handsomely remembered by some of rortunate rouowers, more than t button, in turf parlance, being sew on his coat. The owners of Virgie A were dun founded at her showing, but took tb medicine like sportsmen, and foreb to kick. The usual aftermath of find out which mare really was the mors was in circulation arter the r better. but they were too absurd and unre About 2 o'clock rain fell, and there onable to stand publishing , . Aggravation figured to win, and t was promised a heavy downpour. On the best horse in tne race Her ow.. this account quite a run was placed has only Oploplo's saddle antics on Virgie A in town, for she is a no- blame for the money he dropped th . , ., , , ,, ,. , , . weeks ago. Virgie A did not run uj torious "mudder. The weather clear- her and aturdaya waa evMe ed. however, and the race was run on an off day for her. At no stage of a fast dry track. , race did she display an iota of A large crowd filled the paddock long spee which she possesses, and wl . . , - should have placed her on even te: before starting time, and the respective at least wlth the bay mare for factions bet each other to a standstill, first five furlongs. The sum wagered must have been in Some soreheaded mooncalves the neighborhood of $7,000. Virgie A blaming Hollinger for putting up O opened a firm favorite, but towards Pio on nis mare in the last race. T. insinuating that it suited 'Ho: Tom's" book so to do. That Holm backed his mare to a standstill on occasion is a well known fact, n lieves him of any imputation of honesty, whatever. The time, 1:46, was caught by thoroughly reliable timekeepers, the slur cast upon them by an alh snorting writer in yesterday's Re lian. is as idiotic as it Is unaeser The winner could have run tne tance in 1:45 had it been necesf Th.- track record for a mile is 1:4 The scribe referred to above fui embellished his article by voluntet the information that the local tra, six seconds slower than the C tracks. At that rate, some of the tie now racing in Hawaii are wc record beaters. The summary of Saturday's reads: Thomas Hollinger's aged bay r Aggravation, by Brutus-Gladette (f and gold). Ross, L Moore & Hancock's aged black r Virgie A. by True Priton-l'.ig B (purple and white), Nichols, 2. Time. :2f. :nl, 1:17K 1:46. Tho following gentlemen officiat , Judges. J. R. Shaw. C. H. Be Edgar Halstead: timekeepers. C Judd. G. Schumann; starter, Dr. 1 Monsarrat. On account of rain last Sati morning little was done In the w v rk by the horses at the track. T J worked several slow heats. No else was out. A match itnlke, of between W sa, and Aggravation or Virgie A, : furlongs. George Thomas, who Watopsa. has a thousand dollars t that he can beat either at the dis Oahu College Track Itim. athletic grounds few small e ma- fc tm & has 8T0B.J. . "stato . .. - r. v I . . M-aon the Tin! ft The new reeentlv ianalua road throughout the game, being excellently mounted, and L,inasay. hciuuihk by the logincss of a pinto horse, play ed up strongly toward the close, for The visitors had decidedly the best of the first peftod. scoring three goals to Oahu's one. The fresher mounts of the home team, who had also more JCXm- post time a very heavy reaction in favor of Aggravation set in, and when the flag fell there was wads of Aggra vation money still unbet. Aggravation warmed up well, and exhibited none of the "deadness" which characterized her on her last appear ance. Virgie A, on the other hand, did ANOTHER FOR TOMMY C is fin o,i "-tun tne po o - Mil,!. 1U 1.1 llil!II, MU - - t .. 5 ' untry estate, than the "tigers." now beg an to tell, it the RnoATf . .i woo ran dlv tied. C. JUrtd liv " at nno . """" iuuiiu aim uiic jimc " r on either side and Damon doing the best work for club nouses lged in by hearty and other property. partisans, there was no display ui iw nuvenuseai or me ciun snau De winnings, or lament of losings, all the vested In a hoard of eleven trustees, to enthusiasm, which was plentiful, being he known as the board of trustees of prompted by sheer delight in good, S:iid olub. There shall he an annual elec- clean sport. tion of trustees of said club to be held Comlne home the weather had thor- on the first Tuesday In Fehruary of each oughly cleared off. the sun ana w inu year, at which time the memhcrR of the not show the hre she displayed on her furious and the referee was had dried the roaus. maKiug me une ciuo snail t-iect in manner tif-rinarter to last lime out through the tastefully laid out grounds u- provided by the by-laws, of said club, of Moanalua a delightful finish to a a hoard of eleven trustees to manage the charming afternoon. affairs of said club for the period of one Such a successful inauguration of the year and until their successors are Tommy Cox, well known In Hoi defeated Tom Herman on the 9th I: a 15-round go at the Reliance Oakland. The first dozen rounds were fa; kept breaking clinches. The men foug 'nrnr niv d- Oahu. itaft . ' vn halves. , -usiniv with frame cannot iau 10 gut- a nraiij 1111- . rr th. netus to tho sport In Honolulu, aside The crowd was very snem "& th wifi,.spread social interest in favor or gaining or tne next tnat has b-n-n manifested. Horseman- they had the throwing the Bnad.ows f , across the ship generally is always more indulged Hr' . T)arr,r long, groiesnuc tnp in in a polo community, urtreu oy tne 3 Iap on the field grass, aid SS the Saplay of Rood riding In the games. C, rquee erect- faces of the Maul team nl T and the fad to come to a polo match 5JiwSLvC,ow To the new mountain goal. As the heairy urea noh8eDack that a,u-ays follows the ra nf ., nnts of vnHnn Inn- nonies 1 II1C r.T - ...i, ..a ..-n Mr. Da mr,n oono nver the grasp , " J ri vicinity of the visitors 1 wit; viHi- way a m - ' .. who enme 1th hl3 but with Woroe tn ir n . P"-n hll??0-atalua wl 11 iv - of the saddle leath- of t;v.ty. for which wm-i. 'nis ti, ' !''" estate has nl u ers during their Jfe. shrub? and "finest hues, and Of the mnllef .ound JT aZ it,p?1v The Maul ponies were u i , 'i.. nntclnsson row nisiiui,tiy ..wir on thf t-nmo rind with thp Tin ,infif a tr.iiiiiiu nun."..- f - appearance of the game. The presence of Copp on the Maul team, and the excellent work done by that gentlemf n. suggests that those of native blood, here, as in India, will elected and qualified. The hoard of trustees shall at meeting 11s soon as practicable their election and qualification, elect one of their numher president and secretary ani treasurer, and such president and secretary and treasurer shall hold the.'r respective offices for the term of one year and until their successors are elect ed and qualified. The principal office and 'place of busi ness of the eluh shall he in the Citv of Honolulu. !n the Tsland of Oahu, Terri tory of Hawaii, but it shall have the hold property and exercise any tneir im.i.-. . . , , onnori iv n-Tiinn nnlitudo for horsemnnshin nnrl p-.'ner io to make up ror me.. 1 . athletics, like the Slhk polo plavers of an all of its functions in the other Tsl quick a.n 011 rrr time th" ball shot Hlndofitan, piny their fairer skinned amis and in other States and Territories t VfJT"' d the Mawt goal followed In opponents many a well contested game, of the United States. Price TTr1 1 n o-or ' o n our iiirf air Yc strode 'the Brutus' mare, and Nichols f3pr Marquis of Queensherry rub rode Virgie A both roughed It considerably. . . ' t t, . In the fifth round Herman lan The horses got away at the first ,7" " . . . 1 break. Aggravation on the pole, get- , " " Th,r some ting a shade the best of the start. At t the eighth round Ther after the first eighth Aggravation was a woke up and from that point It w. length to the gopd. and at the quarter 1""- . t r had increased her advantage another Early in the fourteenth round C length. The further she went the In a right smash which split ope greater grew the cnp. Just past the man's eyebrow and caused the bl. six furlongs pole. Nichols went to the spurt forth. After that Cox went whin, but his mount either would or man hammer and tongs and bea could not respond, and at the last down. eighth "Virgie A was half a dozen Just before the bell rang Herm lengths behind, hopelessly beaten, lie.l and the bout terminated wit Nraring the stand the crowd yelled and ads fifthting. Herman was the Aggravation seemed to momentarily and in the last round could not k stop. Ross gave her a kick, however. Cox's drives at his face, nni she ti re under the wire like a mad thing, full of running, a winner in 1-46 King Edward Intends to Incre Nichols, seeing that further effort racing stud and remove it to A