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PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, APRIL 24, 1901. IS r -,cTBF.ET Tit wr . M 1 lot. IO" e IN MAN LOIS Lj Montana' pRED LOTS H jjjifj, from ! i -J t&v lnt i una, - LOTS IN PUUV i tr. moanv I 1 I I fl I K I I M I fV I Si I 1 AC ii Bakery.! Mi STREET. Wry Lunch in tht CHOCOLATE, BTM m fin i 4 faSH BREAD AND Ufliterr vuuiu supply n Lunches of as- tJHam Sandwiches, ior id cents hi .i . I Lor F0TO Gallerv. s Aiding. 4AN VIEWS. visit our in PARIS SECTION ! pisjonkrt, red. Rooms k. il JU( n U, 1 j ltn, Box Papers of good quality continue to find favor with people of good taste and judgment, and we invite their inspection of our line. It includes all the most ap proved shades and styles, at prices ranging from 25c a box upward. SEE THE LINE NOW DISPLAYED AT Wall, Nichols Co, Ltd. KING STREET Pianos FOR RENT We Have Never Had a Better Stock of RENT PIANOS Than Now. GIVE US A CALL Bergstrom Music Company, Fort- Street. SAN FRANCISCO, HONOLULU. 215 Front St. Queen St. NEW YORK. 43 Leonard St. M. S.Grinbaum & Co LIMITED. Importers and CommissionMerchants OFFICERS: M. S. GRINBAUM, President. E. J. BENJAMIN, Vice President and manager. A. GARTENBERG, Secretary. M. LOUISSON, Treasurer. AGENTS FOR BRITISH AMERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY, of Toronto. Ontario. THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. Special attention given to consign ments of Coffee. Notwithstanding a general assort ment of Books and Stationery in stock, we are expecting shortly a replenishment in many lines of Staple Goods, Card Board, Papeteries, Tablets, Lunch and Tally Cards, Plain and Crepe Tissues, Typewriter Supplies, with other things useful and ornamental. Headquarters for the Hawaiian Annnal snd other books pertaining to these islands. Thus. G. Thrum Stationer ana UooKBeuer, Brewer Block. 1063 Fort Street. Op-Ton BOOl lore A COLORED CAPTAIN The Only. One in the Regulars Here. GRADUATE OF WEST POINT A Volunteer Major in the Spanish War and an Efficient v Officer. Captain Charles Young, 9th United States Cavalry, one of the two colored officers in the regular United States army who have graduated from West Point, arrived yesterday on the trans port Logan enroute to Manila whither his regiment has been ordered for active service. Captain Young obtained his present rank on the 3rd of this month, and is therefore the only colored officer in command of a company. Efficiency and popularity go hand in hand with this officer and every officer and soldier who has come in contact with him has naught but praise for him. As an officer his ability to command is not questioned and he has obtained his present rank in the service by strict attention to duty. He has been in the army for thirteen years and a member of the same caval ry regiment during that entire period. His command has been garrisoned on the frontier and in the west nearly all of the last two decades, but as yet Cap tain Young is to see active field ser vice. The exigencies of army life and "luck" as most of the soldiers term it, have kept him in garrison when most of the regiment was in the field fight ing Indians. He has, however, perform ed scouting duty which has shown him a capable officer. When the Spanish war broke out, Captain, then Lieutenant Young, was instructor of military tactics at Wilber force College, Ohio. He at once offer ed his services to the State which were accepted and he was appointed a Major in the 9th Ohio Colored Volunteers, and was sent to Camp Alger, Va., near Washington. D. C. He has the reputation of having or ganized and drilled one of the finest battalions which went into service dur ing the Spanish war. He participated in the grand review before President McKinley the cabi net officers, congressment and military attaches of the foreign governments and he won the admiration of every officer in the camp by his thoroughly gentlemanly and soldierly qualities. Since being mustered out as a volun teer Major he has been in garrison with a squadron of the 9th Cavalry at Fort Duchesne, Utah, in the Uncom paghre Reservation where the Ute In dians are kept as the wards of the na tion. Fort Duchesne is not the most desirable post in the United States and Captain Young and his squadron hail ed with joy their orders to go to the Philippines. The only other colored officer in the army is additional Paymaster John R. Lynch in the volunteer service, who is now stationed at Santiago, Cuba. Captain Young was about the only offi cer on the Logan yesterday who could not come ashore as he was officer of the day. JACK UNG WAI SWANG AN AXE Engineer Spiliner's Head Was in the Wy and Trouble Ensued Police News. Judge Wilcox had another easy time yesterday, only eleven cases being sla ted for consideration. Of these four were nolle prosd. and four continued. The charge of assault and battery against Jack Ung Kwai is not un fraught with Interest. Defendant is the sausage machine engineer at the Honolulu Meat Market. A. Spillner drives the engine. A few days ago Spillner came to Ung Kwai and told him he was using too much steam in his department, add ing that if he did not let up until the boilers had been refilled there was danger of an explosion. Then Ung Kwai got mad and told Spillner to attend to his own affairs. This disturbed Spiliner's equanimity and he made a rush at the Chinaman. Onlookers interfered and held Spili ner's hands to prevent him striking the Pake. Ung Kwai was not slow to note the possibilities of the situation, and, grab bing an axe. struck Spillner a blow over the eye cutting the flesh clean to the bone. The case will be heard to morrow. Other cases disposed of were: Ja cinthe du Rigo, assault and battery on L. Teves, nolle prosd.; Keyo Hara, lar ceny second degree. April 24; Toyama, receiving stolen goods, nolle prosd.; A. Lokana, alias A. Fernandez, malicious Injury and larceny second degree, nolle prosd.; John Oliver, J. Thurston, drunkenness, $2 and costs; Paaluhl, as sault and battery on Ah Choy, April 24; George Parker, common nuisance, reprimanded and discharged; Tong Loy, common nuisance, April 25. Yesterday's bookings included: Tong Loy, common nuisance; John Kaiawe and Peter Kauai, assault and battery on Mrs. K. Kaiawe; J. Pahu, Omess, Katy, investigation; Coleman, Kalelku loa, drunkenness. McCarthy, the long crimp with the goo-goo eyes, was arrested yesterday for assault and battery on Katy, a na tive woman, with whom he had been living. McCarthy discovered the lady in the receipt of attentions from an- 1 other man and proceeded to beat her unmercifully. When she arrived at the police station, the Deputy Sheriff re marked that it was one of the most brutal cases of assault that he remem bered. Sam Kaena, who was fined on Mon day for drunkenness, was not Kaena, the jockey, but another individual of the same name. Kaena, the well known local horseman, has resided in Honolulu for two years and has not during that time figured in any Po lice Court proceedings whatever, reputation is excellent. There were no developments in O'Donnell larceny case yesterdav His the but disclosures of a startling nature may be expected in the course of a 'day or so. Ben Bruns Departs. Patent Medicine Spieler Ben Bruns sailed yesterday for San Francisco on the American bark Mohican. He had been going away' for the last few months to enjoy a much-needed vaca- tion, but it was not until yesterday that he managed to really take his de parture. Ben overworked himself dur ing his six months' vacation in these Islands and has gone to the Coast to recuperate. Ben was sent off in prop er style. He took with him the leis and aloha of many, many friends in Honolulu. i Ben is in good company. Captain Kelly is commander of the bark Mo hican. Kelly is a wit and Ben is a wit. They will fight it out between them on the way up to the Coast. I Ben will probably commence by en tertaining the fishes. Then he will en tertain the ship's company. Perhaps he will do the latter while he is treat ing the fishes. Captain Kelly is fortunate in having such Jolly company on his present voy- I age. As long as Ben doesn't whistle the bark will no doubt travel along at a good rate. Kelly expects to make the trip in twelve days. His friends give him twenty days to do it. Honolulu will miss Ben while he is gone but he will return here before long . to spend his vacation. Snow fell in the City of Mexico Sun day, February 17, melting as it came down. In the southwestern suburbs of i Mixcoac, San Angel, Coyoacan and Tialpam there was a real snowstorm, and the tropical plants and trees ror a 1 time were mantled in the purest white. ; But the snow that fell was a mere i trifle as compared to the great storm ! of December 16. 1856. Then it snowed jail night, and in the morning the peo i pie found the towers and roofs covered deep with snow, and in some cases the ' roofs of the houses, unable to bear I the weight, fell in. , Have You Perfect Eyes? OUR EXCLUSIVE business is the preservation, aid and comfort of de fective eyes by proper application of glasses. Use of glasses advised if you need them otherwise not. Glasses sold if you want them but no compulsion about it. We repair glasses promptly and to last FACTORY ON THE PREMISES. A. N. SANFORD, Manufacturing- Optician. Boston Hut I diner. Fort 8treet. Over May Sc Co. Looking Glasses ResilYered Will make them as good as new. GLASSES CALLED FOR and Delivered. Leave order at 47 KING STREET, Opposite Metropolitan Meat Market. Every Morning Before Breakfast Our wagons will serve all the Bread, Rolls and Biscuits you want for tho day. They'll come In the evenings, too, if you wish. Come promptly every day. Bring you Bread fresh from our ovens. German Bakery Phone White 3851. UPPFR FORT STREET O AH U Carriage Manufacturing Company, Ltd. RIVER STREET. Between Beretanla and Pauahi Sts. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and Trucks Repairing Work a Specialty All orders promptly attended to. Only competent help employed. E & CO, 317 Fort St., near Merchant. Cigar Factors SOLE AGENTS Eduardo H. Gatos "Mi Prefeirda" Eugene Vallens "Flor de Vallens" S. Falks Sons "Le Vive" American Cigar Co. "Renown" American Cigar Co. "Benefactor" American Cigar Co. "La Har monia" Boltz, Clymer & Co. "1 Palencia" Boltz, Clymer & Co. "El Merito" Boltz, Clymer & Co. "El Monte" THE H. BOHLS AND R. A. PATTER SON TOBACCO FACTORIES, AND THE ANGLO-EGYPTIAN CIGAR ETTE WORKS, Cairo, Egypt. DISTRIBUTORS OF THE PRODUCE OF American Tobacco Co. Black well Bull Durham Co. Monopol Tobacco Works. Continental Tobacco Co. Our Trade Mark "Kamehameha " LAMPS! Edison Oceanic Our own lamp 4 C. P., 8 C. P., 16 C. P.. 32 C. P., and 50 C. P., (in either make), constantly on hand. OUR LAMPS ARE GOOD LAMPS. Duplex Lamp viz: a 16 C. P. and 32 C. P. in a single bulb. Might Lamp 1 C. P. and 16 C. P., in a single bulb. Call and examine. OFFICE AND SALESROOM: Magoon Block. Phone 350. Postoffice Box 763. For This Week Only CROSS AND BLACRWELL'S Pickles and Chow-chow. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, Regular Price, 4c. ORDER NOW, WHILE THE STOCK LASTS. Lewis & (Bo Telephone Main 240 J. LAND. Fort Street Has Always Up-to-Date Shirts and Ties COLLARS AND CUFFS, BELTS, SUSPENDERS AND SOX BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING, Hats and Caps 8TRAW, FELT AND PANAMAS. Shirt Waists TAR, MOTHER'S FFIEND AND BANNER BRAND. Depot for the Boss-of-the-Road ver Jla. Fort Street, near King WING LUNG CO GROCERS FRESH FRUrrS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. Kins Street, corner Alakea. RUBBER GOODS GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE, President. AN FRANCISCO. CAL.. U. B. A. DAVID LAWRENC Mi fe n 25c f i ft LIMITED. Save in Stock and Offer for Sale P B and ROOFING, BUILDING PAPER, PRESERVATaE PAINT, BOILER AND STACK PAINT, INSULATING COMPOUND, BRIDGE AND ROOF PAINT. DEFINED SUGARS, Cube and granulated. PAINT OILS. Lucol and Linseed. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed's Patent Elastic Sectional Covering. iNDURINE, Water-proof Cold Water Faint, inside and outside, in white an colors. FILTER PRESS CLOTH, Linen and Jute. OEMENT, LIME AND BRICKS AGENTS FOR WESTERN SUGAR REFINING COt, San Francisco, Cal. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia, Pa. NEWELL UNIVERSAL MTLL CO., Manufacturers of National Can Shredder, New York. PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANY, San Francisco, Cal. UHLANDT & CO., San Francisco, Cal. Free Instruction IN PHOTOGBAPHY Learn this most FASCINATING and Improving of MODERN PASTIflES We sell everything connected with Photography at EASTERN PRICES OR LESS. HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY COMPANY FORT AND HOTEL 8T8. Hawaiian Automobile Co., Ltd. Telephone Main 77. on call all night. Coupon books sold. Special rates made for "Automobile Parties." NOTE Drivers are not allowed to make any rates except those furnished by the company. Ask driver to se rate sheet. In case of dispute as to fare, pay driver amount claimed, take rebate slip and call at office. We will gladly ad Just any differences. Office on King street, near Judiciary Building. LOUIS T. GRANT, Manager. lew Fruit Store WILL OPEN Corner Kin? and Alakea Streets under the Occidental Hotel. p.-.- . ,v-; P. McGrath, Manages. a W. Cor. Punchbowl and BsrstaaU Pfvi Pacllic 'Ni 1 MorDle works . WW 1 - i 4