Newspaper Page Text
rAUino COMMERCIAL ADVEBTIPER: HONOLULU, APRIL 26, 1901 r-r LOCAL BREVITIES. oiuiu Co., salesroom Dr. Carmiehael has succeeded Dr. Kinyoun as quarantine officer at Ban Francisco. Jim Lloyd, vice captain and coach of the Healani Boat Club, has been sick for the past few days. Healani minstrel rehearsals have been changed from Monday and Thurs day to Tuesday and Friday evenings. The Hawaiian bonds will be paid off . . -t V. . - ' I ' , , Dmt A win r. 1 r . Lennan and w. vv. L,uaiow, wno ar- on the unina. ine iunas are ae- Natonal Bank. Reports brougnt Dy tne steamer - Hanalel.WIUCU u.mveu jcstcruajr irum j case at Lihue plantation. R, D. I Mead and J. M. Coulson, who were at ture, fearing they would be quarantined. ff,rsan's i. If noon- .-WA 1111 r- .to .ilieif - lr 'as- IDeS4 .ihed rooms r: "is vineyara f' l ...nble. ln rived .r1ivery,re::. ad for oited in the First l. .able c Slippers! Slippers! FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BLACK CALF, BLACK VICL BLACK GOAT, BLACK EMBROIDERED PATENT LEATHER TAN CALF, TAN VICI, TAN GOAT. I" titf of the Ha- , . xi.w.av even-: i on C!lD'th a large col- ,s offer r',!t?ne assortment of , ".t.iv at his and hel this j Call early, ! al, silk taffeta ; ESmrm " : ..-.i at House. .4 h Honolulu Eroding frcSh l0.b" I nt fri meat, the i .4 ran suDDly SkMing had experience j 1 wsition by applying ; Ml" fcsKoas of the Nahi- k- fci.i at the Commerce PUBLIC moonlight concert . will be given this evening at 7:30 o'clock, at Makee Island, Kapio- lani Park, by the Hawaiian Band. The following program will be rendered: PART L Overture, "King's Lieutenant" Tit'l Selection, "Rose of Castille" Balfe Cornet Solo, "Old Folks at Home" Bernard Mr. Charles Kreuter. Songs (a) "Kapilina," (b) "Waianuenue," Miss I. Keliiaa, (c) "Aloha no Wau," (d) "Moanl ke Ala," Mrs. N. Alapai. I IS I sHQt L y IFACTURF The Light That Ne-er Fails tin IF HEAT BRILLIANT Another Large SMpne$ of Angle Limps THE ANbLE LAM? that'tobb FAILS. ECONOMICAL The Anie Limp 5lcarrva good stock hmiuhq glANDIB H.MID LAI US n 1 rrsmber of PART II. .11 ,ir:ik Selection, oi,0Re Main 219. The 'EVatioVi Mold" the Honolulu Mar- ' Slaughter tocxea w.iu serenade. "Love in Idleness" (by 1 n . UC1t .'- -uu vu Fantasia, "In Switzerland" by re- S yeb- auest Jtiume C. Lovtkin was altz. "Love's Old Sweet Song" in the Exchange Bucalossi .1.1: V Lmi.nxi.u-u-- ine olbj oLidiigjeu xjctiuiei. .j.nruil meeting of the L , t i r. t- II, -T tie tu"""""1 L X ...V. - .... ' i mnrroW at 1 U CKiClv. j (0 m will a Cfttt (Friday) evening, . T.rr-r... i life awi E ISU-f" - tie in me nrn uc- 1 1 tpedai auction sale :hoice rurniture and iods Pill be offered ! iiwell's interesting ca in Hawaii" may Agent Jarrd Smith Cut n in inp I 1 . ta Bank of Hawaii, ; US .: E. von Sen- : Ot. 4-" J Ul ifiaj:is ale Og ihe same, : ibK2 stopped. Uriel Co.. Ltd., for i. Zealand la and ppiulcty of poultry. tFastia avenue, at the and E. C. Smith has jKsimaster ty Su iPsii; Works ilcCand- ' atnpv.'.h all the latest I ca'.ed on the upper : Tiey, is offered Tor kaa be had lmme- : La : .j j ' . sjissiaru aus lor aa- ke has been for j Asada & Co.. has Kid zone Into hnsinpss ku a tine line or Jap es e-r.!S fiirnishiniT 1 - ---o to Supply Compa- ' their patrons that ' - '.Hon was n:v ipment of Aristo ttir kodak films. w ouVr supplies came m tre in Twrffe amuH . it JiDinese nrni'iircr 4 ta the Circuit Court a3se. it was alleged, nst or complaint in nam yesterday. The the poim or w netn "Jirtpardy, can be so ong and Cleaning icoapelled, on account ss, to take larger Wious quarters, and it Fort Street, near Wn the Star block, them will be prompt- delivered, if re- im.nn ,yi; rptlirr, frn M.ii ciinoay Si. Ir'- e service , T11Jore Richards' owe sandwiches and 'hat those wr.o care New Spring Lace Curtains It may seem like an oft repeated tale to tell you that our Curtain assort ments are greater than ever, but that's the truth. None of the choice things have escaped us. Come and see the almost bewil dering maze of wizard weaves gathered nere for your choosing. $1.25 to $15 per pair. Grenadines Are very popular this sea son, and the patterns are all new. We have many handsome effects. Our all wool black lace Grena dine, forty Inches wide, is very small priced at " 50 cb.'yard. Maltese Laces "We have a large assort ment of tbem in alj widths narrow, medium and very wide, with In sertions to match. 30 cb. to $2 yard. N. S, SACHS DRY GOODS COMP'Y., LTD. oxt Street Tender Stomachs Require the greatest care and constant attention, that the system may be kept ln perfect working order. Alkn's Fruit Salt Is a pleasant and healthful aperient, made from the fruit of the grape, orange, lemon and lime. It carries oft all useless matter from the body, leaving it clean and healthy. Try a bottle and be convinced of its ex cellent properties. 4 $1.00 per bottle. tatlon to every one who uses It, and simply luTioNuuueu ismp wan a uaroaraus co ntrlvance. THE ANGLE omuB-co, euiena or gives any trouDie, is lighted and U8S0aup m CVery 8t-ndpolnt- We arry these lam fc It seems ahoa t Ik credible that any Imastf could be good wangi to take the slaos 1 electricity en Wnc terms, yet sua Is tfe$ caBe with the UWMi LAMP. All t teuo the Island pes) ws throwing away ttctti old lamps anc o-. ing them with lamp, not merely s cause it costs sfr$ one-tentb as mask M maintain (cost Is m object to come but', besides betas :. finitely cheaper, H more brilliant RS more rellabla ft bragain. It Is demonstrates u. LAMP VM extinguished aa easilr No MoreDread ofthe Dental Chair $500 Will be given to anyone who detects Inferior material used by the New , York Dental Parlors. In all our gold crowns and brldgework we use 22-K. gold. In all our other work the ma terial is OF THE BEST, AND GUAR ANTEED. All work done by GRAD UATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years' experience, and each department in charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we advertise. We tell you ln ad vance exactly wfcat your work will cost by a FREE EXAMINATION. SET TEETH $5.00 GOLD CROWNS $5.00 GOLD FILLINGS $l.0 SILVER FILLINGS 60c NO PLATES Our name alone will oe a guarantee that your work will be of the best. New York Denial Parlors, Room 4, Elite Building, HOTEL STREET. LADLES IN ATTENDANCE. mm drug co, FORT AND KING. i i IF TOU WANT A THING DONE RIGHT, DO IT YOURSELF. Can You Repair Your Watch? BIART JEWELER Fort Street Near King Hawaiian Uk Works. EMMA AND VINEYARD iTV TELEPHONE BLUE 1871. PROMPT DELIVERY. Hawaiian Opera House Commencing Thursday April 25th. Night, T morning a fire J4 i will Prestidge a mosquito j "st-1g s Utile son ! PraiUBg tne Dlaze J"T Burned about the I ' be unable to : tWng busir.t-s for and child, ! i' . ar"vea on bn k lhe Hawaiian nessy is lh? j ; ' -o-r It Kim- hn aoUS Rl-n or- lhe ! -'n he tor a .A. ; ow.' A.Ba3a & Co ! for a their anr'Uai . .-3 Past clerks t t(v'l'"'e dr'vn th ! rSt 1 ad Whea the ! rt - - : .: - nees in iT..o!r ' The Josephine Stanton Opera Company, Presenting Comic Opera Musical Comedy and Make Your Selection' Sow! Tennis players will be leased to learn that we ave just unpacked a large shipment of 1901 Tennis Rackets and General dries Tennis Sun- Thursday and Saturday Nights, April 25 and 27. The Tuneful Musical Comedy, 44 DORCAS 55 An Excellent Cast of Principals, Large Chorus. and All freh goods. 13?" Call selection. in and maVe Fearscn 4 Potter Co., Ltd, 926 Fort St. Tel. Main 317- Repertoire of Comic Operas during second week, commencing Tuesday, April 30th. Prices, 50c, $1, $1.50 ;ar:v ttd yob .e!lnR Herbert Kutir John Young Wtany ,r the iso ..i JJ'ti - an Seats now Nichols & Co. on sale at Wall, B Ii A A A A A A , T T. H. Davies & Company, Ltd, Splendid Values Women's Underwear A subject of interest to most -women Just now is underwear. We have always carried large assortments. This spring they are larger than ever. We have always made prices consistently low. This sea son we shall not deviate from that rule. We are not hampered by any old stock. Of such we have none. The assortments wfc jpvite you to We fhls week are new and fresh as the season itself. LADIES' COTTON UNDERVESTS, low neck and no sleeves; Prices 25c; 2 for 25c; 3 for 25c. LADIES' MERCERIZED SILK VESTS, 3 for $1. LADIES SUMMER MERINO VESTS, 65c. LADIES' SILK VESTS, J1.50, $2, J2.50. LADIES' UNION SUITS, all wool, $3.50. LADIES' ALL-WOOL DRAWERS, $1-T5. i i I A few Values That Convince MADRAS GINGHAMS, check, stripe and plaid patterns, superior quality .... WALKING SKIRTS, brown linen and white P. K. all sizes and same at $2.50. NEW STYLES IN P. K. SKIRTS plain and embroidered from 20e d $2.00 $2.00 Carpets, Rugs Durable floor coverings are a good investment poor carpets an ex pensive luxury; and why should any one even consider the purchase of an unreliable, unsatisfactory kind when the dependable sorts can be bought from us at following prices ? The exhibit of new spring styles presents unusual attractions in both weave and price. Our control of many patterns enables us to also offer exclusiveness a feature prized in pretty much all kinds of merchandise. 1 Brussels Carpet $1.00 S and $1.50 1 ENGLISH AXMINSTER RUGS, sizes. Prices from $14 to $60. $14 to $60. all BRUSSELS RUGS, $6.50 to $19. COME AND SEE OUR FANCY CARPET FOOTSTOOLS. B.F.Ehlers&Co. FORT STREET. I m I AI LEY'S IKE ITS Telephone 398 P. 0. Box 441 Correct Millinery We are determined to be the millinery house of Honolulu, and feel assured that with the elegant and tasty millinery we display that no store ln the city can touch the beauty arid excellence of our style fine millinery that appeals to refined and elegant dressers. UTr.'. . . - - Sfcbttfled the WB ;.Uae look- 1. . V 3 a? B SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE OF "DORCAS." Prices 25c and 60c. SUSPENDER MOUNTINGS, CORO NATION CORD. GOLD THREAD, CUSHION CORDS and PILLOW RIB BON, at Coast prices. Mrs. T. B. Clapham, Gedge Cottage, Richards St. on t . unririF nunuc. . . ! THE S. S. ZEALANDIA WILL leave for San Francisco on Friday, r" April 26th. at 5 -p. m. For freight and . ,- issage. apply to the undersigned. Wit G. IRWIN & CO.. LTD., 01 licet. d an'3 I General Agents, Oceanic S. S. Co. 5S40 T1NEST TIRES Bought cf the makers. Approved sk ill in handicraft as applied to Bicyels repairs, can always be had at Bailey's Honolulu Cyclery 163167 King Street And you will not be asked to pay a cent more than for BCrTCHWORK nd CHEAP GOODS. Headquarters for MORGAN 4 WRIGHT TIRES. IM CACTUS TIRES. G. tc J. TIRES, MILW UKEE PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES, and BICYCLES, at bedrock prices. A Copy of a Letter from THE MILWAUKEE PUNCTURE PROOF TIRE CO, MILWAUKEE, Nor. T, 1ML BAILEY P HONOLULU CYCLERY, CO., LTD. Gentlemen: Ws ars vary well ptauwd with your efforts ln Introducing and elllng our Tires in tbs Tawaltaa Islands; an4. as stated In a previous let ter we shall be pleeeed to cuter into the same agreement with yon for the earn ing year 1TL Giving you the exclusive Bale for the Hawaiian Island for ear Milwaukee Puncture Proof Ttre. Truly yours, M. P. P. TIRE CO., W. D. HALSTEAD. Sec. and Trees. e- : e- Shirt Waists Handsome ne r spring styles, that give one the appearance of being well dressed. Skirts Fine Hosiery That hang like a 8tyi;a skirt ought to. Heavy black wool, serge and pique. These skirts hold their shape. The story Is of old. of a pair of silken hose that could be drawn through a wedding ring. There are stockings as fine again, now. New styles and qualities SILK AND LISLE THREAD. Beautiful Organdies Such beautiful patterns and effecta. The freshest and most stylish looking Organ dies ever brought to Honolulu. The M. E. Killean Co., Ltd. LEADERS IN WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS. HOTEL STREET. I t 1 1 ) j 1 1 n MMMHH