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mi l,1B mKT3ffiT, aDVEKTIKR: HONOUHX APRIL 27. 1901. JO TO; ,1 t - a i Hi i m it ll. A Fresh Supply . . . 0?" THE ERECT FORM W. B. Corsets ALSO Latest Style in Ladies' White Skirts and Capes. E. W. Jordan No. 10 Fort Streot. Inter-Island Telegraph On and After tbe 2nd of March IfiMicn in plain language will be ac Wftod (or transmission between th Ucps mentioned blow: HONOLULU. Oahu. KA LAATJ, Molokal. 14ATJNALEI, LANAI and LAHAINA, The charge for auch messages will be at the rate of 20 cents per word of IS totter (minimum charge, $2.00) until farther notice When telephone connections are available messages may be handed to Mm telephone company to be forward -i to destinations other than those KentloTied above. la other cases special messengers May be employed. The cost of special delivery Is not in iraded in the charge of 20 cents per worH. If the cost Is known it must be Mid by the sender when the milage m handed In. If unknown, it must be by the addressee when the mee ts delivered. ran oil Honolulu Office, Magoon Bl'k UPSTAIRS. 11 Company, Ltd. 18 NOW READY TO DO All Kinds of Laundry Work . i . SATISFACTORY WORK GUARANTEED. WHITE LABOR ONLY EMPLOYED. Laundry Kawaiahao Street, near South. Up-Town Office 11 Hotel Street; old WBte Building. Telephone Mam 73 ALL ORDERS WILL RECEIVES PROMPT ATTENTION. CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER WORKS CO LIMITED. Ml the latest and most approved ma chinery used by us. The Oldest Soda Woiks ON THE ISLANDS. PURITY IS OUR MOTTO. Phone 7L Fort and Ailea fit Whitman & Co AGENT8. 91 King Street. A SUIT THAT SAVES YOU ' MONEY, FITS RIGHT AND IS RIGHT. CAN BE MADE TO ORDER BY AH Hercliisnt Tailor f No. 1292 Fort St, Corner KukuL Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. 55 " VI r W3W, THIS DAY. At Auction FESTIVAL PROGRAM Gov. Dole Will Review School Children. ON SATURDAY, APRIL 27. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. I will offer for sale at my salesroom, corner of Merchant and Alakea streets, a complete assortment of CARPENTERS' and MACHINISTS' 1'OOLS, both new and second-hand, consisting of DISSTON SAWS, JAMES SWAN'S CHISELS, CARTER'S CAST-STEEL HAM MERS, SCREWDRIVERS, FORE, JACK and SMOOTH PLANES. BITS, BRACES, SQUARES, GAUGES, VISES, SPADES and SHEARS, CROSS-CUT SAWS, SPIRIT LEVELS, etc., etc. WILL. E. FISHER, AUCTIONEER. GRAND MARCH TO BE A FEATURE Nearly All Schools in the City Will Be in Line to Honor May Queen. THE Hawaiian Band will play at Emma Square this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, when the following program will be rendered: March, "The Bersaglieri" EUenberg Overture, "The Bride" Aub,-r Fantasia, "The Yeoman Patrol .Squire 'Selection. "Ernani" ; ; .Ver,d! Waltz. "The Syrens" -. . Waldteufel i Polka, "A Good Kiss" Coote "The Star Spangled Banner." The band will also play at Makee stand tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, the following being the program: PART L The Old Hundred." Overture, 'Titus" Mozart Adagio, "Sonate Pathetic" ..Beethoven Andante. "Surprise Symphony". Haydn Grand Selection, "II Trovatore" . .Verdi PART II. Selection. -'The Rose of Shiras" .. Eilenberg Introduction, "Lohengrin" Wagner Intermezzo, Salome" Loraine Overture, "Murmuring Forest" Bouillon "The Star Spangled Banner." THE BEST REMEDY FOR MATISM. RHEU- THIS DAY, At Auction ON SATURDAY, APR L 27 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. At my salesroom, corner of Merchant and Alakea streets, I will offer for sale at autcion, by order of MRS. WM. A. HENSHALL, That magnificent horse, about eight years old, formerly the property of Mr. Thomas Krouse; harness of rubber trimmings; also, Low-wheel, rubber-tire Piano Box Top Buggy, Studebaker make. Cost originally, $225. Also 1 brand new Pony Cart. 1 brand new Rubber Tire Runabout. WILL. E. FISHER, AUCTIONEER. At Auction ON MONDAY, APRIL 29, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., I will offer for sale the furniture and furnishings of Cottage No. 5 McLeod's Lane, situated ' between Nuuanu and River streets, immediately in the rear of Jno. Nott, Esq., residence, consisting of OAK BED ROOM SETS. PARLOR TABLE. DINING TABLE. SIDE BOARD. ICE CHEST. MEAT SAFE. COUCH. RUGS. BLUE FLAME STOVE. LAWN MOWER. GARDEN HOSE. All practically new; also A fine assortment of Plants, Maiden Hair Ferns, In all probability the finest ever offered in Honolulu. The order of exercises for the May Day festival, to be held on the grounds of the Executive building, will be as follows; 10 a. m. School children assemble In front of the Drillshed, where those who have no flowers, will be supplied. 10:15 a. m. Grand March Through to Hotel street gate into the Executive building grounds, out of tne Richards street gate, down Richards to King street, along King street to the front entrance to the grounds; thence past the Governor and guests, to places. The schools will march in the following or der, and the marshals and teachers are requested to get them into line, four by four, as soon as the music begins: Kamehameha Schools CI). Kawaiahao Seminary (2), Kawaianao Primary (3), -uaemae (4), Kalihiuaina (5), Pauoa (6), Moliili and Manoa (7), Pohukaina (S), Kauluwela ci, Kaahumanu (10), Kaiulani U, Protestant Portuguese Mission 12), Royal (13), Private Schools (14 1, Punahou Preparatory (15), Oahu College (16), High School (17), Kaakopua (18). During the march the children will sing "I Will Make a Lei," " Our Boat 18 Sailing," "The Mango Tree," "The Pol Song," "Happy and Gay," "The Sun flower Song." After the regular places for the schools are reached the program will be: 1. Softg, "America." 2. Speech. 3. Song, "Hawaii." by E. A. P. New comb, Kamehameha Schools. 4. Song, "Welcome My Woods," In termediate Grades of tne Public Schools. 5. Song, Punahou Schools. 6. Song, "Home, Sweet Home," Pre paratory and Primary Schools. 7. "Manoa," Kawaiahao Seminary. 8. Song, High School. 9. Maypole Dance. 10. "Hawaii Ponoii" and "Star Spangled Banner," Mrs. Annis Monta gue 'turner. 11. Lunch. The committee on arrangements wish especially to thank Governor Dole for his kindness in giving the Executive building grounds for the festival; Mrs. Turner for consenting to sing at the end the national hymns; Captain Ber ger for the interest he has taken In helping with the music; Mr. E. A. P. Newcomb for his help in drawing plans of the grounds, and his many sugges tions; Mrs. Newcomb for making the school banners, and, indeed, all the frends who have shown such interest in the festival. QUICK RELIEF FROM PAIN. All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which ; It affords. When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy. Ohio, says: "Some time ago I had a severe attack of 1 rheumatism in my arm and shoulder. I ' tried numerous remedies, but got no ' relief until I was recommended by 1 Messrs. George F. Parsons & Co., drug gists, of this place, to try Chamber -' Iain's Pain Balm. They recommended ! it so highly that I bought a bottle. I : was soon relieved of all pain. I have ' since recommended- this liniment to I many of my friends, who agree with I me that it Is the best remedy for mus ; cular rheumatism in the market." For ' sale by Benson, Smith ft Co.. Ltd. THE HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY COMPANY beg to advise their patrons that up to date their loss through the fumigation of mall has been con fined to one shipment of Aristo Platlno paper. Their Kodak films, velox paper, etc., came by freight, and are In perfectly good condition. As this enter prising firm guarantees each and every article that It sells, nn iiistnnir nan jmfrVr nnv nn. I slble loss. For Sale Cheap AN AM.Uf.lNG BILL. One 75 horse-power Pabcock !& Wilcox water tube boiler, ! complete, with stick, smoke connections, damper, etc., etc (New ) WILL. E. FISHER, AUCTIONEER. For Rent THE LARGE TWO-STORY HOUSE on corner of Alakea and Union streets, belonging to Dr. J. H. Raymond, and at present occupied by Dr. Galbralth. A moderately equipped DOCTOR'S OFFICE of four rooms, and fronting on Alakea street. Is located on the same premises. Possession given about May 1. For information, apply to HENRY WATERHOUSE & CO. 5S39 o vw u Carriage Manufacturing Company, Ltd. RIVTTjR STREET. BetTTn Beretania and Pauahi Bta MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and Trucks Rc pairing Work a Specialty All irder promptly attended to "rnlv Tnoetent help employed Another Brilliant Example of Home Rule Statesmanship. Following is one of the many divert ing bills before the Legislature. Be it enacted by the Legislature of .'he Territory of Hawaii: Section 1. To appropriate and to in vest in the Appropriation bill two thou sand dollars, to purchase and to fur nish postage stamps, books, etc., for lepers of Kalaupapa, Kalawao and Kalihi station in the Territory of Ha waii. S Section 2. The postage stamps ate for lepers only, and not for superin tendent, overseers and persons that are not afflicted with the disease. All lep ers that may correspond to relation and friends should keep a memorai -dum of stamps used by them in a book. Persons that may have charge of the stamps should keep an account to whom the stamps are given to. either to a male or female, the date of month and year, and to report to the Secre tary of the Board of Health every six months, and the Secretary of the Bo-ird , of Health shall report to the following Legislature. The superintendent or his deputy shall furnish to each and every leper a book that he may keeo 1 is .amounts of stamp used. Section 3. That in case the su perintendent or his deputy shall violate any of the preceding sec tions he shall be held for mis j demeanor and punished not more than i twenty-five dollars, or Imprisonment ifor not more than six months and not less than one day; or punishable for both at the discretion of the cou-t. Section 4. This Act shall be in force upon the date of its approval. One Self Sustaned Steel Stack, 13H inches in diameter at base, 93 inches in diameter at top; 125 feet high New.) Also on hani a Large Stock of Small Pumps for ail ser vices. Henry R. Worthington, Cor Queen and Fort Sts. P. 0. Pox 161. Orphcum Cafe. BOARD 84.50 uer week. Everything First-class. Single Mean, 25 Centa. JAPANESE ENTERTAINMENT. Young Men's Ulub Preparing a Fine Program. The Japanese Toung Men's Club Is to have an amateur theatrical and musical entertainment to be gtfven by the mem bers of that club on May Day In the club's rooms, at Vineyard street, near Dr. I. Katsukl's residence. The tickets are for sale at the Yokohama Specie Bank and Kei-hin Bank, etc., the admis sion fee being $1. The proceeds are for the benefit of the club's gymnastic, mu sical and educational fund. The curtain will rise at 7 p. m. Wed nesday. May 1. Japanese young gentle men In the town are very busy arrang ing a fine program. Including heroic lec tures, singing, Japanese flute playinT, dancing, comical play, magic, drama, sword dances and fancy ball. OAHU ICE & ELECTRIC CO. ICE DELIVERED To any part of the City. Hoffman & Marknam Telephone Blue 8151. P. O. Box tH Offic: Kewalo. Wing Ring Lung Co. No. 46 HOTEL STREET. IMPORTERS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. r t , t i if i ' tjm.ui m tnew, manager, uo.ub puwei r attorney to act for this crm in an matters. 187 SUSPENDER MOUNTINGS, CORO NATION CORD, GOLD THREAD. CUSHION CORDS and PILLOW RIB BON, at Coast prices, Mrs. T. B. Clapham, Gedge Cottage, Richards St, Boardman Homesi New Subdivi Prices I III THE MEANS Of CASH Do lonrrt in C nun I rv Ani. 2 I "halite ill Ltjuai i ayiiieiitb 111 I and 2 YeaKfll per cent Interest, only on Deferred Parnen! Prices as ner Diaaram h i - ' ' ikic 3iiUWu. FIRST COME! FIRST SERVED Proposed R. T. R. R. LUNALIL0 STREl 24 80o $1550 10 23 0 $1500 10 22 Z $1500 $1500 10 20 Z $1500 10 19 $1500 18 o $1500 25 $1560 0 17 80 IS T3 o CO (x) K OS 85 16 $1550 Sold 15 7 " g $1500 $i7Qo c 14 "1 S $1500 $i7oo c 13 1! g 15QQ $1700 g 12 1 $1500 $1700 g 11 i 3 g $1500 ' 1700 g 10 j2 $1500 $1700 9 1 $1550 9 1 $1850 g 85 95 KINAU STREET. No property offered here In Honolulu presents the same opport desirable building lots as the above elevated as It 1b poss eulu I structed panoramic marine view of the ocean, harbor and HonololiJ lmity to the business center; Its transit facilities on the line ol tbtl electric line, within a block of the Beretania street car., and In the i hood of the best residences of this city makes this site exceptionally for residence purposes. WILL E. FISHE Real Estate Agent and Hi til Corner Merchant and Alakea Sts, HONOLI A New Lin 0F- Golf Shirts, Pajamas, Japanese Silks, Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, Doilies, Jewelry, etc. ARE NOW SHOWN AT U. Sekomoto 14 Hotel Street near Nntfl NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. ( all and be Convinced, j Sanitary SEWER CONNECTIONS A SffEClAfl R. W. Perkins. A W. Rica. New Studio RICE & PERKINS PORTRAIT AND SCENIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. Studio, 144 Beretania St., near Fort JOHN NOTT, Plumbif I AND K Mid w I AT J -.1 ij