Newspaper Page Text
1903. 8 THE F 40110 COMMERCIAL AOTKBIIHKR HONOLULU' MAY THE PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser 8atd at the Poetofflce at Honolulu, H. T., Second-class Matter. TaiiMil Bvery Morning Except Sunday by the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Vvr Hott Block, No. 85 South King St. A. W. PEARSON Business Manager. sttrRCTRIPTION RATES: the United States (including Hawaii year 9 w Advertising rates on application. SIllifMaM. TIME TABLE. From and after Jaa 1. 1900 OUTWARD. Dally Dally Dally Daily Daily States. aaneiuiu . Pearl City Im Mill . WalaAM . WaJalua . fiahnka . . Stations. Kalrolni . . Watsloa . . Walasa . Wwn Mia Pwsrl City ex. Sun, a.m. . 7:10 . 8:08 . 8:33 a.m. 8:1S 9:48 10:08 10:60 11:56 12:82 ex. Sun. a.m. 11:06 11:40 12:00 p.m. p.m. 3:16 6:10 3:47 4:06 4:45 6:40 6:16 6:30 6:10 INWARD. Daily Dally Daily Dally ex. ex. Sun. Sun. a.m. sum. p.m. p.m. 6:36 .... 2:08 .... M0 7:10 .... t:K .. 6:60 7:46 1:06 4:32 6:16 8:01 1:80 4:62 .. 6:60 8:86 2:06 6:26 T. DXNIBON, Bspormtendent. T. C. SMITH, Q. P. T. A MBTIDORO LOGICAL. RECORD. the Government Surrey, Published Every Monday. 19 8 8 w a 23 24 25 BaBOH. 04 29 961 S9! it 98 80 00 80 04 29 98 29 9 29 W W.81 29 89 29 84 3S 94 B9 - H 0 00 j 18 0 0 U 00 0 Ou 8 00 0 oo 61 66 84; o i 4-8SW-N 7-i 8W 1 '8W-N NNS NNK KSE 1-0 0-2 o-l 2-fc a 4-2 8 corrected tome), and for standard correction is .06 to 82 P. and gravity of Lat. 46. for Honolulu. TIDES, SUN AND MOON. 3 Si CD IS' 4 . r a w i o i p.m. Ft. XOS . 20 1 52 1.2 0.43 7.10 fMS. 80 2 26 1.5 25 7 34 We., 1 2 58 1.8 2 CO 8 00 DBS. 2 8.80 1.9 2 81 8 30 FzUL, 8 4.00 2 0; 3 08 8 6 Bat,.. 4 4.32 2 2 i 3 9 24 8an.. 5 5.10 2.81 4 12 9 52 1 I M 6 481 2 3 ' 4 5l!l0 .221 Vie; Q g, S M i K o I S p.m. 8.00 8 47 6.306 24 Bg a"l Bets, ill. 5.80 8 25! 8 37 9 8J5. ,96.25j 4 :8 Rise i0 i2 5.2bj6.2ij io.8t'6.2b!6 29 Hon.. U 37 5 27 6 26 a.m. 6.27 6.2J i I 0 22 5 ?V.27 6.42 7.88 8.24 9 IJ VESSELS IN PORT. ARMY AND NAVY. J. 8. tug Iroquois, Pond, Midway Inl and, August 5. U. S. S. Solace, Winslow, San Fran cisco, April 27. En route to Manila, via Guam. MERCHANTMEN. T'.is ait does not Include coaster.) Aloha. Am. schr., Fry. San Francisco, May L . ,, Alice Cooke, Am. schr., Ptenhtu.ow, Port Gamble, April 24. Admiral, Am. schr., Jensen, Newcastle, April 27. Beidbia; Am. bkt., Bowes, San Fran cisco. April 17. EUward May, Am. bk., Hanson, San i . ancisco, May 1. : i .ane, Am. schr., HulliBtrom, fort Gamble, April 8. i -jr. Am. Dk., Sodergren, Newcastle, March 31. Helene, Am. schr., Christiansen, San Francisco, April 19. ilikitat. Am. bkt., Cutter, Port Lud low, April 13. a t tx.ace, Am. sp., Grant, Sydneyr April 6. jmou. Am. bk., Glbbs, San r. tn- ipro. March 18. .Ja!mvra, Am. bk., Kellar, Newcastle, May Planter, Am. bkt., Chase, San Fran cisco, April 18. Robert Searles, Am. schr., Piltz, New castle, April .30. a. P. RiUiet, Am. bk., McPhail, San Francisco, April 19. 3now and Burgess. Am. bk., Olesen, Newcastle, April 25. i. 1). Carleton, Am. sp., Amesbury, Ta coma, April 14. Sonoma, Am. bk., Taylor, Newcastle, April 1. Tlllie E. Starbuck, Am. sp., Curtis, Kobe, April 25. fwmgm, aim. bohr., Ceuthen, Iiolu bc, T nvorv 21 Tellus. Ger. bk., Nielsen, Hamburgh, April 30. Woollahra, Br. bk., Thompson, New castle, May 1. During the past ninety years only three commissions as lieutenants have been given to rankers (warrant offi cers) in the British navy, while during the same period over 6.000 have been awarded to the same class of men In the army, many of whom have since risen to the highest grades, while the three in the navy have not been per mitted to get above sub-lieutenant. The Admiralty have now been petition ed by the chief and warrant officers that the honorary rank of lieutenant now granted to chiefs on retirement who have served three years in that rank, may be granted to officers on the active list having three years seniority as chiefs, that greater facility may be given to young warrant and petty offi cers to obtain the rank of lieutenant, and that increases of pay be allowed. These claims are strengthened by the circumstance that during the past six years about 200 mercantile marine offi cers, with little or no knowledge of the intricate routine and mechanism of the navy, have been introduced as "supple mentary lieutenants," while rankers from within the navy have been refus ed a similar recognition. BORN. . TOWNSEND At Maternity Home, April 29, to the wife or George Town send, a daughter. HOLTH At Maternity Home, April 30, to the wife of Oscar Holth, a son. Two cases of typhoid fever, owing to defective drains, have occurred at the Catholic Convent. The drains are be ing fixed. EDMOND ROSTAND AN "IMMORTAL. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE Honolulu, May 1, 1961. NAMlt OF S'icCIi:. I Capital a. Bid As. Mkbcaktils. O. Bre wer 4 Co. ...... ( 1,000,000 i ice Co.. Ltd Lii. Kerrfe Co., Ltd.. SUQAX. Kw... Hamoa Uaw. Agricultural Co Haw. Com. fe Sag. Co. Hawaiian Sugar Co.. , Honomu . . . Honokaa Haiku.... Kanaka.. KAiiei fiau. CoXU a Paid up i Klpahulu w Koloa Kona Sugar Co. fticBryde S. Co.Lt. A t Paid up j Nabixu Sugai Co. A j Paid up J Oahu Sugar Co jOnomea Ookala Olaa Bugar Co. LtAs J " Paid up ( Olowalu t aaubau Bug. Plan. Co 1 aciac Pais epeekeo Fioneer , Waialua Agr. Co Walluku Waimanalo Waixuea 6OOO0 2t0,t0u 6,000,000 176,000 l&UU.OWi 2,312,750 2,000,001) 7i0,000 2,000,000 600,000 500,000 1,050,000 1,500,000 160.000 800,000 500,000 832,500 1,650,000 100 50 Full moon on the 3d at 7:49 a. m. Hakes of the tide are taken from the OMfeed States Coast and Geodetic Sur rey tntrtes. The tides at Kabul ul and Hllo occur esout one hour earlier than at Honolulu. Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours S6 slower than Greenwich time, be- that of the meridian of 167 degrees SO The time whistle blows at 1:80 p. ex., which Is the same as Greenwich, C minutes. Bun and moon are for time for the whole group. Steamship Cos. i wilder S. a Co Inter-Island 8. S. Co. . MISGKLLANZOUB ' Hawaiian Blectiicvo. Hon. Bp. Tr. s Ld. Co. Hon. Bteam Laundry. ! Mutual Telephone Co. O. B. A L. Co : People's Ice b Bel. Co. Bams. First National Bank... F irst Am. Savings Bk. A Trust Co 8,600,000 1,000,000 500,000 812,500 2,500,000 150,000 5,000,000 500,000 750,000 760,000 2,000,000 4,500,000 700,000 252,000 125,000 20 100 100 100 20 100 20- i 100.;. 20. . 50 . so ;. 100 j. ioo !. 100 !. 20 60 4H its, 155 0 20 20 100 20 20 20 20 100 50 100 100 100 100 1 100 ioo am 100 i 100 100 ! 240 ay 1UO UO ' 42 17 o am 27 11 IS no 165 1 College Hills U6 a 17K 160 BOHDI. Hew. 'jovi. 6 per cent. Haw. Govt. 5 per cent. Haw. Govt. Postal Sa vings i per cent. . Hilo R. B. Co. 6 per ct. Hon. B.T. AL.CO Bwa Plantation 6 p.e. O. R. dk L.. Co Oh hu Plant, 6 p. c. . . . Olaa Plan. 6 p. c 500,000 100 500,000 I 100 250,000 ! 100 2&0.0UU j 100 26,000 100 89,000 10 2,000,000 100 150,000 ! 100 290 'm sji 'ioo 100 105 10 100 1W4 1C0 102 Session Sales Ewa, $28.12. Morning Session Five DUE ON SATURDAY. O. & O. S. S. Coptic, from the Orient; may arrive tomorrow evening. JD. S. S. Mariposa, from San Francisco; April 27. aassiflcd Advertisements. WANTED. POSITION as a traveling comnanion. by a young woman, American; never seasick. "A., Advertiser office. 5845 It seems to be agreed that Edmond Rostand, author of "Cyrano" and "L'Ai glon," is sure to fill the seat among the forty immortals lefr vacant by the death of Henri de Bornier. iu KUiiNT b urnished house of not less than eight rooms and bath; modern improvements; desirable lo cation. Family all adults. Terms must be reasonable. Capt. U. S. G White, U. S. Naval Station. 5845 4. ENERGETIC lady; good talker. Good pay to the right party. Apply at 3io D ort street, between 11 and 12 o clock. POSITION WANTED. DENTIST Registered Al operator; good crown and bridge worker; late from New York, of good appearance Address P. O. Box 611. 5845 FOR RENT. t We wish to announce to - he public that, by the terms of a contract just signed, the j ELECTRIC ROAD of the l d a di n TDAWciT rn Will be immediately extended f.hrone-h Colleee Hills, follow- t ing the line of our main boul- evara. Construction will begin AT ONCE, and the road will be in operation within four months, giving a 20-minuts service. ceanic Steamship i ftTftft H ,1311111 r TIME TABLE: The fine Passenger Steamers of this line win iTiVo as hereunder: e an! I From San Francisco. McClejlan, Pond & Co. Castle & Lansdale. Albert Raas FINANCIAL AGENT stock and bond broker Member of Honolulu Stock Exchange Orders for the purchase or sale of Stocks and Bonds carefully and promptly executed. Loans negotiated. DURING my temporary absenee Mr. Elmer E. Paxton wil act for ma under full power of attorney. ALBERT RAAS. 'MARIPOSA . . SIERRA . . . . MARIPOSA . . SONOMA 'MARIPOSA . . VENTURA . . 'MARIPOSA . . SIERRA . . . MARIPOSA . . SONOMA . . . Local Boat. ....'MAY 4 ....MAY 14 ....MAY 25 ...JUNE 4 ...JUNE 15 ...JUNE 25 ...JULY 6 ...JULY 1 ...JULY 27 ...AUG. In pared For San Er..., SONOMA . MARIPOSA VENTURA MARIPOSA SIERRA . MARIPOSA SONOMA . MARIPOSA ventura ;;;; connection with the sailing of the above steamers th pared to Issue, to intending passengers, Coupon Thronsh ro railroadi from San Francisco, to an points in the United Ri u New York fv anv steamsnio line to ail ieuronn t.. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. APPLY To Wm G. IRWIN & L I M I T E D General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. M 61 I Mil I Occidental & Oriental S.S. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and Imti OFFICE Ground floor, Judd Build ing. Postoffloe Box 390. Telephone ICS. HONOLULU. Business men can save many hours JL2KS m aar . S3 Wv'-iV Accross the Continent From SAN FRANCISCO-PORTLAND. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STATION. May 1, 10 p. m. Weather, clear: wind, alm. WEATHER YESTERDAY. Mean Temperature 73.3 degrees. Minimum Temperature 66 degrees. Maximum Temperature 81 degrees. Barometer at 9 p m. 30.05; rising. Rainfall .03 inch, UP to 9 a. m. IiIean Dew Point for the Day 67.7. Mean Relative Humidity 81. WINDS. S. W. to N. E., 0 to 1; fair to cloudy with showers in the mountains. FORECAST FOR TODAY. Light airs and unsettled weather. CURTIS J. LYONS, Territorial Meteorologist. ARRIVED AT HONOLULU. Wednesday, May 1. Am. bk. Edward May, Hanson, 18 days from San Francisco with general mer chandise to Alexander & Baldwin. Am. schr. Aloha, Fry, 18 days from San Francisco with general merchandise to H. Hack f eld & Co. Am. bk. Palmyra, Keller, 68 days from Newcastle, with coal. Br. bk. Woollahra, Thompson, 53 days from Newcastle with 850 tons of coal to Alexander & Baldwin and 537 tons of coal to Eureka, In transit. W. stmr. Maui, Sachs, from Hawaii. I.-I. stmr. Kauai, Bruhn, from Kaual. I.-I. stmr. Mikahala, Gregory, from Kaual. SAILED FROM HONOLULU. Wednesday, May 1. Am. sp. Florence. Rvder. for Tmmn In ballast. I.-I. stmr. Iwalani. firnp fnr- Ira... n J T-..1 ,1 , mtii iinu ivu&uuiaeie. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, for wini. ward Oahu porta Let Us Electro Plate Your Cutlery Your Family Plate Your Spoons and Forks 1 1 HI Chandeliers Or, in fact, any kind of metal goods which have become tarnished by age or wear, or the disastrous effect of this climate upon the metal. Gold or Silver Nickel or Copper Brass or Zinc Plain finish, any style of an oxide finish, or a spe cial finish of Old Bronze, Venetian Bronze, Old Brass, etc. All scratches and tarnishes are remov ed, and the articles made bright and new. Work Called For and Delivered. Oceanic Gas and Electric Co. Limited. MAGOON BLOCK, Merchant and Alakea Streets. Tel. Maid 350. LARGE, newly-furnished front room 6v vineyard St., near Nuuanu. 5839 MAY 1st A cottage on Beretania street, near Keeaumoku; eight rooms, kitchen, servants' house, etc. Address P. O. box 533, or inquire at 1325 Punahou street. 5842 A FINE new cottage with latest im provements; situated in healthy local ity, on the upper road to Monoa Val ley; possession gin at once. Apply A A. Montana, P. O. Box 57, or on the premises. 5841 THE furnished premises corner Bing ham and Artesian streets. One year or more. Apply to A. W. Keecn, cor ner Allen and Kilauea streets. Es planade. 5839 COTTAGE at Waikiki, partly furnish ed; six rooms and bath, with modern conveniences; beach frontage; will rent to a desirable tenant for one year. Rental $50 per month Address "Landlord," P. O. Box 697, City. 6837 TWO furnished rooms at Balmoral, Young street, town side; rent, $10 each. 5827 OFFICES in the new modern BOSTON BUILDING, on Fort street, between Xing and Hotel streets. Apply to Hawaiian Trust and Investment Co., 409 Fort street. 580$ FOR SALE. FOUR lots m Kalihi at a bargain. Ap ply "K. R. E.," this office. 5846 DUE TODAY. O. 4 O. S. S. Doric, from San Francis co, April 25. The Plumbers' Strike. The Journeymen plumbers walked out of the shops of the master plumbers yesterday, according to the ultimatum posted by them ten days ago. Their demand for $6 a day has not been met by the master plumbers. The latter refuse to accede to the request on the ground that the journeymen have not shown sufficient cause for an in crease from $5, the present rate. Presi dent Slattery of the Journeymen Plumbers' Association, states that in proportion to the cost of living the plumbers of Honolulu are worse paid than those on the coast, and he there fore expects that the community will gladly enter Into the arrangement to have them paid at the rate of $6 a day. TTSPENDER MOUNTINGS, CORO " TION CORD. GOLD THREAD, HION CORDS and PILLOW RIB BON, at Coast prices, M s. T. B.CIapham, 2 dee Cottage, Richards St. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE corv r of Artesian and Young streets win ii as a whole, four 6-room nearly new lorn cottages; size of grounds, 150 up: servants' quarters, electric lights rcelain baths, patent water closet. tationary washstands, aanl .ary plumbing; built by day's labor: nicely papered and mill finish; every thing first-clasa. Pays a monthly ren tal of $132.60. Two cottages are leased to good tenants by the yeir. Term easy; Inspection Invited. J. H. Cum mings, 1913 Young street, for further particulars. 6836 CHEAP Horse and surrey, in first . class condition. Address "J.," Ad vertiser office. 5845 A. GARTENBERG'S fine residence property in Kaplolanl Park on the beach. Address P. O. Box 226. 6811 ROOMS AND BOARD. NEWLY furnished room, with board. Emma Square, opposite bandstand; gentlemen only. 5846 PRIVATE family. Inquire, Mrs. A. L. King, florist, Fort street. 6844 ROOM and board in modern new house at Waikiki. near beach and car line: private family. Rooms large and cool, with very large clothes closets. Address 315 Fort street. 6841 LARGE furnished room; board if de sired; also, four-room cottage, fur nished for light housekeeping. 144 Beretania street, near Fort, 6843 LOST. BISHOP & CO'S Savings Bank pass book, No. 1025. Finder please return t bank. 5844 ON BERETANIA street, near Alakea, a record book. No. 8, on cover. Re turn to this office and receive reward. 6844 FOUND. A GENTS' bicycle, on Kuakinl street, owner ran have by calling on Mr. Frank Joseph, In Moanalua, proving property and paying all expenses. 5846 A NUMBER of silk parasols in the Capitol grounds during the Mayday exercises. Owners can have by call ing at this office, proving property and paying for this ad. 6846 THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM SAN FRANCISCO. TWO TRAINS DAILY From Portland. mm KM iicssi 1? I i Nil M Pullman Palace Sleepers. Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, with Barber Shops and Pleasant Read ing Rooms. Dining Cars. Meals a la Carta. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. For Japan and China. DORIC . . . MAY NIPPON MARU MAY 1 PERU MAY 18 COPTIC MAY 28 AMERICA MARU JUNE 6 PEKING JUNE 13 GAELIC JUNE 21 HONGKONG MARU JUNE 2t CHINA JULY 6 DORIC . . . JULY 1$ NIPPON MARU JULY 24 PERU AUG. 1 COPTIC AMERICA MARU .. FEKING "" GAELIC HONGKONG MARU . "' urxilN A DORIC NIPPON MARU . PERU COPTIC AMERICA MARU PEKING GAELIC FOR GENERAL INFO RMATION, APPLY TO H. Hackfeld & Co., AOENTS. Royal Canadian-Australian Steamship Company. Steamers of th above line, runnlnar In connection with the PAOTTTTf! RATT.WAT f OM P A tJV hAtupMnVnnrniivprBC.Mil S. W., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu, and Brisbane, Q, XD-oe sit Horiolialu. On or about the dates below stated, vii: FROM . VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA B, O. For Brisbane, Q., and Sydney: AORANGI MAY 11 MOAN A JUNE t MIOWERA JULY f MOANA MIOWERA AORANGI MOANA MIOWERA J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 136 Third St., Portland, Ore. D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent, No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Gal. Or E. L. LOMAX. G. P. A T. A., Omaha, Nebraska. FOR SALE. Business property in all parts of the city; suitable for stores and ware houses. FOR SALE OR RENT. The Mist homestead, Nuuanu ave nue. FOR SALE. Prospect street. A magnificent house lot, 180 x 150, on the upper slopes of Punchbowl; small, but comfortable house. FOR SALE At Kaimukl, near proposed trolley line, two large, comfortable houses, with stables, poultry yards, etc. FOR SALE. Sea View Two deslralUe building lots, adjoining College Hills tract. FOR RENT. Lunalilo street; a new, two-story cottage, modern plumbing; electric lights, etc. CASTLE & LANSDALE, - REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS Merchant St. opp. Post Office Tel. Main 170. The Haw'n Realty and Maturity Co,, Limited, PAID UP CAPITAL. 350,090. 00. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: L K. Kentwell. President and Manager W. J. Robinson Vice President L. Ahlo Treasurer P. H. Burnette Secretary W. E. Burnett Auditor 1. One and one-half acres of taro land at Kalihi. 2. Lot 60x75, between Nuuanu and Vineyard streets, 31,300; one-third eash. 3. Comer lot In Kewalo, $750; near Sanitary Laundry. 4. Thirty years' lease, corner Smith and Beretania streets. Office over Castlei & Cooke's, room I. Phone Main 141. No. 22 Kins; street. The magnificent new service, the "Tmnerlal Limited," Is no hours without chanee. The finest rallwnv aprvine in the world. m , rry . , . j - . j m tt , , . j- I7lln o Europs. For freight and passage and all general information, apply li or Hi New York to Honolulu via Pacific THE SPLENDID NEW STEEL STEAMER 8. S. CALIFORNIAN, ,00 Tons, To Sail S. S. OREGONIAN,, M00 Tons, To Bail S. 8. AMERICAN, ,000 Tons, To Sail 8. S. HAWAIIAN, 1.060 Tons, To Sail Freight received at Company's wharf, Forty-seeond tret lyn. at all times. For further rart!r:ilr annlv tr. H. HACKFELD & CO., W C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. Hustace & So.. Ltd. - ... s w . . . . . r Xt-ai T U ' Bearetary; Charles BL Atherton. Auditor; W. m. Manager. Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmi WHO. FSAI P AND RETAIL. V IJLi-rJ C5xJLlU. J. C " DKALKR8 III CHAS. BREWER ft Ct.'l New York Line Bark Foohng Suey will sail from NSW YORK FOR HONOLULU, on or abaat April 15, 1901 If gvffleient inducements are offered. For freight rates apply ta CHAS. BREWER & CO. tl Kilby St, Boetaa, OR C BREWER & CO., LTD. Honotnla. . rti Read the Daily Advertiser. 7R cents ar month. . bm .ident TV ul VT. lim- r.( f irL. UL. wmmej "" Georae W. R0' "1 SUGAR v SB U ir.'-O. nrnir RteafflSnli' VbVBUlv .j tn..'' The In-trument. L. viir aii Hi Kanuui Arlington nui-