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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, MAY 7. 1901. 13 Ul LIMITED- in Stock and n CoIa gr iu and jpiPEK ... -r PAINT, UVD STACK PAINT. pG COMPOUND. ISD R0F PAIN'T- Housekeepers Attention! Big Clearance Sale M uv tesd granulated. )ILS. j jad Llr.seed. PIPE COVERING, Elastic Section- rM,l U' Paint mi outside, in white and PRESS CLOTH, BdJutC tt nr.fnwr a in i m n m a taclKo, Cal. LOC'JMUTi WJK&B, ew i or. PAINT COM PA NT. OF Agate Ware Buckets 2oc Coffee Pots 45c Tea Pots 40c Basins 40c Cups and Saucers 20c Sauce Pans 40c Tea Kettles 70c Funnels 10c Spoons 10c Dippers 10c Measures 25c Ladles 10c Cups 5c Pudding Pans(extrajleep)10c Milk Pans 10c We are selling these goods at HALF PRICE as we will not carry this line in the future and must make room for new stock. It will pay you to investigate. j See Onr Window Display. L 0, HALL & SON, LTD, HSJ GRAND REDUCTION SALE n LU HUH Going to Maui to Join Their Parents. Of Our Entire Stock. SATISFIED WITH WORK IN HAWAII Eldest Youth Receives $25 and Mite of a Brother, $14 Per Month. Three Porto Rican brothers, just in ; from the cane fields at Waipahu, rest- j ed on the fence across the way trom the police station yesterday afternoon, before proceeding to the Wilder wharf, 1 whence they are to depart today for Maui, where they will become laborers in the Spreckelsville cane fields. They were fine looking specimens of the la boring class of that country, bright of countenance, strong of limb, and intel ligent. Their names were Juan Nava, eighteen years old: Francisco Nava, aged sixteen, and Claudine Nava, aged thirteen. They came in the same im- portation of Porto Ricans and were assigned to Ewa plantation. Their pa- JJ I j fS TfJ QPNH rents came in the first Int'and have! " I LV IU vLMU been at Wailuku since their arrival. Family ties count for much among these natives of the Antilles, and al though they wer perfectly satisfied with their work at Ewa, they prefer red working near their parents. Through Captain Fox, of the mount ed patrol, who acted as interpreter, the boys stated to an Advertiser re porter that they were perfectly satis fied with their lot in Hawaii, and, all things considered, they declared them selves much better off here than in Porto Rico. Their native land held out few inducements to them in the way of sufficient remuneration in return for the expenditure of their muscle. Commencing Saturday, April 27, 1901. Silk Good?. Jewelry, Watches, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Japanese Curios, Underwear, Umbrellas, Etc., Etc., Etc, This is a Bona Fide Reduction Sale CO. No. 141 Hotel Street. A DOZEN HORSES Another Match Race Between Virgie A. and Aggravation is in Sight. C. White's bay pacer, trained by John Callan, is named Edna G. Venus worked a half mile on Saturday in :5a 1-2. This was the mare's lirst work-out. Frank S is now owned by Christian The i Castendyk. assistant manager of Hack- oldest boy was broad shouldered for a j feld & Co., Hilo. Porto Rican, of a deep copper color, Gartalene did not come down on the neaitny in appearance, ana ot a gen- Mariposa, as was expected; she will I I 1 ..... at. sssi i .: rM:. IriljHl Papers BSSSft '.WH IBCBHB BMHi; erally fine build. Francisco was light skinned, cheerful, and apparently well satisfied with his present vocation. Claudine Nava was a small boy for his age, but sturdy. He carried all his belongings, and they were few, in a bundle which he balanced on his head. His small hands had been burned in the sun until the skin had peeled off. Juan stated that he received $25 a month as muleteer, and this sum was probably arrive by the Sierra, due nere on the 24th inst. The heavy rain on Sunday temporarily suspended work at the track. If no more rain falls, horsemen will be able to re sume operations tomorrow. The Virgie A and Aggravation people were to have met yesterday afternoon for the purpose of posting forfeits for a match race at six furlongs. At the Board man Homestead New Subdivision Prices rsrrr v. . .. . M and comfort of de T proper application of advised if you need & you want them but afcout It promptly and to last OX THE PREMISES. Q A TT?nn t ' i taring Optician. Fort 8tret. of good quality continue to find favor with people of good taste and Judgment, and we Invite their inspection of our line. It includes all the most ap proved shades and styles, at prices ranging from 25c a box upward. y Co. k:i. n ... g uu., uil. Me Main 77 L ALL MQHT. Old. SnAti i... r - . ui i a. i m " ' T . ar sma - u jl m 1 1 a Pt those furnLh driver to se cte u i hu " win gladly ad-1 1 near Judiciary 1 GRANT, Manser i SEE THE LINE NOW DISPLAYED AT Wall Nichols Co., Ltd. KING STREET Inter-Island Telegraph On and After tbe 2nd of March Messages in plain language will be ac--pted for transmission between the Mc mentioned below: HONOLULU, Oahu. KA LAAU, MolokaL MAUNALEI. LANAI and LAHAINA p. McGrath. & lung Co. Ate MER- firm in all ! Wt7 I 8RET. The charge for such messages will b t the rate of 20 cents per word of 15 tters (minimum charge, J2.00) uatil xrther notice. When telephone connections ar .TsJlable messages may be handed to ke telephone company to he forward 4 to destinations other than those centioned above, Im other cass special messengers ay Ifc employed. The oast of special delivery is not in ilaced in the charge of cents 9r ord. If the cost Is known It must he al by the sender when the menage s handed in. If unknown. It must be aid by the addressee when the mee age Is delivered. Honolulu Office. Magoon Bl'k UPSTAIRS. ' SANG LEE CHAN 1223 FORT STREET, Just Above Orpheum. GROCERIES, FISH, CALIFORNIA FRUITS. Telephone No. til White. to him a wage that he had not dreamed nour appointed the DiacK mare was un- of in his native land. He had. hovever. j represented. Tom -Hontnger is willing to race Ag gravation against Virgie A at six furlongs- on Saturday week and Venus ag-ainst Virgie A at half a mile on June 1 or thereabouts. Leahi worked a mile on Sunday in 2:54i4. Hollfnger's unknown gallope i a half recently in :53. Amarino was taken to the track yes terday. The track of the Maui Racing Asso ciation is being put In condition and a fence erected around it. Training will be commenced soon. Of the racing game in Hilo the i.rib une says as follows: Mr. McKenzle, manager of the Vol cano Stables and Transportation Com pany, will go down to Honolulu for the June races, taking with him ten or Mill II MEANS OF ANY MESFFSE8 hurt his ankle during the month and therefore had earned but little. Fran cftco had worked thirty-two days In the past month, overtime Included, and after paying all his expenses, had sav ed $12. The little fellow received $14 a month, and out of this he had stored away $8.50. Their transportation to Maui was in their pockets, paid for them by the company for which they are to work. I answer to several questions as to their condition, Juan, as spokesman for the others, said: "We are very well satisfied here. We are receiving good wages, and can save something. Of course. I was sick dur ing the month, and that accounts for my not having much left over. But my brothers have money. I received $25 a month for driving mules; my brother Francisco received $18, and lit tle Claudine. $14. We couldn't do that in Porto Rico, for there wasn't enough I twelve head of racing stock, mostly work to go round in a whole family. Our parents came to Hawaii In the first expedition and we came later. Do I like to work here? Well, I'm not much used to working in the fields I have always been used to living in the towns, and Honolulu well, the city Is much to be preferred to working in a cane field, but that is our work and we will stay by it. At first we didn't runners. The larger number of taese animals have been brought down by Mr. McKenzie from the Coast, but among those known to Hilo race goers are Cronje and Tom Ryuer. Mr. McKenzie hopes while in Honolulu to make definite arrangements with the Honolulu racing men for a full representation from the Capital City at our July Fourth meeting. Mr. McKenzie is no less enthusiastic receive as much money at the end of over Hiio races than the former mana- a montn as we reany expected, Dut or f ,h tQhiOD fr wnson that came of our procuring so much stuff at the company stores. Now we don't do that so mur-h, and have been able to save more money." KAIWEA WANTS LAND DIVIDED Sues M. H. Reuter in Maui Court for Property Owned in Common Papers in the case of B. K. Kaiwea and Rachel Kaiwea. his wife, vs. M. H. Reuter, have been sent here from the Second Circuit Court at Wailuku. Maui, whereby plaintiffs ask for a division of land. The complaintants are tenants in common of equal parts of that cer tain piece or parcel of land situated at Wananalua in the district of Hana. The property was conveyed to D. Cen ter by Jas. Campbell by deed. Novem ber 19. 18S8, and conveyed by the form er to the respondent and one Moke Pipi, in common by deed dated May 1. 1890. Pipi conveyed to complainants all his undivided interest in the prop erty and all the buildings, improve ments thereto belonging, and also all his interest in a certain building ad Joining to the main building used as a dining house. The complainants are desirous that the property be equitably divided and partioned between them selves and the respondent. The dining house has been the property of the res pondent for the past six years, without his having paid for the use and occu pancy of the property ir. commcnrThey ask for a fair and equitable division of the property. NO LOSS OF TIME. I have sold Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of cof fee and sugar than it. I sold five bot tles of it yesterday to threshers that could go no farther, and they are at work again this morning. H. R. Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma, as will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. Tou should keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. For sale by Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., wholesale agents. The track at Hoolulu Park will be al tered somewhat in shape, and made more oval than it is at present. Com mencing at the seven-eighths it will be nearly straight to the finish instead of having its present abrupt bend right op posite the entrance gate near the upper end of the grand stand, as now. "I shall not put up any of my horses to compete for the prizes offered by the Volcano Stables Company," said Mr. McKenzie. If any of the visitors want to pull off some match races with me we will arrange for those on a separate day. But it don't loo well to put up horses to compete, as it were, for my own prizes, and I don't propose to do it." Mr. McKenzie is arranging with the Burns Club for S -otch games and ath letics to come in the intervals between the races, as thi-sc waits are often wear isome. It is hoped to have three days of rac ing here on the Fourth, just as there will 'be three clays in Honolulu on June 11th. This will jrive opportunity for regular schedu.oi races for prizes on Thursday and Saturday and matched races on Friday. The practicability of this will depr.'i however, somewhat upon the arrangements which can be made with the Wilder Steamship Com pany for Honolulu and Maul people. As one of George's ancestors is the patron saint of Hoolulu Park it ought not to be difficult to arrange for this. The Horners and other residents to the northward of Hilo have already signified their Intention of coming in with their "Arabs," and there seems no reason why 1901 should not have the banner race meet in the history of Hilo. We'll Serve You Every day if desired with any variety of Bread, Rolls, Bieuits, Cake, Pies, Etc. freshly baked and as light and delicious as any thing made at home. We save you all the trouble of baking and charge less than it costs to bake at home. German Bakery Phone White 3851. UPPER FORT STREET CASH Balance in Equal Payments in i and 2 Years 7 per cent Interest, only on Deferred Payments. Prices as per Diagram here shown. FIRST COME! FIRST SERVED, s Proposed R. T. R. R. LUNALILO STREET. 24 80o $1550 40 23 o $1500 10 $1500 10 "2l" o $1500 10 20 0 $1500 10 19 o $1500 10 18 o $1500 10 $1550 o 17 80' T3 -5 o CO Eh H H GO 85 16 $1550 Sold 15 7" $1500 $1700 g 14 6 " $1500 $1700 g 13 5 $1500 $1700 g 12 4 $1500 $1700 11 g $1500 1700 g 10 g $1500 $1700 g g $1550 9 1 $1850 85 95 H H m 02 O KINAU STREET. No property offered here In Honolulu presents the same opportunities toe desirable building lots as the above elevated as it is possessing an maflfc- s true led panoramic marine view of the ocean, harbor and Honolulu, its prox imity to the business center; its transit facilities on the line of the propoasf electric line, within a block of the Beretania street cars, and in the neighbor hood of the best residences of this city makes this site exceptionally deeiraJri or residence purposes. ! - . , WILL E. FISHER, Real slate Agent and Auctioneer. Corner Merchant and Alakea Sts. HONOLULU. CIE3 Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. J apanese Goods, J ewelry and Curios. . . . GIVE US A CALL,