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PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEBflPER HONOLULU. MAY 15, 1901. NEW BOARDING STABLES FOR HOTEL STREET SITE THE DEMAND FOR- Odd Dressers Has wonderfully increased during the past few years. We have quite a lot of these on hand and must have the room for other new furniture now on the way. Will Make Special Offer For a short time only. 20 PER CENT REDUCTION! on points tiSi rounds- ltd, EhiU Ji rounds; dra. Ws'41 rounds 1 Bltv i rounds; boat t, u BillJ to rounds. u ify ! , at Omu. 1UI 1- f4. - -rn , ' Bin, Ml . Stopped HnjhSJ draw with "CockJ?'! draw witi, rnu. dkfl bea Jim Hiseuu I P'onship, 21 rounds- - 14 Come How Come fearJy Come Often and Be Convinced. The Coyne Furniture Gompany, Ltd, Progress Block. Fort Street. ODOL By the authorities on Modern Science it has proved The Best For Mouth and Teeth. . . OR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. H. Hackfeld & Co., LIMITED, fWOL KAGEKTS FOR THJB HAWAIIAN TERRITORY. Have You Tried a Canadian Club Highball IF NOT, WHY NOT? All the Saloons Have it For Sale. . Take no Substitute. W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd. SOLE AQBNTS, HAWAII TERRITORY. Received by S. S. Zeaiandia: NE?k - GOODS! Shirts, Snsuenders, Gents9 Underwear Neckties, a fine assortment, at K Isoshima, KING STREET, ABOVE BETHEL. Next to Castle & Cooke. Fresh Cereals COOK'S FJiAKE RICE something good; needs no cooking. MORNING MEAL, ROLLED OATS, PETTIJOHN'S BREAKFAST GEM, CREAM OF WHEAT, MALTED BREAKFAST FOOD, ETC., &T0. SALTER & WA1TY, OrpheuL Slock Grocers. Fort Street Building row M Jas. Brown, Hotel br tfWARD K. SWAIN . ARCH1 tTXl. THE CONTRACTORS have just be gun work upon the foundations of an up-to-date staole designed for James Brown by Architect Edward R. Swain. It will be located opposite the Hawaiian Hotel and will be opened in September. The elevation of the new building, as shown by the picture, is of much more artistic architecture than that usually designed for erections of a like char acter. The frontage is sixty-two feet, the area occupied being practically a square, somewhat irregular as to angles. The foundations are of concrete and the su perstructure of wood roofed with corru gated galvanized iron. The ground floor paved with wood, cov ered with asphalt, will contain the of fices, harness-roont, wash-room and space for the carriages. . A long runway, built on an easy grade, leads to the second story, where the horses will be comfortably housed in the latest of stalls and loose boxes. As commodation is provided for fifty-three equine occupants. The feed is also to be stowed on the upper floor and special arrangements have been made for getting rid of all stable refuse every' day. A chute runs from the second floor to within loading distance of a wagon that will carry off the sweepings every morning. This story has a double floor of asphaltum covered wood, effectually deading the sound of the horses' hoofs from the downstairs office. Especial attention has been paid to the ventilation of the structure and the fa cilities for keeping it spotlessly clean. There are wide gutters for running wa ter in the gangways leading to one main pipe. The wood used in the flooring, under the surface asphalt, will be previously soaked In pitch and the character of the entire work is thorough throughout the building; no pains having been spar ed to introduce the latest methods in stabling. , Sportinq Events. TENNIS TOURNEY STARTS TODAY Three Good Games Scheduled Two Classes Failed to Fill. The entries for the tennis tournament of the Hawaiian Tennis Association clos ed at noon yesterday and were as fol lows: Gentlemen's Singles C. A. Elston, Donald M. Ross, C. Carter, A. Cunha, D. H. Hitchcock, S. G. Wilder, A. M. Nowell, E. R. Adams, C. A. Rice. Cf. H. Cooke, A. T. Brock, P. M. Lansdale, J. T. Irvine, George Canavarro, M. A. Cheek, A. P. Allen, G. S. Waterhouse. Gentlemen's Doubles 0. A. Elston and Donald Ross, Albert Cunha and -ush-man Carter, D. H. Hitchcock and A. G. Wilder, M. F. Prosser and C. A. Rice, F. C. Atherton and C. H. Cooke, P. M. Lansdale and J. T. Irvine, A. L. Castle and George Canavarro, George Fuller and M. A. Cheek, G. S. Waterhouse and W. H. Babbitt, A. E. Nowell and Ed. Paris. Mixed Doubles Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Elston, Miss Scott and F. C. Atherton. The first games will be played this afternoon as follows: Beretania Tennis Club courts, 4: JO p. m. ; Cushman Carter against George Wa terhouse. Pacific Tennis Club courts, 4 p. m.; P. M. Lansdale against C. A. Rice, 4:30 p. m., S. G. Wilder against A. L. Castle. The public is invited to witness the play. In view of the small number of entries in the mixed doubles, the committee ha decided to allow entries to be made up to 12 noon today. There being no entries for the ladies' singles, the championship goes by de fault to Mrs. Charles Elston, last year's winner in the class. Last season's champions in the various classes are: Gentlemen's Singles Frank Atherton. Gentlemen's Doubles Brock and Adams. Ladies' Singles Mrs. CharleB Elston. Ladies' Doubles Miss Gertrude Scott and Miss Alice Hoffman. Mixed Doubles Miss Hoffman and C. H. W. Norton. CUNNINGHAM TOOK UMBRAGE Also His Horses From the Track No Aggravation-Virgie A. Race. Disgruntled at the killing oft of sever al of his motions made at the meeting of the Jockey Club last Monday night, Billy Cunningham, a local horseman, went to the track yesterday morning and removed therefrom his horses in train ing. Cunningham owns Indra and John D and is said to possess an interest in Wayboy. The two former horses are cripples and would hardly have come to a race anyway, so their owner will prob ably be his training expenses in pocket by his action. At the meeting Cunningham tried to obtain a purse larger than the one offer ed for the half-mile dash, in which race he intended to enter Indra, He also worked to have a 2:15 class substituted for the 2:14 class with the very evident object of uarring a certain horse, the name of which he did not hesitate to mention. Both motions were promptly squelched. Cunningham's action, while it created considerable comment among horsemen, will not affect the prospects for the June races. There will be more horses here, as it is, than can be accommodated. The Jockey Club will under no circum stances reconsider its action in the mat ter. That body has come to recognize that the days when an owner -made a race to suit himself have gone lorever. Octoroon's blistered leg is doing nicely and the black mare looks to be an al most certain starter. Yesteruay she went miles in 2:40 and 2:38. Ayres P was out on the track and moved along nicely. The old horse has lots 6f speed when wanted. The Vlrgie A-Aggravation race is off, and a portion of the gullible public will doubtless kick because another .opportu nity to lose their money and tempers has been removed. The Jockey Club dropped the mule race from their program, fearing that it might seriously affect the running of the local trams. TIM HEGARTY IS COMING THIS WAY ANOTHER BALI GAME AM Honolulu Athletic Club, pers to Play SattB Week. The tr-ams for next Satt match hetween Married aid be pu-k.-d from the follo j AJiirn..ii-Haird. R. J( as. Moimyre, 8. Wood, iij narvey, A. L. Hatfield, fi. Stanley. Smith, Rev. Kit! Bins, L. Parrish, Dr. Wife Single-R. Anderson 1), Bottomley. J. L. Cockbum,U clair, D. Ross, I,. Q. Bljcb J. MClitll, . Soper, Dr. M borne, Penny, Craik, Aym, ( Those in the above tint at liberty to lay next Satwi quesiea to communicale i tain of the club, R. A. J(W doing, arrangement win b(i cilitated. The Honolulu Athletic CM police department will pUya baseball next Saturday el mer will be made up as heft D. Dayton, catcher; H. K Chris. Willis, lirst base J second base; P. Gleason, thlirt ton Lewis, short stop; J. Hi field; J. Aylett, center Md; right field. Substitutes-A. Wilder, J. Williams. S &M It has been suggested tilt I the various ball nines meet i league. That done, the cists ( pay so much toward piiitisji in shape and the whole cm not have to be borne by ujl Record of the Man Who Expec's to Whip "Terrible" Teddy McGovern. Tim Hegarty, champion lightweight of West Australia, will pass through Ho nolulu in a boat or so en route for San Francisco, wherfe he will fight Terry Mc Govern, the phenomenal world's cham pion. Hegarty is the victor of nearly 100 fights and has never had a decision given against him, though on more than one occasion a drawn verdict has been re corded. In this respect his record is a cleaner one than McGovern's, who lost on a foul to Tim Callaghan when they met on July 23, 1898. It is said that Hegarty was never marked about the face in a fight. He fights in t e crouching style and is a very aggressive little man. The following are Hegarty's principal performances: 1892 Beat Fred Williams, S rounds; draw with Jim Anthony, 20 rounds. 1893 Knocked out Bunt Lewis for ban tam championship; stopped Jim Anthony, 16 rounds. SCIATIC RHEUMATISM ( TER FOURTEEN SUFFERING. "I have been afflicted wftt rheumatism for fourteen Josh Edgar, of ftrautonl or a a Able tn be KiUl W ( suffered. I tried tmflm hear of and at H w i r'U.mWtin'i Pr? tat. ' and was immediately nOTM short time cured, mM o,,..- it Vta tint since Knm on j 1 1 " - . . j 1,00 tVila Hnlmnt ItlWl livi. uoc mmw BiM 1b for sale by Beuon m Ltd., wholesole IgPg A Bl; KIND OF a MAAiilta arc reported at Pleguien, mt-l While working in nu .,o Pierre Lefevre dLW 1... 1 .!, ..loir In Which W axes of great antiQuity TJ close to an old main nm i rians believe It waspwH'! tX Clin- ... v . ' the same size. DISCONNECTED MEU lovely : that magazine,' he Jl He read her tne wm " she was aatisneu.- xt.,q when tou ne4. ways asK - JtJm tucky Favorite, w ZEPHYR. GINGHAMS Whitney & Marsh, LIMITED. AT Whitney & 1 LIMITED' 4:? A. CAUSE OP SPAIN'S LATEST TROUBLE, fhll SSfS f tlle ?rjn5T? of tha Aatnrias, sister of the youn Kinf of Sfain, and the man he na rast marrie.l Prince Carl, Bourbon Caaerte. The ha.ighty Castilians are very angry that their'a sister should nniie herself with the son of a "pretender." 12c I2c 121c 124c 12c 12 Ac 12lc 121c 121c 121c 121c 121c 121c 12c 12c 121c 12.4c 12c mc 12c HALF Those New York people of ours are covering themselves with gioiy. Their last fortunate purchase tor,, us (and for yon) was 10,000 Yards of Beautiful GiDghams from an overstocked Manchester manufacturer, at just half of wMi they were intended to bring They came on the Mariposa bright, new, pretty bif had never seen the light of a store until Saturday afternoon. A bewildering variety of terns; broad stripes, narrow stnFJ big checks, little checks and every color imaginable. Seveiali wider than the ginghams wen been selling -colors gngj fadeless. If you have shirt y to make, or holokus, or children dresses, this is a monej Wft opportunity, which )0U cau afTord to miss. Eight Yards for a DoIJa WHITNEY & MARSH It i