Newspaper Page Text
T l BREVITIES- at Mrs. i-.itlll Slim offered for for j4,30o. IS W "dale. vnu tried n(j harness -hufton ;ir.. uneicu John 8 to- SW thins to your fleam " .. .-ww is unbred fur of the Island will inyCt " Mrs W P. Frar rjfmen are wanted to llf vants. on next I hat law Lawrence r. target &Jn stands? -U,n capes, in bla.k .. ...... r - . n i 'jri .huv your cib"- " 'i,Vo(is for less mon- ETthe same money . lTie of the sprmg ex Kiiohana Art League Eject tiiif evening. . a furnished house of ' jjust be convenient fcttcars- a uo.u real the next gjble Dargaiua ... Cements on uie dimities, extraor- ive yards for $1.00 Uri cottagi "i -mx mm" . i r nisr'i touaj iu" Lrffd advertisements on cp of C. W. Booth. will be sold at public m next, by James r . -M,m C'imp.iiiy stooK iind will De aue on uie . uramr selection. ?tarts today at Company fifty cents r'3 worth of ribbon: those 50-rent un Ujm d shirts that Ltd.. are selling for M residence tn Waikiki 1 lor two years; nios iriinui. and has nine day morning on the toriWys, j : Stan- lan. the attor offices to the on the third floor, tlevator. the popular caterer. London Cafe, Fort fee Orpheum. First- or night. -soft summer fabrics childrenmrp this i at B. F. Ehlers & Co. thi? page. If. C. Parke, adminis- littte of Catherine P. lllnrgan will sell a fish H uiapue. Molokai. m and wife desire a teband Is a good cook, a capital house ser- a:ed, and is hotel. Parties Isbb and board at rea- I be accommodated. I famous English prac- toeiy cure, as well as dyspepsia, is to eat l pare whisky and wa rn- White Horse best. tpment -aiUrd nalnts orwl Ifcy a brush you can less than half Painter would r-hnro-o lift? BuMMisri - ' Advertiser, who strain, is recuner W up on the slone: B "er from h II! r,r- ; . - -ywuaoiy D able t ,'Oe latter part c ' Mtural mineral wa-1 sole 1 E C Ltd 'writory. une of the har- iL?' aPPear- i?" at anchor fr, tin r:ortneVn shore Lt thirty boats n Herald. in chares ,f h. lm was entertained vretary of state g?? f interest and PW cago. i;rl au ne lhfc s'Jch as E sl"pment re r and trouble later gj "ear PensaCola 5: Saturday. In cut about th se azainst .... not .h.f,r" verV u to be elect r ,Ptation . Br tne p ' L- s- M. !ter. y Sher'ff n a nnin. '. -n- Bln: ",l at Puh! . R.U "3(3 bee 2.a? '".a Plans The fa V T. - - 3 eu i.., Caution and ,!n f a I am T "een oadlv . wssir,i:i,. aeriVath1 and LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Hutchinson has gtme to Kauai on a business trip. Major Wood, of the Salvation Army j left Saturday for Kauai. Hatch & Silliman are now located In j new offices In the Stangenwald builu- ! ing. ; Sixteen rejected immigrants, who ar j rived in the Peru's steerage, will be re turned to t:nina ana Japan. i -w tt -r j. r. diuwd, ex-iommissioner of Public Lands, accompanied by Mrs. Brown, has gone to Molokat. H. M. BoBsman, second secretary of the British Legation at Peking, wa paKsenger on tne Nippon Maru. S. Townsend, for many vears as- ociated with the Department of Edu cation, leaves soon to accept a position in the Philippines. A Galician child playing on the street was run over by an express wagon on Monday, on Ponahawai street, the team running away and knocking the child down at the foot of a hill. The funeral took place Tuesday arternoon. Hilo Herald. 'aptains Mosher and Fern, of the Inter-Island service, participated in a friendly wrestling match on the water front on Saturday. Both are powerful men, but Captain Fern gained the bet ter of the encounter by reason of his siience. Deputy Sheriff Chillingworth yester day made a haul in Kohala. He sur prised the proprietor of a liquor joint, a man named Wolff, and Drought him and the firewater into town for safe keeping. Wolff is charged with sell ing liquor without a license. Chilling worth works Sundays and holidays. ma 'HE band concert this evening will take place at 7:30 p. m. at Em ma Square: PART t March. "The Creole Queen" Hall Overture. "Poet and Peasant" .. .Suppe Maritana". Wallace ; Bongs (a) (b) 'Since We Said Goodbye,' Her Name is Rose," Miss I. Keliiaa. c) "Believe Me. Love," fd) "Maggie O'Connor," Mrs. X. Alapai. PART II. t'ornet Solo, "Alice, Where Art Thou" . Asher Mr. Charles Kreuter Selection, "A Runaway Girl" . Monckton Waltz. "Vienna Chic" Morton trueting engi- I Mawsb, "The Mosquito Parade" .... rde Plantation, arriv- wnitney "The Star Spangled Banner. COMET DISAPPEARING. He is "Back-Handed" and, Besides, Doesn't L)ke Moonshine. The comet. the heavenly visitor which has excited so much interest In this city of late, is disappearing. The moon is partially responsible for this. While she is shining brighry trie light : of the comet and his glittering tail cannot be seen with the naked eye. But, beyqnd this, the comet Is disap pearing. Professor Emerson said last night that he was barely able to view him with the unassisted eye, altbougn he had seen him clearly with a tele- mm.9 ciassinea aas. i scone. He did not wnert that Hono much more fiu been refurnished lulu would be able to see now ' of the interesting phenomenon. Professor Lyons thinks that the rea son of the disappearance of tne comet is because the thing is a "back-handed" affair: that is, he is ceasing to move in the direction of the motion of the planet3, and is beginning to go the other way. Honolulu will be sorry to lose her comet. He will not be for gotten, however; a number of fond i in i 1 V. V. 1 1 . 1. I Of nhotoeranh- ' 18 " w " ,ding kodkks Premo adOitons to tne ramuy auring tne visit fresh fiims nI ites L ",c -u'"cl- CAlTCl'u"6 iut wT'Ll!.!; offspring will develop into unusually! s,mni,. p, "a" wonderful men and women on account vO. ar cosine on f i i-t i. a i . .Vin - o " - , ( rime Ull iiitfii rsprcid i dituuiii. numa : came on their especial account. comet. Heedless Driving. John Gomez was yesterday arrested for heedless driving. He was out with a friend of the gentler sex, and was not particular as to how or at what speed he drove his horse. He ran his rig into the hind legs of a mounted natrolman's horse, the Doliceman. in- I bottle "Saif rhnin I cidentally. being in the saddle at the "Ported yearly into time. The lady, in making ner escape 8 hst three vears I from the rig, left a portion of her rai "krity and suVh. i ment in the buggy. She afterwards went to tne ponce station ana laenu ried the property. When the buggy struck the hind legs of the patrolman's horse a wheel was taken off. A SNAP IN Ribbons JJJJ opportunity not to be miss- An ed. For One Week Only. . . . We offer an all-silk, four inches wide. Regular 50c Value at 25c per yard. A full line of colors. Another Bargain A line of figured Dimities, fresh, crisp and new, latest patterns, 12 yards for $1,00. Extraordinary money. value for the N, I SACHS DRY COMP'Y., LTD. Fort Street IB RibDon GOODS Just What You've Been Looking For. All of the Latest Styles to be had at the Manufacturers' Shoe Co. FORT STREET, NEAR HOTEL Baby Found Himself growing fatter, healthier and jollier every day, and he didn't wake up in the middle of the night and bawl for an hour or two why? Because Mamma fed him on Taroena A pure and easily digested food prepared from the taro plant so abundantly grown in the Hawaiian Islands. It IB a NATURAL FOOD and not chemically prepared like so many foods, which sour the stomach. Invalids, too, get well gain on it. 50c package c , r, THE To See it No. 5 $40. - - No. 7 $50. Pearson & Potter Co, Ltd. 926 Fort Street. There Will be No BAILEY'S AT 167 KING STREET. The working Plumbers are members of the firm and all stay at work, because it is to their interest to work and it will be to your interest to employ them. A Shoe that would fit your foot, look well and always feel good. The J. A. Banister and the Strong and Garfield Shoes will give you satisfac tion in every way. No More Dread I ofthe Dental Chair $500 Will be given to anyone who detects inferior material used by the New York Dental Parlors. In all our gold crowns and bridgework we use 22-K. enld. In all our other work the ma terial is OP THE BEST, AND GUAR ANTEED. All work done by QRA I UATED DENTISTS of from 13 to 20 years' experience, and each department ; In charge of a specialist. Give us a : call, and you will find us to do exactly t ma xpa ndvertlw We tell vol in ad vance exactly what your work will cost by a FREE EXAMINATION. I SET TEETH 5.0 ' GOLD CROWNS $5.00 I GOLD FILLINGS fl.tO SILVER FILLINGS SOc HO PLATES Our same alone will be a guarantee that your work will be of the beat. New York IDental Parlors, Xoom 4, Elite Building, HOTEL STREET. LADIES IN ATTENDANCE. In Sets or Separate. We have some of the handsomest conceptions In Sterling Silver Table Ware that have ever been turned out by the best makers, and we give you the opportunity of buy ing them at moderate prices, either in sets or separate. May I show them to you? BIART THE . . . JEWELER FORT, NEAR KING ST. Custom House Blanks. Of Ail Kinds "A7.KTT1 COMPACT BLIGK is to Buy it. Telephone Main 317. Strike- PLUMBING SHOP The Light Thai Never mm liriLE HEAT BRILLIANT mm The An&leLAmp LALSO CARRVA GOOD STOCK Or I1ANUNC .STAMD AWD HAND LAJJPS. that the old-fashioned lamp was never smokes, smells or gives any troub le as gas, and is the ideal light from eve ry from $1.80 up. T. H. Davies & i Remnant Sale ! "Arnold" Goods I I Soft Fabrics For Infants and children. ''Arnold" Goods can always be depended on to be tine and soft in fabric, to wash and wear well, to ba thoroughly made, with covered seams, lock stitch (do lipping); in fact they are the nnest gar ments ever designed tor infants' and children's wear. We quote a few prices come and see the goods Look into our windows. T s IX Knit Diapers Arnold Diapers ae always soft after being washed, even without ironing. 18-inch, double fold 20c each 20-inch, double fold 25c each 22-inch, double fold 30c each m t Knit Baby Bath Aprons Made with a soft, knit cotton back, and heavily fleeced with long, soft nap of cotton on the face, all edges neatly bound and daintily finished. The price is $1.25 each; Infants' Knit Night Gowns With shirring string, especially designed for children too young to wear night drawers, tingle fold, silk finished, 32 to 36 inches long $1 each Knit Abdominal Bands I Prevent the chafing and irritation which often follow direct contact of an all wool fabric with a tender skin. All styles have tabs and open shoulder straps. Merino, heavy weight 8 to 12 inches 40c to 60c Worsted and cotton 8 to 12 inches 60c to 75c Knit Bibs They absorb and do not wet through and soil the clothing and they are cleansed more thoroughly and easily than any woven fabric. 9 to 12 inches 20c to 30c each Knit Night Drawers Formed and shaped like the human body. Ele gantly fashioned, not made like a bag. Seams all tape covered. Summer weight, without feet, children 2 to 10 years 60c to $1 per pair f B. F. Ehlers &Co. FORT Well Dressed Heads All belong to Women who Buy their Millinery t here Those new designs after thoughts of the Millinery Creators since Easter are very Dainty 1 J and fetylish. If you haven t seen them, we would be pleased to have you call. Embroidered Organdies Are the Finest of the New Summer Fabrics; so cool; so stylish; so handsome and delicate. Exquisite patterns we have all shades like wise Plain Organdies. Are You Partial to Swisses? Come and see our elegant range of these beautiful goods. I The M. E. Killean Co., Ltd. HOTEL Another Large Sh?pmt of Angle Lamps, THE ANtrLE LAMP THE LIGHT THAT NHVKJR FAILS. Fails it see ! that any could be rood enough to take Che ptece of teetrleity on e v yt such le the with the ANGUS LAMP. AU over th IU ends people are throwing away their old lamps and replacing them with this) lamp, not merely because It costs about one-tenth as much to maintahn (cost is no object to some people), but, besides be ing infinitely cheaper, It Is more brilliant an more reliable in the bar gain. It Is a revelation to every one who uses it, and simply demonstrate a barbarous contrivance, the iNP.r.u t iun is lighted and extinguished as easily standpoint. We carry these lamps- Company, Ltd. few Sty it 00m 04MJIOW WAiSr AMU SfAi 'JJieQtnoW STREET. STREET.