Newspaper Page Text
i SUPPLIES Tar, Aspbaitum. Bit - ,ssorte Harness. B-Jv Bellowa . ' r:res. te- Co. gpreckels' Bank. a t a TiMll V i St , Near King. injpr I1V1 1 ! wtvts ELK CLUB MASH AND ALES 01 BOAii B nMAJ- P. 0. Box 7H. vmnrifTr vtt t tttj ml a natural food pw the hair new nil by feeding ths the hair roots. It ud scalp food, and I It In the world, atop falling hair, hair and baldness. '-WJ! ana at the 5. Telephone Main 5 Hardware Hi M Guaranteed 1:'. riS kta sa Hrtaetly satis- PHIC CO., lj BLOCK, Ptalltresu I Rates P THE WC.N a and txrrnannt rNA ! P"EL Bl Ot-Dr,rti . . ior a S., nrst- moaerate cost. tn. U BEER the- 1 Urn ,un Works P.n .ftienL. erttlon ettsntioa "witai Clearance Sale OF Ready-Mixed PAINTS FOR Household Purposes One Qt. Tins. Regular Special Price. Price. 1 (41) Sand Stone . ... 5 (40) Nile Green 2 (3S) Flesh Tint $.60 .69 .60 .60 .60 .75 .60 .60 .60 .60 .6 $.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 3 3 8 2 6 10 11 C 7 2 (37) Pure Lead (25) Maroon (26) Oxiole (20) Oxide Red (12) Olive Green (11) Venetian Yellow ( 9) Pure Gray ( 3) Sage Green (OW) Pure White .. .60 .35 Five. Gallon Tins of Barn and Roof Paint and $.75 per gallon. 5 Also, Prepared Carriage Paints. One Qt. Tins. 1 Lemon Tellow 3 Wine 2 Vermillion . . 1 Coach Green . One Pt. Tins. 4 Wine 3 Coach Green . 7 Vermillion . . 4 Lemon Tellow Regular Special Price. Price. $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .23 Also, ispinall's Genuine English fname for Furniture, Etc, Regular Special Price. Price. Tins. 6 Sky Blue $.50 5 Pale Blue 50 5 French Gray 50 1 Flamingo 50 6 Stone 50 4 Turquoi 50 $.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Paint Brushes of all Kinds at Greatly Reduced Prices, w. w. Dimond & Co., LIMITED. Von Holt Biock, King Street. Rock for Ballast White and Black Sand IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. EXCAVATING CONTRACTED FOR. CORAL AND SOIL FOR SALS. Dump carts furnished by ths day on an hour's notice. H. R, HITCHCOCK. Office opposite Union Feed Co. on Queen street. Telephone Main UN. INVINCIBLE typewriter paper HAS NO SUPERIOR 0AHU ICE & ELECTRIC CO. ICE DELIVERED To any part of the City Hoffman & Markham a i 2? Jo wrk Telephone Blae OIL P. P? m Office: Xswalo. BENCH Supreme Court Sustains an Appeal. ADULTERATED MILK CASE DISMISSED Trespass Case of Kalau vs. Ewa Plantation Co. Now on Trial Before Edings. The First Judir of the First Circuit had no jury matters before him jester day, all such causes having gone over uutil Tuesday, on Friday, to give prece dence to the hearing of the contempt proceedings. JUDGE EDINGS' COURT. The trespass case of Kalau vs. Ewa Plantation Co. and W. J. Lowrie was taken up in Judge Edings' court yester day aft, moon, Kinney. Rallou & Me Clanahan and Magoaa & Thompson ap pearing for the plaintiff and Cecil Brown and F. W. Hankey for the defendant. Ev idence was taken for the plaintiff and the rase continued until this morning. The following is tne list of jurors be fore whom the case is being tried: Man uel tJ. Gonsalves, Alfred M. Mellis, Jas. E Ftillerton, Ward S. Bartiett, Wm. H. Lyle, Hugh I! . Walker. Horatio G. I vl.lio, Ed. E. Holstein. Walter A. Har dy, Thomas J. Quinn, Sol. I) Walter M." Pomrov. Koki and THE COAIPUEXItiN" DAMAGE SUIT. j whooping cough last summer, our baby : The Hollistor Dru "o. yestfrdky filed (hoy being only three months old, and Us bond on appeal in the sum of $500 in ! owing to our giving them Chamber the damage case of Nellie A. ''ooV- vs. j Iain's Cough Remedy they lost none of Hollister Drug Co., in which swit judg- ! ir plumpness and came out in much i ment was rendered for plaintiff in the sum of $500 on ' nursdav last by Judge w.ur-,. w. w h .- ... .o .i f,.... on the defendant's bond. Notice is giv en by Robinson & Wilder, defendant's at torneys, that motion for new trial would be presented to the Court today at 10 o'clock a. m. The motion is made on the grounds that the verdict was con tary to law, the evidence and the weight of evidence; that the Court erred in refusing defendant's motion for non suit and in many other particulars enu merated. MII.K ADULTERATION CASK DECI SION, The unanimous opinion of the Su preme Court was tiled yesterday in the case of the Territory vs. M. Abreu, which is an ' appeal from the District Court of Honolulu, where defendant was convicted and sentenced on the follow ing charge, "Violating section 3, Act 34, Session Laws of 1S9S, in Honolulu, Oahu. December 26, 1900, by selling a certain article of food, to wit, milk, which was substituted in part with a cheaper sub stance, to wit, water." To this charge the defendant demurred on the ground that the same does not state facts sufficient to constitute any crime or offense against any law of the Territory of Hawaii and particularly not against section 3 of Act 3 of the Session Laws of 1898." Justice Perry writes the opinion, con cluding: "The appeal is sustained and the defendant is discharged." In reviewing the case the Court says that section 3 of Act 34 of the I-aws of 1898 merely defines the term "adulterat ed," so used in the Act, while the de scription of the offense of selling adul terated drugs or articles of food and the statement of the penalty therefor are contained in other sections of the Act. The syllabus of opinion reads thus: If the prosecution undertakes, in charg ing an offense, to recite the statute or section thereof, in violation of which the offense is committed, and makes the recital incorrect, nuch mis-recital is u fatal defect; at least In a case where, if the portion of the charge referring to the statute is stricken out, a sufficient and direct statement of an offense does not remain. J. W. Cathcart, Deputy Attorney Gen eral, for tn rosecution: L M. Long, for the defenaarr. J). SKT VS. LACK. Execution was yesterday ordered to be levied upon the real property of Mrs. Thomas Lack t satisfy a Judgment in favor of Charles S Desky for damages In the sum of 53 'l and costs amounting to $74.38, the required thirty days" notice to be given. In re the probate of the will of Na- lima, it has been agreed by stipulation of Kinney, Bailou McClanahan, con testant's attorneys, and Magoon & Thompson, counsel for proponents, that proponents may have five days after completion of stenographer s notes in which to file bill of exceptions, not to exceed sixty days from yesterday. GRIEVE ESTATE. James L. McLean, administrator of the estate of Robert Grieve, deceased, has filed final receipts showing distribu tion as follows: To Jennie Grieve, $10, 727.69 in cash, household furniture valued at $100, eight shares Inter-Island Navi gation Co.'s stock valued at $8'"0, one share People's Ice & Refrigerating Co.'s stock valued at $100, five shares Hawaii an Construction Co.'s stock valued at $500, the same being one-third of the per sonal property of said estate according to inventory filed. To Mrs. L. Grieve, $10,727.70 in cash, household furniture valued at $100, eight shares Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co.'s stock valued at $800; five shares Wilder S. S. Co.'s stock valued at $500, one share People's Ice & Refrigerating Co.'s stock valued at $100, same being one-third of said estate ac cording to inventory filed. To Jennie R. McLean, $10,727.69 in cash, household fur niture valued at $100, fourteen shares Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co.'s stock valued at $1,400. same being the remain ing third of said estate according to In ventory filed. COURT NOTES. The members of the Fire Claims Com mission yesterday filed their oaths of of fice with the clerk of the First Circuit Court. The annual bar meeting of the Ha waiian Bar Association will be held to rnorrow morning at 9:30 in the Judiciary building. Helen G. Henshall was yesterday by Judge Edings appointed executor of the will of William A. Henshall. to serve without bond, an inventory to be filed within thirty days. Lau Tin and Lau Tong, admlnistra- tors of the estate of Ian Chong. deceas ed, have brought two suits against W. C. Achi. one for recovery of $432 princi pal and $232.30 Interest on a certain promissory note alleged to have been made to the deceased by the defendant on May 31. 1S95, and the other to recov er the sum of $450 and interest as rental under a lease on certain lands made by the deceased to defendant for a period jof ten years at the yearly rental of $90 the same beginning January, 18M, and of which rental, plaintiffs allege has not been paid for the years 18S6, 1897, 1898, 1S99 and 1900, though payment of the same has' been often requested. Summons in both cases has been serv ed upon the defendant and yesterday answers of general denial were filed to both complaints by defendant through his attorneys, Achi & Johnson and D. H. Kahaulelio. Andrews, Peters & An drade are attorney?, for plaintiffs. WAITY-.LONG. Son of Banker Watty Weds Miss L Leng of California. Harlan T. Watty, son of H. E. Waity, one of the members of the banking firm of Bishop & Co., was married on Sun day afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Waity, 1330 Beretania street, to Miss L. Long of San Francis co. The marriage ceremony was per formed most impressively by the Rev, William Morris Kincaid, pastor of Cen tral Union Church. The wedding was a pretty one, although private, owing to the recent death of the bride's moth er in San Francisco. Miss Long ar rived in Honolulu on the steamer Zealandia. The bride requested that the wedding be a quiet one. in defer ence to her sad bereavement. Numerous handsome m-esents have been received by the happy couple, many from the friends of the bride in San Francisco. The young people will go to housekeeping at once in their new cottage on Kinau street, which had been placed in readiness in anticipation of the arrival of the bride. They will be at home to their friends early in the month of June. Owing to the ill ness of Mr. H. E. Waity, lather of the groom, he was unable to be present at the reremonv. WHOOPING COUGH. A woman who has had experience ' "1L" ""a uicoase, tens nuw to prevent j any dangerous consequences from it, i ' She savs: Our thrpe children took : n.;u -j : , a- . uuuaieu HSSSLSS m), w', m 9 oT, r oldest little girl wouul call lustily for cvnin hottvoon syrup between whoops. Jessie Pinkley Hall, Sprinville, Ala.' This remedy is for sale by Benson., Smith & Co., Ltd., wholesale agents. Tourists and visitors snould not fall to take a ride on the Pacific Heights Elect ic Railway. Unsurpassed view of ocean, mountain and valley, and th stretched -out city. Round trip, 10c. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORE . CLOSE, AND OF SALE BY AS SIGNEE OF MORTGAGE. In accordance with and by virtue of a power of sale and . other provisions contained in that certain mortgage deed dated the 24th day of April, A. D. 1897, from Gustav A. Mauer to Victoria .Ward, recorded in the Registry of Deeds in Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, in book 170, on pages 200 and 201, and by said Victoria Ward duly assigned to E. H. Wodehouse, of said Honolulu, by assignment dated the 20th day of February, A. D. 1901, and recorded in said Registry of Deeds In book 170, page 201. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, E. H. Wodehouse, present assignee and holder of said mortgage. intends to foreclose the same for con dition broken, to wit, nonpayment of principal and interest and promissory note secured by said mortgage when due. Notice is hereby also given that all and singular the lands, tenements and hereditaments hereinafter described (being all the lands, tenements and hereditaments Intended to he conveyed by said mortgage) will be sold at pub lic auction at the auction rooms of James F. Morgan in said Honolulu, on Saturday, the 15th day of June. A. D. 1901. at 12 o'clock noon of said day. Terms Cash. Deeds at expense of. purchaser. The premises to be sold are all that piece and parcel of land situate on Nuuanu street In said Honolulu, more particularly described as follows: . Commencing at the south corner of this lot on the north side of Nuuanu street, at a point 170 feet mauka of the north corner of Beretania an Nuuanu streets, and running: (1) N. 34 25' W. true, 102.8 feet along L. C. A No. 123 to A. Paki. (2) N. 2 50' W. true. 27.1 feet along L. C. A. No. 123 to A. Paki. (3) N. 6S 45' E. true. 41.9 feet along Auld. (4) S. 27 30' E. true. Ill feet along Auld to Nuuanu street.' (5) S. 47 3G' W. true, 41. 6 along; Nu uanu Btreet to the initial point, con taining an area of about 13-100 of an acre, and beini a portion of R. P. (grant) No. 401 15 to M. Kekuanoa, and all right, title end interest of said Gus tav A. Mauer In all the land described In said R. P. Errant) No. 4005 to M. Kekuanoa. For further particulars, apply to E. A. Mott-Smith. attorney for the un dersigned. E. H. WODEHOUSE, Assignee of Mortgagee. Dated Honolulu. Oahu, May 22, 1901. 5863 JUDD & CO. Fire and Life Insurance. Stock and Bond'Brokers. California Oil Stocks. Rents and Bills Collected. Office 307 Staogenwald Building UCK I THE CARMELITA OIL CO. (Inc.), has a running oil well. ONE THOUSAND SHARES of this stock for sale by JUDD a. CO. 5866 307 Stangenwald Building. FOR SALE LOT 100x50 FT., 2-STORY HOUSE, Lunalilo street, near Piikoi. Lot 200x200 ft., fenced and having 100 trees planted; Puunul Ave.,- one-quarter mile north of Wyllie St. JITDD & COMPANY. 5867 No. 307 Stangenwald Bldg. THE FIRST HMMIMl OF HAWAII, LTD. Capital, $25,00.00. President Cecil Brown Vice President M. P. Robinson Cashier W. Q. Cooper Principal Office: Fort, near Merchant Street. Branch Office: Hilo, Hawaii. Condncts a Geseral BaniiDE Bnsiness AT HONOLULU AND HILO. SAVIWAD nnnc-T-nr, . . I uruoiiD receivea ana ; uiyuy ana carefully attend to a1 interest allowed for yearly deposits at business connected with bankina- en the rate of 4 per cent per annum. I trusted to it. Sell and Purchase Far Rules and regulations of savings de- I elsm Exchange, Issue Letters of CnIil partment furnished upon application. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT imb 1 lis -LIMITED OFFICERS: - i iibi vice xresiaent W. M. Alexander. Second Vice President 1 J. P. Cooke Trea.nnr w. O. Smith ... Secretary and Auditor Sugar Factors -AKD- Commission Merchants AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co Haiku Sugar Company, Pa la Plantation Company, Nahiku Sugar Company, Kihei Plantation Company, Hawaiian Sugar Company, Kahului Railroad Company, and Btitishr American Line. Hawaii Land Co. LIMITED. Capital Stock Capital, paid up $100,000. $55,000. OFFICERS. W. C. Achi.... President and Manager M. K. Nakuina, Vice President J. Makainai Treasurer Enoch Johnson i Secretary George L. Desha Auditor BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Jonah Kumalae. J. Makainai J. W. Bipikane. The above Company wm buy, lease, or sell lands in all parts of the Ha waiian Islands; and also has houses In the city of Honolulu for rent. Valuable Land IN THE CITY" For Lease mimm comes For Rent Beautiful Home FOR 8ALE APPLY TO I COMPANY, LTD. 923 Fort street, Honolulu. Tel. Main 184. ESTABLISHED IN 183. BISHOP & CO. Bankers TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit issued, available In all the Principal Cities of the World. INTEREST allowed after July 1, 1898, on fixed deposits: 7 days' no tic, t per cent (this form will not hear Interest unless It remains undisturbed for one month): 3 months, t per cent; months. 3 per cent; 18 months, 4 per cent. CASILE & COOKE CO., Ld. HONOLULU. Commission Merchants SUGkAR FACTORS. AGENTS FOR The Ewa Flantatlon Company. The Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd. 1 The Kohala Sugar Company. The Walmea Sugar Mill Company. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo. The Standard Oil Company. Ths George F. Blake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Insur- -vnee Company, of Boston. The Aetna Fire Insurance Company, ot Hartford, Conn. The Alliance Insurance Company, ef London, A km Mitt THE Bank of Hawaii LIMITED. j Incorporated under the Laws af KM Territory at Hawaii. PAID UP CAPITAL - $600,00 RESERVE - - - 50,000 UNDIVDED PROFITS - I21.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR. Charles M. Cooke Preala P. C. Jones vies Prcalaf v r' f&5 Caakleg c- Atherton Assistant Caafata Henry Waterhouse, Tom May, F. i Kfess3116' D- Tenney' J' M Solicits the Accounts of Firms. Of poratlons. Tri!t Tnxii..i. , ... ' T ' ""'"uuKt, n TV 11 Ordinary and Term Deposits reeei"rgf ,and Interest allowed in accoraas I with rules and conditions prints H i a uw&s, copies or which may be on application. Judd Building, Fort Street. Claus Spreckels. Wm. Piftll:. OnrnnlfAln V HONOLULU, H bajn FKANCISCO AGENTS Tl NEVADA NATIONAL BANK Otk SAN FRANCISCO. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO The Nevada nonai jana or san Francisco. LONDON The Union Bank of Lonaea, Ltd. " NEW TORK-Amerlcan Exchange Na tional Bank. CHICAGO Merchants' National BasJj PARIS Credit Lyonnals. BERLIN Dresdener Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA - Hongkong and Shanghai Bankiasj Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA-. Bank of New Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER BsjaS vi oiiusa xxortn America. I rnaiseci i fienerai Bon(rme SEichoiice'BBiNi Deposits Received, Loans made e Approved security, Commercial ! Travelers' Credits Issued, Bill of , change Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AULUUM'ED FOR. BISHOP & CO. SAVINGS BANK Office at bank building on MeralaaaJ street Savings Deposits will be received ast? Interest allowed by this Bank at 6-" per cent per annum. Printed copies of the Rules and uiauons may be obtained on a uon. BISHOP & COi Honolulu, September 7, 1898. TRYnillASFICIIBUI LIMITED. Subscribed Capital Paid Dp Capital . Resetted Fund , . Ten umm Ian 18,0001069 Ten 8,310,001 HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. 1 INTEREST ALLOWED. Oa Fixe Deposit for U months, 4 pea cent per annum. On Fixed Deposit for months, t wm cent per annam. Os Fixe Deposit for S months, I pef eat per aantat. The bank bays ana receives for lection Bills of Bxehange, Issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, and general banking Branch of Yokohama Specie Bank. New Republic Building, Honolulu, H. L C. BREWER &CO.L'D Queen Street, Honolulu, H. T AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Oae mea Sugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company, Walluku Sugar Company, American Sugar Company, Makae Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plan tation Company, ' Hales kala Wmm st) Com; any, Kapapala Ranch, Motokal Ranch. Planters' Line, Ban Francisco PaekSfta, Charles Brewer St Co's Line of Bea ton Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters Agents for Philadelphia Board of Ua derwriters. Standard Oil Company. LIST OF OFFICERS: C. M. Cooke, President; George X Robertson, Manager; E. F. Blshaj, Treasurer an Secretary: Col. W. Allen. Auditor: P. C. Jones. H. Water house, O. R. Carter, Directors. JUiEI ISHIZUKT AGENCY OF KEI H1N BANK, LTD. VINEYARD ST. Transact General Banking an change Business. HMD OFFICE mm jipu DRAW EXCHANGE ON FTBJTY NATIONAL BANK, YOKOHAMA H, W. FOSTER & CO., Gold and Silversmiths FINE WATCH ROT Am IKa EN GRAVING and DIAMOND SKTTTNCL All Goods and Work Guarantee. HOTEL STREET. G. Irwt. Mm