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I t p tACimO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, MAY 28. 1901. 16 V Honolulu have firmly established it as the Unquestioned Residence Center for all Future Home Building. THE ELECTRIC CAR LINE OF THE RAPID TRANSIT 00. Is now Being Rapidly Built, Following the Main Avenues, through Entire College Hills Suburb, and will be Completed by Sept. 1st. tfc The College Trustees are already constructing a Complete Water Supply with constant pressure from Rocky Hill Reservoirs. By the time you can complete plans and build your College Hills' House Quick Car Service and a Good Water Supply. will be ready for you. ,,,,,, L Lots will be Shown you on Request by the Sales Agents MeClellan, Pond & Co. and Castle & Lansdali BY AUTHORITY. FIRE CLAIMS COMMISSION. F. W. MACFARLANE, Chairman, A. N. KEPOIKAI, JOSEPH G. PRATT, A. C. LOVEKIN, F. J. TESTA. Commission. Dated Honolulu, May 24, 1901. j-ursuant to Act io ot me legislature. fh Hm(,, of P,amants the 2J.wvali. n.;cr is hereby Riven that rollowinf as adopted by the corn- said Commission will, beginning cn misslon lg herewith published: Friday, the 31st day of May A. D. 1901, , n , vr T . - . ul f n nM ' Rule XIV. In order to facilitate bus- at the hour of 9:30 a. m., hold puDlic !. , , . ,, . - . . . . , ', , . Mness, claimants are directed to present sessions at the rooms of the Chamber , , ' . , . , , , . 3 . ... . ,. i claims for losses of merchandise, goods. 'St . ' . I wares and stocks in trade in an item- b ort ana Merchan: streets, Tlono- . - . ... izeu Lunn, uescriuuig me n.iuu onu value thereof, upon a schedule to be marked "Exhibit A," and all claims for losses of personal belongings, Jewelry, house furnishings and. other chattels upon a schedule to be marked "Exhibit B," and for all losses appertaining to buildings or of building fixtures upon a schedule to be marked "Exhibit C." 5866 alu, T. H.. for the purpose of hearing hd examining proofs of alleg'i losses, provided in saia Act. F. "W. MACFARLANE, . -rW, Chairman. . . , 5 F' i . in rf m 2 i - ed May 27th, lU; 5SGS RE CLAIMS COMMISSION. irsuaiice of the requirements of of the Legislature of the Ter- of Hawaii, being "An Act to pro- l for the ascertainment and pay- jjh of all claims which may be made permjHs wiiuse property was aes- yea Dy nre in tne years a. jj. tsaa id 1900, under orders of the Board of lealth," public notice is hereby given that the commission provided for in ' said Act has been duly organized, and claims for, damages may be presented and filed with the commission at the (Pootns of the Chamber of Commerce, Campbell Block, corner of Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu, H. T., idaily on and after Monday, the 27th day of May, 1901, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. No claim for speculative or conse- I, Theodore F. Lansing, Treasurer o he Territory of Hawaii, do hereb? ertlfy, In accordance with the require nents of Section 12, Chapter XXIII, o' he Session Laws of 1884, the same be ing an "Act to provide for the Incor poration of Banking Companies," tba' have examined into the condition o THE FIRST BANK OF HILO, LTD. a corporation formed under said act nd located in the city of Hilo, Island f Hawaii, and I am satisfied that the aid corporation has fully complied with the provisions required by said tot, to be complied with before com mencing the business of banking, and '.he said corporation, "THE FIRST 1ANK OP HILO, LTD., is hereby an- t horized to commence such business. quential damages, or for loss of rent er j aced and' 8eal of use of property, or loss of profits Qfflcft through the interruption of business, I iarCn j) ifOL nor any loss except for destruction of i ... ori or direct damage to property by fire m TreTSi or removal, will be considered by the SPORTS Of : THEJIOBLD Shamrock II Out sailed New Boat. commission, nor any such claim be considered at all unless presented to and filed with the commission within four months from this date as pro vided for in said Act. Claims will be heard in the order In which they are filed, unless for special reasons the commission shall other wise direct, but no claim shall b heard within three days after the same is filed. AM claims shall be filed In duplicate by the claimants or their assignees, and shall be verified by their oath respec tively, and If the claimant be deceased or a minor the claim shall be presented by his legal representatives. Each claim shall contain an itemized statement in the English or Hawaiian language of the loss sustained, the date of the loss and how it occurred, the na ture of the property lost and Its situa tion at the time of its loss, and if the loss consists of destruction of or dam age to a building, the name of the owner of the land whereon It stood and the nature of the interest of the claim ant or his assignee in the building, and in case of insurance, the amount for which the property was Insured, the name of the insurer, and how much insurance was paid thereon. JBlank forms for use of claimants in making up statement of losses will be furnished upon application. Due notice will be given of the time and place the commission will be In session to hear and examine proof of alleged losses. NOTICE. Sealed tenders for the purchase of 1500,000.00 six per cent. 6-15 bonds of the authorized issue of the Waialua Agri cultural Company, Limited, will be re ceived by its Treasurer, said tenders it b opened on June 1st, 1901, in the e )f the Company in Honolulu, H. T. THre Company does not bind Itself I lo y(.-ept the highest or any bid. Fur- thti H-'ormation may be obtained by l in of original Deed of Trust, on flit w th the Hawaiian Trust & In- vestmen .'ompany, Limited, Honolulu, H. T., or -om certified copy of same on file with 'r. R. P. Rlthet, President Welch & -o., 220 California street, San Francisco. California. "W. A. BOWEN, Treasurer Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. April 9th, 1901. A HOME :ut THE VALLEY." THB BOD8H AND LOT AT THE head of linhinson Lane, Nuuanu Val ley, befcmg'ng to C. B. Ripley, is offer ed for sale This is one of the choicest homes in the suburbs of Honolulu; a modern house, almost new, fine stable, verv large shade trees; no cooler place in Honolulu; and will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Apply to own er, on the premises, or at room 10, Progress block. 5863 YACHTING. The Boston boat Independence has been barred from the trial races to se lect, a cup defender and from all other events over which the New York Yacht Club will have jurisdiction. Lawson says that his boat will be raced in spite of the club. Dengner . Watson has decided to remod el portions of the hull of the Sham rock n. Sir Thomas Lipton is chagrined at the recent showing of the Shamrock II. He thinks that something has gone wrong with her and has ordered her put in dry dock for examination. The Shamrock I outsailed Sir Thomas Lipton's new boat by five minutes and five seconds over a triangular course of about twenty miles. Captain Nat Herreshoff, designer of the cup defender Constitution, believes his latest boat is the greatest yacht racer the world ever saw. The Marquis of Ormonde has been elected commodore of the Royal Yacht Squadron in succession to King Edward. CYCLING. Major Taylor, the colored American cy clist and Jacquelin, the French crack rider, have arranged for three races to take place Monday, May 27th. Jacquelin, the French cyclist, defeated "Major" Taylor, the colored American rider, in a race for the world's cham pionship held in Paris. Lace Downing broke the world's motor-paced record for a mile at San Jose. Time 1:35 3-5. Burton Dflrtvning lowered the world's five-mile motor-paced record to 8:24 2-5. Newkirk and Hone broke the three mile world's record for motocycles at San Jose. Time :37 1-5. The Garden City Wheelmen won the fourth annual bicycle relay race for the Leavitt and Bell trophy over a 100-mile course. The course record was lowered by 3 minutes 54 seconds. The time was 4 hours, 42 minutes and 30 seconds. COLLEGK ATHLETICS. Stanford has secured " Dad" Moulton as track coach and trainer. Yale defeated Harvard in a series of tarck events by a score of 57 to 47. The Pennsylvania eight-oared crew that is to represent the university in the Henley regatta defeated the first Navy crew by thirteen feet, or exactly one sec ond, over a two-mile course. O. C. xjutts of lale lowered the inter collegiate bicycling record for the quar ter mile, riding the distance in 0:30 2-5. Yale won the Intercollegiate bicycle races with 32 points, Pennsylvania scored 8 points and Columbia 4 points. Pennsylvania defeated Columbia Uni versity In a track meet, 88 points to 56. Halstead LInsey of Harvard won the Intercollegiate golf championship by de feating Charles Hitchcock of Yale. THE TURF. In England the Alexandra handicap of 1,000 sovereigns was won by Richard Croker's Harrow with Lester Reiff in the saddle. Thomas W. Lawson of Boston has bought Draughtsman and Ronkonkoma, the steeplechasers. The Latonia Derby was won by Her nandeo. R. T. Wilson's The Parader won the classic Withers stakes at Morris Park. BOXING. The Southern Athletic Club of Louis ville announces the matching of Dave Sullivan and Terry McGovern for the featherweight championship. An attempt to bring off an exhibition bout between Root and Carter in Osh kosh. Wis., was abandoned owing to the action of the Governor. The wife of Tommy Cox asks for .a divorce. The marriage took place in San Francisco eight weeks ago, and the wife says that Cox struck her soon aft erwards. Mrs. Cox is noi yet sixteen years old. Jim Jeffries says that he is through with acting and is going to get back into the fighting game as quickly as pos sible. The Childs-Martin colored champion ship fight has been declared off on ac count of the Interference of the Govern or of Michigan. MISCELLANEOUS. In a baseball game in Cuba the na tives beat the Americans by the score of 11-10. A Cuban lowered the American flag to half-mast and the rural guards charged the crowd with drawn ma chetes. Moulton T. Needham, treasurer of the Washington Baseball Club, Is dead. John Tucker, the well-known horse man, is dead of apoplexy. NOTICE. We hereby beg to notify our custom rs, and the public generally, that here after we shall insist on regular month ly settlements of all accounts owing us. Any account remaining unpaid after the last day of the month following its contraction, will be closed, and steps taken for its immediate collection. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., LTD., G. J. WALLER, Manager. HONOLULU MARKET CO., LTD., D. H. DAVIS, Manager. 5849. NOTICE. TO-DAY WE INAUGURATE OUR Second Annual Discount Sale ON Men id in offering for the next two weeks TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT on every piece of Pottery and and Chlnaware In the house. 1 The above lines differing so materially from other goods, in that they do not change in style nor deteriorate In quali ty, It will be to your advantage to take this opportunity of add ing to your ornaments and fine household china at a saving of one-fourth from regular prices. We leave the old prices on ail goods simply deduct one-fourth and the difference will be the selling prices during the sale. You know the goods Coalport, Doulton, Royal Vienna, Royal Bonn, Royal Berlin, Dresden In large variety, Bohemian glass in new colorings, Marbles and Bronzes. 25 Per Gent Discount For Two Weeks Land! For Sale. LOTS IN KIN'O from $1,350 to known as G. N- TWENTY LOTS B LET, formen? - & lot. FOUR HUNDP1 ' . r from 81 LAW T"1-" FIFTY LOTS1 W1141 opposite TWENTY L0T5J TRACT, 100XJOO, ti HEREAFTER THE TIME OF DE parture from Honolulu of the steamer Mauna Loa will be at 12 o'clock noon. Shippers are hereby notified that freight will not be received after 10 o'clock a. m. on day of sailing. This rule will be strictly enforced. INTER-ISLAND STEAM NAVI GATION CO., XTD. ' 6864 MEETING NOTICE. QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE Union Feed Company, Ltd., will be held at the company's office, Judd building, on Wednesday, the 29th Inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. SOUTHARD HOFFMAN, JR.. 5867 Secretary. 1. F. Mil, OPTICIAN, Jeweler and Silversmith FORT STREET. Etc.! i For further S11 I Read the Daily Advertiser; 75 eenta per month. Real n Broke'5- .! ..rtrcT m 10