Newspaper Page Text
I THB PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVEK 1SKR, HOHOLULU, JUNE 1,1901. u All RunPown No Appetite. Weak. Discouraged. Warm climates always debilitate the nervous system. The digestion is slow, and the liver becomes sluggish. Im purities in the blood accumulate, and you go about downhearted and de pressed. All this may be quickly changed with proper treatment. Mrs. C. Kennedy, of 26 Krskine St., North Melbourne, Victoria, sends us her photograph and this letter: GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED TOMORROW HAWAIIAN ENGlNEERlwfa ROOMS 508, 509, 510 STA.U . L.r . Ul engineering Work mm. . All - m v-m ports made for any class of w. 80 leited; iw. O TV, fil orancnes of Engineering V- parl a, roads. Electric and Steam; Tunnels p ork: Con? tions. Piers. Wharves pt Aunnels- tridges. ' -'V A , - a -' k Quaint Ceremonial of Presenting Key of the Edifice to Pastor to Open the Door. Special attention given'to Examine ps for invoQtmi "'xaminati erties for investment ourposes. tlons- ValuatiBn, PREDERi CK J W. R. CASTLE JR., Secretary nA t- P"r N kJ .1 surer. .ife 0 2 o c O s 0 z s w z o X a NEW BOOKS AX The Golden Rule Bazaar f Old Vtncennes," by Maurice VUr," by Maurice Th ".TTraeUieart Manette," br Maurice Thompson. eTaa Octopus," Frank Norris. "flu life and Letters of the Ancient Hebrews," by Lyman Abbott. "Sod's Puppets," by Imogen Clark. Making of Christopher Ferrtsff kam," by Marie Diz. Inlander," by Harris Robertson. Hut." The Player's BO., 111. Life and Letters of Thomas Hualey." by his son. "At th Court of the King." by Weetiey. "The Whwrd's Knot," by Dr. Wm. Bar- "Arrows of the Almighty, ' by Owes "OHrsr Cromwell," by John Moriey. "New Baaland Lea-ends and Folk Lore," by Drake. dams Sawyer, by Pidgin, - Shirt and Khaki," by J as. F. J. Archibald, who witnessed eiosely the oampalyi.s ia Cuba and South Africa. United States Tariff Seaeduie, ro up to July 1st, 1M. WALL PAPER Haw STOCK. I Choice Designs, Reasonable Prices. Lewers. & Cooke LIMITED. Fort Street. SEND TOUR BUSINESS ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH. You can Now The Inter-Island Telegraph Go. is transmitting mes sages to all the islands of the group except Kauai. XllNIfiUM RATE IS $2. Boiioiila Office. Magoon Bl'k UPSTAIRS. TELEPHONE MAIN 131. Messenger will call for your mes sage if desired Castle & Cooke LIFE FIRE I 66 utii I AGENTS FOB in ew m me hum OF BOSTON. OF XAJtTFOMD. SANG LEE CHAN VOX FORT 8TREBST, Just Abore Orphaum. aaocmsmB, fish, California FRUITS. iLa tM0hM No. Mi White. I had lost my appetite, w;ss very weak, and all run down. "Nothing did me good, and I was discouraged. I then tried AYER'S Sarsaparilla el it brought me right up to my usual health and strength. And I want to add a word here about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It has cured me of such hard coughs and colds that I feel i const not aowiuumt it. for lamiiy reme dies I rely on that word, Ayer's. " Keep your bowels in good condition with Ayer's Pills. Take just enough to produce one good free movement of the bowels daily. Prepar by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mass., U. S. A HOLLISTER DRUG CO., Affenta. THE Hew England Bakery. MAKE FRESH DAILY HOME MADE PIES. Same as your mother used to make in Mince, Apple, Peach, Berry, Lemon, Pumpkin and Cream. They are superior to any purchased elsewhere, and all hot at It o'clock a. m. Our Hot Doughnuts are simply par excellence, and are ready at 6 o'clock a. m. Try some with your morning coffee. Cream Puffs and Chocolate Eclairs, ready at 11 o'clock a. m. delicious. We serve Hot Coffee, Tea or Chocolate, with Hot Buns, Snails or Doughnuts a light breakfast for 10 cents only. Cold sliced Ham Lunch, assort ed, for working men, only 15 cents each. . t A Commencing June 1 we will sell thirty loaves of bread for $1.00. Please call up our 'Phone 74. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock the German Evangelical Lutheran Church, recently completed on Beretania ave nue, will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies, in which not only the Ger man residents of Honolulu, but the ministers of all other churches In the city, will participate. Quaint and mediaeval as the church Is in appearance, the exercises leading up to the formal consecration of the edifice to the work of God, are similar ly odd, and are reminiscent of the old time customs in the Fatherland. The trustees of the church decided upon the hour of 9 o'clock as a fitting time for the services to commence, in order to give an opportunity to all the other ministers to attend, and yet have am ple time in which to hold services in their own church edifices. The trus tees have issued invitations to the Honolulu clergy to be present, and it is expected that each will make a short address of welcome to the new sect. The church is not large, and there is seating capacity for only about 170 per sons. The services will be conducted by Rev. Hans Isenberg, who has been in charge of the little flock here, and by Rev. V. Felmy, the pastor, who recent ly arrived from Berlin, Germany. The latter will be introduced to his con gregation by the former, and the af fairs of the church formerally placed in his keeping. The congregation will meet outside the church at the hour named, and the acting chairman of the trustees, Mr. H. A. Isenberg, will deliver the keys of the structure to the two ministers, who will open the front door, and while do ing so Invoke the blessing of God upon the building. The ministers will then enter, followed by the trustees, invited clergy and guests and the congregation. During this ceremony Professor Hein- rich Berger will play an appropriate anthem. Unfortunately the great pipe organ has not yet arrived from Ger many, and the music will have to be i rendered upon an harmonium. Follow ing the prelude the congregation will sing hymn 11. The remainder of the or der of exercises is as follows: Opening Prayer and Address, Rev. Hans Isenberg. Hymn 138, two verses. Introduction of Pastor W. Felmy by- Rev. Hans Isenberg-. Addresses by visiting .clergymen upon invitation of the secretary of the trus tees. Hymn 168. Salutatory sermon by Pastor W. Felmy. Hymn 198. Prayers and benediction, Pastor Felmy. Hymn 443. The order of exercises, in German, is as follows: PROGRAMM fuer den Gottesdlenst am 2ten Juni, 1901, 9 Uhr Morgens, zur Einweihung der Deutsch -vang.-L.utherisciien Kirche zu Honolulu, und zur Einfuehrung des Pas tors, Herrn W. Felmy. Versammlung der Gemeinde vor der noch verschlossenen Kirche, Ueberrei chung der Schluessel duch den Vorsit zenden des Kirchenvorstandes an die bei den Geistlichen, Erschliessung der Kirche dureh die Geistlicnen und Ein tritt in dieselbe. Vorspiel durch den Organisten. Eroeffnungsgesang, No. 11, V. 1 bis 3. Einweihungsrede und Gebet am Alter, Pastor Hans Isenberg. Gesang No. 138, V. 1 und 2. Einfuehrung des Pastors W. Felmy durch Pastor H. Isenberg. Begruessungsansprachen durch Gelst liche anderer evang. Kirchen zu Hono lulu. Gesang No. 168, V. 1 und 2. Antrittspredigt des Pastors W. Felmy. Gesang No. 198, V. 5 und 6. Schlussgebet und Segen, gesprochen von Pastor W. Felmy. Gesang No. 443, V. 4. SUNDAY SERVICES J.' Oswald Lutted, MANAGER. A Fresh Supply ... OP THE ERECT FORM W. B. Corsets ALSO Latest Style in Ladies' White Skirts and Capes B. W. Jordan No. 10 Fobt Street. CONSOLIDATED MA WATER WORKS CO LIMITED. tu th latest and moat appro thlnery used by as. flic Oldest Soda Works ON THB ISLANDS. PURITY IS OUR MOTTO. Fort ant Allan Sta Hawaiian Soda Works, VMM A AND VTNETAUD MM. TELEPHONE BLUE! 1171. PROMPT DELIVERY. Notices for this church column must be In this office by 6 p. m. on Fridays, Otherwise the announce- meats will be run as the week be- fore. There Is ns charge for these notices. Central Union Church, Rev, William M. Kincald, pastor. Sunday school and Bi ble class, t:60; public worship and sermon, U. Y. P. 8. C. E. prayer meeting, 6:30; weekly prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:10 9- tion. i - l!"BH Bt Andrew's Cathedral 7 a. m., Holy Communion; 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., Morning Prayer, Litany and Ser mon; (on the last Sunday in the month. Choral Celebration of the Holy Commun ion); 3:30 p. m.. Pule Ahlahl; 7:90 p. m., Evening Prayer and Sermon. Dean. The Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Honolulu, Parish Priest, the Rev. V. H. Kltcat The services of the Second Congrega tion of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sunday, will be at 9:45 In the morning and 8:30 in the evening. St. Clement's Chapel, Punahou, Sun day services: Holy communion, 7 a. m.; holy communion first Sunday of the month, 11:05 a. m.; matins, 11.05 a. m.; evensong, 7:05 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; dally prayer, 7 a. m. All seats free. The choir is vested and the ser vice choral. All strangers are invited. This chapel is served by the Rector of Honolulu. Roman Catholic Cathedral, the Bishop it Panopolis. Low masses, holy com munion, 6 and 7; children's mass with English sermon, 9; high mass, with native ermcn, 10:30; rosary, with native instruc tion, 2; solemn vespers and benediction, 7; week-days, low mass, 6 and 7. Religious services at the Catholle Church of St John the Baptist, at Ks- lihi-waena, Trinity Sunday, high mass, 11 a. m., with sermon and collection as usu al; 3 p. m., Rosary. St AugUBttn's Chapel, Rer Father Val entine, In charge. Sacrament of the mass, 40. Christian Science services, Beretania street, between Punchbowl and Alapal streets. Entrance "Non Parell," first cottage to the right Services on Bun days at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening at 740 o'clock. First Methodist Episcopal Church, cor ner Beretania avenue and Miller street, Rev. Q. L. Pearson, pastor. Regular ser vices as follows: Sundays, 10 a. m Sun day school; 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., public worship and sermon; 6:30 p. m., Epworth League; Wednesdays, 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting. A welcome always to all. Par sonage adjoining the church. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will hold ser vices on Sunday in the Mllilani Hall (rear of the Opera House) as follows: 9 a. m., Book of Mormon Class: 10 a. m.. Sunday school; 11 a. m., preaching, Hawaiian ser vice, 7:30 p. m., preaching, English service. tiar Endeavor, 6:30; prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 740. Rev. W. D. Westervelt will preach on "Manhood in Christ." There will be special music by the choir and the girls of Kawaiahao Seminary., Relief Camp No. .Sunday scnool, 1:30. Peniel Mission, Nuuanu street, Irwin block, below King, Miss Uddenberg and Mrs. Adams, and Miss Woods, missionaries la charge. Services us follows: Street meeting, T40, and meeting in the hall at 8 each evening except Monday. Sunday, wharf meeting at 9 a. m., followed by a Bible class In the hall; holiness meeting at 3 p. m. and evening services as usual. The reading room is open each day from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., where you will find the daily papers, religious reading matter and free writing materials. Come rest, read and write. Miss Woods will lead the Bible class on Sunday mornings. The following reaular service ar held at the Seventh-Day Adventlst Chapel: Saturday, Sabbath school, at 10 a. m pieschlng at 11 a. m.; Wednesday, prayer and missionary meeting at 748 p. m. All are welcome, a. u, Howe, pastor. Portuguese Evangelical Church, cor ner of Miller and Punchbowl streets. Rev. A. V. Soares, pastor. Preaching In Portuguese at 11 a. m. and 7:80 n. m.: Sunday school, 2:30 p. m., conducted in isngiisn; w. A. Bowen, superintendent Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:80. Bishop Memorial Chapel, Kamehameha fscnoois, Rev. Silas P. Perry, pastor. Service Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock, except last Sunday In each month, at which time service will be held at 4 p. m. Friends cordially welcomed. . Ten Years IflHtadfltl!0 Sold EV Recipe ill erywheri Tf jyui caici uues not Keep it, alldrew HOFFSCHLAEGER CO The Pioneer Wine and LiquorHot lung btreet, near Bethel. Reduction I New N AT K. ISOSHIMi KING STREET. ABOVE BETHEL Everything in tte S REDUeEO, t I M Christian Church. Rev. E. A. Coj-v. pastor, Alakea street, near A-ing street The Baptist Society of Honolulu. Rer ular meeting first sabbath afternoon of each month at t o'clock in Young Men's cnnstian Association parlors. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Salvation Army Halt corner of Kine and Nuuanu streets. Cantalna Enrresa and Sullivan, In command. Chinese Church (Conerrerattonan. Rev. Edward W. Thwing, acting pastor. Sun day school, 9:80; preaching service, 11; Sunday school In English. 2-30: evening service, 7:30; Wednesday, prayer meeting. Japanese Church, Congregational, on Nuuanu street Kev. T. Okumura, pas tor. Sunday school, 10; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:80; Wednesday prayer meeting, 140. Makikl Chapel, on Kinau street Sun day preaching service, t o'clock. Jananese M R Phnroh tt vi... ,.. tor, E. Toklmasa, associate pastor. Sun- uy Bcnooi. iv; morning service, 11; even ing service, 7:45; class meeting, 8:30; pray er meetlne. Wedneadnv s avnH. . Waikahalulu Church. Kawaiahao Church. Rev w n p.a..( Dastor. Sunday school, in- - - M. a : vice, ix; evening service, 7:SB; preaching ln angnsn aj nev. v. westervelt; Chris- "Eastern Star" Pins , Society Emblems, Lapel Buttons, FOR ANY SOCIETY OR LODGE. M. R. COUNTER, WingWoChan&Co Cbony Furniture, Cigars and Tobaccos, Chinese and Japanese Tens, Crockery, Mattings, Vases, Camphorwood Trunks, Rattan Chairs. Silks and Satins F ALL KINDS. SlO-212 Nuuanu Street Will Make Tour Clothes Look Like New, IP YOU TAKE THEM TO THB Etgie Cleaning and Dyeing Works. Fort St., opposite Star Block. Every Purchaser of 50c worth ot Goods willkeij Present of different value. Try Tom LkL Jewelery, Silk Handkerchiefs, Straw Hats, Etc, GIVEN AW All goods are marked in plain figure, vinced. J Sanitary Plum! AND SEWER CONNECTIONS A SB fit i ill 0 AT JOHN NOTT, est TEL Fresh Cereai r ....u;,raood:nefll COOK'S FLAKE K1UE o TnT 1 VJ) MORNING MEAL. PETTIJOHN'S BREAh-fa"' . i m CREAM OF WHEAL MALTED BREAKFAST 'rail r- t Ornheunt Block Uiuww ... i A A Oahu Carriage Mtt- c" KiVAn s i u painting, Blacksmith ana in- ALL ORDEKB rw-