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HE PACIFIC OOMMESCIAL ADVERTISER . HONOLULU. JUNE 6, 1991. OCAL BRtviii". today. formerly a re- ; Alaska. with board, near , steven. now in 3 . , ..i rooms t1, Rpretanla street j Kir th TTonn -i i iv vj j? a. m. and 2 The Hawaiian Band will render the fol lowing public concert program at the Ha waiian Hotel tonight commencing at 7:30: PART t LOW SHOES AND SLIPPERS . FOR THE SEASON- S. G. Wilder on ait. get good by calling 179 .i i.alms today at .a Overture. "Ivan" rr,t, Burnett i"u iniroaucuon, "carmen" Bizet Selection, "A Runaway Girl" Monckton Songs (a) "Ke Aloha Ihlki Mai." (b) "Xa Molokama." Miss J. Keliiaa. (c) "Inoa no Waipio." (d) "Nani Haili Po 1 ka Lehua." Mrs. i. Alapal. PART IL Selection. "In Sunny Tennessee" (by request) Boetger Processionel. "The Sirdar" Beer Waltz, "Vienna Chic" Morton March, "The Creole Queen" (by re quest) Hall "The Star Spangled Banner." . violin, over Kfect tone, is offered for Jlf.n next page. ' niv of nims and Eastman ,Ls has !i en received by Drus Company. ,,m at Kapanum, If there be anywhere in this country a Low Shoe and Slipper department which for variety and beanty of styles, completeness of assortment of styles and iange of prices, is the equal of ours, we are not aware of it. Prices $1 50 to $7. is offer- Li it Jl. - C? ts on KM Ke t 5 "ur oraers in livery. Fresh p. Stock Yards June OXD built like a watch," only i AT mi f aftnrlnff- vicinc --'- n Fort stretft- Tney are tnml that Prof. Artnur 1.1, -(! reiHC fJLL lC UU V. year trom me fief- ... . . accountant win iae care and offers his services .,'.! Kich evening. See BUUl mi seen the special hosiery Brasch & Co., of the Lace n offering this week? See ias display. ung lady canvassers ft to taKe suusuiini , oood pay to the right par 'd. next page. wooden building on .. ... - :;- runau a ut: i. did tomorrow NG SPITTING IN CAE 8. An Important Kule Adopted by the Board of Health. Expectorating in strtjet cars and any ' other public conveyance will be pro- ! nibited by the Board of Health under ! penalty of a fine of $10 for the first offense and 525 for any subsequent of- j fense. The Board of Health yesterday ; afternoon adopted a draft of a regula- tion to this effect introduced by Attor- ney General Dole. The most flagrant abuses are -indulg- j ed in by the Chinese, Japanese and I Hawaiians. The Board of Health, from a sanitary standpoint, contends that a large percentage of the persons who ! at public auc- are continually expectorating in the m F. Morgan. 1 cars, are those afflicted with tabercu- KW, lately In the plumbing j losis, and are thus a menace to the i kr. is the most important i pUDic Hislop alleged murder! " u 'san Francisco. The regulations, which will go into xivz of Nuuanu Chap eueci y puoncaiion, ana wmch were roix, will bt- held tonignt at aaoptea unanimously by the board, are in and place. Business or as follows: be transacted. niur J. s man has an an- (t, publisheii eisewnere, re- i demonstrations in cooKing. ctes every day at Progress &t Caiholi. Sisters on Fort . !...v. building, will Bsorrow by James F. Mor- uctioneer. Tthman has lust received a allies, in if time fur the races. Perfect y guaranteed. Prices i C5.0O. S'o. li;. for twenty-five - iiar Co., Ltd., in W. J. Wells, has been persons are warned against iae same. le if safes, roller-top e. steel range, ice chest. and new furniture: iy at noon. in wnite, tan. ana dack, at six pairs for J1.00. offered this week by M. of the Lace House. )'Neil and Miss Emma married at noon yester- Mrihodist Kpiscopal par- Rev. G. L. Pearson. The one down on the Mari- "Whereas, expectorating in street railway cars and in other public con- i vt-yanees. and in public buildings, is a nuisance, a source of filth, and a cause of sickness, therefore, "Be it ordained by the Board or ! Health of the Territory of Hawaii, as follows: "Section L No person shall expec torate upon the floor or any part or the interior of any street railway car , or other public conveyance, or any public building, within the sanitary district of Honolulu. "Section 2. Any person who shall violate this ordinance shall be fined for the first offense $10.00, and for any subsequent offense J25.00." AT THE OEPHIUM. wlltttion of new Hawaiian Rice & Perkins, the Se at Wall. Nichols Co., Je aaow display shown Melodrama Pure and SimpleFleases the Audience. The "Silver King" brought out a good sized house at the Orpheum last night, and seemed to thoroughly please the au dience. Jessie Norton as Corkett scored, in the minds of many, her greatest suc cess this season, her representation of the typical London ofllce boy being ex cellent in both action and make-up. Carl Berch as the Silver King gav a digni fied and forcible interpretation of the title role, scoring the climaxes with ef fect. Walling, as the Spider, was at hla best. He should, by the way, make a capital Sir Francis Levlson in "East Lynn." Walling deserves more than passing mention for his "Father Christmas," and Waitr. the barker, who hak Wyman made an effective Jakes. Ma B health for several weeksAbel Wierne was good as Mrs, Denver, iw Miowera for British labile Baby Lillian, ootn in ner mxerpo He wUl be accompanied by j laled specialties and the part of Cissy r "any will Drobabiy Denver, materially neipea aiong te w- u : formance. the milliner in the ! Altogether the house seemed to take bis a fine assortment of kindly to melodrama and a large crowd i the Mariposa. These hats ; will probably turn out tonight. Special W disc a v hv (UturdAv acenerv was usea wiia euett kwi should leave their or- I though the man in the files was not at- hats to be worn at the I ways in touch with his cues. The play at once. Is to be repeated tonight. . iim 11,, I Lllliril . for thr past several 1 'with an excellent motive for its story I on the Mariposa- Leon- ; and has long been a favorite witn stoca Sod work in the saddle i companies. In the hands of the Elle- 'ack. and is a desirable i fords a very even and satisfactory per- 1 the ranks of the knbrhts formance Is given, the heavy settings Sow in TTi-inrJui,, I and nnmprnuK scenes b-ins carried ost Hajdn's 'Creatlon to- ! vpr" satisfactorily. m Pauahi Hall. A full i ioukrd for. Miss Alice Lots of men are called pessimists who iola Barbrr and some ar nothing more than rag-chewers. 'joiinists, will assist in the Washington Democrat. received tonight Sugar Plantation Com tic that the stockbooks ' -iuacu io iraris- Wh to the l.ith rf Tnn nionthlv - -Hruu,,i(.i3 on tne xatn -e office of Brewer A Co. a BlSler rvf Mice M T milliner in the Boston me iianposa yester- ev is an cTnrlonouH frr many years been 'f ihe large millinery 3 Fran -isco and Loe An- ?tarr Jr.r.Jan v,t if I ' " uv-l -rsit y, wprp HHvan Af H O n 1 1 1 1 nsa.ln - j vi via v ained with Mr t, - . -'- r,-- ounuay m tne -aapel. He will also nmencement address at eaa Schools on .Tuna 7 Secret Out. .Jur is investisratinf a. rt u. - " - "y Air. Von Rprr ln. Unln Church, that, hind a palm tree, he interns:' .niw i , ery m- ."imway Com Dan v and " Wilcox. Mr. Pain people. about the Ll .111.. other esterday and 1 XTr. ltk v Provide yourself " a bottle of rnov,.. i nana , Th . LU Lie : no-"ner is over, and i uifrht . - " a evlr-Ji. n your DUBleSt I acce2oere admitted to for children it p-""'y,can afford to Ltd Lsaie by Benson, 1 ' oiesale agents. Dainty Wash Fabrics jut New Dimities m per yard for new Dim- Ities, 29 inches wide, '.r.w witn imitation lace in sertion stripeSV; very suitable for stylish shirtwalBts. A great va riety of beautiful summery color ings. v per yard for extra fine ZllC Dimities, 31 inches v wide; black ground with white figures; white ground with black figures; fancy stripes and the newest colors. Real French Organdies 40c per yard for Real French Organdies un norted by us direct from France. They are 33 Inches wide, exquisite Persian pawerna. per yard for other new, real French Organdies, inches wide; exquis ite cashmere patterns with a sat in stripe running through. NEW CHIFFON VEILINGS IN BLACK AND WHITE. 50c g NEW STOCKS AND TIES FOR LADIES. Very dainty conceits In Wash Silks, Mull and Grass Linen. Wash Silks . 75c each Grass Linens 75c each Mull 350 -ch Co., Ltd. Fort St. TTicLight TTial Never UTTLf HEAT BRILLIANT SHULlUPlrANY j j WE HAVE MORE BABIES Whose mothers are delighted with the way their little ones chuckle when they see their Taroena food coming. Baby doesn't wake up In the middle of the night now and bawl for an hour or two. Why? Because mam ma feeds him Taroena during the day. It makes baby fat and healthy. Mam ma takes Taroena Food her self, every morning for breakfast, because It aids her digestion and fits her to bring up her little ones. Just try It. 50c package J&brmJ)rw -i ECOMO Tne AnIe Larip Another Large of Angle Lups. TflE AN6LEUD THE LIGHT THAT NEVER FAILS. MICAL .ALSO CAkRy A GOOD SlOCK Of liANfstK!. 5IAND AND HAND Uttt that the old-fashioned lamp was 1 never smokes, smells or gives any as gas, and Is the Ideal light from everv rrom $1.80 up. It ems almost credible that any could be good to take the plaos C electricity "on v SB terms, yet suck is tss ease with ta ANGU LAMP. All over tb ISL. snds people are throwtav away their old lamp aaff replacing them witk tfek lamp, not merely because It costs about ose-Unta as much to malntata (cost Is no object to momm people), but, besides Us ing infinitely cheaper. It Is more brilliant ssst more reliable in the bar" gain. It Is a revelation to every one who uses Ol and simply demonstratsa barbarous contrivance. THE ANGLE LAMP trouble, is lighted and ext!r.eii!shH luita standpoint. We carry thes laasfjs T. H. Davies & Company, Ltd. No More Dread of the Dental Chair $500 Will be given to anyone who detects inferior material used by the New York Bental Parlors. In all oar geld crowns and bridgework we use 22-K. gold. In all onr ether work the ma terial Is OF THE BEST, ANB GUAR ANTEED. All werk dene by GRAB UATEB DENTISTS ef from 11 to N years' experience, and each department in charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and yon will find us to do exactly as we advertise. We tell yea in ad vance exactly what your work will eost by a FREE EXAMINATION. RET TEETH 6.o OLD CROWNS $6.00 GOLD FILLINGS fLOO SILVER FILLINGS Mc HO PLATES A Great Lace Curtain Sale. We have too many Lace Curtains of certain kinds, so in or der to reduce our stock of these, we are going to have a big Lace Curtain sale this week. This is a rare opportunity to make your windows took pretty at a nominal cost. The better Judge of values you are, the more ready yon will be to buy some of these Curtains. Our KAOP alone will be a guarantee that your work will be of the best. ew York Demal Parlors, Room 4, Elite Building, HOTEL STREET. LADIES IN ATTENDANCE. j White Brussels Curtains i i Auee are an nign-gra'e goods, or you would never find them in this store. Prices lower than ever before. 1 9.00 White Brussels Curtains for $ 7.00 per pair. 15.00 White Brussels Curtains for 10.00 per pair. 15.00 White Brussels Curtains for 11.00 per pair. 18.00 White Brussels Curtains for 14.00 per pair. In Sets or Separate. We have some of the handsomest conceptions in Sterling Silver Table Ware that have ever been turned out by the best makers, and we give you the opportunity of buy ing them at moderate prices, either in sets or separate. May I show them to you? Ecru Irish Point Curtains You will certainly buy Lace Curtains here this week, if yon see these handsome and exquisite designs: 110.00 Ecru Irish Point Curtains for $ 7.00 per pair. 12.00 Ecru Irish Point Curtains for 9.00 per pair. 14.00 Ecru Irish Point Curtains for 10.00 per pair. 22.00 Ecru Irish Point Curtains for 17.00 per pair. 25.00 Ecru Irish Point Curtains for 20.00 per pair. BIART THE... JEWELER FORT. .NEAR KING ST. Custom House Blanks. Of All Kinds. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY. '. .'iii-H'. F - i ":a THE "BLieK" "fo See it is to Buy it. m , No. 5 $40. - - No. 7 $50. Pearson & Potter Co, Ltd. 926 Fort Street. Telephone Main 317. There Will be No Strike- AT BAILEY'S PLUMBING SHOP 167 KING STREET. The working Plumbers are members of the firm and all stay at work, because it is to their interest to work and it will be to, your interest to employ them. White Nottingham Lace Curtains $1.25, $1.75. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Per Pair. Not Quite as expensive as the other kinds, but din. nevertheless. Arabian Lace Curtains Genuine Arabian Lace Curtains, exact duplicate of ootlr French curtain wnJoh the world of art ha rareo fcr the last half century. BfflftS' $7.00, $7.50, $9.00 Per Pair. Then there to the handsomest of ail really Arabians, with wide, elaborate borders; designed from aid ortg inal French patterns, which brought fabulous price. Our Price, $12.50 Per Pair. B. F. Ehlers & Co FORT STREET. MM MM MM M M FOR LADIES KNOX HATS 1901. New. Stylish" and Nobby Shapes. That's enough said. Every woman knows what KNOX HATS are. I The M. E. Killean Co., Ltd. f HOTEL STREET. imHMttM 1 rrfffr m H tk