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I VKE PAC1FIO COMMERCIAL ADVBBTIBEB: HONOLULU. JUKE 8, 1901, 1 THIS DAY! U-NEE-D A Risf.nit nr lintfA mm Auction Sale A FEW OF THE OF LEADERS Jit ur BIG SALE THIS WEEK. Domestic Department . Wonderful Values in Towels! Turkish Towels f from 85c. per dozen up to the Bath Robe Size at $3 a pair. Over twenty different sizes and quali ties to select from. Linen Towels Made from Pure Irish Flax. Now is a chance for Householders and Hotel keepers If we bought to-day we would have to ask twice as much for them: v ' 100 dozen 20x44 inches - - $3 per dozen 75 dozen 20x44 inches, - $3.50 per dozen 95 doze a 22x44 inches, - $4.50 per dbzen 120 dozen 24x48 inches, - - $5.50 per dozen These are tine Huckaback with fringed ends. Excellent value in Linen Sheeting and Pillow Cottons. 1,074 White and Unbleached Cottoh Sheeting, 15c per yard and upwards. Rattling Value IN THE Dress Department: 36-inch Batiste, 10c per yard. White Victoria Lawn, 75c per piece. India Linens, Persian Lawns and Organdies way down. Underclothing A grand assortment. We have a fine assortment of Corset Covers, nicely finished and all sizes at 45c. Night Gowns and Chemises Al value. Ready Made Skirts Crash Skirts, full cut, well made while they lasfr $1.25. Pique Skirts, good quality insertion, trim med latest cut, $2.50. Umbrellas and Sunshades Lovely creations in New Styles and colors in sun shades. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Umbrellas, first quality made, gold and silver mountings. FOR BARGAINS GOME TO TIE FI J L. 6. KERR & CO LIMITED. tueen St., Honolulu. 1 !OiKOgjOaOSOSOOSOHOisagOSOS (Continued from Page S.X p Wool, Mrs. Grace Hudson, Mrs. J. O. Gilman, Miss Gertrude Scott, Mrs. E. R. Adams, Miss Adams, Mrs. A. J. Camp bell and others. The marriage of Charles F. Allard, for merly of th engineering- corps of the O. R. & L. Co., to Miss Carrie Clisby will take place in Oakland in the near future. Mr. Allard made many friends among the younger social circle during his year's residence here and Iheir best wishes will go with him in his new . partnership. (jt Miss Juliet King gave an afternoon tea yesterday in honor of Miss A. C. and Miss M. E. Rice of Kauai, who re turned from the States in the Mariposa. Mrs. John K. Shingle arrived from Denver in the Mariposa to make her per manent home with her son, Ro Shingle. They are stayingvit Hie Moana Hotel for the present. A large number of the friends of Mrs. Miles Parkhurst gave her a delightful surprise last evening, the occasion be ing her birthday. Pretty dances, pretty costumes and, above all, pretty children, will be an attractive combination for the children's fancy dress ball to be given at the drill shed on Saturday avening, June 22, under mothers are havi s. Alary uunn. Tne g the daintiest of dresses made for tie little dancers, who are determined to the older society and be the centers ball floor, they c f thelr . : JUPT Shall Will caption ce . CYKZ show that although fcuds can look pretty pf attraction upon the n also be quite as charming if they Ivant to. The dances for the evening be sprightly and catchy, while the rrand march and drill will set off the ucfcomplishm young misses and Aentlemen of advantage. The with the grand marcrKoad!; led by a tiny little Cupid, a traditional little Cupid with bow and arrows. Following this will be the odd baby ballet which captivated the audience at last year's exhibition. This will be danced by the following little tots in their "nighties": Hazel Halstead, Elsie Wilkinson, Eva Focke, Virginia McCarthy, Geraldine Traphagen, Thelma Murphy, Lillian Mc Chesney, Helen Colburn, Marjorie Gil man, Adele Nichols, Ethel McNichol, Madeline Burnette and little Miss Rob inson. The serpentine dance will be per formed by Lydia Wagner; the skirt dance by Myrtle Schumann and Louise McCar thy. The stately minuet, with old-style costumes, will be danced by Margaret McCarthy, Gertrude Traphagen, Grace Robertson, Thelma Rothwell, Irene Boyd, Bertha Kopke,. Esther Kopke, Daisy Colburn,- Lena Colburn, Helen Colburn, Cordelia Gilman, Helen Hobron, Muriel Howatt, Constance Simpson, Iola Logan, Dorothy Freeth, Fanny Hoogs, Cora Blaisdell, Dorothy Nichols, Abbie Lucas, Masters Douglas Damon, Maurice Augur, Guy Rothwell, Willie Schumann. Florence Lyons will dance the buck and wing; Lucia, Hazel and Muriel Hal stead will dance the hornpipe; Ruth and Martha McChesney, the coquette polka; Elsie Williams, the doll dance. A cake walk is promised, the participants to be picked the night of the ball. On Wed nesday next the dancers will go forth armed with tickets for the ball and ask for a cordial reception. t Monsieur Vizzavona, the new French Consul for the Hawaiian Islands, is wel comed back to Honolulu after an absence of four years. Monsieur Vizzavona ex- Ui CABLE PROPERTY In Nuuanu Valley Under Instructions from the attor neys for COL. C. B. C. ROOKB, I will sell at public auction, at my sales room, 65 Queen street. v ON SATURDAY, JUNE 8, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. The following valuable property: Lot At Parcel of land on the Ewa aide of Nuuanu avenue, opposite the residence of Mr. H. Schultae. Property has a frontage of 839. feet on Nuuanu avenue; a depth on mauka side of 584.2 feet; on lower boundary of 607 8-12, and 2M 4-12 feet at rear boundary. C mains 180.774 square feet. Lot B Directly opposite Lot A, and adjoining te residence of Mr. H. Schultce. This lot has a frontage of 854.8 feet m Nuuanu avenue, a depth on mau ka side of 553 10-12 feet, on makal side of 634 feet, and 336 7-12 feet at rear boun ontains 196,020 square feet. For further particulars, and terms and conditions of the sale, enquire of JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. THIS DAY. Auction Sale OP REAL ESTATE TUANU VALLEY. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, I will sell at public auction a very fine piece of land in Nuuanu "Valley on the corner of Puunul avenue and Wyllie street, having a frontage of 200 feet on each street, and containing an area of 40,000 square feet. Further particulars of JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. THIS DAY. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE OF Fish Pond By order of MR. W. C. PARKE, ad mlnistrator of the estate of CATHER INE P. AULD, deceased, I will sell at public auction. ON SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1901, O'CLOCK NOON. 12 A t mw oq loarArtin K nuaon jttnnf T4r r -rr- r - i noiulu, a nsh pond situated at uaia- more wun nis nawanan irienas, a num- , xTVai .nnolnlr7 or. . nf 23 acres, more or less, and well stock ed with fish. This pond is leased to January 4, 1911, at a yearly rental of $00. 00, pay able semi-annually, in advance. Fuxther particulars can be obtained the Public Lands Office, under lease No. 490. Terms of the sale, cash. All expenses at the expense of the purchaser. Bale ect to the approval of the Commis sioner on Public Lands. a-rfOr i ber of whom he met in San Francisco the Tenneys, Herberts, and others. "For, you know," says the vivacious Corsican, "San Francisco is the boulevard of Honolulu." t,y5 fc'S Mr. and Mrs. T. Clive Davies return home on the Mariposa from an 'wtfhdcd visit in England. Society will miss Mr. TM Mrs. Jerritt P. Wilder, who sailed on the V en fur; an extended tour, which will 'mclude many cities of Europe. They will visit Jamie Wilder, who is now residing in Paris. FFank Atherton sailed away Ventura to get married. He will return with his bride in about three months. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Burns, accompanied by Mr. Burns' mother, will leave next month for Australia to visit his brother. The engagement of W. F. Storey to Miss Anna L. Bicknell is announced. Sale -OF A Leasehold ON SATURDAY, JUNE 15, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON At mr salesroom, 65 Queen street, I will seH at public auction, by order of the land agent of the BISHOP ES TATB, the lease of all of that portion Of the, LOKO MAKALAPA, at HALA WA, EWA, owned by the ESTATE OP BERNICE P. BISHOP, and con taining an area of 89 acres, more or less, as per the survey of Mr. M. D. Mo near rat: also the Loko Kunana, the Loko Muliwal and the Umikii stream at Halawa, Ewa, Lease to be for the term of 21 years, from July 1st, 1901. Upset price, $1,256 per annum, payable semi-annually in advance in United States gold coin. Possession of the Loko Kunana, the Loko Muliwai and Umikii to be given on and after April 1st, 1902. Purchaser to pay all taxes, rates or charges whatsoever. All charges for expenses of lease, etc., to be at the pur chaser's expense. For further Information apply at the office of the Land Agent of the Bishop Estate, 77 Merchant street JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. THIS DAY. Auction Sale OF Delinquent Stock IN THE Kihei Plantation Co., LIMITED. 1 ON SATURDAY, JUNE 8, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, Honolulu, I will sell at public auction by order of the Treasurer, Mr. J. P. Cooke, the following certificates of stock in the Klhei Plantation Co., Ltd., unless the tenth, eleventh and twelfth assessments, now delinquent, with in terest and advertising expenses, is paid on or before the day and hour of sale, at the offices of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Judd Building, Honolulu. 394. E. R. Stackable 10 417, 1652. 1681, A. L. Young 30 631, H. B. Schrotke 60 665, 879, 68a C. H. Laage 60 775, E. S. Taylor 10 W36, S. E. Bishop 6 1673, J. McQueen GO 12T! Kate avln 12 1558, J. fcennon 25 1581 J. Makainai 26 1776,' C. Stag Chee 20 ISIS, C. G. Ballentyne 10 1838, W. D. Toomey 8 1843, L Mathews 12 1863, C. J. Falk I 190L A. L. Morris 10 J. P. COOKE, Treasurer. HodoMu, May 18th, 190L JAS. P. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. ur some other kind of Biscuit or W -SUCH AS CHAMPAGNE ORANGE i LEMON ( STRAWBERRY ) VANILLA CHOCOLATE j Wafers WATER BEX I S H i HIHHTEA SNW FLAKP ' OYSTER GINGER PBETZELS GRAHAM l EDUCATOR Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Just received a fresh shipment of the ife HENRY MAY ft LIMITED TELEPHONES-22, 24 and 92. P. O. BOX FORT; 386. MORE Sterling ALL "Built Like a Watcl $40.00 EX S. S. HAWAIIAN, JUST ARRIVED, Pacific Cycle & Mfg. 105 FORT STREET. We have ju&t received a fine line of Silk Goods, Jewelri WATCHES, GENTS' FURNISHING & SILK AND CREPE KIMONOS. These goods are all new, and of the latest pattern A O 141 Hotel Street. It Will Pay You to Trade With Us. There is Strength and Vigo IN EVERT DROP. Drink the Famous II Sold by All Dealers Fresh Cereals COOK'S FLAKE RICE something gooa; MORNING MEAL, ROLLED OAft PETTIJOHN'S BREAKFAST OEM. ppbam mr WHEAT. MALTED BREAKFAST FOOD, W SALTER & Wfll Grocers. Oroheum Block Fort' HAWAII SHINP0 SHA The pioneer Japanese printing office. The publisher of Hawaii Shlnpo, the only daily Japanese paper published in t&e Territory of Hawaii. Y. Sogu, Editor. C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. BEAVER LUNCH' Editorial and Printing Office near King street bridge, King street, P. O. Box 907. NEW MAP OF 0AHU BY JAS. T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc C. E. 38x52 inches. Copies can be obtained from Mr. Tay lor. 306 Judd building, or Hawaiian News Company. . t a. " Offices Jr . fnr rent f I