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THE PACIFIC 'OM M KRCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JUNE 19, 1901. 13 Etouc Lamps Canvas Goods Deoartmeni Gas Lamps, Oil Lamps. Sundries of all Kinds. e "Go-Lightly" and "White Flier." Come in and see the 1901 Bevel Gear Chainless. start I light ting a good The e is t jiSarence m he abso ore about oerial and AWNINGS We have an ele gant assortment of fancy awning stripes. Let us show you sam ples fake measures, and quote you prices. 1 he machines in our factory are all run by power, and we are prepared to turn out work C ou the shortest possible notice and at the -?rC3S? Iowest i,ices- Palmetto Tents, Wedge Tents, Wall Tents. Tn Tents we carry a very Complete Line, and are prepared to make up on short notice any Size or Style. Pocket and Hunting CUTLERY, Razors, Safety Razors, Pocket Knives ee our 15c Boy's Knife. .. i Wire Spring Mattress. Mexican Sea Grass, Canvas and Filipino Columbia Graphophones. New Records. Instrumental and Yel Music. Band, Banj and Rag Time. earson & Potter Co., Ltd. 926 Fort Street. Telephone Main 317. vv;vvvvv;.v.vv.v.v.J.;.;: v.v.v.v.v-v..v.v.v.' ' s. "..'...A'.v.v.'.v.'.'.'.v.v.v,',', .',','.'.',',v.Nvv.',-,','v,'.vt..v.vtyy, nds 5 r 6 OP wvm TREBT TRACT - H500 a lot, formerly Sfjl S. Wilcox's premlwi. PB IN MANOA VAXr JjJ r Montano'. Tract, U,9 j C O HOD LOTS IN KATU- f : ' - 5. to ON a lot '"' CD 2 CO O O O z w z o I Q. o o mm 3 a CO O CD O 2 O :5 W KEKIO TRACT Mi&nd. 1600 a lot. ttTCS IN FUTJNTJ3 P a let. p., Etc. r Xniculara apply t Achi mpany 11 Estate fkers. 5 king ST 8END YOUR BUSINESS ORDERS BY TELEGRAPH. Vou can do it Now making a deal with the Russian Gov ernment for a connection with the trans-Siberian road, then Morgan and Hill's railroad trust, working- with the Atlantic and Pacific line of steamers and their transcontinental railroad, will practically have encirc'ed the globe. Mr. Hill is accompanied on his Rus sian tour by Robert Lebaudy of Paris, the millionaire suear refiner, a brother of Max Lebaudy, whose tragic death some years ago was me taiK 01 an France. Mr. Hill has left his wife in Paris, because of the baby. When he realized the comfort of the trans-Siberian railway and saw .lanK-s Dietrick of California, taking his wife and baby to Mongolia, he telegrapneJ to Mrs. Hill to say he felt like kicking himself for leaving her behind. Typewriters rented and repaired at the Remington Typewriter office. 1028 Port street. W A3v ertiser; 76 cent The Inter-Jsland Telegraph Co. is transmitting mes sages to all the islands of the group except Kauai niNinUM RATE IS $2. Honolulu Office. Magoon Bl'fe UPSTAIRS. TELEPHONE MAIN 131. Messenger will call for your mes sage if desired A. C. LOVEKIN, Stock and Bond Broker REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT. 402 Judd Building. The latest Coast sugar statistics are contained in the following circular let ter from Williams, Dimond & Co of San Francisco, dated June 8: Sugar. Local market and prices for export cont:nue unchanged, dry granu lated for local consumption still beintr quoted at 5.75c. and for export 5.50c. Basis. June 5th, no sales: 7th, spot sale. 1.400 tons, at 4 l-4c; 8th, spot sale, 300 (?) tons, at 4 l-4c: establishing basis for 96 degree centrifugals in New York on this dat 8c, San Francisco 3.375c. You will note the question mark after the numeral 'J0 and in explanation we beg to state that at this writing we are not sure of the number of tons comprising this sale, owing to a possible error in the transmission of the telegram: However, this apparently does not invali date the fiifure at which the sale was effected. London Bts.-June 6th, 9s4 l-2d; 7th and 8th, 9s 3 3-4d. Dry Grmulated. New York. No change. (Messrs. Arbuckle Brothers still re main 5c per hundred pounds below all other refineries.) London fable. June 3. Quotes Java Xo. 15 D. S., lis 9d: fair refining, 10s 9d: same date last year 12s 10 l-4d and Us 9d respectively. June beets, 9s 4 l-2d. against 10s !' 3-4d same date last year. July beets. 9s 5 l-4d. against 10s 10 l-2d same date last year. Kastern and Foreign Markets. According to latest mail advices from New York under d;:t of 3d inst., the week opene(j with a steadier and firmer market for raws, with transactions in 96 degree test centrifugals reported; refiners, how ever, are evidently abundantly supplied with other gradt-s of sugars and are dis inclined to make further purchases at the present time. Messrs. Arbuckle Bros, have succeeded in disposing of a large portion of their surplus accumulation of re fined at the decline; nevertheless, owing to the continuance of most unseason able weather, the demand generally is limited. Advices from Cuba are to the ef fact that there have been very beneficial rains for the growing crops, and planting is now proceeding vigorously. Latest Statistical Position. Willett & Oray report May 30th, United States four ports in all hands, estimated May 2Mh, 233,545 tons, against 182,16$ tons same time last year. Six principal ports Cuba, ' estimated 3Iay 28th, ISO.000 tons, against 83.709 tons same time last year. Total stock in all principal countries, by cable. May 30th, at latest uneven dates, 2.055,545 tons, against 1,764,879 tons; In crease over last year. 290,696 tons. The I. X. L. Beretania Street, Near the Fire Station. W. W. ASTOR IN THE KINO'S FAVOR NEW YORK. June S. A cable to the World from London says: The King has quite forgiven William Waldorff Astor for the Berkeley-Milne affair of last year. He had arranged to visit Astor at Cliveden last Sunday from Windsor, but the engagement was can celed at the last moment, owing to the alteration of the King's plans made necessary by the reception to Ameri cans at the castle on Saturday. The relations between Astor and the King were never so friendly as at pres ent. There is great curiosity as to how the King has been induced to change his attitude so completely. He will certainly visit Cliveden at the first available opportunity. Astor is entertaining Saturday to Monday parties at Cliveden now, rep resenting the most select coteries of society, and this has all been brought about by the intimation from Marlbor ough House that the King desired that all feeling created by the Berkeley Milne affair be obliterated. Astor has accordingly been taken to society's bo som again. He has an opera box, but he never uses it himself. It is always at the Countess Selkirk's disposal when not used by Miss Astor, who has lately been seen about a good deal with Prin cess Victor Duhleep Singh. WANTS HARMONY WITH RUSSIAN ROAD PARIS. June S. The true inwardness of the trip of Sam Hill of Minneapolis involves the biggest line of transporta tion the world ever has witnessed. Your correspondent can state upon tne highest authority in Russia that Mr. Hill's tour is one of far-reaching in terest. His special object is to examine the trans-Siberian road. After having ascertained if it afforJs good carrying accommodatiors, offers will be made to run it in connection with J. J. Hill's Pacific steamers. The Russian authori ties have been approached upon the matter and are favorably disposed Instructions were sent out to the Governor-General of Irkutsk to give Mr. Hill and his party a royal recep tion. As a result he has besn received with honors second only to those which would be shown to the Czar himself. The Governor-General drove him around in his carriage of state, and the people, acting under instructions con veyed from headquarters, made a holt day In his honor. Mr. Hill represents his father-in-law and J. Pierpont Morgan. The latter gave him special inslruet'ons when leaving Paris. If he should succeed in Has Received a Large Stock of New Fire Works, Flags, Shields, Festooning, Decoration Bunting, Torpedoes, Lanterns, Etc. Which will be Sold at San Francisco Prices. Assorted Cases of Fire Works from $10 to $25 at the S. W. LEDERER, Proprietor, Beretania Street, near Fire Station. - P. 0. Box 535. Fresh Cereals COOK'S FLAKE RICE something good; needs no cookiag.j MORNING MEAL, ROLLED OATS, PETTIJOHN'S BREAKFAST GEM, CREAM OF WHEAT, MALTED BREAKFAST FOOD, ETC., ETC. mmm SALTER & WHITY, Grocers. Orpheum Block Fort Street. SPECIAL SALE! Good Spun, Silk Finish Socks, guaranteed stainless, 20c pair. Stamped Leather Belts 25c. Golf Shirts, new line, all colors 60c. K. Isoshim King Street, abore Bethel.