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I THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JUNE 20, 1901" THE PACIFIO Commercial Advertiser WMJUtXBt O. SMITH - - EDITOR. THURSDAY JUNE 20 Steam la on In the Rapid Transit boilers, cars are being set up; the iron bridge over Nuuanu stream is about finished, crossings are going in and the right to parallel the mule track on King street has been granted. Good bye, Pain. The court's curt dismissal of the cases against Messrs. Cooper and Mc Nothing Tastes Good And eating is simply perfunctory done because it must be. This is the common complaint of By the way, did the Grand Juiy in- ' . , .. quire why Tramway Pain paid , we Qyspepuc He estimates that at least Theresa's $300 milk bill, and what rela- i If eating sparingly would cure dys- PORTO K'CAN LABOR j growing. For instance, individual consumption of sugar in the United The latest Bulletin of the Depart- States has grown from 36 pounds in ment of Labor, issued under the editor- lg77 to 65 2 in 1900 The snowing in ship of Commissioner Carroll D. Great Britain is even more remarkable, Wright, contains an instructive article aU tendlng to prove that the sugar by Dr. Azel Ames on "Labor Conditions rowers must hustle to keen ud with in Porto Rico." The total population of the expanding market. the island is o3,za. kjl mese 2us,isj are urban dwellers and 749,451 live in the country. The effective working population is computed by Dr. Ames to be 601,271 half of these are wage-earners. Class - pepsia, few OOUid suffer from it long, distinctions, the line between the capit- favorable attitude of the Wilco heel- , alist and the laborer, are much more ers in the Legislature toward Pains! The Only way to cure dyspepsia, marked than in the United States, but , Tramway franchise measure? Or was wh,ch b difficult digestion, Is to give V T-v-i nlr Kill ctrifir i riAfVion c a st -V, I n InonntlVQ ot mil 111! O Ti ri ATT . 11111X1. UIH O . w I j aUWUlCl UW V - portunity is held to be the principal newspaper gossip? cause of the low condition of the labor- ing men. There is more or less skilled it is currently reported that the Caadless shows that Oscar Lewis' fore- i ,abor and the ordinary trades are all books of the Home Ru'.ers, showing the casts of the outcome were corret i. au. , represented, but the fact which most funds received for the entertainment , . V J rt Lewis must miss tne lnuniauy wiuui ; impresses longer permit him to spot tne iu ture decisions of a court. the observer is the super- Cat Nolte's) of the country'rs f abundance of the lowest grade of un- j the Legislature reveal credits of $3. skilled labor. Even planters living , These books were called for with the within easy reach of the railroads, or ! court's usual ostentation, but they do of the sea, find it cheaper to transport nt seem to have been mentioned in the It Is by no means certain that the coming naval town will be at feari . thelr coffee, tobacco and other products Grand Jury's report. City. An entirely new site may be pre- to tne ports on the heads of peons than ferred. There is a fine opportunity to 1 to use oither the railroad, bull carts or xi.u At. ,.;,)o it build such . pla s on - the fUncon emnea oa The ordinary laborer's wage un-! - Amerlcan Promises nart OI rum initmu ui a. i aer opunisii ruie uus umij itihs it ii.i.v. i . , . j undertaken to vigor and tone to the stomach and the whole digestive system. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured the nieM of Prank Fay, 106 N. St.. South Boston. Mass., who writes that she bad been a great sufferer from dyspepsia for six years: had been with out appetite and had been troubled with sour stomach and headache. She bad tried many sther medicines in vain. Two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla made her welL tiguous to the Bishop estate reserva tion. f- The Americans have raise It to fifty, but not with great suc cess thus far. Dr. Ames has compiled a table of wage rates for various occupations. Bakers get $1 to $1.50 for a day of to fifteen hours; blacksmiths, The robbing of mango trees all over the city is a seasonal rite performed Just before early mass and with in creasing cleverness, by the Portuguese twelve youth of Honolulu. Probably if one of 1.20 to $1.80 for a day of eight to ten them were arrested he would regard the i hours: brickmakers, $1.20 to $2 for a matter as an infringement of his vest- day of ten to twelve hours: carpenters, ed rights. $1 to $2.50 for ten to twleve hours. These are fair samples of the skilled The disbandment of the mounted pa- trades. It is stated, however, that trol would leave the suburbs unpro- where the wage goes above $1.20 it is tected. and the suburbs are the places ' for unusually skilled labor. In the in which certain kinds of crime are .unskilled lines, coffee pickers and clean mostly likely to occur. We cannot un- ers get from twenty to sixty cents a derstand the action of the Senate in day; ordinary laborers, thirty cents to this matter, except on the theory of $1.20: gardeners, fifty to ninety cents: indifference to the vital interests of j wood-choppers, thirty to sixty cents; Honolulu cane cutters, thirty to fifty cents; ser- 4 Ivants. $2.50 to $7 per month. In com- The way the wireless telegraph isjparing these wage-rates with those of inr h m rr,iWn the public of the the United States, it should be kept in other islands about the important news mind that the conditions which they nwsi nearly leseinuie, so lai as un skilled labor is concerned, arc rot those of the North, but of the negroes of the South. While lower than the ordinary prevailing wages in the South, they are not so much lower as to make the con trast surprising. There is, however, less for the labor er to buy than in any part of this coun try. His wants, outside of bare sub- franchise, a boon which Congress oe- promise nieu ii in tne leinia ut me vi&itnu- Act. Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure and keeps the Don't wait till you are worse . but buy a bottle today. OF CURRENT INTEREST. of Honolulu, is shown by this series of bulletins, consecutively printed, which the Star has received from Maui or Ha waii: May SS, 1101, Hartwell, Ballou and Kin ney pardoned by acting Governor Cooper before they were commanded to trial. J. L. Coerper of Kona before Grand Ju ry. Coerper is the man who gave infor maUon which Thurston refused to di vulge. Thurston habeas corpus case sistence. are few. This is fortunate, for postponed till Wednesday before Judge his income is generally required to Frear. , meet the necessities of bare subsist- May H, 1901, Honolulu: Battleship Ore- ' ence food, shelter, fuel for cooking and go in port. . clothing, of which he wears only the June 1901 Honolulu: Since the pas- cheapest and not much of it. The Porto aage of resolut ions condemning Judge Rlcang ,ove to congregate ln vinages, Humphreys by thirty-seven members of , . . . , , s ' the Bar Association, popular petitions ' here their huts bear some resemblance backing Judge Humphreys have been clr- t0 thof!e of an African kraal, and com oulated and already over 2,000 signatures mand a rental of sixty cents to $1.80 have been secured. Thurston case ar- I a month. Artisans' houses are rented sued before Frear; decision expected at for two anl thre times this sum. and noon. Governor Dole has returned from the best dwellings with gardens attach Walanae and will go to Hawaii next ed are secured for $30 to $90 a year. The week. most pitiful condition in the life of a There is no bulletin of May 28th about Porto Rican laborer relates to sickness the repudiation of Humphreys by the and death. Medical skill ln the country Bar Association nor a word about the is not pood and hospitals are few. Deli offer of Humphreys' bailiff to pack a cacips are generally beyond the reach Jury. On May 31st nothing more im- of tne oor- Thc percentage of mortal portant was sent than die arrival of lty among women and children is fear the Oregon. On June 1st a brief refer- ful- ne ,s painfully impressed, wheth ence was made to the resolutions of er in the streets of city or town, or in "thirty-seven members of the Bar ; the hi" country, by the number of hu Aasociation," coupled with the lie about man wrecks, the many beggars, and the a Humphreys petition with 2,000 signa- sunken-eyed, pallid, anaemic men, wo tures. The whble scheme of this wire- ; men and children. Extreme poverty, less fake bulletin company has been inanition and decrepitude are found. to give the outsiders doctored news or and though the island is one of great no news at all. j resources and has a good record for thrift, there is reason to believe that from the earliest days of the Spanish occupation this condition of thing, as The House took up the questiou of ' to the laboring classes has been only the Tantalus forest yesterday in a way i too prevalent, and at times worse, ln that did it credit. For a wonder it did some respects, than now. not abase itself before tbi Federal Perhaps the most striking contrast fetich and whisper "The King can do .between the Porto Rican and the Am no wrong," but instead of that stood up erlcan is seen ln the burial jf the for the right of the Territory with zeal dead. Often extreme poverty permits and self-respect. The sight was a re-only a winding sheet for the corpse. freshing one, and it must raise the ! wmcn is carried to the grave suspended THE TANTALUS INCIDENT. House ln popular esteem. There has grown up a habit in cer tain quarters to crook the back in deep humility and put dust on cho whenever a newly-commissioned from a pole borne on the shoulders of two men. And it has not even the priv ilege of an undisturbed grave, the bead I hones being commonly exhumed after Fe(j. a short time and placed in the ossuary era! official, fresh from Pottawottamie ;or hone cryt. which Is a revolting feat or Kalamazoo or Mooselamaguntic, 1 ure of every cemetery. "Ore may assert deigns to inform the people of the Ter- j without fear of contradiction," says Dr. ritory what he proposes to do to them. jAmes, "that the relative cost of sick It is customary to hear a bleat ot ness and burial, man for man, in the adulation from the vealy Bulle- i same grade of wage winners in the tin whenever a Federal official lands on ! United States and in Porto Rico would the dock. Back in the States, vherejbe- as to sikness. as 15 to 1, and in re most of our white peop.e came from, sard to burials, as 20 to 1. or even more, no particular awe ever attaches to ! Tn the United States no expense is Federal officials, least of all to those sPared n either. In Porto Rico none who are sent to the distant Territories ,s Incurred that it is possible to avoid, because men at Washington are tired The living must be first considered." of their importunities for a job at The niopt agreeable reading in the re home. In that level-headed country an nort ,s the description of imprnve official, Federal or otherwise, is judged ments under American rule. New by his merits and not by his commis-j supar enterprises are being started, sion. If he knows his business and car- 'abandoned lands brought ur.dor culli- ries it on with propriety h La re-!val,on' ana tnere are noperrl sif.ns of He Had His Frt eh & ir, All Bight. A Philadelphian who has Just re turned from a brief business trip to Germany tells an amusing story re garding the experiences of a fellow American on a German train. He was locked in a stuffy little compartment with three officers of the German army, who smoked such atrocious to bacco that the American, for the sim ple purpose of self-preservation, was finally forced to open a window. A concentrated grunt and a concentrat ed glare from the officers greeted this action, for the night was cold, and the Germans do not, as a rule, care for fresh air. No request, not even a command, came from them, but one arose majestically, stalked to the win dow and shut it down without look ing at the audacious American. The American opened the window again, with the suave, well-pleased smile or a man who is about to bestow some benefaction upon humanity. The offi cers stared and glared at him more fixedly than ever. They were unaccus tomed to such insubordination towara one of their guild on the part of a mere civilian. Then he of majestic strut again arose and brought the window down with a bang which threatened to break the glass. He looked at the American this time, and plainly dared him to reopen it. The American 6howed no sign of being ruffled as he placidly raised tne sash, and continued to read his novel with unabated zest. The German Bald something which the American did not understand, shut the window and stood beside It. The American looked sweet ly at the closed sash and calmly pushed his elbow through the glass, beating the window into fragments, and again turned to his novel. He was very calm, but there was a gleam in his eyes that the Germans did not like. The latter returned to his place, and for the next fifteen minutes there was an antiphonal chorus from the' three officers, of double-pointed, double-twisted German oaths. The Am erican read his novel with undisturb ed serenity. The Girlo' Brigde in Line. A unique feature of the Grand Army parade in Allegheny City, Pa., on Dec oration Day was a military company composed of uniformed girls and equipped with all the accouterments of noldiers. It is known as the Girls' Brigade, and is composed of the older girls of the Sixth Ward schools of Al legheny. Each member or the military company is the proud possessor of a light gun. The uniform consists of an electric blue Tarn O'Shanter cap with a tan ostrich feather, a red Eton jack et with gold braid, a white skirt and brown leggings. The uniform of the officers of the company, who are also girls, includes, besides the white skirt and brown leggings, a gold braldea military cap with a white plume, ana a semi-military coat with epaulets. Each officer carries a sword. A Millionaire Laborer. The eccentricities of a young mil lionaire follower of the teachings of Count Tolstoi are vastly puzzling the good people of the village of Wood- bridge, N. J. With practically unlim ited means at his command, George Ruddy Jr., son of one of the richest men in the State of New Jersey and a college graduate who has enjoyed the advantages of foreign travel, prefers the life of the humblest toiler. Clad In blue jeans and cowhide boots he literally wrests his livelihood from the unwilling soil of a tiny farm, the smallest and most worthless corner or his father's vast estate. Acordlng to his philosophical creed poverty is the only incentive to intellectual effort. D Will Keep I Your Premises, Stables and Outhouses PURE And in Good Condition. o CLEAN I N F F C Medium One Pint will make a Bucket of the best disinfecting T I Price 25c per Pint. Put up in gallon. 5 gallon and barrel containers. l llnllintnr Prim 0n HI lilUU iiU. E Fort Street. fin? Says Little Men Are Better Fighters A surgeon of the British army who C. H. DICKEY, General Business Agent Corner King and Bethel Sts. I WILL TRANSACT GENERAL BUSINESS OF ALL KINDS, act as trustee, guardian or administrator, col- . -i . f . , . ... . . . :fl1 1 11 rp riT-OCTmY-l t V n,, rrV V uecLeu: li not ne is ori-icisn :r rnm- 1 w f j . t)iu6i":i,n i, ,) v. i i : - i m , . . nao uou u:u u c.ui.-i icutt in nabim: . , plained of. That is the American way, I l"UB lar nas Deen slw. Tne exchange ; reCruits argues for little men for fight- i lecl rems' IIlime and it is a good enough way foi Ha- nf the lnsular coinage for that of the ing purposes, believing that the idea j All business intrusted to me will re wail, j United States has worked a hardship , is old and obsolete that a man can- ceive prompt attention. One of the laughable incidents of the i on the Poor- Tne Price of articles of j not be a good and efficient soldier un- I c H DICKEY. present controversy both laughable common consumption remains the same j less he measures a certain number of I ' 1 and pathetic is the bellv-erawlintr of in gold that 11 formerly was in de- I fe?t and inches in height. In modern the BXTto the 'feet of tlie director ncy. while wages have not whexe the tesue of ever, fight pAfipif TR ANSFFR CO. aavancea correspondingly. Ultimately, w iai.- . - iLace Fichus lehiffon Fichus Arabian Lace Sollars Lace Boleros Silk Waists M. BRASCH & CO PHONE 157. HOTEL 5TREEt -M-M-M . We are Now Prepared FURNISH ON SHORT NOTICE. DIRECT ING SETS FOR ISOLATED AND MARIVR r iSST60 J TO ATING OYNflMOS A C. & D. C. Motors. ' ARC and Incandescent1 LAMPS. Rotary 1 Static Uai Rallwa Llfbtli ment Estimate girtn on eost of new Installation of u klnl tubi it ia under the direction of an experienced mm 1 THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., LTD EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OF The Westinghouse Electric dt Manufacturing Co, ALAKEA ST. For Territory of Hawaii. Sauerbrunn! The Purest, Healthiest and Best OF ALL MINERAL WATYAIS. Bottled from the famous 'KoemRsqueUe'' in Harz-Mountains. Case, Containing 50 Bottl $6.00. FOR SALE BY H. Hackfeld&Co.,Ll a NEW LINE : Golf Shirts, Pajamas Japanese Silks, Gents' Underwear, Neckwear, Doilies, Jewelry, Etc, Are now Shown at IT 1 H HOTEL STREET U. OCKUIJIUIU, N r Nuuanu Call and be Convinced, NEW STORE. NEW 0' of the Experiment Station to assure him of public confidence in the idea that the Department of Agriculture can never make a mistake. We imagine Mr. bmilh s sneer at the silly compliment :ip r.v.nncr0 r, .vKii , c "ie uuuiiih lor nine, ana is r.iiner a the rsrndhrrnir T disadvantage than otherwise. This offl the island, but it appears to have been cer suggests the reducing to a made too soon. minimum of five feet the standard m commenting- upon the above the . height of all recruits for mounted in- ! fantry and light cavalry. JAS. H. LOVE, Manager. If the statement had any truth it Buiffal Express says would be hich time to take the word x"c ul11 "experiment" out of the asciicultural nd other lands which the United Quite Like Sousa. work and substitute that of "fulfill- states has annexed at earlier periods of j ment." Nobody knows better tnan Mr ,ts history is emphasized by this ac- ! ,rFX"assar gi,rls ?nJoy recallin& when Smith how many failures his depart !count of life in the Island. While f Or- Jg" daughter of the so- ment has scored, and that sue, failures. TcTfeZTt i0? " S XnooS In a purely experimental work, are fi"" 8e"Iement ,and . offering- a as her father leads his band, all hla bound to happen. We presume that he, 4.2, tne exPans'on of enterprise, poses and mannerisms being as faith being a man of sense, also acknowledges orto Rico Presents the problem of fully reproduced as If she were "taking the right of Territorial criticism in ' . "'nea ana anse pot u matters like the clearing- nf flftpon aroo euugnuii, un tne contrary, its neonle , vila lue great aengnt ot tne ottier gins him off" instead of unronscinnsTv pv- latlon. It offers no attraction to th emnlifyine the laws of hereditv. It Office, King Street, next to Bailey's Cyclery. iVl A I IN 58. g&ZXZS , VA V.V.V.V DlfllRKEHO BIERBACH'S VIOLET AMMONli For the of forest or were therp hut tmoivoi to provide a farm of exhausted soil for W0Uld be lad to immigrate to this experiments that might better have ountry- no doubt, if permitted. Capital been conducted on good land 3 ne-ded. but the one fact which gives elsewhere in the island. That is the main point made by men like ex Governor Cleghorn and Professor Koebele, who know more about the conditions of agriculture In Oahu than do all hands In the Department of Agri culture put together. As the case stands, the position of the Island experts that, if Tantalus is promise of large returns from Invest ments is the very cheap labor, and that it must be the chief effort of gov ernment to remove." when they had visitors to eet Sousa. unintroduced, to play the piano and then have the visitors exclaim, as they invariably did, "Why, she re minds me of Sousa." Sarah's Alcohol Bath. Since Sarah Bernhardt's return to I t- . . . The fact that people are usln mor- ' me reat tragedienne has contid- euc-ar than thpv m .1 oJT . T , ed to an American friend that she finds ZfmJ. f?" d J Jalse-an event' ft Is much aid for the preservation of her needless to say. of very recent origin- perennial youth in a certain kind of should encourage sucar investment snnnw hnth Tt ,oi if the only proper site for a Government Despite wide areas of land coming un- ' of alcohol, two ounces of spirits of farm, a small tract should have been;der cultivation for beet and can, the j camphor, two ounces of spirits of am tried before a large one was devastated, ! supply of sugar is short of the demand J Trionia flve ounces of sea salt, and is perfectly sound. It Is not lnsuppos- and the demand is all the while incroas- ; enou&n boiling water to make one able that Mr. Smith, who is acting un- ing. The study of the per capita con- ' q1uart- Tne whole should be agitated der orders from an omniscient chief sumption of sugar Is a curious one. in rnwHhhy;honLnhen,0nbedrJnt thSL hi3 Ifn0rtheaSt' f hCre I 2 f9 h.W the USP f 8aCChar,Iie : exsite'efrnmto SSl 'S2 may think so himself. material and the taste for It is steadily cles and Jaded spirit. Stock and Bond Broker Fire Insurance Agents Commission Merchants Careful trusts. mm attention given to business In oar new quarters, corner Port and Merchant ttreeta. . . . . TOILET AND BATH REFRESHING AND PLEASANT ONLY AT H0N0LILI DRIG CO, A. H. OTIS 61 King Street OTTO A Bis Read the Advertis