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PACIFIG COMMERCIAL ADVEBTI8EB: HONOLULU, JUNB 20, 1901, 8 A FEW F THE LEADERS BIG THIS WEEK. Domestic Department WonderM Values in Towels! Turkish Towels from 85c. per dozen up to the Bath Robe Size at $3 a pair. Over twenty different sizes and quali ties to select from. Linen Towels Made from Pure Irish Flax. Now is a chance for Householders and Hotelkeepers If we bought to-day we would, have to ask twice as much for them: 100 dozen 20x44 inches - - $3 per dozen 75 dozen 20x44 inches, - $3.50 per dozen 95 dozen 22x44 inches, - $4.50 per dozen 120 dozen 24x48 inches, - - $5.50 per dozen These are fine Huckaback with fringed ends. Excellent value in Linen Sheeting and Pillow Cottons. 1,074 White and Unbleached Cotton Sheeting, 15c per yard and upwards. Rattling Value IN THE Dress Department: 36-inch Batiste, 10c per yard. White Victoria Lawn, 75c per piece. India Linens, Persian Lawns and Organdies way down. Underclothing A grand assortment. We have a fine assortment of Corset Covers, nicely finished and all sizes at 35c. Night Gowns and Chemises Al value. Ready Made Skirts Crash Skirts, full cut, well made while they last $1.25. Pique Skirts, good quality insertion, trini 1 med latest cut, $2.50. Umbrellas and Sunshades Lovely creations in New Styles and colors in sun shades. Ladies' and (jentlemen's Umbrellas, first quality made, gold and silver mountings. FOR BHRGH1NS T IT & t mm L B. KERB CO. LIMITED. Queen St., Honolulu. J - 8 V i : J 83 DEATH ON a Ink THE PAL Wild Plunge of a Horse Over Railing. HEAVY WINDS THE CAUSE Animal Fell Became Frightened and a Distance of Twelve Hundred Feet. At noon yesterday a frightened horse attached to a buggy leaped frantically over the railing on the Pali road just below the quarantine guardhouse, and probably met instant death at the base of the rocky precipice 1,200 feet below. The wild plunge of the animal through space was witnessed by a young Chinese named Ah Fai, who had driven the horse to the Pali. The ani mal belongs to the Waikikl Inn Stables. Yesterday afternoon Ah Fai hired the horse and buggy and drove two young Hawaiian women to the famous cleft in the mountains, arriving there about noon. The wind was blowing with its usual force through the narrow rift, and it was with difficulty that the horse made its way from the Honolulu side to the Koolau side. The occupants of the bug gy had meanwhile alighted, intend ing to get in again when the horse reached a place in the road where the wind was less forceful. The animal, however, became frightened at the heavy gusts, and the boy had to tighten his hold on the reins to keep him in the road. Matters went along all right until the party reached that part of the highway just below the guard house. Suddenly the horse reared, leaped to ward the railing which guards the road on the precipice side and plunged over it. The carriage caught for an instant on the rail, and then the mass disap peared over the side and into the abyss below. Before the boy could reach the rail the horse and buggy had disap peared. Believing that the animal had been killed outright and that the only thing for him to do was to inform the owner, Ah Fai and the ladies retraced their way down the Pali road and tele phoned to town for one of Quinn's hacks. The Chinese viewed the matter philosophically, and said he would pay for the loss of the horse and rig. A search was instituted yesterday af ternoon to see what had become of the unfortunate animal, but nothing was learned last night regarding its fate. SUGAR IS IN GREATER DEMAND The World's Consumption in Kxcess of Produc tion. Editor Advertiser-. We have just re ceived from New York the following in formation in regard to the world's pro duction and consumption of sugar, which we believe will be of interest to everyone here, and think it will be somewhat of a surprise to many to learn that for the past three years the world's annual consumption of sugar has exceeded the world's annual pro duction of sugar, this condition being made' possible by a surplus which has been carried forward and is not given below. Our information consists of statistics published by Willett & Gray, accom panied by a personal communication from Willett & Gray, dated May 28th, 1901. The figures given below are in tons. 1S97-98. 1S98-99. 1S99-0O. World's consump tion of all su gars World's produc tion of all su JAS. F. MORGAN, U-NEE-da ktim and Biter 65 QUEEN STRKET, P. 0. Box 594. Telephone 72. THIS DAY. Auction Sale OF Household Furniture ON THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1901' AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, I will sell at public auction a large assortment of household furniture, con sisting of old fashioned koa bureau, washstands, bureaus, wardrobes, chairs, rockers, new rugs, all sizes, etc., etc. JAMES F MORGAN, AUCTIONEER, Auction Sale OF P' ON FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1901, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, I will sell at public auction a large number of Ships' Canvas Sails. JAS. P. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale OF Phaetons and Snrries ON SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1901, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. At my salesroom, 65 Queen street, I will sell at public auction. Phaetons, Surries, Runabouts, Business Wagons, etc., etc. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale OF VAi CABLE PROPERTY In Nuuanu Valley gars Under instructions from the attor neys for COL. C. B. C. ROOKE, I will sell at public auction, at my ale oom, 65 Queen street, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 22, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. The following valuable property: Lot A Parcel of land on the Ewa side of Nuuanu avenue, opposite the residence of Mr. H. Schultze. Property has a frontage of J39.I feet on Nuuanu avenue; a depth on mauka side of 5S4.2 feet; on lower boundary of 607 8-12, and 29 4-13 feet at rear boundary. itains 180,774 square feet. Lot B Directly opposite Lot A, and adjoining c" e residence of Mr. H. Schultze. This lot has a frontage of 354.8 feet n Nuuanu avenue, a depth on mau ka side of 553 10-12 feet, on makai side of 534 feet, and 33S 7-13 feet at rear boundary. Contaln3 196,020 square feet. Lot A will be offered at an upset price of $16,500. And Lot B at an upset price of $13, 500. Failing to obtain purchasers at these prices: Lot A will be divided into two lots, each 169 feet frontage on Nuuanu street, by about 369 to 451 feet deep, at an upset price of $8,500 each. Lot B. in two lots. 177 feet each on 7,979,9S6 8,002,692 8,627,716 ( Nuuanu street, by about 390 feet deep at an upset price of $7,000 each. Terms One-half cash, balance In one year, at 6 per cent. ..7,736,428 8,009,944 8,474,985 Excess con sumption ov er production... 243,558 52,748 152,7ei Willett & Gray further make an esti mate of the total production of all sug ars throughout the world for 1901, of 9, 561, SSI. This is an estimated increase in the world's production of 1.0S9.S96 tons. From the various statistics given above, showing the comparative con sumption of sugar every year, it does not seem improbable that the consump tion for 1901 will increase in the same ratio as the production. Yours truly, HAWAIIAN TRUST COMPANY, LTD. J. R. GALT, Secretary. For further particulars, apply to JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. Ml TIT FOR TAT. Manhattan I wonder "why it is that so many society women go on the stage? Broadway Perhaps it is because they are crowded out by the actresses that marry into society. Life. . A SPORTING NOTE. Real file For Sale. f Rv nrdpr rtt Mr. W WoHpth T oATpt for sale the following valuable prop erty: 1 That lot on the corner of Green and Kaplolanl streets, size 10xl00 feet The place is well laid out In palm and fruit trees. 2 That lot on Green street, near the corner of Kapiolanl, size 95x145 feet, together with a house of six rooms, and a stable with servants' quarters The garden is well laid out with palm and fruit trees. JAS. F. MORGAN, C5 Queen Street Biscuit or Jing Or soine other kind of Biscuit or Waf J SUCH AS- CHAMPAGNE ORANGE LEMON STRAWBERRY V4NILLA CHOCOLATE ) Wafers WATER BEN'1 8 H. M BIUH TEA SN()W FLAKE OYSTER GINGER PRETZELS GRAHAM EDUCATOR Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Just received a fresh shipment of the above it HJUJNKY MAY &C LIMITED TELEPHONES 22, 24 and 92. P. O. BOX 386. MORE FORT STfiJ Sterling ALL "Built Like a Watch' $40.00 EX S. S. HAWAIIAN, JUST ARRIVED. Pacific Cycle & Mfg., 1065 FORT STREET. We have just received a fine Hue of Silk Goods, Jewelry WATCHES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, SILK AND CREPE KIMONOS. These goods are all new, and of the lateirt pattern. ASADA & CO! 141 Hotel Street. It Will Pay You to Trade With Q& There is Strength and Vigor IN EVERY DROP. Drink the Famous mm i Sold by All Dealers. t-Tiimm mm m g SECTIONAL BOOKCASES, OFFICE DESKS, LETTER FILES, CARD INDEXES AND SAFES Of shipments recently arrived and just unpacked. FOR SALE BY H. Hackfeld & Co man shot a minute ago. Second Bear What for? Pirat- Root- j u LIMITED. First Bear I saw a