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GRAPHIC ARTS BUILDING, vonstii.... ROOMS 608, 600, 510 STANGHNWAl.n ..- PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION Sense Talk All classes of Engineering Work solicited- aI(,m, ports made for any class of Waterworks Steam 1atl,n. Su Plans and SDeclflcatlons and Eatimnn,. D..m. and Elot: 4"n In Time And on Time tended. In all branches of Engineering Work- r?nd nst.1 roads. Electric and Steam; Tunnels, Brldecs tions, Piers, Wharves, etc. Special attention given to Examinations ertles for investment, ourposes. Valuall en8' anfcMn, 1 FREDERI CKJ. AMWEG M . Rnn I n,a- ShpJ : and Mar.age, 1 W. R. CASTLE JR., Secretary and TreasuV. For the Races Common JBt from the factory, a large lt -f horse-timing Watches, single and split seconds, minute registers. In silver and gun Metal cases; perfect Watches, fully guaranteed in every re spect, and made by the same maker who makes my high priced chronographs. The Prices Are $11.50 to $25 and every Wateh a reliable pne. We are watching them close ly, and have them well regulat ed, so they will net deviate a fraetlon from correct time. Tow can depend upon these Watches, which are not too cheap to be good, but Just cheap nough te be safe Watehes to buy. a. f. ill! FORT STREET. The Days of Tight Belts Are Over Cling-Surface "CUNG-SURFACE" IS A BELT iller, which produces a clean, clinging surface on the belt after it has penetrated the belt, and it la a belt preservative, making and Steeping the leather, cotton or rope flexible and elastic, vastly increas ing Its life. It also acts perfectly ' on rubber belts. One-third more power is trans mitted by its use, or in other words, a belt two-thirds as large will transmit the power if "CUng Surface" is used. Send for a sample ten-pound tin. Price 50c per lb." LITTLE GIANT FJ8E EXTINGUISHER The only chemical fire extinguisher that is ready at any time. Will not deteriorate. No dangerous acids or chemicals in it. Can be handled by a child. V Price $3 each. :lri Electric Go MOANA HOTEL BUS LINE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THI patrons of the MOANA HOTEL, busses 'Rill leave regularly to and from the city, as follows: We do developing, printing, mount mg, copying, enlarging, retouching, re pairing, photo-coloring, picture-fram ng and everything connected with pho tographing. We Make a Specialty of it oecause 'we do nothing else. It is oui ausiness, each of our nine employes 1 in expert in his department. WE TURN OUT THE BEST PRINTJ LN THE CITY in one half the time tha' it takes elsewhere. Our developer was second man in th' ?reat Taber gallery in San Francisco ne is an expert professional, and does aothing but develop the plates anr1 11ms of our customers. FREE INSTRUCTION m handling you Kodak or Camara; Ir. printing or developing in any branch of photography. We sell Eastman's Kodaks, as weli as all the best grades of amateur anc professional Cameras on the market 1901 Models. We do not sell second hand and shop-worn instruments ae oright and new, but advertise each In strument for just what it actually is. We do not carry EVERYTHING ap oertalning to Amateur and Professional Photography no stock house in the world does that; but we do carry bj far the Largest AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Photographic Supplies :hat is carried In the Territory of Ha waii. We do our best to give satisfac tion, and guarantee each and every ar ticle that leaves our shop. HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY COMPANY. Corner Fort and Hottl Streets. Pianos Pianos Pianos TO RENT Large Stock to Select From, I eheap Prices Us m co. Tel. 821. FORT ST. m xxxxxxo oooooooo From corner King and Fort Sts. 7:39 a. m. 8:0 a. m. 8:45 a, ra. 9:15 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 4:3 p. m. 5:30 p. m. :00 p. a. From Moana Hotel. S:00 a. m. S:30 a. rxu 9:30 a, m. 10:00 a. m. 4:45 p. m. 5:16 p. m. :00 p. m. 6:45 p.m. WingWoChan&Co tfbony Furniture, Cigars and Tobaccos, Chinese and Japanese Teas, Crockery, Mattings, Vases, Camphorwood Trunks, Rattan Chairs. $3 ks and Satins OF ALL, KINDS. 110-212 Nuuanu Street Commutation tickets may chased at the Hotel Office. be pur- . H. CARD, MANAGER MOANA HOTEL. COTTON BROS. & CO. Efgt-'.eers and Gineral Con tractors. Plans and Satimatea furnished for all assea ef Contra ting Work. Boom 300, Boston Block. Honolulu. XSCCj ESNEY & m Wholesale Grocers d? Leather and Shoe Finding Agent Honolulu Soap Works Com pany. M nolulu. and Tanaary. ORDER ("OUR NEW SUIT NOW, FOR JUNK 11th, FROM A Hi rierchant Tailor ' No. 1292 Fort St., Corner Kukui. Clothe Cleaned and Repaired. ML I T: 41 sBBSSBSBPSSSSBSBhI ' " isBRaVI 1 P'- Z , 1-... "'' - ' -L&iilH-' 1 ' ' - Assa - " " - -'- la's- ' '. ".' H. ' - . j raSfcc..-.-, . - gKim-. '"':'J LAST WEE -OF i Grand Reduction j CLOSES SATURDAY JUNE22d. YOUR LAST CHANei IwakMii, HOTEL STREET DEATH OF A GREAT SCHOLAR Professor T. H. Safford of Wil liams Was an Intellectual Prodigy. PANAMA HATS GETTING COSTLY NEW YORK, June 14. Prof. Truman Henry Safford, the mathematician and astronomer, whose death has Just been announced, will be buried in the college burying ground at Williamstown, Mass. Since he first suffered an attack of pa ralysis in 1894, Prof. Safford has been con ducting several elective courses at Wil liams College. A widow, four sons, a daughter Mrs. P. E. Dewey of Milwau keesurvive him. He was born at Royutton, Vt., sixty five years ago. At an early age he at tracted attention by his power of calcu lation. He could mentally extract the square and cube root of numbers of nine and ten places of figures and could mul tiply four figures by four figures as rap idly as it could be done upon paper. In 1845, when he was 9 years of age, and nine years before he was graduated from Harvard College, he prepared an alma nac, and at the age of 14 he calculated the elliptic elements of the first comet of 1S49. By a method of his own he abridged by one-fourth the labor of cal culating the rising and setting of the moon. After long and difficult problems had been read to him once, he could give their results without effort. Prof. Ben jamin Pierce said of him, in 1S48, that his knowledge "is accompanied with powers of abstraction and concentration rarely possessed, at any age, except by minds of the highest order." He spent several years at the Harvard Observatory after his graduation, and between 1850 and 1S62 he computed the orbits of many planets and comets. In 1SG5 he was appointed professor of as tronomy in the University of Chicago and director of the Dearborn Observatory-, where he discovered many new neb ulae. From 1S69 to 1871 he was engaged upon the great catalogue of stars then in course of preparation by the co-operation of European and American astrono mers. Interrupted in this work by the Chicago lire of 1871, he was employed in latitude and longitude -ork in the Terri tories by the United States Corps of En gineers, for whom he also prepared a cat alogue of stars, whiclj was published by 'ne War Department. He was called to the chair of astronomy at Williams: Col lege in 1S7S. Held in the New York Market at Thirty-Five Dollars Apiece. NEW YORK, June 13. Those who bought Panama straw hats last year were lucky, for they are practically out of the market today. The few that are to be had are held by dealers at $.15, and this price is not likely to decrease. '"Ehe South American makers are ab solutely unable to meet tle demand," said a salesman in the largest hat store on Fifth avenue yesterday afternoon, "and for two months they have sud denly become the fashion all over the world. They are as much in demand abroad as they are here, and the scar city is the same there. This sudden demand was too much for the makers. 'who had laid up no reserve stuck. Xow ! our prices are $35 for a hat that cost j only three-fifths of that amount last year, and they are to be had only in , certain sizes. Others could not be 'bought here at any price. We have no j idea when the new supply will come in. The demand at those prices is ! strong enough to sell as many as we could get hold of." Cartridge Factory Explodes. PARIS, June 14. An exlosion in a cartridge factory situated in the suburb of Les Moulineaux. has resulted in the loss of fifteen lives and the injuring of about twenty persons. The victims were horribly mutilated. A majority of those injured were women. Tourists and visitors snouia not fall to take a ride on the Pacific Heights Rlect ic Railway. Unsurpassed view of ocean, mountain and valley, and tha Mretehex! out !tv. Round trip. 10c Steamer Goes to Pieces. ST. JOHNS, N. F., June 14. The tiey land line steamer Assyrian, ashore off Cape Race, went to pieces during the night, and this morning is a total wreck. The after part of the vessel is under water and the hull is broken asunder. A heavy sea is raging, and the cargo is being washed ashore and partly car ried seaward. Owing to the fury t the gale and the tremendous sea little f the cargo has thus far been salvaged! HAIR Mrs. Mc-Kinley Improving. WASHINGTON. Jun 14 Mrs. Mc Kinley's physicians held their usual consultation this afternoon, and de cided to discontinue the issuance of bulletins. It is said that her condition continues to improve slowly, and the doctors consider it useless to give out a bulletin each day, under the favorable conditions. HOW TO AVOID TROUBLE. Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over, -and if procured now. may save you a trip to town in the night, or in your busiest season. It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful medicine In use for bowel complaints, both for children and adults. No family can afford to be without it. For sale by Benson, Smith &. Co., Ltd., wholesale agents. Typewriters rented and repaired at the Remington Typewriter office, lf26 Fort street. uke THiSwmiml lm- iww ? m w i A FINE ASS0RTMEM OF , , , JAPANESE SILKS, KIMONOS, GRASS CLOTH, HAWAIIAN SILK M Just the thing to decorate your room with. We also call your attention to the Fine assortment of For Ladies or Gentlemen. Manufactured and Trimmed on the premii Also Gents Furnishing Goo In endless variety. 8. OZAKI Waverley Block i i is easily obtainable through the nse of New bro's Herpicide, the only preparation on the mar ket that reaches and an nihihttes the gorm or microbe that is respon sible for all scalp dis eases. It thus makes i druff and falling possible, and causes a thick, luxuriant growth to replace tbo former thin, brittle hair. The gentlemen will al90 find it an inestimable boon to them, as it works like a charm on bald beads, bringing forth a growth of soft, thick hair that anyone might be prond of. Even druggists proclaim its Tirtnes, as per the following : Office of W. H. Mukcitteoi, Prescription Druggist, JUarybville, Munt., 12-19, 9. Dear Sirs: Herpicideia certainly a good article, and will do the work as advertised ; that is why we sell it. I guarantee every bot tle, and none has been returned. Pleasesend me another dozen, and oblige, Yours respect- folly, W. U. ilCKGITTBOTD. AV n ' t-Ykt' iron tine to! Hurrah for the Hunter Baltimore Rye, I The true Sportsman's Drink ! Sold everywhere. TVio Plnnoor Winn onA l innnr FTnhflfi. : Klg D f "t t t t ft t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t H"HrH For Sale at all First-Class Drug Stores. Sanitary Plumbi AND SEWER CONNECTIONS A SPECltf HOLLISTER DRUG CO.. LTD., Agent. SANG UEE CHAN 1223 FORT STREET, Just Above Orpheum. GROCERIES, FISH, CALIFORNIA FRUITS. Telephone No. 341 White. A. C. LOVEKIN, Stock and Bond Broker REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT. 402 Judd Building. do id i a rrt AT JOHN NOTT, W ok KING "TZu 1A 4 I I Oahu Carriage Mfg. c' RIVER STREET. Painting, Blacksmithing and Triffliniw ,n-Tr-nED T'-o n.H ALL. ORDERS FROMl'XJL.1 aw- sr. - 4- jpnone isiue oi.