Newspaper Page Text
THE PAC1PW3 OOMMXB01AH ADVX1 1ft: HONOLULU, JUNE 24, 1901. THIS PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser i&ntamd at the Posiofflce at Honolulu. M. Second-class Matter Except Sunday esud Morning by the HAWAI1A GAZETTE COMPANY. Von Holt Block. No. 65 South King 3t. A. "W. PHARSON . .. Business Manager. XJB8CK1PTION RATES: For Uoited States (Including Hawaii Trrtt ott) : S maa 0 4 mentha 1 yr AdvertU rates on application. .12 00 . 4 00 . 8 00 TIME TABLE. From and after Jan. 1 1901. OUTWARD. Daily Daily Dally Daily Daily Btaatccui. II III!, ill sx. . gun. Sua. Bm. a.m. am. p.m. 7:10 :15 11:05 8:16 8:03 9:48 11:40 8:47 J.32 10:08 12:00 4:06 . . 10:50 4:46 .... 11:56 5:40 12.32 iflj p.m. 6:10 5:80 6:10 Honolulu . Peart City Bwa Mill . Waiaoae . Waialua . . Kahuku . . INWARD. Dally Daily Dally Daily ex. ex. Station. Sun. a.m. Sua. a.m. 5:36 6:10 7:10 7:46 8:03 8:36 p.m. p.m. 2:08 2:60 3:56 4:33 4:53 6:26 SLabnku Talalaa . - Waianae . . . . Bwa MQ1 Pacirl City .... .Honolulu ... 5:50 6:16 6:50 1:05 1:30 2:06 O. P. DENISON, Superintendent F. C. SMITH, G. P. & T. A HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu, June 22, 1901. SAMS OF STOCK, j Captul Vl Bid lAsk. WAJTTUA. tJ. Bwnrer Co j 1.000.000 W. BJtecha' Dry Goods Co., Ltd 60,000 JU B. Kerr A Co., Ltd . 200,000 100 100 60 416 100 W4 wa . . . . ' ),000,000 HmoV. .:::::.. mm Haw. Agriculturai Co l.OM.OOO Haw.c5m.4Sug. Co. i,312,7S0 Hawaiian Sugar Co... A0W.000 Honomn voo.ww Honokaa 2.000,090 Haiku 500.000 Kahuku 60U,000 fitiheiPUu.Oo.U..-. i.SM.pW jpi ' S22-S2S 20 100 100 100 20 100 20 100 20 50 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 100 20 20 20 20 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 300 ... . s . .1 170 20: ! 230 J 25 '.'.'.'.'. us 160. 25 1? ..... "ml iss 19 i .... I 4 13 lii-i i 150 276 580 99 106 ; 96 1 180 lift 85 90 ! 100 !' 100 8.010 ; SSKSS Eona Buaar Co. 500,JO McBiyde 8. Oo.Lt. A 832, Paid tip 1,650, XX) Rakiku Sugar (Jo. A Paid an Ofthu Sugar Co 3,tS00,uU0 Onoaaea?. 1 1,000,000 Ookala 1 w,uuu aiaa Sugar Co. LtAi I 812.500 - " Paid up I 2,500,000 Ulowalu iSO.ow P&auhau8ug.Pian.Co 6,000,000 Padnc mooo 5aia 750,000 .Peptekeo 750,000 iPioneer i ,000,000 Waialua Agr. Co 4,600,000 Wailukc 700,000 Waimanalo I 252.0OC fraimea 125,000 SxxaMBBir Cos. Wilder 3. 8. Co iOO.000 Enter-Island 8. 8. Co . . 500,000 KlSCKLLANBGUB Hawaiian KlecU-cc.o. 250,000 Him. Bp. Tr. A Ld. Co. '260,000 Hon. Steam Laundry . : 26,000 Matual Telephone Co. 39,000 OS.4L.Co I 2,000,000 Foople'i Ice & Aet. Go. 160.000 Baku. ' ! first National Bank 3f;rat Am. 81 ings Bk.. ATrunt Co ; 100 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 9 105 85 102 Bonds. Saw. Govt. 5 per cent. . . HUO B. B Co. 6 per ct. .. Hoi- t.T.4L.Co ;.. Plantation 6 p c. .. o. a. 4 u. 00 ,. Oahu Plant, 6 p. 0 OlaB Plun ? n r Wafalua Ag Co 6 p. c .. 95 100 100... 14 .. 101 -. Hilo and Puna Dlv. Session Sales Six Waialua, $S5. Between Boards: 45 Ewa, $27. SHIPPINU INTELLIGENCE. DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STATION, June 23, 10 p. m. Weather, clear; wind, light, N. THE WEATHER. Mean Temperature 77. Minimum Temperature 72. Maximum Temperature S3. Barometer at 9 p. m. 30.04; falling. Kalnfall .41 inch, up to 9 a. m. Meati' Dew Point for the Day 66.3. Mean Relative Humidity O. WINDS. N.E., 3; rain In morning to clear ln afternoon. FORECAST FOR TODAY. Trades growing lighter and fair weath ert CURTIS J. LYONS, Territorial Meteorologist. ARRIVED AT HONOLULU. Saturday, June 22. W. Btmr. Helene, Nicholson, from Ha waii. Schr. G. W. Watson, from Labalna. W. stmr. Lehua. Dower, from Molokat. Am. bkt. Ruth, Burley, 68 days from Newcastle. VV. stmr. Klnau, Freeman, from Hilo and way ports. Nor. bk. Qdderajaa, Johansen, 68 days from Newcastle. Sunday, June 23. I.-I. stmr. Mikahala, Gregory, from Na- wiliwUL I.-I. stmr. Noeau, Wyman, from Wai mea. O. S. S. Zealandla, Dowdell, put back frpm sea in distress. Am. bk. Mohican, Kelly, 13 days from San Francisco. Am. bkt. Planter, Chase, 15 days from San Francisco. Am. sp. Fort George, Morse, 38 days from 'Newcastle. SAILED FROM HONOLULU. Saturday, June 22. ' O. ft O. S. S. Doric, Smith, for San Francisco. O. S. S. Zealandla, Dowdell, for San Francisco. Am. bkt. Archer, Hardwick, for Ban Francisco. Am. schr. Bertie Minor, Ravens, for the Sound. THE FILIPINO I EXILES AT GUAMi All Are Happy and They Have Formed a Miniature Government. The ex-navy hospital ship Solace, j now a navy transport, arrived at Ca- 5 vite Monday morning at 2.30 a. m. from i San Francisco, via Honolulu and Uuam.i The present commander of the Solac is Herbert Winslow, son of Captain Winslow. who was in command of tha old Kearsage when she had her mem orable encounter with the Confederate cruiser Alabama at Cherbourg off the coast of France. The Alabama was sunk, and up to within a few years Ago a buoy marked the resting place of this famous old warship. The Solace brought from Guam the guard that was sent with the exiles, and some of the employes. Major Hen ry Orwig, who was the commaued in charge, reports that the prisoners are rin excellent spirits, that is as well as could be expected under the existing ( in umstanues. They, one and all, ex pressed great regret at the leave-taking of the army branch, as they were nut quite sure of the treatment that would be meted out to them by the change of commands. The transfer of the command to the marines was ne cessitated by the mustering out of Ma jor Orwig and his guard, as all whom are volunteers. The place where the prisoners are lo cated is about three miles from. Agana. or half way between that town and Peti. It was once the resilience of some Spanish officers. All t,he old buildings have been torn down, and new ones erected for the exiles and the officers in charge. The grounds include one acre, and this is strongly enclosed with barbed wire, which marks the limit for them to exercise and move around in. The broad expanse of the Pacific is within their view, and the climate, it is , said by some, is the finest in the jvorli. The prisoners have formed a small 1 sized government of their own, an 1 ; elected General Pio del Pilar as their i Presidents, and they take great inter est carrying out the laws they have laid down for themselves. One death j only has resulted among them that of j Lucas Camarina, who was sulfering i from consumption when he left Manila, j The social side of life among the ol.l- j cers and their wives and families is necessarily limited, but this is made up in a way by the many delightful places of interest on the islands. The island abounds in game, and wild fowl are as i plentiful as the most fastidious hunter j couUJ ask for. One of the returning passengers expressed the opinion that Guam would be better under civil gov ernment, as the natives believe they are perfectly able to cope with th? situa tion. What they do desire above ev erything else is that the government will hasten the work of .harbor im provement, so as to offer an induce ment for trade." The island Is rich in tobacco, copra and hemp, but owing to the limited number of traders that visit the port, and these coming only in small craft there is no incentive to extend and cultivate Manila' paper. their lands.- News Notes. Chicago is experiencing a heat wave. Dennis Sweenie, Chicago's fire chief, has resigned. Robert Buchanan, the well known writer, is dead. Twenty-one Chicago firms are now united in a plow trust. A priest was recently shot dead in his confessional in the City of Mexico by a young man who was jealous of him. Mrs. Dr. Bailey of Los Angeles was seriously injured by the explosion of a giant powder cap while cooking, the cap having been left In the stove through carelessness. Only twenty-two out of the fifty-nine applicants at West Point, passed the entrance examinations on June 10. Judge 1'. L. Palmer of Denver re cently . administered a severe rebuff to over a hundred reformers in a dis turbance over liquor selling regula tions. Russia will have a good wheat crop. More rioting is reported from Belfast Governor Sanford of Alabama Is dead. Euphronious Cousins, the Seattle ship- j builder, Is dead. Sir Walter Besant, the novelist and ! philanthropist, is dead. The big pipe organ at Stanford Univer ! slty has been completed. Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria Is to a fi'rp rwrr, u -- iJ hospital and Imperilled many lives last week. The cool-headedness and courage of the Army nurses saved the lives of the patients. DUE TOMORROW. S. Sierra, from the Colonies. O. S. DUE WEDNESDAY. O. S. S. Sonoma, from San Francisco, with six days' mail. BORN. WINTER In Lihue, Kauai. Fricay, June 20th. to the wife of G. F. Win ter, a daughter. j LEE In this city. June 23, 1901, to the wife of Walter E. Lee, a son. Grocers Shown Up. OFFICE OF CARROLL WHITAKER, ATTORNEY, . Hilo Hawaii. J Dear Hilo, Hawaii, June 7, 1901. s In my innocence I pur- in Hilo a Jar of your S -MONEY PICKLES t-'nas,J ' (put up by Mrs. E. G. Kidd, Richmond. Virginia.) It brought tne great trouble, and one of three things must occur: I. Y.iU must stop makioe them: or. l must get them at less expense; or tm a ruined man. 3. Sine- my first venture I've had many "jars. My family from early morn cry "Pi, k - ;" neighbors ring the door bell and sh ut "Pickles;" relatives visit me in expectation of "Pickles." Your pickels are my Nemesis. Please, dear sirs, quote them by the keg, barrel, hogshead, ton or shipload, and "pre serve" me. Yours very truly, CARROLL WHITAKER. TO LEWIS & CO., Honolulu, T. H. Classified AdrertisementsJ - WANTED. A, GENTLE, buggy horse. Address "R, j L. W.," P. O. Box 349, City. 5890 1 POSITION By a young man, as sten ographer, typewriter or collector; can assist on books. Address "Jay Sea," this office. 688 A CLERK At The Kasa Co., Ltd., Ho tel street, near Bethel; native-born white preferred. 6S87 FOR RENT A LARGE mosquito-proof, room; also, a smaller one, furnished cheap, on Beretanla street, office. Address "M.," this 6S91 NICELY furnished fnont room,, mosqul-to-proof; electric lights; suitable for gentleman. Apply. 31S Vineyard, near Emma. 5891 A 24-ROOM house; suitable for a lodging house foe men; location cen tral. Inquire oS James Steiner, 116 Hotel street. 5SS8 STORE, partly furnished, and three i room cottage, 217 School street, cor ner Achi Lane; possession at once. Apply at HofBman Saloon. 5S77 ' JULY 1 Large house and grounds, with stable; modern improvements; in Pawaa. Inquire of Mr. Lightfoot, Sanitary Sleam Laundry. 5880 OFFICES FOR RENT. 1 IN BREWER building. Queen street, on reasonable terms. Apply to C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. 5878 j OFFICES in the new Boston block, j Fort street, between Hotel and King streets, under lease from one to five years. Low rentals, including jani tor service, electric lights and water. Apply to Hawaiian Trust and In vestment Company. 823 Fort St. 6849 FOUR large rooms, now occupied by Major Robinson as quartermaster's offices in Progress block, will be tor rent after June 30th. Will rent singly or en suite. Apply to Chas. S. Desky, Progress block. 5872 FOR SALE A. GARTENBERG'S fine residence property In Kaplolanl Park on the beach. Address P. O. Box 229. 6811 A FINE new cottage with latest Im provements, also lot: situated In healthy locality, on the upper road to Manoa Valley; possession given at once; one-half cash, one-half in five years. Apply, A. A. Montana., P. O. Box 67, or on the premises. 5879 FOR SALE OR FOR RENT. LEASE of elghty-nino acres of land, with large pond suitable for ducks or fish, at Palaau harbor, a few miles west from Kaunakakai, Molokai, ad jacent to the best fishing grounds of the Territory of Hawaii. Lease will expire in 1920. For particulars, apply to John M. Sass. 1349 Alapal street, Honolulu. P. O. Box 181. 5890 LOST. TWO coats, on Pali road. Advertiser office. Reward at 5S91 ; Ar nRTT.T.SHET) Saturday night, a small diamond bar pin. Finder return to M. Phillips & Co., and receive re ward. 6891 A BUNCH of keys, near the postofflce Finder will be rewarded by returning to this office. 5890 NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE Notice is hereby given that Certifi cate No. 1228, for twenty-five shares of the capital stock of McBryde Su gar Co., Ltd., standing on the books of the said company In the name of W. I. Wells, has been lost, and transfer of the same on the books of the said company has been stopped. All persons are warned against ne gotiating, purchasing or dealing with said certificate. Said shares are transferable only by endorsement on said certificate, and by surrender of the same and the issue of a new cer tificate. No title will pass to the finder of said certificate. Said certifi cate, if found, should be delivered to the undersigned. T. H. Davles & Co., Ltd. 5876 pi FOUND. A BABY'S gold ring, with small dia mond; owner can have by calling at this office, proving property and pay ing for this ad. 5889 THE MELROSE. I King Street, near Waikiki Turn. Tel. 1 TJI110 9081 m ; HAVING BEEN REFURNISHED 1 auu renovaieu, now open, under new management. Those desiring good Board and Room at reasonable rates, ean be accommodated. WILL A ED E. BROWN. FRARK E1LSTEAD HALSTEAD&CO. Stock and Bond Brokers money advanced on sugar securities. 921 FORT TEL. MAIN 133. ST. TflEOSOPH ICAL SOCIETY ALOHA BRANCH: Saturday 7:30 p. m., public meeting in the hall of Knights of Pythias, Fort St; Tuesday, 7:45 p. m., class of "Ancient Wisdom," at Mr. Rice's Beretanla Bt Library open Saturday evening and Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5. Information, Mrs. Marques, 314 Fort St 6878 SPECIAL NOTICE. ON AND AFTER JUNE 15th OUR store will remain open on Saturdays until 6 p. m. L. B. KERR ft CO., LTD., 5882 Queen Street Hawaiian Soda Works MMA AND VINEYARD (Rl TELEPHONE BLUE 187L PROMPT DELIVERY. 1$30 a Month AND A mil CASH PAYMENT WILL. SECURE A Neat Cottage with three bedrooms, bath, servants' house, cement side walk, curbing, etc. GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD On a Main Street. ALSO PROPERTY IN PARTS OF THE CITY. ALL) Albert Raas FINANCIAL AGENT stock and bond broker Member of Honolulu Stock Exchange Orders for the purchase or sale of Stocks and Bonds earefully and promptly executed. Loans negotiated. DURING my temporary akaene Mr. Elmer E. Paxton wll act for ma under fuU power of attorney. ALBERT RAAS. OFFICE Ground floor, Judd Build ing. Postofflce Box m. Telephone ltt. HONOLULU. Business men can save many hours P .aA." Acer oss the Continent BAN FRANCISCO-PORTLAND. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM SAN FRANCISCO. TWO TRAINS DAILY From Portland. Pullman Palace Sleeper. Buffet Smoking and Library Can, wltk Barber Shops and Pleasant Read ing Rooms. Dining Car;, eals a la Carta. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 135 Third St, Portland, Ora. D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agaat, No. 1 Montgomery fit.. Ban Franelse, Gal. Or E. L. LOMAX. G. P T. A., Oroafee. Nebraska. For Sale or Rent On Hackfeld above Prospect street, upper slope of Punchbowl; six-room house; attractive lot, weU planted with fruit trees, etc., $3,000. WU1 rent for ?30 a month. FOR SALE OR RENT. LUNALILO STREET Two-story cottage; electric lights; modern plumb ing. Rent, $35.00 a month. OASTLE X LANSDALE Rooms 303 and 304. Stangenwald Building Tel Main 70. The Haw'n Realty and Maturity Co., Limited. BUY, SELL AND DEAL IN ALL sorts of Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases; and execute, on short notice, any and all sorts of legal docu ments pertaining to lands, etc. Handle properties and estates on commission for absentees. Our especial feature is the issuance of a $200 INVESTMENT CERTIFI CATE, which is easy in payment and affords a substantial and easy means for persons of small monthly Incomes to save a neat sum during a fixed pe riod, and benefit by the system of the investment of the combined funds of many. Read the Dally Advertiser; 75 cents per month. w three U to (if Only ft r Days to M lorl CanadiaD-AustralialRovaT If "1 nx 1 . u Steamers of the above line running in ran(, ' PACIFIC RATT.WAiV compamv k'T 5ontection wi. ,u. of the above lln nmnin,, t a W., and calling at Victor" B. cTaKTa ID-vie at X3Io:n.clu On or about the dat es below stated , ' una 1 , bhmh (y.) 1 Mfro-i... For Victoria and Vancouver, B. C: AORANGI JULY 3 MOAN A JTTT.v at MIOWERA Ann 9 AORANGI SEPT ?r. MOANA nrT 01 MIOWERA W I . ... ' AORANGI DEC. 1. The magnificent new service, the "Imnerlai t iLi. 1 dally BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTRFA ' hours, without change. The finest railway servwTn Tvak!n8 Throueh Tickets IssuhI fmm . Ye ln the worlrt Eurooe. lu,u 10 anada. Unlted For freight and passage, and all general information ip 1 Theo. E. Datles & Co , Ltl, Ctfi' uj Pacific Mail Steamship Occidental & Oriental S.S. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Steamers of the above companies will call at Rh,i. . . on or about the dates below mentioned: a 1v For San Franeiste. NIPPON MARU JULY I PERU JULY 9 COPTIC JULY 19 AMERICA MARU JULY H PEKING AUG. 3 GAELIC AUG. 13 HONGKONG MARU AUG. 30 CHINA AUG. 27 DORIC SEPT. 0 NIPPON MARU SEPT. 13 PERU SEPT. 21 FOR GENERAL INFORMATION. APPLY TO - n nttuuciu a uj., l bbbbbm askasi a aa a- a 1 a a r mj im. .- m - Oceanic Steamsbip Co TIME TABLE: The fine Passenger Steamers of this line will arrive end leavi as hereunder: For San Frantittt. SIERRA JUNE 25 MARDPOSA JULY 10 SONOMA JULY IB MARIPOSA JULY 81 VENTURA AUG. MARIPOSA AUG. 21 SIERRA AUG. 27 MARIPOSA SEPT. 11 SONOMA SEPT. 17 MARDPOSA OCT. 2 VENTURA OCT. 8 MARIPOSA OCT. 23 Local Boat in connection witn tne sailing or tne above steamers, tne Agenu pared to issue, to intending passengers, Coupon Through Tlcketi ranroaa, rrom San irrancisco, to all points ln the United state, New York by any steamship line to all European porta FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO Wm G. IRWIN & L I MITE D General Agents Oceanic S S. Co illll m 1 as m r ft raoYAS nrs tn haiia it n wio kipmi1 i, ivw a vi ra a. vr tiuilUIUlU vile uv".v - THE SPLENDID NEW STEEL 8TEAMERB S. 8. OREGONIAN, 8,000 Tona, to Ball S. 8. AMERICAN, 6,00 Tons, to Sail b. b. Hawaiian, ,000 Tons, to Sail Freight received at Company'a wharf, Forty-aeeond itmt Boat lyn, at all times. H HAriafPPi n a rn tf mm a ma . -mr a -a. a awal V. mr V J - C. P. MORBE, General Freight Agent UaiAA o 7B I A nilf? Itmn IP. UnrMn PraMn rM D.nnn VI President', ' secretary; unarlea H. Atherton, Auditor; W. H. mooi Manager. j cli Firewood, Stoyc, Steam and Blacks DBALKB8 IU WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. a lv.-.ij.i j tv A Ion K niiHr. h. Mr.rMTir.if in m van itm.v SanH Tfllfinhone MW CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S New York Line Ship Helen Brewer will sail from NEW YORK FOR HONOLULU, on or about Sept. 1, 1901 If sufficient Inducements are offered. For freight rates apply to CHAS. BREWER & CO. 27 Kllby St, Boston, -OR C BREWER & CO., LTD. Honolulu. Read the Dally Advertiser; 7f entf per r nth. For Brisba;rr?D.V! MIOWERA AORANGI MOANA MIOWERA 41 -AC AORANGI now n 1 n For Japan and China. HONGKONG MARU CHINA .... DORIC NIPPON MARU!'!.' PERU COPTIC AMERICA MARU PEKING GAELIC HONGKONG MARU CHINA aw 4. . aa . a VENTURA MARIPOSA SIERRA MARIPOSA SONOMA MARIPOSA VENTURA MARIPOSA SIERRA , MAK KIINA M 1 I About Ihnnt WM. Q. IRWIN C0m . . .a .ml . tw4..!T H- Claus Spikeli...-rlri W in. Y9. llffiu- ' " . ari W. M. Gttrara.. B-.- H. M. Whitney Jr. - m mm r mm t ueorge w . nvwm SUGAR TXCTOtt AVD - Commission w - A CI f I . . . a a vtGauic jiv""'"-' i " ,.. Ufi . .. . blk rvrmna S14 F011TJJ. J ral naortmer:t of S8.. ,rr. flc Island Curios w j d . t-.i .-v Tuesday1 1