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Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU. JUNE 26 1901. f8 !8!S88:a8 ivsas. I Electric Lamps Canvas Goods Department Gas Lamps, Oil Lamps. Sundries of all Kinds. ifrht be 'Go-Lightly" and "White Flier.' Come in and see the 1901 Bevel Gear Chainle$s. je. lhe.e is t liflerence P pa e abso j sure about jDperiitl and AWNINGS We bave an ele gant a-.-oitment of fan y awnii g stripes. Let us show yr.u sam ples, take measuers, and quote you prices. The magnifies in our factory are all run by power, arid we are prepared to turn out work on the shortest possible notice and at the ggju lowest; prices. Palmetto Tents, W dge Tents, Wall Tents. In Tents we can y a very Complete Line, and are prepared to make up on short notice any Size or Style. Pocket and Hunting CUTLERY, Hazojs, Safefy Razors. Pocket Knives See our 15c Boy's Knife Wire Spring Mattress. Mexican Sea Grass, Canvas and Filipino ammocks Columbia Graphophones. New Records. Instrumental and Yoeai Mimic. Bund. Banjo and Rag Time. Larson & Potter Co., Ltd. 926 Fort Street. Telephone Main 317. nds 1 to I Je. li o LIMITED Have in Stock and Offer for Sale p KING STREET TRACT to 11.500 a lot, formerly H V Wilcox premlfM. P and B p LOTS IN MANOA VAL-p-i) Moctano'a Tract. W.HI ooriNQ, BUILDING PAPER, PRWEHVATi T5 PAINT, OILER AND STACK PAINT, QflTJ LATINO COMPOUND, RIDGE AND ROOF PAINT. PCNDRED LOTS IN KAIC from J00 tc I2M a lot :ts in kekio tract fit 'aland. $600 a lot. 3 IN PUUNUl I ; m & lot. ptc, Etc. DEFINED SUGARS, Cube and rranulated. PAINT OILS. Lucol and Llnsted. STEAM PIPE COVERING, Reed P&tent E"atlc Seoticr Covering. NDURINE. Water-proof Cold Water faun Inside and outald. In whit a eolora. ; num PRESS CLOTH. Linen and Jute. GHENT, LIME AND BR :: u.4n apply ta C. AcW ;ompany feai Estate Jokers. 1st king st Advertlr; 71 eenU AGENTS FOB EBTERN SUG '. R REFINING an FraicU?o Cal. IA.LDW1N LOCOMOTIVE WOP I Philadelphia. Pa. IWELL UNIVERSAL MILL C Manufacturer of Natl.nal : Baredder, New York. aRAFFINE PAINT COM PA NT an Franclaco. Cal. MIjlNDT & CO.. Ban Franclaco, C J. Read the Daflr Advertiser; Ti eenti par month. According to Wfflett & Gray of NVw York, th.- accepted authority of the United States upon all sugar uit-tics. t.h- total amount of sugar of all kinds consumed in the United States foi the year 1&00 2.2IS,S47 tons, or an average of tS.2 pcunds for each persor.. Acoording to the -tme authority the total pro duction cf sjgar within the United Stat.-; for the -am year was 21,186 ton?. Of this amount only S2.736 tons were th product of beet". Thie Indicates that 3,957,661 tons were grown in other countries, and paid a tariff upon t.eing Imported into this country A onr.try that can consume us entire produc. of anything which it can grow manufacture in unlimited quantities as cheaply as any other country, is conslde--.i extremely fortunate, and thos who nr.- .rpased in that special indus try b&v. a natural advantage in cost of transportation to say nothing of what ever profecUye tariff may exist for the benefit of domestic froducers. Her- then, we have a nargin of nearly two million tons of sugar actually consumed by our own people, as a horn- market, before we shall .me into com petition With other sugar-growing countries. If. for the sake of admitting all that is liablr- to offset this, we mention that during tS69 there were imported from the Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Islands and IVu. Rico. ;uu.30 tons, and that it is iNrobable 'hat this ;oernmem will be forced to admit, duty free, here after, the product of those islands, this will still leave a prospective deficit of 1.644.2S1 tons. Now if the beet sugar factories In the United States only produced 82,736 tons of sugar in and they should continue at the -.ime rate hereafter, and ether factories of like size and similar success shouUi be added, until the home market alone was supplied, it would appear that a! I --ven hundred addition al factories would be required. It will also prove true, probably, that the sugar output of the new tropica! c!on;es wUl somewhat Increase in the near future, bu; this will be offset by the increased consumption, per capita, and the additions', r.s'.:mption arising from the ir.rrease of population. That this may not be underestimated .n the gener.. ; onclusions, let it be re membered that in 1S&0 the total sugar consumption of ' Cnited States was only 1,476,377 tons, while, as stated above In this article. ti i nsumption for 1500 had reached 2,219. S47 tons, a growth In the home market demand of 743,470 tons, or more than twice the aggregate output of Porto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaii for the year 1&0C. So that these capitalists and beet growers who have noticed the recent developments In beet sugar circles may calm their fears and devote themselves more profitably to the extension of the industry. When this coun try can produce somewhere near what it consumes, then it will be In order to proceed with more caution. In the meantime there should be hundreds of new factories planned and put into operation la Colorado and the adjoining terri tory. The Sugar Beet. iy HBjFOREIGN REFINED SUGAR CHECKS HIGHER PRICES. According to the New York Journal of Commerce, lower "Wall street seems to have come to the conclusion that foreign refined sugar is a much more Impor tant factor in local wholesale grocery circles than has heretofore been general ly believed. When the Treasury Department decided to assess tne countervailing duty on Russian sugars, which were becoming quite a feature in Imports, It waa by many supposed that tr.e foreign competition was at an end. Such, however, has not proven the case: and there nave recently been quite free offerings of Dutch and Austrian sugars at the follow:; ig named prices: Five-pound packages extra fine Dutch granulated, 30 per case. S.47c; Dutch ex tra fine granulated, double lWMb. muslin-iin--i i'ags, 5.27c: Dutch ftne, do do. 5.24c; Austrian Lion fine, do do, 5.21c; Austrian extra fine, do do, 5.24c; Austrian Crown, do do, 5.21c. Statistics of imports show that the Imports of refined sugar since January have amounted to nearly 10.0X' tons, comparing with less than 500 tons during the corresponding period last year. The import movement became quite active dur ing the closing months of MB, the year imports of refined amounting to 17,516 tons, against l.SSS tons in 1S3. This doe-, not. however, represent the fall meas ure of the Influence of the foreign sugars En this market, as it appears that the sugar trust has been giving special terms for American sugars to importers of foreign sugars, so that the latter could supply their customers with the American article instead of buying foreign supplies. Recent complaints have, however, been received by the trust from wholesale grocers that the importers are underselling the grocers, and the matter was laid before Mr. Havemeyer when be returned from Europe. Mr. Havemeyer took Immediate action, It la said, and practically shut one of the offenders off from supplies of the American's refined product It is understood that Ar buckle Brothers and the National Refining Company opposed the plan Of the American Sugar Refining Company in setting sugar to the importers at less than the regular market rates. The I. X. L. Beretania Street, Near the Fire & Has Received a Large Stock of New Fire Works, Flags, Shields, Festooning, Decoration Bunting Torpedoes, Lanterns, Etc. Which will e Sold at San Francisco Prices. Assorted Cases of Fire Works from Sin to $26 at t S. W. LEDERER, Proprietor, Beretania Street, near Fire Station, - P. O. Box 58$ SPECIAL SALE! Good Spun, Silk Finish Socke, guaranteed stainless, 20eaarr. Stamped Leather Belt? 38a. Golf Shirts, new line, all colors Hi I King' Street, above Bethel. Fresh Cereals COOK'S FLaKE RICE something good; needs no cooki&g. MORNING MEAL, ROLLED OATS, PETTIJOHN'S BREAKFAST GEM, CREAM OF WHEAT. MALTED BREAKFAST FOOD, ETC.. SALTER '& WAITY, Q-heum Block GrOCerS. Fort Street. CUT OF PARIS DRY COOK 0 jgp iig Wit m TORE Wis ' PA j3 8. W. Cor. PasetotOTri lUaagn Southeast cor. Geary and Stoefctoa Ma SAN FRANCTBCO. Order 07 MaU Promptly Zfeiirwaft g I I I I f - 1 I