Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JUNE 26, 1901. 4fe .j. hopp ca I TEXT OF THE INCOME TAX p&H&r nun mi mi SOON TO BE ENFORCED HERE I nr ax a rT- . Ift-C indow f lades ! fc S'Z- lor nome aim H I Wet i 'icker fairs o o tg reranda or the parlor. ? latest and most elegant if bolstered 3 St unges g This week we ate offering Boys' Golf Shirts, age 13 to 16 years, regular value $1 on sale at 65c. We call attention to our stock of Bays; Shirt Waists which was never so complete as now. We have just opened a large shipment of Boys' colored and white Shirt Waists, laundered and unlaundered. Our Prices you will find the Lowest Editor Advertiser: Allow me to suk- gest that th- publishing of the new in come tax law in your paper in full be fore or on the !i-t of July, would be very- useful, and no doubt wnuld be appre- f ciated by your subscribers and the public at large. Yours faithfully. F. A. SCHAEFER. Honolulu. Jim.- -J.r,. 1901. few to close out at ex- Kional bargain prices. ELL WORTH A VISIT. C "X C; o I I Wstering and1 Bepairing. c T Bopp & Co. Leading: liture Dealers. fi i.ND BETHEL STS. O o -o "TT I NOH f 00 f ddOH 1 )ers pi quality continue to flns !th people of good tast. adgment, and we Invite ! ttloB of our line. acludss all the moat ap- N ihades d styles, at prlc fc from Z6c a box upward LINE NOW DISPLAYEI AT Nichols Co., Ltd. iNGSTREET -VEW LINE OF Stanley and White Shirts. JU8T IN Hose, Suspenders lnd 'nderwear. HATS. I and Woql Hats, Paja p Nhirts, Boss of the Trunks and Va- ?RT STREET. ACT 20. An Act to Provide a Tax on Incomes. Be It enacted by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii: Section L From and after the 1st day of July, A. D. 1901, there shall be levied, assessed, collected and paid annually up on the gains, profits and income, over and above J1.000, derived by every person residing in the Territory of Hawaii from all property owned, and every business, trade, profession, employment or vocation carried on in the Territory, and by every person residing without the Territory from all property owned, and every bus iness, trade, profession, employment or vocation carried on in the Territory, and by every servant, or officer, of the Ter ritory wherever residing, a tax of 2 per cent on the amount so derived during the year preceding. Section 2. There shall be levied, assess ed, collected and paid annually, except as hereinafter provided, a tax of 2 per cent on the net profit or income above actual operating and business expenses, from all property, owned, and every business, trade, employment or vocation carried on in the Territory of Hawaii, of all cor porations doing business for profit in the Territory, no matter where created and organized; provided, however, that noth ing herein contained shall apply to cor porations, companies or associations con ducted solely for charitable, religious, ed ucational or scientific purposes, including fraternal beneficiary societies, nor to in surance companies taxed on a percent age of the premiums under the author ity of another Act. Section 3. In estimating the gains, profits and income of any person or cor poration, there shall be included all in come derived from interest upon notes, bonds and other securities, except such bonds of the Territory of Hawaii or of municipalities hereafter created by the Territory the principal and interest of which are by the law of their issuance exempt from all taxation; profits realized within the year preceding from sales of real estate, including leaseholds purchas ed within two years; dividends upon the stock of any corporation; the amount or all premiums on bonds, notes of coupons; the amount of sales of all movable prop erty, less the amount expended in the purchase or production of the same, and in the case of a person not including any part thereof consumed directly by him or his family; money and the value of all personal property acquired by gift or inheritance, and all other gains, profits and Income derived from any source whatsoever. Section 4. The net profits or Income oi all corporations shall include the amounts paid or payable to, or distribu ted or distributable among shareholders from any fund or account, or carried to the account of any fund or used for con struction, enlargements of plant, or any other expenditure or investment paid from the net annual profits made or ac quired by said corporation. In computing the incomes, the neces sary expenses actually incurred in carry tng on any business, trade, profession or occupation, or in managing any property, shall be deducted, and also all interest paid by such person or corporation on ex isting indebtedness. And all Govern ment taxes and license fees paid within the year shall be deducted from the gains, profits or income of the person who or the corporation which has actu ally paid the same, whether such person or corporation be owner, tenant or mort gagor; also losses actually sustained during the year Incurred in "trade or aris ing from losses by fire not covered by In surance, or losses otherwise actually in curred. Provided, that no deduction shall be made for any amount paid out for new buildings, permanent improvements or betterments made to Increase the value of any property or estate. Provided further, that no deduction shall be made for personal or family ex penses, the exemption of $1,000 mentioned in section 1 being in lieu of same. Provided further, that where allowable herein only one deduction of $1,000 shall be made from the aggregate annual in come of all the members of one family composed of one or both parents and one or more minor children, or husband and wife; that guardians shall be allowed to make a deduction in favor of each and every' ward, except where two or more wards are comprised In one family, in which case the aggregate deduction in their favor shall not exceed $1,000. Provided further, that in assessing the income of any person or corporation there shall not be Included the amount received from any corporation as divi dends upon the stock of sucr corpora tion if the tax of 2 per cent has ..een as sessed upon its net profits by said cor poration, as required by this Act, nor any bequest or Inheritance otherwise tax ed as such. Section 5. Every corporation doing business for profit in the Territory shall make and render to the assessor of Its tax division, between the 1st and 31st days of July of each year, beginning with the year 1901, a full return verified by oath or affirmation of its duly em powered officer. In such form as the Treasurer of the Territory may prescribe, of all the following matters for the whole twelve months ending June 30th last pre ceding the date of such return: First. The gross receipts of such cor poration from sales made at home or abroad, and from all kinds of business of any name or nature. Second. The expenses of such corpora tion, exclusive of Interest, annuities and dividends. Third. The amount paid on account or interest, annuities and dividends stated separately. Fourth. The amount expended on per manent improvements. Fifth. The amount paid in salaries or compensation of more than JG00 to each person employed, and the name and amount paid to each. Section 6. It shall be the duty of all persons of lawful age having an Income of $600 or more for the preceding year from all sources and of all corporations made liable to income tax to make and render a list or return, between the 1st and 31st days of July of each year, in such form as the Treasurer of the Terri tory may direct, to the assessor of the division in which such persons or corpor ations reside, locate or do business of the amount of their or its income, gains and profits as aforesaid; and all guardians, trustees, executors, administrators, agents, receivers, and all corporations or persons acting in a fiduciary capacity, shall make or render a list or return as aforesaid to the assessor of the division in which such person or corporation act ing in a fiduciary capacity resides or does business of the amount of income, gains and profits of any minor or person for whom they act, and the assessor shall require every list or return to be veri fied by the oath or affirmation of the person or authorized officer of the cor poration making the same. If any person or corporation refuse or neglect to render such return within the time required as aforesaid, or renders a return which in the opinion of the as sessor is false and fraudulent, or con tains any understatement, it shall be lawful for the assessor to summon such person, of any of the officers of such corporation or any person having posses sion, custody or care of books of ac counts containing entries relating to the business of such person or corporation, or any other person he may deem prop er, wherever residing or found, to appear before him and produce 6uch books at a time and place named in the summons, and to give testimony or answer inter rogations under oath respecting any In come liable to tax or the returns thereof. False, wilful testimony given before such assessor shall be deemed perjury and punishable as such. Section 7. It shall be the duty of every person or corporation doing business for profit to keep full, regular and accurate books of accounts upon which all its transactions shall be entered from day to day in regular order, w4eh books shall be open to the Inspection of the assessor of the division or any person authorized by him to inspect the same, during busi ness hours. Section 8. When any person or corpor ation having a taxable income refuses or neglects to render any return or list re quired by law or decline to take oath or affirmation thereto the assessor may make such assessments as he may con sider just and the same shall be binding and conclusive upon all parties and shall not be subject to appeal. In case of any false or fraudulent return or valuation by any taxpayer the assessor shall add 200 per cent to a just valuation of the income of such taxpayer and the amount of the tax assessed on such increase shall become part of the lax on the said income. Section 9- Any person or corporation who or which has made a legal return as aforesaid may appeal from the amount assessed to the Tax Appeal Court con stituted under Act 51 of the Session Lawi of 1S, in like manner as allowed in case of property tax appeals and the said court is hereby authorized to hear and determine such appeals subject to the re vision of the Supreme. Court as provided in the f-ase of property taxes. Where the words "valuation of property 1 or similar words occur in said Act concerning sucn appeals the words "amount of taxable income" shall be understood in all pro rtedlngs in regard to appeals from as M sment or judgments in income tax matters. Any person or corporation ap pealing from the assessment of the as sessor shall lodge with the assessor on or before the 1st day of October of each year a notice in writing of his intention to appeal and the grounds of such appeal, and deposit with him the costs of appeal as prescribed in case of property taxes which cost shall be subject to the reg ulations prescribed in said Act. The Tax Appeal Court shall sit for hearing of tax appeals under the authority of th.s Act between the 5th and 25th days of Oc tober of each year. Section 10. The taxes on income impos ed shall be due and payable on or before the 15th day of November of each year; and any sum or sums annually due and unpaid after the said loth day of No vember shall have added thereto 10 per cent on the amount which shall be and become a part of such tax. interest at the rate of 9 per cent per annum shall be added to the amount of such tax am penalty from the time same shall become due. All the powers, authorities and rights to compensation by chapter 51 of the Ses sion Laws of 1K95 conferred on the lax Appeal Court constituted under the au thority of said chapter for hearing and determining appeals duly taken thereun der are conferred on said court for hear ing and determining appeals under this Act, and all the powers, authorities and duties contained in or enacted by said chapter four levying, assessing, collect ing, receiving and enforcing payments of the tax imposed under the authority of said chapter and otherwise relating thereto shall be severally and respect ively conferred, practiced and exercised for levying, assessing, collecting and re ceiving and enforcing payment of the tax imposed under the authority of Uim Act, as far as the same shall not be su perseded by, and shall be consistent with the exprr-ss provisions of this Act, as fully and effectually to all Intents and purposes as if the same powers and au thorities were repeated and re-enacted In the body of this Act with reference to said tax, and all and every the regula tions of the said chapter, except as aforesaid, shall be applied, construed, deemed and taken to refer to the tax im posed under the authority of this Act. iti like manner as if the same had been enacted herein. The assessments made under the authority of this Act and the assessment books and delinquent tax lists made in accordance with the provi sions of said chapter 51 of the Session Iws of 1896 shall be prima facie evi dence of the correctness of the tax im posed under this Act in any case. Section 11. The Treasurer of the Terri tory shall furnish the several assessors all necessary books, blanks and station ery to carry out the provisions of this Act. Section 12. Act 65 of the Session Laws of 1896 is hereby repealed. Section 13. This Act shall take effect on the first day of July, A. D. 1901. Approved this 30th day of April, A. D. lm. SANFORD B. DOLE, Governor of the Territory of HawaiL TVTVTTTTVTVTTTTTTTTtTTTVTV SPECIAL THIS WEEK- 9c per Yard. I V I 4s Choice selection of Fine Lawns and Dimities, Xgood value, fast color, dainty patterns. This week only 9cta per yard. I New assortment of Belts. Neck let ' ware, latest style Ladies' Linen Col- lars. All new goods just opened. Great Values! This Week Only. 100 dozen Linen Huck Towels at $2.50 a dozen. Boys' Wash Suit Regatta Stvi ; the kind that does not fiide. Our prices are lower than inferior makes. 1,500 pairs Boys' Knee Pants ia all sizes, special 40cts a pair. Remnant Sale Wash Goods; all this season's goods. Short and dress lengths. Over 500 Rem naots this week on sale. Every Rem nant must be sold. mTTfTTTTTmTVmTTmfT Pacific Import Qo. PROGRESS BLOCK FORT STREET. X BERGER LOOKING iSAN FRANCISCO, HONOLULU, 215 Front St. Queen St. FOR BAND ROOM 'r- LJ. 8. Army Has Turned Him Out of the Stone' Barracks. Captain Berger and his band are look ing for a nice, cool, commodious place where they can hold rehearsals without disturbing the peace and quietude of citi zens who object to music in the course of preparation. The United States -Commissary Department, in connection with the War Department, have turned the band out of the old stone barracks, and Captain Berger's house Is now the ren dezvous of the band boys. His residence lias been turned Into a brass band mu sic conservatory. The Kappelmelster has an aloha for music and would go to extremes to have his band render it in the most acceptable manner, but he does object to being com pelled to make use of his own private residence for the benefit of the Terri torial Government and the Legislature which finally made an appropriation. The Flying Jordans had nothmg whatever to do with Captain Berger being deprived of the use of the barracks as an afternoon paper has stated. SPECIAL NOTICE. M. S. Grinbaum & Co. LIMITED. importers and Commission Merchants OFFICERS: si. S. GRINBAUM. President. 5. J. BENJAMIN, Vice President and Manager. ! A. GARTENBERG. Secretary. W LOUTSSON, Treasurer. Castle & Cooke LIMITED AGENTS FOR BRITISH AMERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY, of Toronto, Ontario. THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York: Special attention given to consign ments of Coffee. Holders of H'-waian Automobile Co., Limited, Rebate Slips, ON AND AFTER JUNE loth OUR ! store will remain open on Saturdays ! until 8 p. iu. L. B. KERR & CJ., LTD.. 6882 Queen Street NOTICE. NOTICE. I ' THOSE HAVING REBATE SLIPS or coupons issued by the Hawaiian I Automobile Co., Ltd., in their posses sion, and wishing to have same hon ored, must present them at the. Com pany's office on or before the 15th day of July, 1901. otherwise they will be come void. HAWAIIAN AUTOMOBILE CO.. LTD., W. H. HOOGS. Acting Manager. I ALL OVERDUE ACCOUNTS OF jour firm have been placed In the hands of Attorney S. F. Chillingworth. room 5. Spreckels' block, with instructions to enforce prompt payment. HAWAIIAN WINE COMPANY, Frank Brown. Honolulu, June 21. 1901. 5S91 NOTICE. ALL UNION CARPENTERS ARE requested to attend the next regular leeting. Thursday. June 27. at 7:30 p. m., when amendment to By-Laws will be taken up for action thereon. Per Order. 5S92 CARPENTERS' t UNION. TASTY AND ARTISTIC MILLINERY AT MISS N. F. HAWLVS 210-211 Boston building. NOTICE. THE OWNER, WHOSE NAME may be found in the following books, will be very grateful for their return: Thackary's Works, Vol. IV., In re3 muslin binding. Browning's Complete Works, Cam bridge edition. "The Reminiscences of Freldrich FroebeL" by Baroness von Bulow. Alexander's School History of the Hawaiian Islands- Rubenstein'8 Two-Part Songs. "Sartor Resartuu," "Heroes and Hero Worship." Return to owner of "Sartor Resar tus." 5890 INFORMATION WANTED. LIFE and FIRE Insurance Agents, AGENTS FOR NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF BOSTON. .ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD. Han's Li If you want a photograph that will represent you as you axe, we know you'll like what we make for you. There's artistic merit in them, too. They are mounted In the late oval style, and are fust the thing. TAKE THE ELEVATOR Williams I FOTO Gallery. I IN REGARD TO THE WHEREA i bouts of ERNST KAPPNER, THEOD BROECKING. WILHELM BECKMAN'X CONRAD SCHROEDER. Send Information IMPERIAL GERMAN CONSU LATE. 5891 BOSTON BUILDING. HAWAII SHINP0 SHA. The pioneer Japanese printing olBoe. rhe publisher of Hawaii Bhinpo, tb jnly dally Japanese paper published tai the Territory of Hawaii. Y. Boga, Editor. C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Editorial and Printing Office near Sing Btreet bridge. King street, P. O. qox 907 Hawaiian soda Worfcs, y UU A 1KT' VlJUTAIir T. TELEPHONE BLUE 1S7L PROMPT DELIVERY. . . j!