Newspaper Page Text
I THB PAOIFIO COMMERCIAL aDV KWlHBB: HONOLULU JUNK 28, 1901. TUB PACIFIC Commnclal Advertiser tsgkmrmA m. h IVtofflc at Honolulu H. T., d-alaea Mattar. lasues Bvarr Mom i me Bxcapt SoJa by the SAWAsSAN AZKTTE COMPANY. Von t1 Htodt, No. Sa Suth KiK 9 A W. PtDAStSON .... Buaiaow! Maaagvr. B0BBSCR1PT1ON RATM: For the 0ltad Btatea (lneludlas Hawaii Terrttery: I month JJ 0 montha J 1 year Adverlaiag rate on application. W UNI an I TIME TABLE. From and after Jan. 1 1901. OUTWARD. Dally Dally Daily Dally Dally Btatloa. x. ex. Sua. Sun. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Honolulu . . 7:10 9:15 11:06 8:1B 6:10 Pearl City .. 8:08 9:18 11:40 8:47 6:80 Ewa M4U ... 8:32 10:08 12:00 4:06 6:10 Welanaa . 1:50 Waialua 11:56 6:40 .... aatuau.. 12.32 : INWARD. Dally Daily Dally Daijy Stations, ex. ex. Bun. Sun. a.m. a.m. p.m. p. ai. '.Sabuku 2:08 alalua 6:W :f Waianae 7:10 .... 3:6o Swa Mill 6:60 7:46 1:06 4.32 Pearl City 6:16 8:08 1:30 iM Honolulu 6-50 8:35 2:06 5:28 . P. DEN1SON. F. C. SMITH. Superintendent. G. P. & T. A. BUI LDING ACTIVE I Classified AdYcrfisemcnts. IN CHINATOWN! MBTmORO LOGICAL RECORD. By the Government Survey, Published Every Monday. Commodious Structures Going Up on the b ire-Swept District. The purincation or old Chinatown by fire was a costly experiment to the Gov eminent of the. Territory, but that the ! results were for the good of Honolulu is readily seen in the active building oper- ' ationn which are polng on in the district and in the character of the structures ' which are being reared to replace the ramshackly affairs which menaced health, life and property up to January 90 of last year. On every street In the district the saw, hammer and trowel are busy from morn- : lng' until night. Gangs of workmen are hustling and the area is assuming a metropolitan aspect. By the end of Oc tober if all present building plans are carried out the "burned district" will have been almost entirely rebuilt and the business of the Orientals once more resumed on a much larger scale. King street is feeling the effects of the , new building activity and although the 1 structures are not more than two stories III height in any instance, yet the store interiors are neat and well finished. The Mendonca brick "buildings which will oc cupy the larger portion of two whole squares, are in the last stages of con struction and more than fifty store rooms will be added. The extension of Kekaulike street has been benellclal to a large parcel of what was formerly In side land and stores are being built along this new thoroughfare. On River street the work of rebuilding is going along with more or less activity. Maunakea street, as far as the ruins of the old China fire station, is lined with substantial-looking structures. Lower Beretanla street has also a few build ings. Tlie larger number are frame buildings, with a fair sprinkling of brick structures. A none building is now be ing erected on King street near the riv-erf WANTED. BY TOUNG man, nicety furnished room; private family. Please mention terms. "397," Advertiser office. 6894 AN ASSISTANT saleslady. Apply at M . Brasch A Co's Lace Hoase. 6SS4 LARGE ho u Pt. IS rooms, with garden; not too far from center of city. Ad dress Major Wood, tM Sooth St., or P. O. box 618. 589J NURSE girl wanted In private family. Address D, this omce. 6893 A FIRST-CLASS, experienced sales man for house-furnishing goods; ref erences required. Address Houaefur nisher. P. C. A office. 6893 BRIGHT, intelligent American boy. David Lawrence 4fc Co., Fort near Merchant. 6S92 POSITIONS WANTED. AN HONEST young man, resident of the Islands for two years, will work for board and room, with fair wages, anywhere on the Islands. References furnished. Address "G. Y.," this of fice. 5896 FOR REJil. LARGE front room, furnished; suit able for one or two persons. Apply L. F. Asbahr, 30 Vineyard, near Nuu anu St. 5893 JULY 1 Large house and grounds, with stable; modern improvements; in Pawaa. Inquire of Mr. Llgtatfoot, Sanitary Steam Lanndry. 5880 A LARGE mosquito-proof, furnished room; also, a smaller one, cheap, on Beretania street. Address "M.," this office. 6891 BABOM 3 a , St B 1 THUS. Si flfr I g B a ! o I I J iW 96, 74 5 iot; ynwrnui in . e 17 JO 09sQ i5i 76 b '8,30 X9 3') 02i 74 ! 84 $v n!.n: 7 I S4 MW49&9.9H 74 I i-'i 2119 99 29 96' 74 ' ?4 'U.C 61 2 ,m J.I 4 61 4-1 'NK !0 Oliofi 4 0 t0'fi4 8 U (4 76 'i-3 lO U8;6S 6 :0 i! 70 8 NE .NIC HI NE 1 8-4 8 18-5 I 14 Barometer corrected veL and for standard ,'U3. correction Is .06 to 32 F. and sea gravity of Lat, 4a. for Honolulu. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS, TIDES, SUN AND MOON. .... hilScir. S . . C - - St -3 .! a IS in P. A S.S c X a 9 3ib 2C 6 4it 2 47 10 (!8 6.20'6.46' 3.M 3Pfh m i If is r ft I 4 ft1 -fii rJJ -I - ft J. .t . 1 I ; !. a.m Ft; p.m. a.m. p. 'n. im 24 11 0; 11 9 54 4 (K u 3j 5 19 6.16 C.16 II p.m. I M 85 12 20 1.3 10 ft. 4 ;"8 7 t05.196.4r 0 50 Wed.. 28 1 V .1-6 11 48' 5 16. S '8 5.20 6.45' 1 78 Iftur. 27 1 J 17 a.m i 6 b6 8 65 5.20 6.45 j 216 Trtd.. '.i :.8 o e.37 fci... a 2 47' 2 U' 1.40 7 17 ' r ! 80 I IS 2 1 2 ST 7 rt 0 87 5.21 6.46 4 28 mn 11 8 81 2 1 8.121 8 jgtl Cfl T.21 6.46 6 45 JSrull moon, July 1, 12:41 p. m. Tlmss of the tide are taken from the United States Coast and Geodetic Sur h? tables. Th tides at Kahulul and Hilo occur ene hour earlier than at Honolulu. Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours W alnntes slower than Greenwich time, bs that of the meridian of 167 degrees 10 scmntes. The time whistle blows at 1:30 . m., which is the same as Greenwich, 0 i'.ouns 0 minutes. Sun and moon are tor iiooal time for the whole group. SHIPPINU INTELLIGENCE. DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STATION, June 27, 10 p. m. Weather, clear; wind, treBh, N.E. THE WEATHER. Mean Temperature 78. Minimum Temperature 70. Maximum Temperature 84. Barometer at 9 p. m. 30.03; rising. Rainfall .12 inch, up to 9 a. m. Mean Dew Point for the Day 8.3. Mean Relative Humidity 72. WINDS. E.N.E., 2 to 3; cloudy and sultry to sair. FORECAST FOR TODAY. Tradc-s, freshening; partly cloudy. CURTIS J. LYONS, Territorial Meteorologist. H&i ARRIVED AT HONOLULU. Thursday, June 27. Am. bkt. W. H. Dlmond, Hanson, 14 days from San Francisco. I.-l. stmr. Ke Au Hou, Mosher, from Mamakua. June IS. No. 9S2S-J. H. Schnack to W. Thurtell; lot 6, block C, Nuuanu valley, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration 8350. June 20. No. 9844 L. Keaonui to J. Ke aloha et Ah; R. P. 3104, Pukuilua, Hana, Maui. Consideration $L No. 9845 S. Kahakamila and wife to G. Gomes; ten acres in hui land, Ulumalu, Hamakualoa, Maul. Consideration $100. No. 9855 Palolo Land and Imp. Co., Ltd-, to S. de Ornellas; portion lot 14, block 203, Palolo valley, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration fl50. No. 9856 C. C. Allen and husband to Maui R, & S. Co., Ltd.; portion Grant 771E, Kaupakalua, Hamakualoa, Maui. Consideration SI. No. 9S57 J. H. Kunewa to Goo Hoy; portion R. P. 6S17, kul. 2177, Kauluwela, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration J1.S00. OFFICES FOR RENT. OFFICES in the new Boston block, Fort street, between Hotel and King streets, under lease from one to five years. Low rentals, including Jani tor service, electric lights and water. Apply to Hawaiian Trust arid In vestment Company, 922 Foit St. C84 FOUR large rooms, now oocupled by Major Robinson as quartermaster's offices in Progress block, will be for rent after June 30th. Will rent singly or en suite. Apply to Chas. S. Desky, Progress block 5872 IN BREWER building, Queen street, on reasonable terms. Apply to C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. 687S FOR SALE A FAST, gentle family horse for sale; also, a new phaeton. Apply to J. J. Sullivan, Club Stables. 594 SAFE, young, family carriage horse, buggy, and harness; all together or separate. Apply, H. S. Townsend, Manoa Valley. 6S92 List of deeds filed for record June 25, 1901: First Party. Second Party. Class. ! C. K. C. Rooke Adm. est J. W. Lota D D. Nakooka K. Kamakawiwoole . D Kukalahiwa C. M. Kamakawi woole . . . D J. P. Mendonca United Chinese Society D i D. Nakaumahana Geo. N. Wil cox D i List of deeds filed for record June 28, 1901: First Party. Second Party. Class. Petero & Poibe Kalllkole D W. C. Achl M. Macdonald D M. 8. Perry and wife Mrs. M. Judgensen D H. E. Wright and husband H. Lachman D E' Kekoa and wife M. E. Foster .. D . Iqfct of deeds filed for record June 27, 1901: First Party. Second Party. Class. R. Kaluawai M. G. Suva . D A. C. Palfrey Makaio D A FINE new cottage with latest im provements, also lot; situated in healthy locality, on the upper road to Manoa Valley; possession given at once; one-half cash, one-half In five years. Apply, A. A. Montana, P. O. Box 67, or on the premises. 6879 A. GARTENBERG'S fine residence property in Kapiolani Park on the beach. Address P. O. Box 226. 6811 ROOMS AND BOARD. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. Apply at the Balmoral, Young street 5893 LOST. A PLUSH cape with black astrachan yoke, between Oceanic wharf and Garden Lane. Reward, if returned to this office. 6895 BLACK and white puppy, answers to name of "Ventura," strayed from C. J. Ludwigsen's, Keeaumoku street. Reward. 6895 The cars on Pacific Heights Electric Railway will start from Nuuanu ave nue station, connecting with all tram- j way cans, uaiiy. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu, June 27, 190L SAMS U 8-iuilk. ! i,uplwu: f a) i Bid Auk. MKfcCA.-rrn.i. u. liicwer fc 0 S. S.SaehV Dry Q-oodt. Co., Ltd L B. Kerr Co., Ltd. BOSAS, BAILED FROM HONOLULU. Thursday, June 27. Q. S. 8. Sonoma, Van Oterendorp, for he Colonies. W. etmr. Helene, Nlcholsen, for Awa ua, Paauhau and Ookala. I. -I. stmr. Ke Au Hou, Mosher, for Anahola. Am. sp. George Curtis, Calhoun, for San Francisco. DUE TODAY. T. 4c. -K. Housing Maru, from San - icisco; may arrive tonight. . HIS TRAINING. "How did Spudkins get his appoint ment as a brigadier-general? I never knew that he was connected with the army." "Oh, yes, by marriage; his brother-in-law is a United States Senator." Town and Country. &yr Bamoa Haw. Agricultural Co 3sw. Com. & 3ug. Co. Hawaiian Sugai Co.. Honomu Bonokaa HBikn Eahcku gihel Plan. Co.Lt Htpahulo Roloa .... gona Hngar Co. ! 8. Co.Lt. A , Paid np ) Natikn Sngar Co. A " Paid np I Oahu Sugar Co Onomea Ookala Olaa Sngiir Co. LtAs j " Paid up Olowaln Paanhau Bug. Plan. C( Pacifip ?aia Pepeekeo Pioneer Wafaros art Co ''Inkc manUo 1,000.000 100 eo.cor ! 2U0.C0 00 o3 420 iro 45 175,000 1,000,008 2,812,760 2,000,000 760,000 2,000,000 SOO.OiX) 500.000 2,500.000 160.000 390,000 500.000 832, 565 l,666v00ll 28 17 MEAN. Ij Tes' When I met May today I had my new gown on. Naturally, I expected her to Bay something about it, but she pretended not to notice it." Jess Yes, she's an awful tender hearted girl. Philadelphia Press. STERLING QUALITIES. Gotrox I discharged my last butler because he got drunk. New Butler Well, you'll never 'ave . discharge me h'on that h'account, sir! H'l could drink h'all day h'and then walk a crack! Puck. AiiSHIP Co. t H 8. Co -ud S. S. Co. Hi v V-' Q 't. & Pfanpte' : ANSOU8. ClectiiC uo v IV.. Co. phone Co. iw'.'co'. PaKKI Pint National Bank... Vn' Vm. Bavlnge Bk. ti 1 . ust Co Hilo Hon. O. H Oahi. axrt.s per eent. : '"oiperct. '. L. Co Mon6 p.c. B. O Waialua Ag Co a p, c 8,600,000 LOOOjOM 500,000 S12,fi&j 2,500,000 oLooa i.000,000 600,000 750,000 750,000 2,000,000 4.500,000 700.000 252,000 125,000 600,000 500,000 169,008 260,000 39,(KO 2,000,000 150.000 20 100 100 t 100 r 20 '. 100 20 ; 100 20 i 60 100 i loo ! 100 ! 20 j 20 20 u :807J S5 170 230 160 40 8J 11 20 1 20 20 J 160 I 60 I 100 j 100 100 100 1110 100 i 100 I 100 i 100 100 10G 100 10 100 190 18 16 4 13H 1M 270 180 100; no 92! K I 580 145 8'itf; 100 100 I- 75 95 10U' 100' 104 101 102 S !f6 87 U0 102 100 NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE Notice is hereby given that Certifi cate No. 1228, for twenty-five shares of the capital stock of McBryde Su gar Co., Ltd., standing on the books of the said company In the name of W. L Wells, has been lost, and transfer of the same on the books of the said company has been stopped. All persons are warned against ne gotiating, purchasing or dealing with said certificate. Said shares are transferable only by endorsement on said certificate, and by surrender of the same and the issue of a new cer tificate. No title will pass to the finder of said certificate. Said certifi cate. If found, should be delivered to the undersigned. T. H. Davles & Co., Ltd. 6876 FOUND. A BABY'S gold ring, with small dia mond; owner can have by calling at this office, proving property and pay ing for this ad. 6889 THE MELROSE. King Street, near Waiklkl Turn. Tel. Blue 808L HAVING BEEN REFURNISHED and renovated. Is now open, under new management. Those desiring good Board and Room at reasonable rates, san be accommodated. WILLARD E. BROWN. FRANK HALSTEAD HALSTEAB&CQ. Stock and Bond Brokers money advanced on sugar securities. 921 FORT ST. TEL. MAIN 133. POWER OF ATTORNEY. THE POWER OF ATTORNEY GLV en on October 5, 1899, to Shea Dick and Chu Quon, by Y. Ahin, has this day been revoked. . CHIN WO COMPANY, Y. AHIN, Manager. Honolulu, June 25, 1901. 5892 Hilo and Puna Dlv. Sales Morning Session: 5 Olaa, paid up, $13.50. Between Board3: 115 Ewa, J27; 150 Mc Bryde, assessable, JS. $30 a Month AND A cl&LL CAbfi PAT1KMT WrLL SKCDKJ A Neat Cottage with three bedrooms, b&th, servants' house, oesaent side walk, curbing, etc. G00I NEIGHBORHOOD On a Mala Street. ALSO PROPERTY IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. Albert Raas FINANCIAL AGENT stock and bond broker Member of Honolulu Stock Exchange Orders for the purchase or sale of Stocks and Bonds arefnlry and promptly executed. Loans negotiated. DURING my temporary absence Mr. Elmer E. Paxton wil act tor mm under full power of attorney. ADB17RT 1AAI. OFFICE Ground Soot, Jortd Bond ing. PostofBce Box tM. Telephone 1st. HONOLULU. Business men can save many hours . Ef n k W. tic s V'i Accross the Continent BAN FRANCISCO-POKTLAlfD THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM SAN FRANCISCO. TWO TRAINS DAILY From Portlana. mm . m Ma. a m oi is OH fom Days is m Pullman Palace Sleener. Buffet Smoking and Library Can, wk Barber Shops and Fieaaant lng Rooms. Dining Cars, 2eals a la Cart Free Reclining Chair Can. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. J. H. LOTHROP, General Aga&t, ISf Third St.. Portlan. Ore. D. W. HITCHCOCK, Gensral Agent, No. 1 Montgomery St.. Ban Franefsee. Oal Or B. L. XX) MAX. O. P. A T. A, Omaha, Nebraska For Sale or Rent On Hackfeld above Prospect street, upper slope of Punchbowl; six-room house; attractive lot, weU planted with fruit trees, etc., $3,000. Will rent for $30 a month. FOR SALE OR RENT. LUNALILO STREET Two-story cottage; electric lights; modern plumb ing. Rent, $35.00 a month. CASTLE & LANSBALE Rooms 50 and 607. Stangenwald Building Tel Main 7. at the Gazette Office. The Haw'n Realty and Maturity Co., Limited. BUY, SELL AND DEAL IN ALL sorts of Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases; and execute, on short notice, any and all sorts of legal docu ments pertaining to lands, etc Handle properties and estates on commission for absentees. Our especial feature is the issuance of a $200 INVESTMENT CERTIFI CATE, which Is easy In payment, and affords a substantial and easy means for persons of small monthly incomes to save a neat sum during a fixed pe riod, and benefit by the system of the Investment of the combined funds of many. V anadiao-Australian Roval mm ... m Steamers of the above line runnlne ir, PACIFIC RAILWAY roMPiMv J1...8 ,n conn:tlon uv S. W.. and calling at Vie tor, nZl Vancouver, R O "2J -r-s- ""UU1U1U. and BrlrtiS MIOWERA AURANGI MO AN A . MIOWERA AORANGI MO ANA . St -OmO'n.Cfl "111. On or about the dat es below statJ"t FROM avnunY n ran w 8t4ted. vi: For Victoria and Vancouver. B. C: i Pnr Z, k VE AND vl0teJ AORANGI ! jttt.v , I J18. ual MOANA JULY $1 MIOWERA AUG 28 AORANGI SEPT: 23 MOANA r.r-T o MIOWERA xrrvtr . . . - J rUSP 1 I The magnificent new service, the 1mn.'i i. V t ." . daily BETWEEN VANCOTTVw im. .I1?!!' ml ted,'' i. bOUXJ'ri railway "serrTn J Eurepe. "onoiulu to Canada, UnU l For freight and passage, and all general information au i rneo. h. uavies a Co Ltd., Gen' 4 Pacific Mail Steamship Occidental & Oriental S.S. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. Steamers of the above companies will e&n at . on or about the dates below mentioned: " le,T thai For San Franeim. NIPPON MARU . . ,. PERU COPTIC AMERICA MARU . . PEKING GAELIC HONGKONG MARU CHINA DORIC NIPPON MARU . . . PHRU , JULY S JULY JULY 19 JULY M AUG. 3 .AUG. 13 AUG. 20 AUG. 27 SEPT. 6 .....8EPT. 13 SEPT. 21 For Japan and China. j HONGKONG MARU I VAIlil XX . . , , j DORIC i NIPPON MARU I PERU 1 coptic jvi.vrv ATI AXU , DBVT1M Al GAELIC j HONGKONG MARU ftTTX? A ... ' - XI X - , ' i FOR GENERAL INFORMATION, APPLY TO H Hackfeld & Cipa Oceemc Steamship TIME TABLE: S. S. Zealandia, for San Francisco, Jul The fine Passenger Steamers of this line will arrive and lesvt as hereunder: F row San Francml For San Frantlsoo. SIERRA JUNK V MARIPOSA JULY 10 SONOMA JULY 16 MARIPOSA JULY 31 VENTURA AUG. MARIPOSA AUG. 11 SIERRA AUG. 2T MARIPOSA SEPT. 11 SONOMA SEPT. 17 MARIPOSA OCT. S VENTURA OCT. I MARDTOSA OCT. tt Local Boat. VENTURA . MARIP08A SIERRA . . MARIPOSA SONOMA . . MARIPOSA VENTURA . MARIPOSA SIERRA . . MARIPOSA In connection with the sailing of the above steamara, the Agwrti i pared to issue, to Intending passengers, Coupon Tbrougn ncceu railroad, from San Francisco, to all points In the United State New York by any steamship line to all European porta FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO Wm G. IRWIN &C LIMITED General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co 111 I II I) New York tc Honolulu via Pacific THE SPLENDID NEW STEEL STEAMERS About 1 Abwt. S. 8. OREOONIAN, .000 Tons, to Sail S. S. AMERICAN. MOO Tons, to Sail 8. S. HAWAIIAN. 1,000 Tons, to Sail Freight received at Company's wharf. Forty-" trt lyn, at all times. War fiirihpr mrtlMilan innhr r n , . , -ft'-V - p, M. HACKFELD & CO., UV AGBNT8, H0N0 C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. Hustace & So., Ltd. QUEEJ 1 James F. Morgan, President; Cecil Brown, vica """"ii Secretary; Charles H. Athexton, Auditor; w. a. manaftr. . c DKAl.KKS 1H Firewood, Stove, Steam and Blacksmi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Also, 1 White Sand. Teiepno- CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S New York Line Ship Helen Brewer win sail from NEW YORK FOR HONOLULU, oa or about Sept. 1, 1901 If sufficient inducements are offeree. For freight rates apply to CHAS. BREWER & CO. 17 Kliby St., Boston, OR C BREWER & CO,, LTI. Honolulu. WM. Q. IRWIN 4' wm a TTWin. Presl'JS? CUu's SprecteW....?H?vwi W. M. Giffard..."--! rr xi m.WfMrr jr. i George W. Rosi SUGAR vm0" . xrn Commissi .-m WO v cteeffidno W Of San rran- Read the Dally Advertiser; 71 eents per r nth. . tT ST Sl rJrrc Pf ! HAS FOR SALE eral assortment or n clty made Pol - Tnedayi I