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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER HONOLULU, JULY 31, 1901. Scarf Rings xe the ruling fad in the East, and are fast becoming so here. Worn with a handsome silk tie, nothing can be more well. Swell dressers take to them at sight. We have a splendid stock creations in these Tings, from the simple Ro man gold band to the elabor ate chased and gem-set ring, and at prices varying from Six Dollars to One Hundred and Fifty. We have also Just received an unusually attractive as sortment of Lace and Scarf Pins to the new "BAROQUE PEARL," which makes the most attractive piece of jew elry imaginable. If you have not seen them, we would be .pleased to show them the next time you are in. In fact, our stock is very full all along the line, and we are in a position to fill r svery want. Jo ! FORT STREET. Hie Days of Tight Belts Are Over 170 JJJ ing-Surface CaOIQ-SURFACB" 16 A BELT Hr which nroduees a clean. uliogins; surface on the belt after It Oaas penetratec tne oeit, ana it u '& belt preservative, making and weepinf; toe leather, eotton or rope 4Se&)t and elastic, vastly lnereaa zig -tta life. It also acts perfectly mb raHMr nelta 'One-third more power is trans cs&'ited by its use, or In other vrorea, a belt two-thirds as large wiil transmit the power if "Cling fcunaes" Is need. ? 4end for a sample ten-pound tin. IPrice 50c per lb." OTTl GIANT "IRE EXTINGUISHER 3Tb only f hem leal fire extinguisher Saat is ready at any time. Will not 'deteriorate. No dangerous acids or chemicals in it. Can Le handled by si ehlld. Price $3 each.0 ii ail Company, Ltd. Swat Reduction in Prices, Saving made large additions to oar saiMtdnery, we are now able to launder S&FREAD8, . SHEETS, PILLOWSLIP? 4?ABLS CLOTHS, TABLE NAPKINS rfsfci TOWELS at the rate of If CENTS DOZEN, CASH. Jatlsfaetory work and prompt delir ierj guaranteed. X fear of clothing being lost from YOUR HEALTH depends upon the condition of your stomach. If you suffer from dyspep sia, indigestion, constipation, bilious ness, torpid liver or weak kidneys, youlll find a sure cure in Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It will also prevent insomnia and nervousness by keeping the stomach In a healthy condition. Don't fail to give It a trial. See that OUR PRIVATE REVENUE STAMP covers the neck of the bottle. U a -ii 9L Be Sure nusienei 11 You Get atomacs The Genuine Riitprs WALL PAPER NSW MOCK. Choice Designs, Reasonable Prices. Lewers & Cooke 7 -LIMITED Fort Street Castle & Cooke LIMITED. LIFE FIRE Insurance Agents. AGENTS FOB NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 00 OF BOSTON. fflTNA FIRE INSURANCE 00 OF HARTFORD. rail Geo. A. Martin Tailor Boston Building. SAN FRANCISCO, HONOLULU, NEW YORK. MAY LOSE T MONEY Queen's Hospital Appropriation Peculiar. We Invite Inspection of our laundry methods at any time during bast-hoars. Sing Up Main 73 li ear wagons will sail for your work. A. C. LOVEKIN, Stock and Bond Broker REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT. 402 Juda Building. Look IF TOU TAKE THEM TO TH Ea f f-eaniug aid Dyeiug WmIs. Fori U opposite Star Block. may have the duty of passing on the claim, the conjecture is made that Ha waii will not do anything of the sort. All this country can know about China towns must be based on information as to the various Chinatowns here. The most extensive is that of San Francisco. It i. a noisome, dangerous, reeking, rot ten spot, given over to stench and ver min. It breeds moral and physieal dis ease. The property is owned by people otherwise respectable, who, because they are able to collect rents for buildings not fit for dog kennels, refuse to clean the dens. Part, of San Francisco's Chi nese quarter is two stories underground, and vile to the utmost deeps. Doubtless were it to be burned there would be suits for damage, but there should be suits for damage now, and they should be directed against the owners and brought by the municipality. Tacoma ledger. HAWAII ENSINEERINfi 510 CONSTRUCTION Rooms 508. 509, All class nf . ?eBWllli& ited. Examination? a . Prts m&ie for Water Electrical ConatrS branches of engineering work. Contracts solicited for Hu nntfi4d . steam, tunnel, bridges, buildings, highways, foundations p"' le:tV VIM Sneoifications and Estimates prepared. . ... . s .. "'"U SUD-H.... T" contracts solicited for MliJ-.Sl Special AttentiotijGiven to Examinations Examinations, Valuations an Rw . v for Investnv.ut Purpose. "eWTts0f prof Frederick J. Amweg, M. A W, R. CASTLE, JR., Sec'y and Treas. ro. Sot n el PROVISION AS TO TREATMENT No Statehood for Hawaii. Delegate Wilcox of Hawaii, who is en thusiastically advocating statehood for the territory of Hawaii, is wasting his time. Hawaii is not fit to become a state, and it will be a long time, if ever, before it will be so fitted. There is no evi dence whatever to show ttyat Hawaii would be better off as a state than as a territory, while its expenses would be greatly increased. The talk of uniting Hawaii with Cali fornia meets with no favor either in Hawaii or in California, and is chimeri cal. Congress would give no considera ble., .if TJin, 1-.00 ,,.,,r loli- lion to sut ri a urouusi liuii. uuei i in. Dual u ui in a j i n 1 1 ii .1 iL iii. v."- i - I decision of the United States Supreme cate question to consider at its meet- , Court Hawaii needs no statehood, and ing this afternoon one which places j like other of our new possessions, can the Queen's Hospital in a very queer situation. Pajamas A VERY DESIRABLE two-piece sleeping or lounein. by many men- to the regular night robe. ' W JUST THE THING for traveling, as their am... ereater freedom than the usual kind nf nin-. .1,1... Mrsit WE HAVE THEM IN SILK, Madras and Crepe.' Collision Between the Charter and the Bill Making the Grant for Period. Shirts made of good-weight Madras Cloth, colors woven in. especially pleasing, made In stripes and plaids, match. We also have Linen, Silk and Negligee 1 at Buua "" string Ties be well governed under a territorial form of government such as it now has. Philadelphia Press. The Legislature at its last session made an appropriation for the Queen's Hospital of $40,000, to be used in the next biennial period. This was in line with the previous policy of the Gov ernment in making appropriation for the hospital, similar appropriations being made at the same time to other like Institutions. There was, however! one very peculiar incident In connection with the appropriation made for the Queen's Hospital. In the past the sum. of $20,000 had always been given to the hospital for the biennial period, and Governor Dole recommended that the Legislature make the usual appropria tion. Instead that body appropriated just, double the amount asked, or $40,000. Attached to the bill, however, was a rider providing that no distinction should be made as to race in the care of patients at' the hospital. The appro priation also was placed in the hands of the Board of Health for proper pay ment and the Board now finds itself in a rather peculiar predicament. The Queen's Hospital was founded in 1859 by their Majesties Kamehameha IV and his consort Emma Kaleleonalani. The hospital is organized as a corpora tion and by the terms of its" charter the board of trustees is composed of ten members elected by the society and ten members nominated by the Gov ernment, of which the President of the Republic (now Governor of the Terri tory) shall be the presiding oflieer. The charter also provides for thi "estab lichin? nml mittinsr into operation a uermanent hospital at Honolulu, a dispensary and all necessary ture and appurtenances for the tion, accornn odation indigent sick and THE CASE OF DR. T. M. COAN Both Newest shapes and latest designs in Silks Scarfs, Puffs, Band Bows, etc. in Four-ln-Handi, His Wife's Will Cuts Off Himself and Relatives. The New York Sun contains the fol lowing particulars about the curious will case of the Titus Munson Coans, in addition to those already published in the Advertiser: One of the clauses of the will of Mrs. Leonie Monel Coan, filed for probate I yesterday, in the surrogate's office, not ' only cuts off her husband, Titus Mun son Coan, author and physician, from I any share in her estate, but also his : kinsmen and kinswomen. The c lause In question reads: It is my will tnat neither my husband, Titus Munson Coan, nor any kinsmen or kinswomen of his shall share in any part of my estate, or take any part in its admin istration." The testatrix, who died on June 30, left to her sons, Philip Munson Coan land Hamilton L. Coan, all of her prop- Handkerchiefs We Import all our Handkerchiefs. Have a very large assor' new ana nanasome patterns, wuauues were never so good never so low. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods CALL AND BE CONVINCED' 3. OZAKI WAVERLY BLOCK. HOTEL ST HONOLULU Brewing and Malting Compn y,LI Remember ! M S. Grmbanm & Co. LIMITED. J importers and Commission Merchant; SOLE AGENTS FOR BLANCHE BATES 5c CIGAR. BRITISH AMERICAN ASSTJRANC1 COMPANY, of Toronto, Ontario. THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. Pclal attention gvlen to conaio n at of Coffee and Rice. Me Your Cloties yke New. PROF. W. E. SHARPE, Eijert Piano Timer and Repairer. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Leave all orders at Thrum's Bookstore. Phone Main 30. with furni-recep- and treatment or disabled Hawaiian.-, as well as such fortMgners and others who may choose to avail themselves of th same." Under this construction all native Hawaiians have been cared for with out charge, while for others a charts has been made of from $1 to $3 per day. The bill making the appropriation for the hospital by the Government pro vides that no distinction shall be made as to race; and the Queen's Hospital trustees: are evidently up against a serious- proposition. Under the provisions of the Organic Act the Legislature has no power to give a subsidy to any institution and. under the construction likely to be placed by the Board of Health of the intentions of the Legislature, the Queen's Hospital must be placed under the control of the Government before it may receive the appropriation of $40,000. "I can see no way out of the difheur ty at present," said Secretary Smith of th board of trustees for the Queen's Hosj ttal when his attention was called tn the matter yesterday afternoon. "The hospital has been, receiving regular stipulated amounts from the Govern ment, generally $20,000 for each biennial period. This year when the Governor asked for -a statement of the condition of the hospital's finances it was hand ed to him, and he recommended that the Legislature make the usual allow ance. I do not know why they gave us $40,000 instead of the usual amount. There was a rider placed on the bill, however, to the effect that no distinc tion should be made as to race. The appropriation was also placed in the hands of the Board of Health. For merly it was the custom for this money to be placed into the hands of the Min ister of Finance and by him paid over quarterly directly to our treasurer. Why the change was made at this time I do not understand. "I do not see myself how the hospital could be placed in the hands of the Government, even- if we wished to do so. The Government now has ten members upon the Board and also the presiding officer. Under our charter we are compelled to treat native Hawaii ans free of charge, and I do not see how it can be changed. Then again we have in our hands $36,000 in trust funds which cannot very well be given over to the Government except in violation of the terms of the trust. Taken all around it is a very delicate question, and it is to be hoped that it may be settled without the loss of the appro priation to the hospital. The hospital now treats free all soldiers and sailors and also the members of the police force." The matter will be discussed at this afternoon's meeting of the Board of Health, though it is hardly likely that the matter can be definitely settled at this time. A joint meeting of the Board of Health and the trustees of the Queen's Hospital will probably be held, at which the matter will be talked over before final action is taken. erty. The witnesses to the will were Sherman Evarts, Willoughby L. Webb and Joseph E. Haggerty. Burnham MofTat is named as executor. Dr. Coan does not practice medicine. He de votes himself to literature, and is at the head of the bureau for the revision of manuscripts. He lives at 67 East Fifty-fourth street. Mr. Moffat, when seen last night at the American Yacht Club, Rye, said: "Mrs. Coan parted from her husband about five years ago. I do not know the circumstances of the disagreement, but there was no scandal of any kind attaching to it nor was there a legal separation. They simply agreed to live apar' Mrs. Coan taking the two boys ..i her. Some time ago I did a little legal business for her, and it was that which led to her naming me as the ex ecutor of her win, The estate alto gether is not worth more than about $3,000, and it was natural. I suppose, that she should want her boys to have the whole of her money. She was a French woman, and that probably ac counts for the impulsive wording of the will." Dr. Coan was born in the Hawaiian Islands in 1841, and came to the Unit ed States in 1856. After graduating from Williams College he studied medi cine and was graduated from the Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons. He served two years in the navy under Admiral Farragut. as assistant sur geon, being at the battle of Mobile Bay. He has contributed many liter ary, critical and technical papers to various periodicals, and has published several books. He has written much on mineral springs, - to which he has given special study. HOME PRODUCTION We do not have to fortify our Beer, and Bottled Beer Delivered. Telephone MAIN 341. Orders Promptly R ENGLISH CLAIRVOYANT STORY. Dr. Abraham Wallace, of Harley street, relates a curious story concern ing the death of-the late Mr. P. L. Fox well, the .stock broker of Thames Dit ton, whose body was found in the river six weeks after his disappearance. On the night before' he was missing Mr. Foxwell visited his aged mother at Finsbury Park, and the old lady's part ing words were, "Oh, Percy, do take care; I feel as if something is going to happen to you tonight." The lectur er explained that, being a lady inter ested in psychic matters, Mrs. Foxwell last year visited a clairvoyant, who told her that she would be a widow within twelve months After her hus band's disappearance she consulted an other clairvoyant, and, although not possessed of psychic powers, she saw in the crystal her husband's drowned body. In the drawing room sit Ditton Lawn some of the party wer; certain that the dead man's spirit form was present. Subsequently letters from the dead man were read, and after his body had been found a communication from him was received in which he stated that "as his dead body had been found, he did not wish to have anyetaosh he did not wish to give any further particulars about himself, as It would greatly upset his dear wife." In con clusion, he said that nearly every one of the incidents predicted by the clair voyants had been verified a Met that Mrs. Foxwell and others would'wllllng ly testify by affidavit. London Chronicle. Latest Patterns -IN Golf Shirts New Designs, New Shades, New Goods. LOWEST PRICES AT Iwakami & Co, HOTEL STREET Chinatowns Come High. Because of the burning of Chinatown In Honolulu, when there seemed no other course to stay the plague, Hawaii ha been asked to pay $5,000,000. Without purpose to influence any tribunal that URnnVl. 1 RUPTURE CURED for TEH DOLLARS. ThonsandahaT)' been cured at their own homes for thi gniall price. t!reatet In vention of tlieAKe. Secur ity and comfort to the rup tured. So worthless salves or lotions to rut-on. Itdcea tki wnrk. tnvestiiratel 1-fnff fnll information mailed, lmtnedi- i-pIt on receipt X stamp anninisaavu iAGMTi'c TBilSS CO. wo ju.-wt sui, SAM UAH CISCO. Offices tor Rent. TBS UNDERSIGNED OFFER iffice; for rent in th MelNTTRf STUDDING, now being ereet4 at eor aer of Fort and King treetm thta etty. A.ntijJ to B. F. BIBHOP, ? At C. Brewer Co', Queen It tab whfefcey soli The public acts as judge and jury tn aeciawg article is the best. Their patronage goes with their judgment That's why there is more Cyrus rob.c than any other brand, It is pure old and honest. It is aged in wood. It is of delicate flavorf vOne and three crown. W. C. PEACOCK & CO, TERRAS UL.r rut " n - - - -r,-- WA777)AIW3 W