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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
ffHE PACIFIC DTIMMCTrT t 1HB PACIFIC COMMERCIAE ADVERTISES. HONOLULU AUGUST 9 i$92. 16 WE. STAND at the top For GOOD STYLE. QUALITY and FINISH, and LARfltST S'OCK Of VtHlCLtS in ALL DEbCRItMlONS . . Have just received 3 Carloads of Surreys, Huzzies, Huuabuut-, all of the latest styles. These cuts represent vehicles that possess more good points to the square inch than any other vehicle has to the yard. . j Wexpect to sell you more than once and we indicate that expectation by handling the best and most reliable vehicles made. Chas. F. Herrick Carriage Gompany; Ltd. n ssro?c ftfl csk 5 ' ?SfeiSaSJ I i Pwff Hlf litis ft o n o uZ3 ii B i WBIBI and ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT L PeacoGk LIMITED & Co.. Wo Aro OfTaring E3ca rga I ns ' in ' .. Oolotoratod. Varies BERQSTROM MUSIC GO. Fort Street, Honolulu, GUY OWENS Electrical Construction Company, Ltd. Office and Warehouse, 1120 UNION STREET, NEAR HOTEL. Phono SVlain 3113 Electrical woik of every description promptly attended to. Clinton J. Hutchlno. Life 4 Fire Ax 44 lolnarny Blook Fo i--fc J3t:r-. iVlarine MEW GOODS Latest styles in Neckwear, Shirts and Gent's Wearing Apparel. Straw Hata of all kinds made in the premises. Our Japanese goods are imported direct from Japan and the prices are right. Call and be convinced. K;;;ISQSHIMA. x X Til tI W House, Sign and Decorative Painting Graining, Glazing, Paper Hanging and Tinting. First-Class Sign Work on G-lass a Specialty. ' P.O.Bx6M. 761 Alakea Street. Telephone Main 2. AGAIN has there been a quiet week In the stock market, and th,e prices of shares all along the line have felt the effects o'f the dog daya. There have been no actual losses in other shares than HecCric, but the feeline Is "not so strong and the buyers are not falling1 over Uiemselrea to get hold of any of the sugir or other investments here. This la to be expected in August, and must not be taken as any criterion, .'ka the-.bst of foks will wither under the weather conditions. . . There. sem to be fewer buyers in the market for Bwa, but the 179 shares transferred went at the same price. This promise, to- rule ' for several months yet,: as there is money on hand and the outlook for the plantation 13 of the best. There is a little of the stock to be bad at $24.50, ..but no large blocks are available. Olaa paid sold . to .the . exten'd. l:"slares.--ftWi6 -old rate of , ; but the transactions '.'.were' simple realizfttkra' sales, :b' tuW Vho wanted to get hold of cash. ..." ' 'u- " " 'i; These constituted. the sales of sugar shares, though, there wra.som quotations which have been changed by the offer'.pga of the week;-" The greatest of-, these is In Oahu -here there has been. 'sagging in the oirertngs from 132.50 to $80. There is nOidpmar.'d. for the shares' in tho markea alL In the miscellaneous list there' were : two stocks "cwh,ich found purcitasers. These were Hawaiian Electric 'ahi-Mutual Telephone,. The price cElectrlc found a drop: awaiting It. the "fall: hp in or sn im. dmniv tn th W.wiwr In the general list rather than. '"&,, any .-falling off in trie VaJuo of tbei aharea. Mutual Telephone . sold - in small" lot, 'the price being, tho old one of ft?, wtilch may be increased rather than depV eclated, according to tho feeling of the friends of the corporation. -v. " , The increase of the dividend in Inter-Island has had a matertai effect upon the ctock. Its quotation, is now $100 asked, the same' as the Wilier stook. The one per cent "dividend is-'slated for three month's and there la A reserro of $90,000 in the treasury of the company. This corporation fond' Itself in excellent shape upon the leaving of its presi-tency of John Hna, ahdit is me general cpmion that there vHl be such changes "wider the new adminls- i.oi.uii ui mmiray mai mere w.u do savings csptcially la tha operating ueparimeni. 1 tie company is now working up plans for the future land' there are expectations that there will be material alterations in Ike general sya torn of management during the coming slack months. - ' The money market is slow. Vhere is expected by the bankers Ultlft Change in.- t tij-n irom me new crop Degms to come to- Cowru " This opinion is general and the. pinch is being now felt by some of the people who in the past have never had to go to the banks for accommodation. The rates are the- same, though there is apparent a finer quality of discrimination" as to the security offered for leans. Thus two mortgages which have been' sol loll ed during the week past have been turned down though' i in ordinary1 times thoy would have found ready takers, in one case theta-ate of 7 per cent be ing thought too low by the bank, and In the other thoiirtargfii of th'o security was not quite what was expected. t . " . !'J;' c;- Call loans to customers are regular, the banks, carrying on their usual custom in this regard. The rate Is sti.l 1 and. 8 per cent. 'If there should be ajiy change in the price of money the outlook is rath2r ,for -an advance of rates from 7 and 8 per cent to S and 10 per cent. .. . . Letters received yesterday indicate that Honolulu k attracting . spine, atr tentlon from the mainland. The monied men in San rrancisco advise their correspondents here that a party of caoitallsts.-'it is understood "oohalfatinir' of some men from New York and others from San Francisco, will tea ver the iatier port ior tms city in the Korea, This party will make the tour of, -the. islands. There have been many communications tendinis: to this same, effect recently, and it is believed that there will be a full company on1 toe i great. " : REAL ESTATE. There is very little doing in real estate. The auction salea recehtly' at tempted in valley property have failed of success. The upset price pu upon the Schultze property, of $2000 an acre, was quite beyond the bidders gath ered for the sale, and the piece went over. The Ken' property did not ftnd the qualit yof bidders wanted either, and so the sale was off. There 'is less inquiry in the general market, though an occasional sale is made,- Among this class of transactions was the sale of the Edwin Kenner property - In Manca. This residence was sold to an unnamed purchaser during the week for $5150, and the price is believed to establish a fair level for the property of the district. There may be something in the way of a more general movement in Manoa, as soon as the new water arrangements are .assured, but this is a short distance off, though it is actually in. prospect. Just jtiow. Ground was broken on Pacific Heights during the week for the new resi dence of Alexander Young. This will be made the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Von Hamm, and will be one of the most perfect residences in the hills dis trict. The site is the Pauoa overlook. Just below the reservoir, and ia one of the best, furnishing as it does a view of Diamond Head and the eastern ocean across the low ground back of Punchbowl. There is nothing doing in business property, the buildings going on "' as usual and the prospect being that there will be nothing important-started before the new year. , ( , ..- . SUGAR. : ' f "Williams, Dimond & Company, writing under date of August 1. to Jocal correspondents, F. A. Schaefer & Company, have this Co say of the sugar market: ... Sugar No changes have since occurred in the local market or for export prices established March 5th still being in force. ... . , Basis July 25th to 31st, no sales; consequently basis for 96 degrees Cen-, trifugals in New York established by transaction recorded 23rd ult. remains at 3.3775c, San Francisco, $3.0025c.: 1 . -.. ; . :r v New York Refined No change." ' London Beets July 25th to 31st. 63. London Cable July 26th quotes Java No. la D. S., 7a 7d; Fair Refining, 6s 6d; same date last year, 10s lOld and 9s 9d respectively. August Baets. 6s ljd, against 9s 3?4d corresponding period last year. Eastern and Foreign Markets The Raw suerar marki rdospH RtroTur. ac cording to latest mail advices from New York. under date of 2fith ult.. tone and tendency favoring sellers. Refined is ia better demand. Beets, unchanged. ' ! Fapaanui. etc., Honuaula, Maui; con . ! $50. . . ' I KAINbAU I lUINb ion $S7.319 Kamehamikr- KuIa- ! Kaukaaha k) to Luika Liana. D.. 2 List of deeds filed for record August acr. of p Kohala, Ha- 7. 1902: . I waii; con $1 etc. First Party Second Party. Class. R. Kualii Jno. Paaluhl a D LKamai et al. E. A. Knudsen D J. Finney & wf E. V. Harrison .. T S. Y. Kanakaole Lam Wo Sing D C. S. Desky Bishop of Panopolis D REAL ESTATE Tarn See J. H. Schnack .. C. S. Desky P. M, Pond August 8 W. C. Achi Frank Rodrigues W. C. Achi A. R. de Gouveia Ah Kai J. A. Magoon J. L. Kahaku to Robert Andrews. D.. 1-12 int In R P 1147 Kul IE. Walakea River. Hilo. Hawaii; con $550. J. Forbes by Gdn. et al. to R, An drews. D., 1-6 int in R P 1147 Kul lH Waiakea River, Hilo. Hawaii; con $S00. Rel D xvaea.indu w oy wan et aL to R. J) ' v. nurevv ?, u., 1-0 ini in II 1' 1147 Kul IE wajanea luver, nuo. Hawaii; con $725. I L. VX' iV1,,ney sc wr to s. Decker, D.. jy ; o x-xw acres iani Jttamana road. Hilo r j Hawaii; con $2017. - . m-iii wt to s. pf. caatie Eat I T TV . ' eiT?Set -. H?- ?t a, toiuoahuTcon t1' H P. 11. BUrnet tO Tr g. rrrf - 1. w E. B. Waterhouse. D.,lot 41 Puuloa lots. xa., uana; con Jll'UO. Wm. C. Achi & wf to J. C. Johnson. r., lots 20 & 21 blk 6 Kaiulani tract Honolulu. Oahu; con $100. " J. P. Makainal & wf to Mrs. EK Smith. D.. por R P 1231 Kul 1179 kua kmi 5t., Honolulu, Oahu; con $1300 August 4 S. Kahoaka opio to H Beers et al.. D., R P 79S6 Kul S327 Ouhi! Hamakua. liawaii; con $350. J. Kukahiko & wf to Kealokai (v.) et al., D., Aps 23 & 4 Kul ?i'7 M.itii Honuaula, Maui; 2 pes land & bldgs V A Schaefer & Co., D.. V. int in Grant" il 91 Papaki, Hamakua. Hawaii: con $n. ine Cut umblers Per Dozen V Attractive in ehape and do sign, ueeful in pize and the mof-t durable article ever eold ia this market. One dozen of these tumblers will,outla8t at leat four dozen of the blown glasses you are now using. Call and be convinced that we are offering you a good i a vestment. Elf, Dimond & Co, Up-to-date dealers in crock ery, gles and houe furnish ing goods. Sole agents for the celebra ed Gurney refrigerators and Jev7el 8toves '. $ 63 55 57 King Street. i HONOLULU. 4 Received Per SIERRA, S. S. PING PONS BALLS Five different .styles of Kackets. Newest PING PONG Sets at all prices. PICK DPS - PIG& HPS E. W. Jordan's No. 10 STORE. FORT STREET. ORLN CLVIJH CUU K.N COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. U. S. Supreme Court, nes-istered Attor t.ey U. S. Patent Office. United Stat, Hunduiu Iron Works Co. BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOL- and Foreign Patents. Caveats. Trade I ERS BRAS3 AND LEAD CASTING! Marks and Copyrights. and mcchlnery of ererr descrlDtloa ttNo 7th Street- N- w- ma3e to oraer- Particular attentloa WAaaiKOTOK, D. C xecuteJ on horteat notion II l Pi i U. I H i it :.iMiTri. Havo in Stock and OfFor for Salo and ROOriNQ BUILDING PAPEB PRICSERVATIVIJ PAINT. BOIUER AND STACK PAIN'S INSULATING COMPOUND BRIDGE AND ROOT PAINS REFINED SUGARS, Cube and Granulate!. ;-j PAINT OILS, Lucoi and Llnel. TEAM PIPF COVERING, Rd'a Patent Elaatl Utlm OoTerlnff. INDURINE, v Water-proof Cold Water Falat, Inside and outside, in white aaa eolora. FILTER PRESS CLOTH Linen and Jute. CEMENT, LIME AND BRICKS AGENTS FOR fXBTERN SUGAR I REFINING BAN FRANCI8CO, CAL. 1ALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WOXX& PHILADELPHIA, PA. JEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL COm Manufacturer! of NaUonal Caee ekredder. New York. AitAFFINE PAINT COMPAN Ban Francisco, CaL )HLANDT CO 0 . fian FranxTlec Cal. The Fountain SODA WORKS, SHERIDAN ST. Delivers to all parU of the cttw lcally pure and palatable distilled wa ter for drinking purposes in I-raL crv at 10 cenU per gallon. DRINK Distilled "Water And avoid kidney troubles and re matlsm. In the Eastern State te best physicians are treating- klr complaints entirely with Just such wa ter as I am offering- you. Ring Up 270 for water or pure soda made from tale water. SAN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU. NEW YORK. 0. S. GriDbanm & Go. i.imitp:d. sorters is. faljsh Ihtiuli SOLE AGENTS FOR BLANCHE BATES 5o CIGAR. PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITERS. LmiTISH AMKRICAN ASSURANCK CO.frANV, of Toronto, Ontario. Pr-ti;l attenfin pivn to consign ments of Coffee and Rir-e. Daily Advertiper, deMvered by sarrtef to any part of the elty for 7S cents a month. I' v . . ' '- '-"V.