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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903- Ms, f Lob. 6 lOt LL' tre alwjf a 3ft T. LlREf JO. TD. n lent, , S.i- :0 3 for TJich fV -1 I I et, I BUSINESS LOCALS. cottage off King and opposite gouth street next to Castle Kinderear ten is advertised for rent. The annual meeting of the Hawaiian Pruit and Plant Co., Ltd., will be held next Saturday at 2 o'clock in Wahi- (fing Wo Chan & Co. have a very t,nire stock of carved ivory, sandal v wood, ebony and teak, silks, linens, em broideries, fine chinaware, etc. Free A sponge, pencil sharpener or bamboo ruler to school children with every purchase of 25c. or more. A. B. Arleigh & Co., 1156 Fort street. Next Thursday Jas. P. Morgan will sell at lot of Hawaiian and South Sea curios. Goods now on exhibition at his salesroom on Kaahumanu street. I Hee of Kapaau, Kohala, has made an assignment to Hoffschlaeger Co., Ltd. All persons indebted to him are requested to make immediate payment to the assignee. Today at 10 o'clock Jas. F. Morgan, the auctioneer, will sell a lot of fine ferns, palms -and other plants belong ing to the late Mrs. Parmenter. Sale will take place at the residence, 777 Ki nau street. Surely bonds can be had now from the Henry Waterhouse Trust Company, which has taken the agency of The United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, one of the largest corpora tions of its kind in the world. Tt tired feeling which comes over J( when searching for a house or oroe can altogether be done awav itft by consulting W. M. Minton in Judd Building. He can save you time and trouble and give you tips on Ka Imuki and Waialae lots that will put money in your pocket. A NOVEL PEBVOEtM ANOE. Ferry's Frog Man" aiaiies a Hit at the Orpheum. Ferry the "Human Frog," to quote his bills, achieved distinction and lived up to his adopted title at a perform ance given at the Orpheum last even ing before a good-sized audience. The entertainment was a novelty as far as Ferry was concerned and the audience heartily appreciated his work. The curtain rose on a moonlit scene, prettily set with embowering shrubs. There seated upon a stump, apparently meditating, sat an enormous frog. Its wide mouth opened in a yawn, its front leg scratched a mosquito from its throat, one goggle eye winked at the moon while the other surveyed the scene. Sleepiness gave way to sportiveness the man-frog proceeded to do all nds of stunts. It folded arms or legs partially behind or before its body resolved itself into an object wit out apparent Joint or backbone hd swung from a suspended ring in' attitudes contrary to generally ad justed ideas of the human skeleton. The contortions were wonderful and so easily done that no effort was to be marked. Miss Hat tie Fairbount con tributed some enjoyable singing and dancing, the latter specialty being par ticularly good. George Kunkel was heartily received in topical songs, the evening concluding with vitascope pres entations depicting a prize fight, bull fight and other scenes of a more laugh able character. The company will appear again on Wednesday and Satur day evenings. BAND NOTES. Tie Ladle Are Rehearsing Son e New Bonge, The band will escort Co. F of the- N. G. H., bound for Hilo, to the steamer Kinau this morning. This evening the band is to give a concert at the railway station. Tomorrow if possible a serenade will be given the steamer Korea 011 her de- arture. Wednesday evening's band concert 11 be at the Hawaiian hotel. On Thursday afternoon the band will Play at Camp McKinley. Captaia Beraer states that the usual inging by the ladies, with the assist ance of the whole band, will be omit ted this week because they have noth ing new or striking to present and sev eral good singers are sick. The ladies &re hard at work to giTe the public something better than a repetition of wrtaia Hawaiian songs. They are Practicing something, grander than nything heretofore presented for next Sttaday s concert, but Hawaiian songs ill not b lacking at the taine time. BANS OONOBBT Play at the Palamt Railway Station This Evening. The Territorial band will play the following program at the Railroad sta tion thl evening, beginning at 7:30: PART I. Varrh: -The Invincible Eagte" . . Souse, Overture: "Semiramide" Ressini C,rnet Selo: "The Surf" ..Steinhauser Mr. Charles Kreuter. Selection: "Hungarian Tobani PART II. eminiscencpB of .ill Vntinns" rtfrv Rtasit,: "Roeita" ..Waldteufel Polichinelle" "The Star Spangled Banner." I nrAI RDF VITIrS W tt t t-- . M Excelsior Lodge tonight. Work in second degree. There was no session of the Police Court yesterday. The Woman's Guild of St. Clement's will meet today at three o'clock. The band gave a Labor Day concert on the Capitol grounds yesterday morning. The steamer Kinau will sail at 2 p. m. Tuesday, September 8, 1903, instead at 12 o'clock as customary. The meeting of the Hawaiian Wom an's Club will be held at Mrs. Frear's, Punahou, this afternoon at three. The land line being erected by the Wireless Telegraph Co. from Mahu kona to Hilo is a telegraph and not a telephone line. The Ahahui Iolani o na Wahine Ha waii will meet this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in St. Andrew's Cathedral Sun day school room. The police were given a practice drill at Ka'jiolani Park yesterday morning. It was for the benefit of the recent ad ditions to the force. M. T. Simonton, J. W. Jones and C. viuiiui, apiJiaiscis oi me estate oi Mrs. M. V. Carter, are at Makao look ing over the homestead property. The theft of a pocket book containing forty dollars was reported from the cot tage in the rear of Manuel Reis's sta bles on Queen street yesterday even- g. A suspect was arrested. Captain Sain. Johnson leaves in the Kinau today with Co. F to give ex hibition drills at Hilo. There are forty men in the command, with three sub stitutes additional for possible cases of sickness. A meeting of the Hui Hooulu a Hoola Lahui will be held at the Mater nity Home tomorrow at 10 a. m., when the proposed luau and fair will be dis cussed. The presence of every member is desired. Frank Bertleman's home in Kalihi was robbed of clothing Saturday night. J. B. Watson also reported to the police that his home on Emma Square was entered Sunday morning and two gold watches taken. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Robertson have issued invitations for the mar riage reception of their daughter, Sara Kuualohapauole, and Mr. James Dono- hue Dougherty on Wednesday evening, September 23, at 8:30 o'clock. The town had a Sunday rather than a holiday aspect yesterday. Most of the public offices, including those of the Judiciary, as well as the banks and the leading stores, were closed, while the streets had a comparatively desert ed" abearance. fWilliam Savidge issues a formal card announcing his candidhcy for the Xle- publican nomination as County Clerk. His supporters refer to him as 'an Island boy" and one who has had cleri cal experience, including his recent services as clerk of the Senate. Bishop Henry Warren, of the Meth odist Episcopal church, is expected to be a passenger in the Korea on his way to visit the missions of all the Orient. Rev. G. L. Pearson has ar ranged to have a service in the Meth odist church here, to be addressed by Dr. Warren, either this or tomorrow evening according to the Korea's time in aort. FOR SPRAINS, SWELLINGS AND LAMENESS there is no better liniment than Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Thou sands can testify to tne merit of this remedy. One application gives relief. Try it. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., Wholesale Agents, sell it. Special Shirt Waist Sale Some of the prettiest and most popu lar waists of the season can be secured this week at an amazing reduction. AH on display plainly marked. LADIES' COLORED SHIRT WAISTS $1.00 waists reduced to 75c. $1.50 waists reduced to $1.00. WRITE AND BLACK WAISTS Trimmed with wide tucks. Reduced from $2.00 to $1.50. WHITE MADRAS WAISTS With black dots. Reduced from $3.75 to $3.0. WHITE MERCERIZED WAISTS WRh black piping. Reduced from $3.75 to $3.00. BROWN LINEN WAISTS Trimmed with laee fssertion. Reduaed from $4.C to mM. LAD I OS" WHITE WAISTS Lawn, tced. Reduced from $1.50 to $4.0. Lawn, jvith lace and insertion. Re duced from $1.75 to $1.25. Lawn, tucked, with lace and em broidery. Reduced from $2.25 to $1.75. Lawn, tucked, with lace and em broidery. Reduced from $2.."0 to $2.80. Reduced from $2.75 f $2.00. Rjeduced from $3.00 to $2.25. Lawm. tucked, with embroiiery. Re duced from $3.75 to $2.75. Reduced from $4.00 to $3.00. Pique and Madras, tucked. Reduced from $2.75 to $2.00. Reduced from $3.V0 to $2.25. Reduced from $3.90 to $2.7. White dotted mull waiss, tucked. Reduced from $3.00 to $2.50. Lace stripe waists. Reduced from $3.75 to $2.7. Corner Fort and Beretanie, street. N. I m Dry Goods u L V PERFUME Would you like a little perfume without having to pay for the bottle? In buying "bulk perfume" you get full measure. Tou can get an ounce or a pint. The ex tracts we are offering are made by Alfred Wright who has the tvTitation of producing the very best in the United States. We have all the good old standard oders. New ones: Madame But terfly, Grand Duchess, Maud Mul ler, Wild Olive and Violet of In dia. A few samples for free dis tribution to early callers. HOBRON DRUG GO. TWO STORES General Arthur Cigar The cigar that's proud of its name, because its qual ity is always the same and that the best. A de light to every smoker and a satisfaction everywhere. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS Gunst-Eakin Cigar Co., Distributors. ILPHWUH Hi, Hi. WE WILL BOND YOU Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Ld. General Agents for He United States Fidelity and Gurantu Go- Aaarmf Ovtr $3,000,000.00 Issues Surety Bonds for Federal and Territorial Office Holders, Bank Cashiers and Clerks, Mercantile Em ployes, Contractors, Admistrators, Guardians, and Gen eral Judicial Bonds. Oriental B Hand-carved Sandal wood and Sandal wood and Ivory Card Cases, in great variety. Waity Building, King Street opposite Advertiser Office, Phone White 2746. d PHI 1 13 Australian and Bnglish Harness Makers. Mm 99. Varerly Blk., Bmtht Read the Advertiser. Warner Rust Proof Gorsets From 82.50 to SI. New line of Shirt Waists Just received. Geisha and Acorn Brands From $3.50 to $1.25 American Pongee Silks From $1.75 yd to $1 15 Irish Linen Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c at WHITNEY& MARSH Daring these Hard Times And until further notice the NEW ENGLAND BAKERY will sell from their store on Hotel street, commencing April 1st, 35 tickets, calling for 35 Loaves Bread, for One Dollar. Guaranteed best ciual- ity and full weight. Bread deliv I ered from the wagons will be 28 i Loavej for One Dollar. The dif ; ference is. simply the cost of deliv : ery, which benefit we extend to our customers. New England Bakery J. Oswald Lutted, Mgr. Mrs. C. L. Dickerson 1181 Alakea Street THE LEADING MILLINER OF HONOLULU. Has just received ex Sierra the lat est in high crowns and poke shaoes. Felts of all colors. New veilings for draperies. Panama hats cleaned. Baseball, Golf, Polo, and other athletic supplies. Have Just received a fine line of baseball bats. Pearson & Potter Co,, Ltd. Union & Hotel Streets. Phone Main 317. Ivory Fans, silk enibroiderefd ; also Jewelry Eoxes and Picture Frames as 3k Bro. Baddies. Fell am Bits P. O. Bom IMS. At. HANDKERCHIEFS Sept. HERE YOU ARE HANDKERCHIEFS TWELVE THOUSAND OF THEM Ladies' Plain Lawn 8 1-3C, ioc. and Flain Lawn and embroidered handkerchiefs with hemstitched edge, 15c. and 20c. Pretty embroidered handkerchiefs, 15c, 20c., 25c, S00-, 35c. and 40c. each. Linen embroidered handkerchiefs with hemstitched edge, $1.75 and $2.25 per doz. Gentlemen's handkerchiefs, colored border, hem stitched edge, $9oc. per doz. E. W. JORDAN & CO., LTD. FORT STREET. H A N DKERCHI EFS " pul will be charged from TODAY, Saturday, September 5, 1903, at the Royal Annex Saloon The very best liquors only will be served, as heretofore. W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd. 0000 OttOIffOfOOC REMEMBER THAT The Angle Lamp ie more brilliant than gas or electricity. A The Angle Lamp gives little heat. The Angle Lamp is as easy to operate a3 ges no glass to remove, ft no blowing out. O The Angle Lamp Is the only lamp that has "No-Under-Shadow." The Angle Lamp requires almoet no care. V The Angle Lamp saves its whole cost in a short time. The Angle Lamp costs about eighteen cents a month to burn. The Angle Lamp burns from 12 to 22 hours with one flllinE. The Angle Lamp never sirokee or smells. jL The Angle Lamp rarely breaks the glass. The Angle Lamp is absolutely non-explosive. m THE0. H. DAVIES & IWAKAMI & CO. We are now offering great inducements to cash buyers ia DRESS GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS and STRAW HATS. Come in and see the HOTEL James F. Morgan, President; Cecil Brown, Vice President F. Hustace, Secretary; Charles H. Atherton, Auditor; W. H. Hoogs, Treasurer and Manager. WHOLESALE AND firewood, Stove, Steam, Blacksmith's Coal p Also Black and Whito Sand. Telephone Main 395. Specisl Attention Give to Draying. TZRYSTtL SPRINGS Gutter Ikitter swit vou? It will Springs Butter, bdst. It is always Metropolitan Mat Co , Ltd. TELETHONS MAIN 45- 7th HANDKERCHIEFS hemstitched 12 i-2c. handkerchiefs, a 7th HANDKERCHIEFS rice CO., LTD. Sole Agent for Q Hawaiian 1, ;- bargains we can offer you. STREET OPPOSITE BETHEL. RETAIL DEALERS IN if you use the celebrated Crystal uniform in quality and that the