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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU. JULY 6, IQO.V - - IS When You Go To the Mates, whether your destination be Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, ' Chicago, or another eastern city, by all means travel on the Denver and Rio Grande, RR and view the most beautiful scenery in America by daylight. THROUGH SLEEPING AND DINING CARS TO ADD POINTS. Handsomely illustrated books of travel mailed free; write to W. J. SHOTWELL, General Agent, 625 Market St., San Fran cisco, Cal. DON'T DEFER If you care for the safety of your deeds, documents and other valuables, rent one of our fire proof, safe-deposit boxes to day. Untoward events are al-w-ays happening and delay In this matter may prove most costly. The cost is from $5.00 a year upward and you are given a key and the use of a private room for examining your pa pers, whenever you need it. ,LRS BASEBALL TEAM. mssm WE all admire the beautiful, but when about to decorate the home, often associate decorative art with extreme cost. If you will consult with us we can show you how the home can be beautified at a reasonable cost. Stanley Stephenson, THE HOME DECORATOR. Phone 426 137 King St. S. S. SIGNS ENOUGH SAID. Golden Gate Cement is a splendid cement and is ap proved for all Government work. It is manufactured in Califor nia and is packed in bags four to the barrel. Aiming the big jobs on which it has been used may be men tioned the great Neva dan irri gation dam and the Fairmount Hotel, San Francisco. The Kalihi Reservoir, perhaps the finest piece of concrete work in the islands, was built with Golden Gate Cement. GIVE IT A TRIAL. 177 S. KING STREET. YAMATQYA MERCHANT TAIDOR AND SHIRT MAKER. No. 13 Beretania street, near Nuuanu. P. O. Box 822. SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS. KIMONAS AND PAJAMAS MADE TO OR DER AND ON SALE. FOR Nickle Plating CALL ON GUT OWENS 1120 Union St, Tel. Main SIS. Chinese Shell Combs, the very latest; Lauhala Bas kets, a new assortment; Large Balloon Fish Lanterns. HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS CURIO CO.. Young Building. V5j Smoke GENERAL ARTHUR CIGARS 6UNST-EAKIN CIGAR CO. Distributors. Ktrcai Employment Office K. O. CHOI, Manager. 1429 Nuuanu St.. Honolulu. Cooks, indoor servants, lawn boys, tc.. etc.. ready for service. FRESH, mi CARNATION and ROSE PLANTS ifiis. i, iti. i ay i vi Alexander Young Bulldln. in i at i i I i I From left to right: Wbit'e Vanatta, Leslie, Frank Richardson (mgr.), Cogswell, Grady, Hampton, Evers, Moore, Kia. The Elks at the present time head the League having won eiglit out of nine games since the season opened. While other teams have as good individual players, the Klks play together, better than any other team in the League, an 1 this perhaps more than anything else is the reason for their success. Baseball Notes. It took the Elks six innings before they got a base hit off the Honolulu last Saturday. That the best of teams are subject to "rattles" was shown in the Elk-Honolulu game on Saturday. On a hit, Gleason started from third, but the ball was fielded to the plate and Gleason started to double. Meanwhile Fer nandez moved -up from second and oc cupied third. There was but one thing for Gleason to do and he saw it sooner than his opponents. He started home full speed, got in the way of the ball which bounded to one side and Gleason stood "pat" on the plate. Perhaps it is only a rumor, but it is said that Hampton will be supplied with an axe when he is running bases. One would think that the Elks had opened up a Portuguese branch from the way the latter are backing up the team. But it is all on account of Evers who seems to have brought a larger number of fans to back him up, than any individual player in the league. Perrine or "Bull" as he was known here when he was doing the box work for the Elks, does not seem to be a howling success as an umpire in the Coast League. In San Francisco re cently an angry player climbed his frame and altered the map of his face. Now at Portland he was recently the center of a riot. In a game between Portland and Tacoma, the crowd got sore at1 a decision and swarmed into the field. It took the police ten min utes to restore order. The games on Saturday will be be tween the H. A. Cs and Mailes, and the Punahous and Kams. The following is the schedule of games for the Boys' Clubs baseball teams: Saturday, July 8. Jr. Kau. vs. Kaw. Sr. Y. M. C. A. vs. P. Wednesday, July 12. Jr. Kam. vs. P. Sr. Kau. vs. E. Saturday. July 15. Jr. Kam. vs. Kau. Sr. Kaw. vs. Y. M. C. A. Wednesday, July 19. Jr. Kau. vs. P. Sr. Kau. vs. P. Saturday, July 22. Jr. P. vs. Kaw. Sr. E. vs. P. Wednesday July 26. Jr. Kaw. vs Kam. Sr. Kaw. vs. E. Saturday. July 29. Sr. P. vs. Kaw. Wednesday, August 2. Sr. Kau. vs. Y. M. C. A. JUNIOR LEAGUE. Kawaiahao (Kaw.). j Kauluwela (Kau.). ' Palama (P.). Kamehameha Preparatory (K.). In the Junior League each team plays each other team three times. SENIOR LEAGUE. Kawaiahao (Kaw.). Kauluwela (Kau.). Palama (P.). , Excelsior (E). Y. M. C. A. In the Senior League each team plays each other team two times. In a game at the Boys" Fields yester day the Kawaiahao Jrs. won from the Kamehameha Jrs., 9-0. The Kawaiahao Srs. forfeited to the Kauluwela Srs. The latter now head the league. Hunting. The hunters who went down the line and across the Pali on Saturday and Sunday report doves in great numbers, and as a result the bags averaged all the way from 25 to 125 birds. The hunting at Honouliuli is especial ly good, and there are plenty of birds around Akia and the peninsula where rice is being cut. Those who went as far as Mokuleia and over the Pali report plenty of birds. Among the hunters who were out on Saturday and Sunday were Jim Har vey. Austin. Moody. Kirk Porter, R. B. Booth, Harry ('ouzens and Walter Wall. Cricket. The Honolulu Cricket Club held forth at Moanalua on the Fourth, the game being between Scotland and the Rest of the World. The former overwhelmed the earth as a whole or what remained of it. winning by the score of 50 to 36. The detailed account follows: SCOTLAND. R. Anderson, c Harrison, b Hatfield. tS J. M. McLean, b S. Beardmore 17 J. C. McGill, c Martin, b .S. Beard more 7 T W. Anderson, b Hatfield 1 W. Simpson, c McGill, b Hatfield... 1 A. W. T. Bottomley, c Martin, b S. Beardmore 2 D. Mclntyre b Jcrdan 5 J. L. Cockburn, b Jordan 1 M. J. Jamieson, c Martin, b Jordan. 0 Edmunds, not out 1 M. Mackinnon, b Jordan 0 Byes , 2 50 0 1 1 o WORLD. R. A. Jordan, b McGill Fred. Harr xon, b Cockburn S. Beardmtte, stmpd b D. W. An derson T. Gill, b Cockburn ('apt. Tullett, c and b Cockburn O. C. Read, c D. W. Anderson, b Cockburn E. T. Fenlinson, c D. W. Anderson, b R. Anderson B. Cj Corrie, b McGill A. R. Hatfield, c McGill, b R. AndeV ?on F. Eougher, stmpd b D. W. Ander son E. Martin, not out F. Martin, b McGill Byes 3 I i 1 i 4 1 36 General Athletics. Over 17,000 people saw Yale defeat Princeton in baseball at New York, and thus win the championship for 1905. Yale's victory was unexpected but she won by a saie margin 8-5. After borh teams had made two runs in the first inning, Yale scored four times in the second and one each In the fifth and eighth. Princeton got three runs In the seventh. The American tennis players are making a decided hit in England. Miss Sutton of Pasadena has been carrying everything before her. Lamed won. but Clothier and Wright were defeated. Cornell won two of the three events in the tenth annual regatta of the Inter-Collegiate Rowing Association at Poughkeepsle and are now acknowl edged as the rulers of intercollegiate waters. Cornell won the Varsity four miles, beating Syracuse by twelve lengths, the latter, however, winning the four-oared Varsity. Cornell won the freshnran race. She has twice won all three races and this is the third time she has captured two races. Four baseball players in the big Eastern Leagues were star college football players in their younger days before they broke into professionalism. Christy Mathewson of the New York Nationals, was fullback at Buckndl; "Ovie" Overall, the Cincinnati pitcher, was guard and Captain of the Univ ersity of California team: Dave Fultz of the New York Americans, was a halfback at Brown, and Yake Stahl of the Washingtons was mckle at the University of Illinois. The Automobile. Xow that "round the" island" trips are the vogue, the following from the San Francisco Xews Letter, con cerning touring trips, will not be out At nnM! What greater pleasure can be deriv- ed from an automobile, large or small, 'spade wfttU ScOtt Leary, the cracic OlWn than that of traveling over new roads . , , hitherto unknown to the eves. Tour ing by automobile is one of the most enjoyable recreations of modern times. It is iu some respects comparable to yacht cruising, but fortunately is opeu to a much larger class. There is hard ly an owner, even of an autocar not specially built for touring, who does not venture on a trip occupying several .i- i iU- - iu. i - ujr0 lUe auimnei i; u, a.:a- Tiling wtu.nt in ) ti intninnliiln liivn lr. ome very popular, and the summer , kSmlth & Judd at 4 clock this after resorts will no doubt attiaet a large BOOn- Every oue is asked to be pres number of automobiles this season. I ?n to discuss putting a team in the Picnics a la automobile are the newest ! IsJan'1 tournament to be held the 1st fancy of the hour, and several parties have enjoyed runs ot this kind. Gen erally the auto picnic parties are con veyed in two or even more motor car riages to some picturesque spot, where baskets are opened and an appetizing luncheon spread. Numerous of the lo cal motorists have taken their self- propelled vehicles with them to the summer resorts or their country nomes this season, as they consider the au tomobile is unequaled for exploring sections bf the country noted for their scenic attraction. One often meets with the expression "touring fad,'' intended to convey the idea that automobile touring will emu- mand popular interest temporarily on Iv. While this raav prove true with regard to certain outgrowths of the cause. Remember; The kidneys are touring movement, automobile touring 'the sewers of the system; they carry itself will undoubtedly remain, as'off tne impUl.e matter, but sewers there is nothing to take its place. ' . . , i . sometimes become clogged up. So do There is no comparison between tour-; OD ing by railroad and automobile tour- j the kidneys. The kidneys are located ing. The former mode of travel may , near the small of the back, hence any be most convenient to those who want j stoppage affects the back. This means to make a trip to the large cities, but backache, lame back, weak back and most owners of automobiles are city! many other distressing symptoms. dwellers, and at periods of leisure dur- There is lots more to tell on this sub- ing the warm season long to get out ject, but we won't do it here, for we into the country, where they may en-, want to show you how to keep the kid joy nature's beauty ami the healthful, : neys so the back will have no ?ause to invigorating air. ache. You might not believe us, so Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Holloway recent- we will let one of your own citizens lv gave a "round the island" automo- tell their experience: Idle party to a number of their friends.' W. F. Williams of this city, Is a The trip around Kahuku was a delight light-house keeper, and he has held ful one, and the stops made for slight this position for the last 30 years. He repairs, were not of a nautre to mar says: "I was for a number of years, the enjoyment. Three autos were used one of that numerous army of people and among the party were: Mr. and who suffer with their backs. Mine Mrs. t'arl Widemann. Miss Minnie ached and pained me to no small ex Ahrtns, Miss Berger. j. O. Carter Jr., tent, so that I was glad when I heard Geo. Richardson of Hilo, and Geo. and Qf a remedy for it, Doan's Backache Master Francis Brown. Kidneys Pills. I obtained some of these Mr. J. P. Cooke is one of the new- at tne Hollister Drug Co.'s store, and est recruits to the ranks of automobil- too them. They gave me great re ists. He handles his own car, which llef and j make this short narration of is a White. my experience for the benfit of others Mr. J. P. Dole of Wahiawa bought who perhaps do not know that nearly an auto-run-about during the w$ek aU baokache arises from the kidneys, which he has taken back with him to and the best medicine for It is Doan's the colony. Backache Kidneys Pills." A san 1-ranrisoan in a neo car, re - oently made the trip from ios iiotos to Santa Cruz over the mountains, in one hour and a half, or three minutes faster than train time. ( apt. and Mrs.. Humphreys, I. S. A. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Church, made the trip to Haleiwa during the wck. They returned by train as their ma chine needed repairing. Miss Alice Roosevelt has been in vited to make use of an automobile during the afternoon of the day she will spend here. The Hawaii Promotion Committee has received letters from prospective travellers inouiring as to the qualitv of the roads in the islands, and wheth er it would be advisable to bring their machines. The entertainment of Commissioner- General of Tmmirration Sargent has included a number of automobile trips, j no return of the disease." Herman He wis recentlv the pr.t of Mr. Geo. J Stein; 212 X. Union Ave., Pueblo, Colo ib.h who took n re" over the Pali to j rado, U. S. A. For sale by Benson, Kahuku. the rrn lnn md in the Pmith & Co.. agents for Hawaii. early morning. Mr. Rolph returned, leaving Mr. Sargent as the guest of Manager Adams. The next day he called for him and they continued their trip home by way of Waialua. Swimming. i ' l i. ! i: . nig na iiuuu u mini . while in San Francisco tried to Ret a t ) ' n v iuu Humeri , , i j , . i ' i - , ciaj ' rv.- urds for short distances. Eeary fought shy, but promised to meet him on Re near's return from the East. Polo Club .Meeting. A meeting of the Oahu Polo Club and all those interested in polo, will , e helJ Jlt officfi Qf Atkinson Mbtt- 01 gejPtemper ill 11 ID Many a Resident of Honolulu Will Tell You We are living in a very rapid age. Few of us bother our heads about small things, and so many persons look upon a pain, ache or lameness in the I back a slnall thing. They wait for it to pass off, giving no thought to the . Doan.g BaCkache Kidneys Pills are 50 cents per box, for sale by all drug gists; sent by mail on receipt of price by the Hollister Drug Co.. Honolulu, wholesale agents for the Hawaiian Is lands. CONTRACTED CHRONIC DIAR RHOEA WHILE IN THE PHILIP PINES. "While with the U. S. Army In the Philippines. I contracted chronic diar rhoea, I suffered severely from this terrible disease for over three years ana inea tne rres'-niiii"iis u numerous hysicians. but round noining mat aia jne any good until I tried Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, two small bottles of which entirely cured me and I have since had M. TDIISTPfl LIMITED. Fort Street, Honolulu. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. Wm. G Irwin.. President and Manager John D. Spreckels. .First Vice-President W. M. Giffard.. Second Vice-President H. M. Whitney Treasurer Richard I vers Secretary A. C. Lovekin Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. AGENTS FOR Oceanic Steamship Co., San Fran cis,,,, Cal. Western Sugar Refining Co., Sam Francisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila delphia, Pa. Newall Universal Mill Co., Manu facturers of National Cane Shredder, New York, N. Y. Pacific Oil Transportation Co., Saa Francisco, Cal. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. AGENTS FOR THE Royal Insurance Co. of Liverpool, England. Alliance Assurance Co. of London, England. Scottish Union & National Insuranoa Co. of Edinburgh, Scotland. Fire Association of Philadelphia. Alliance Insurance Corporation Ltd. Wilhelma of Magdeburg General In surance Co. Fire Insurance. THE B. F. DILLINGHAM CO., LIMITED. General Agents for Hawaii. Atlas Assurance Company of London. Phoenix Assurance Co:npany of Lon don. New York Underwriters' Agency. Providence Washington InsuranceCom pany. Fourth Floor, Stangenwald Building. HAWAII SHINPO SHA. THE PIONEER JAP A.NESE PRINT ing office. The publisher of Hawaii Shinpo, the only daily Japanese paper published In the Territory of Hawaii. C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Editorial and Printing Office 10M Smith St., above King. Phone Main 45. C. BREWER & CO., LTD. Sugar Factors and Commission Merchants. LIST OF OFFICER" C. M. Cooke, President; George M. Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Secretary; F. W. Mac farlane, Auditor; P. C. Jones, C. M. Cooke, J. R. Gait, Directors. THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND MATURITY CO., Limited. Real Estate, Mortgage, Loana anS Investment Securities. Homes built on the installment plan. Home Office: Mclntyre Bldg., Hono lulu, T. H. L. K. KENTWELL, General Manager. II MM, LIMITED. Commission and Machinery Merchants P. O. Box 111 TeL Main S7C The Alexander Toung Buildlnc NOTICE. ANY WOMAN OR GIRL NEEDING help or advice, is invited to communi cate, either In person or by letter, with Ensign L. Anderson, matron of tha Salvation Army Woman's Industrial Home. No. 1680 King street. Oihu Ice & Electric Co lea delivered to any part of the city, aland orders promptly filled. Tel. Blna nil. P. O. Box - Office: Kwlo. XX AT) THE ADVERTISER WORLD'S NEWS DAILY.