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1J 1 e: C c c HI F I G Calif 1 1H 1 V I 1 . : buy TE EIjE i SEJi and WO ST The is car iftn! brated Lc uuanu ; EX i OAS, EA .l Foi "JbgW Je EAGL VOT i m i Fort Sty? Arltnj OPEN I ! L EJ ij Text iUJ ; CENER m 'GUNS I rie:- J(im 20 RIENTi H3 RAIERtUL MEETINGS The POLYNESIA ENCAMPMENT, NO. i, I. O. O. F. Meets every first and third FRIDAY f the month at 7:30 p. m., in Odd 'ellows' Hall. Fort street. Visiting rothers cordially invited to attend. PACL SMITH, C. P- L. L. LA FlKKKt., s'.TiuT. Arrivin :ai;fomiXCELSIOR LODGE NO. i, eluding: I. O. O. F. l(nr.t. nt'sp.. T KS Ml eVeilillK - CELERY r v La .y w ,:S0, in Odd Fellows' Hall, fort street. PAT'R AfJ GO Tril8ltl?B brothers cordially invited to ttend. B. l-Jfc... - - HUBDAF T. L r.A PIERRE, Secretary. Lt ACIFIC REBEKAH LODGE, NO. i, I. O. O. F. FROZEN rru-VTA Meets every second and fourth Thursday, at 7:30 anll. Fort street. P. m.. Odd Fellows Visiting Rebekahs ir, tinJ-e cordially invited to attend. " " . FLORENCE LEE, X. G. JENNY JACOBSON, .secy. LIVE BRANCH REBEKAH LODGE NO. 2, I. O. O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs- I S 1 3 T1,.Umi'o' qv at T-At r m.. ill uu i'tTJiwo lall. Fort street. Visiting Rebekahs j-e cordially invited to attend. AGNES DUNN, X. G. THORA OSS, Secretary. Ore UVUA J . J: OCEANIC LODGE NO. 371, F.etail, M F. & A. M ' Meets on the last Monday of each uonth. at Masonic Temple. Visiting brethren and members or Hawaiian and Pacific are cordially in cited to attend. C. G. BOCKUS, W-M. 5 LEAH I CHAPTER NO. 2, Phone o. E. S. ? Meets everv third Monday at t :30 P i tnnr -n. in the Masonic Temple, croner of i II IM 1 lakea and Hotel streets. isitin : Tl ;4sters and brethren are cordially in- i mat Jrited to attend. I tIes,fEW AJSMMA LONG STREET RICH CRABBY i ' ; t i P. W. M Secretary. I Ref MARY E. BROWN, j jn8ISOLINB Worthy Matron. L i LEI ALOHA CHAPTER, 9 imu. 3, u. r.. a. i Meets at the Masonic Temple every econd Saturday of each month, at tuv GOI 'clock p. m. Visiting sisters and mthori are cordiallv Invited to at tend. MARGARET HOWARD, W. M. I MARGARET LISHMAN, Sec'y. Y, LADIES' AUXILIARY, A. O. H., DIVISION NO. 1. Meets every first and third Tues. Jay. at 8 p. m., in C. B. U. Hall, Fort rtreet. Visiting sisters are cordially invited to attend. M. ALICE DOHERTY, Pres. : MARGARET K. TIMMONS, Sec'y. HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. i, I. O. R.M. King -ir nnA tmvtYk TTT? f- 1 j CTIJ5 CVCI.V auu m. 1 DAY of each month, in I. O. O. F. Hall. -Wt ittB 3 Bfls 1 tin g brothers cordially Invited to xi-Jtttend. W. C. McCOY, Sachem. A. E. MURPHY, C. of R- WILLIAM McKINLEY LODGE, NO. 8, K. of P. i and eras Meets every SATURDAY evening at i The WO:3o o'clock, in Harmony Hall, King mm 13 unrivstreet. Visiting brothers cordially in- Ience. rited to attend. HAWA MERLE M. JOHNSON, C. C. YOUN E. A. JACOBSON, K. of R. & S. Ill HONOLULU TEMPLE NO. i, J?Ur( RATHBONE 'SISTERS. 1 jm Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday, at fojifl nights of Pythias' Hall, King street. JtltH -All visitors cordially invited to attend. IWALANI K. DAYTON, M.E.C., GRACE O'BRIEN, M. of R.&C. HONOLULU LODGE 616, B. P. O. E. Honolulu Lodsre No. 616. B. P. O. E., will meet in their hall, on Miller and Beretania streets, every Friday even ing. By order of the h,. li. MaCVfC HARRY H. SIMPSON, Secy. GEO. H. ANGUS, E.R. OAUyOhQURT CAMOES, NO. 8no, A. O. F. Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p. m.. in San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. Visit ing brothers cordially invit ed to attend. A. K. VIERRA. C.R., JOHN P. DIAS, F.S. .HONOLULU HARBOR NO. u. Q quajJ A. A. OF M. & P. Meets on first and third Sunday even- OPE ;ings of each month, at 7 o'clock, at ;K. of P. Hall. All sojourning brethren ' G(re cordially invited to attend. s tsy order worthy Captain F. MOSHER. FRANK POOR. C.C. HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. O. E. lj an4 XJ. MeetS n 2nd and ? R MafSS? 4tn Wednesday even- ' mM"" ings of each month at HaWl7;2o o'clock in K. of P. Hall. King Yoistreet. Visiting Eagles are invited to attend. SAM'L McKEAGUE. W.P. H. T. MOORE, Secty. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Camp No. 1, U. S. W. V. Department Hawaii. Meets every 1st and 3rd "Wednesday. Suites 15 and 16 Progress Block. Fort and Beretania streets, at 7:S0 p. m. Visiting com rades cordially invited to attend. H. T. MOORE. Comdr. R. H. LONG. Adjutant. j WOULD 'SINEWS DAILY I! MIPS Death Delivers Accused Murderer-Unjust Guardian. It looks like a meeting of the geo graphical section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Judge De Bolt's courtroom. There are maps spread upon an easel, maps lying upon tables and! settees, and when a witness takes the stand a map is thrust into his grasp. The trial of C. A. Brown's suit against J D. Spreckels and others, for the re covery of some Hilo waterfront land, was on its second day yesterday, not counting a day lost in trying to get a jury. Changes made by the sea in land boundaries are among the ele ments making this a rather compli cated case. Magoon & Lightfoot an3 Holmes & Stanley are conducting the plaintiff's case, and Kinney, MeClana han & Cooper that of the defendants. For seven years the controversy has been bandied about in the courts of three judicial circuits, two or three changes of venues having taken place, with the appellate court having to de cide various side issues along the way. THE DEAD MURDERER. Suggesting the death of defendant, Deputy Attorney General Fleming moved that a nolle prosequi be entered in the case of Territory vs. Iladio Gonsales, murder in the first degree. Judge Lindsay granted the motion. Though having previously made a confession and promised to plead guilty of murder in the second de gree, which if accepted would have saved him from the gallows at any rate, when Gonsalves was arraigned he repudiated the confession by plead ing not guilty. Then, within a lew weeks, he died in prison. THE REVENUE GAIXS. An objection by W. C. Achi to an unstamped deed offered in evidence led a government realization of $12 in Judge Lindsay's court yesterday. It was in the jury waived case of Lum Kin vs. Emma Keakahiwa, a claim of damages for the detention of twelve water buffaloes. J. Mott-Smith ap peared for plaintiff, and Achi for de fendant. On the making of the objec tion mentioned, the plaintiff's attorney- tendered $12 in court to cover stamps and penalty. The tender was accept ed and Clerk Sims took care of the money. As the judge was absent in the afternoon, the trial was continued till this morning. THIS IS DIFFERENT. W. R. Sims has completed his report as master on the accounts of Kalama. uardian of M. K. Walaaulani, a minor, referred to him by Judge Lind say. Whereas the guardian represent ed the ward's estate as owine- him $304. the master finds that he owes the estate $718.70. T. F. Lansing is the uaiuian s surety on a bond in smrt). Particulars of the guardian's manipu lation of credits and debits, as strong ly commented on by Judge Lindsav, were published by the Advertiser after he recent hearing. It was suggested by the court that a case of perjury existed which the Attorney GeneraF should take up. The master's report will be heard tomorrow. COURT NOTES. Xot waiving objections in her over ruled demurrer, but insisting thereon, defendant in the suit of Julia Kupau vs. Pokii Davis makes a general de nial to the complaint. C. W. Ashford is her attorney. Demurrers to the beef trust com plaint were filed in the Federal Court yesterday by A. M. Brown, American Sugar Co., D. P. R. Isenberg, J. F, Brown, A. W. Carter. R. Hind. Mc- Bryde Sugar Co. and .E. E. Conant. ueputy Sheriff Kalakiela executed a writ of possession in the suit of Antone D. Costa and Joe De Costa vs. John Vierra by removing defendant from the premises at Kamanaiki, Kalihi, and putting Joe De Costa in full pos session thereof. Martha. E. Holloway has petitioned for a registered title to land at Wa- hiawa containing an area of ISO.OOO teet. it is bounded by California ave nue. Mango street, Kilani avenue and a certain town lot. A. G. M. Robertson yesterday after noon filed his motion for a new trial of E. V. Richardson, convicted of em bezzlement of public money and sen tenced to one year's imprisonment at hard labor. Judge Lindsay's jurors are called for tomorrow morning at 10 o'c'ock for the trial of misdemeanor cases. KING MARKET CO. FILES ITS CHARTER The King Market Co., Ltd., is the name of a new corporation which has just filed its papers in the Treasurer'3 office. Its capital is $3000, divided into $25 shares, with the privilege of in crease to ?10C,(K'0, and its purposes are as follows: "To acquire and hold real estate, in fee or under lease, and to improve same: and to let, sublet, lease, sub lease or sell, convey and transfer same or any part of same as the business f the corjKiration may require. "To conduct a fish market, vegetable market, meat market, fruit market and general market, and for this purpose to erect buildings, stalls, booths, ta bles, compartments and appurtenances, md to let and lease or sell and trans fer the same to others for the sale of fish, vegetables, meats, fruits, wares and merchandise. "To buy, sell and deal in goods, Mi EXHIBITED; i wares, merchandise, and conduct and operate a genera! mercantile business, doing and performing: such things and acts as may be necessary thereto." Pan? Chong is president, Pans Nfc secretary truA Yee Yap treasurer of the (iniaiiv. The shares are sub soribf.i as lars being i.'nan Tan:-' follows, one thousand doi- Ij.iid into the treasury: Yee Lurrs Yee Yap. Kwai. 16: Pang ("hong. 4: Wong In, 94; Pang Ng. 2; total, 200 shares. CATCH PHRASE. "If Hunsrv trv a Sandwich Isiand with some Hawaiian chutney.- REALTY TBANSACrfOHS Entered for Record February 14, From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 1906 A Hauwahine Kealoha to Pau Kui Mrs Rebecca Taylor by atty to Umeda -. L P K Halemanu to Ah Ko D Joaquin Dutro to Manuel Dutro.... D Ahuna Waikoloa and wf to Bank f Hawaii Ltd M Manuel de Medeiros and wf to Mrs Edith Boyd D J W Young and wf to Bank of Ha waii Ltd M Keliaa Kahue (w) to Esther Ikeole et al D W M Templeton to W L Hopper. ..PA Wm L Peterson to William Wil liamson tr M Eric A Knudsen to Louise Malani and hsb . . R S I Shaw tr to Frank C Betters. ..AM F C Betters to Wm L Peterson.. .A M Annie S Knudsen to Augustus F Knudsen et al A Augustus F Knudsen et al to An nie S Knudsen : SL Recorded February 5, 1906. Tong Hing Kun So Socy by trs to Ket On Fui Kon Socy, D; R Ps 3574 and 4455, Kamakela. Honolulu. Oahu. $1. B 278, p 149. Dated Sept 3, 1901. Wing Chong Co to Kun Yit Co, B S; int in leasehold, mdse, fixtures and tools, Manana, Ewa, Oahu. $1202.98. B 274. p 469. Dated Sept 5, 1905. G K Kahelekukona to Ambrose K Hutchison tr. Tr D; R Ps 3090 and 3091, Honouliuli. Ewa, Oahu. $1. B 278, p 150. Dated Jan 4, 1906. Bishop of Zeugma to D McCorriston et al. Rel: pc land, Fort St, Honolulu, Oahu. $4000. B 220, p 489. Dated Feb 3, 1906. R M Overend to Sophie Overend, P A; general powers. B 274, p 471. Dated Jan 25. 1906. W m Rowell to J M Monsarrat. Par Rel; leasehold, Kuliouou, Honolulu, Oahu. $152.40. B 276, p 312. Dated Jan 18, 1906. Gustave Riedel and wf to M G K Hopkins, D; lot 17, Gulick tract, Hono lulu, Oahu. $1. B 278, p 152. Dated Jan 24, 1906.. M G K Hopkins to Mary Riedel, D; lot 17, Gulick tract. Honolulu, Oahu. $1. B 278, p 153. Dated Jan 25, 1906. Mary Riedel and hsb (G) to M G K Hopkins. D; lot 35, Gulick tract, Ho- nolulu, Oahu. $1. B 278, p 154. Dated Jan 24, 1906. M G K Hopkins to Gustave Riedel, D; lot 3o, Gulick tract, Honolulu, Oa hu. $1. B 278, p 155. Dated Jan 25, 1906. Ida B Castle to Lin Sing Wai Co, L: ap 1 R P 2909 kul 4055, Kaluanui. 1 jvooiauioa. uanu. 10 yrs at $80 per annum. B 273, p 474. Dated June 1, 1905. Est of Bernice P Bishop by trs to C W Booth tr, D; int in 2 pes land, i.anm, nonoiuiu, uanu. $1. B 278, p I06. Dated Feb 3. 1906. merman Savings & Loan Socy to Bank of Hawaii Ltd, A M; mtg R W Anderson and wf on por R P 4547 kul 820. Alakea St, Honolulu, Oahu. $7000. B 276, D 313. Dated Jan 26. 1906. Henry K Cooper to Bank of Hawaii Ltd, A M; mtg R A Woodward on lots 9 and 10, blk 43, Pearl City, Ewa, Oahu. $2o00. B 276, p 314. Dated Feb 3, 1906. , Andrew Chalmers and wf to Mrs Mary Moragne. D: lot 5, Kahuku Homestead lots. N Hilo, Hawaii. $1000. B 28. p 147. Dated Mar 21, 1904. Kahooilihala and wf to Onomea Su gar Co, M; 1-4 int in gr 2149, Aleamai, Hilo, Hawaii. $100. B 276, p 315. Dated Feb 1. 1906. u K Kahelekukona to Ambrose K Hutchison tr, Tr D; R Ps 2670, 304S. 2U8S and 1920, Waieli, etc, Hana, Maui, etc. $1. B 278, p 150. Dated Jan 4 1906. James MeClel'an to J K Kapuniai and wf. Rel; por ap 2 R P 8070, Wai mea, Kauai. $1100. B 260, p 167. Dat ed Jan 29. 1906. I K Kapuniai and wf to James Mc ienan et ai, U; por ap '2 R P 8070, waimea. Kauai. $1000. B 277, r 405. Dated Jan 29, 1906. 'I had a very severe lung trouble anrl was so weak that I could scarcely walk about or talk. Ail my fr leads believed I could never get well. I then began to take Ayer's Che" Pectoral and immediately felt an ire' proveraent. It took only two bottles to work a complete cure. It certainly caved my life." This is oue of thousands of testi monials to the wonderful value of Xzherrq Sectoral la cases of colds, coughs, and lung and th.-oat troubles of all kinds. A standard and uarivalyd remedy for sixty years, la large and small bottles. of imitation so-called "Gciiui-ie Cherry Pectoral." Besure to get "AYEIi'S Cuerry Pectoral.,, Prepared by Or. J.C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Mis- ti. S. 4. SOLLISTER DRUG CO.. AGENTS. aw. Slil Some Honolulu Citizens Grow En thusiastic on the subject. The praise of the publ:c Is merit's just reward. Nothing in modern times Has received the pra;se accord e? "The Little Cun iuerer" of kid Try i.le. Of some kinds of prai.-e we a: e s!?ep tie;..!. We doubt the praise ' f-trangeta. The hi-hest praise tor Honolulu p b'ic Is hearty expression ir-.-tn Hno'iU.u people. Dean's Backache Kidney P.ils are in iorsed l;i Honolulu. No better proof of merit can be hr.d. Here's a case of it. We have plenty more Jike it. II. S. Swinton of this city says: "I was a long sufferer from bachache. having been afllicted with it for twelve years. Taking this as a symptom of kidney trouble, and seeing Doan's Backache Kidney Pills advertised as bt-ing good for complaint- such as mine, 1 procured some of them at the Ho!li?ter Drug Co.'s store. I found up on taking them that they were doing me good, and wss thereby encouraged to keep on until now I am cured of the backache. The merits of Doan's Back ache Kidney Pills have been strikingly shown in my case, and I recommend them to other sufferers." Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are sold by all chemi3ts and storeke?pers at CO cents per box, six boxes S2.50. or wi 1 be mai'ed on receipt of price bv th Holllster Drug Co., Honolulu, whole sale agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. ALWAYS ROOM AT THE YOUNG Manager Gray of the Alexander Young Hotel says that the Young is never full; that there is always room for more. "If necessary we can use a lot of the office rooms on the second floor, and we could convert them into bed rooms in five minutes time," said Mr. Gray yesterday. , Mr. J. P. Moore of Los Angeles. wtt-- now makes yearly visits to Honolulu and always goes to the Young Hotel, sent a letter to Assistant Manager Wills of the St. Francis Hotel, before leaving on the Mongolia for the Ori ent, and gave Mr. Y'oung permission to have it made public if he wished. The letter is as follows: Honolulu.-T. H., Feb. 12, 1906. My Dear Mr. Wills, St. Francis Ho tel, San Francisco: The results of our kind letter of introduction to Mr. Alex. Young, owner of this hotel, have been such as to bring -my party so many comforts and pleasures during our stay of over five weeks here, that it is only due that I should thank you in this note for your kindness in granting said letter. Everything has been done oy Mr. Gray, the manager, to make our stay comfortable and de lightful. The table i3 fine, the rooms are large, airy, and most comfortable, and the hotel filled with every modern convenience, and is certainly run up-to-date I did not expect such a fine hotel in Honolulu. The Moana at the beach is also fine 2-nd up-to-date. You can safely recommend both to any of your patrons coming this way. I have given my card to a Mr. and Mrs. Spencer stopping here addressed to you, and have urged them to try the St. Francis. They will soon be in San Francisco, and I am sure they will stop with you. Any favors shown them I will appreciate, .and so wil: they. We sail today on the Mongolia for the Orient and will be back and tarry with you a while, about May 131 on the Manchuria. Thanking you again for your letter, and also for your many courtesies while 'at the St. Francis, I am very truV yours (Signed) J. P. MOORE. HILO WILL SOON HAVE HIGH SCHOOL Within a few days. Superintendent Babbitt of the Department of Educa- l tion announced yesterday, tenders would be called for erection of the Hilo High school. There is an appropria tion of $23,000 for the purpose. Negotiations are progressing to ob tain a site for a $2o00 schoolhouse in Pauoa valley. Two rooms are to be added to the Makapala schoolhouse in Kohala. be sides repairs made to the old building, si that practically a new four-room structure will replace the present one. John Kanikoa. a native from Hawaii, has been engaged as teacher for Wai manalo school on this island, which has been closed for some time owing to the lack of a teacher. KAUAI LITERARY. The Mokihana Club had its regular monthly meeting last Wednesday and a very interesting one it proved to be. The program opened with a descrip- tion of a trip down the Volga read by ruu"c auction iana at Kalualoa, Kapa- Miss Elsie V.'ilcox. This whs followed I 'by a very entertaining paper on Si beria by Miss Batchelor. Mrs. Hogg's paper r. Maxim Gorky and his writ ings showed an unusual amount of study of the literary currents in that far off country, while Mrs. Carter's recitation of "The Soldier's Death" gave the ladies a fine sample of the poetry in vnien tne language is so rich. The closing number of the aft- ernoon's program was the rendering of the Russian National Anthem by Mes- W. H. Rice, Jr., Carter. Hills, Alexander and Miss Batchelor, accom panied by. Miss Mabel Wilcox. Mes dames XV. H. Rice. Jr., and A. H. Rice were the entertainer of the aft ernoon. The Garden Island. xjjr Auction Sale Friday, Feb. 16, 1906, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. At my salesroom, 847 Kaahumanu street, I will sell Elegant Mahogany and Oak Music Stools, Piano, Sewing Machine Chairs, Trunks, Crockery, Dinner Set Remington Typewriter, Bedroom Sets, Iron Beds, Large Center Rug, Tailor Goods, Clocks, Washstands, Cs. Johannas Water, Large Counter. 1 Large Music Box, 1 Victor Phonograph, 1 Bath Cabinet, new; ALSO AT AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. Ladies' Driving Mare, Buggy and Harness SURREYS, SINGLE BUGGY. PHAETON. SETS HARNESS. , JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale Friday, Feb 16, 1906, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., REGULAR FRIDAY SALE. Trio of Plymouth Roots, Buggies, Surreys, ETC.. ETC. SEE LIST LATER ! JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. MORTGAGE SALES. Mortgage made by H. A. Vavricka to Portuguese Beneficent Society of Ha waii, recorded in Liber 244, pages 277-78, conveying land at Kalihi, will ue soia at Aiorgan s auction rooms Feb. 16, 12 m. .Mortgage made by John Paioa to W. rt. Castle, trustee, recorded in Liber 207, pages 55. covering land in Hamakua. will be sold at public auc tion at Morgan's auction rooms Feb. 17, 12 m. Mortgage made by Chas. H. Ramsey and Chas. Ludwigsen, recorded in Li ber 256, pages 415-18. covering land at Kapahulu, Waikiki, will be sold at pub lic auction at Morgan's auction rooms Feb. 17. 12m. Mortgage made by Kalani. Niolopua and Kane Pahaa to W. R. Castle, re-1 corded in Liber 207, page 120, covering land at Makawao. Maui, will be soldi at public auction at Morgan's auction rooms March 3, 12m. HIGH SHERIFF'S SALE. At Capitol building. Feb. 17, 12 m., interest of Geo. F. McLeod in land at Kalia, Waikiki will be sold at public auction for judgment for S&SG.63 in-! terest and costs. COMMISSIONERS' SALE. At judiciary Building, Feb. 17, 12 m.. Commissioner W. R. Sims will sell at ama, .Honolulu. At Judiciary Building. Feb. 17, 12 m.. Commissioner V,. R. sim will sell at public auction lands in Manoa Valley. My aim in Foreclosure sale is to pro- fi tect the mnrtMo-oo V.,- v..-i., i -. ! -m c-- naiug uuna iiue ; outside buyers at a price in excess of mortgage prior to the sale. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER SAL1 Castle & Cooke, Ltd HONOLULU. COMMISSION MERCHANT SUGAR FACTORS. AGENTS FOR The Ewa Plantation Co. The Waialua Agricultural C ttft. The Kohala Sugar Co. The Waimea Sugar Mill Co The Fulton Iron Works. St.' Loia. The Scandard Oil Co. The George F. Blake Steam Pua Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life Immr. ance Co., of Boston. The Aetna Insurance Co.. of Hert ford. Conn. ntru The Alliance Assurance Co., of Lorn don. "HOW SAVINGS GROW." Our little booklet with the abort title free for the asking. FIEST AMERICAN SAVING AND TfiUST CO. OF HA WAD", LTD. ALL KINDS OF RUBBER GOODS Goodyear Rubber Go. R. H. PEASE, President. San Francisco, Cal., U. S. A. Established 1858. BISHOP & CO., BANKERS. Cor. Merchant & Kaahiimanu Sta. HORSE SHOEING! CT.W. Wright Co., Ltd. have opened a horse-shoeing' depart ment In connection with their carrlaf shop, etc. Having secured the servles of a first-class shoer. they are prepare to do all work intrusted to them in a first-class manner. Choose M Artistic MANY NEW DESIGNS IN Monuments Can be seen at 1048-50 Alakea Street. J.C. AX TELL & CO. Phone Blue 1801. P. O. Box 842. Smoke- H. J. N. PANETELAS CIOAES BEAVER LUNCH BOOMS H. J. XOLTE. HONOLULU IRON WORKS COMPANY. Machinery, Black Pine, nmr.ntn Pipe. Boiler Tubes, Iron and SteeL Ba ffin eers' Supplies, Office Nuuanu street. Works Kakaako. JAPANESE AND AMERICA Dry and Fancy Goodo Manufacturers of Straw Hats. IWAKAMI 3. OO HOTEL. STREET. TRY OUR DELICIOUS "Peacn Mellow" and "Has port AT Ml MM MM PHONE MAIN 7. NOTICE. At a meeting or tne Board of Control of the Harrison Mutual Association held in the Townsend TTnHon autn Parlors, November 17, 1905, Assessment No. 3 was called, payable December 1 and delinquent December 31, 1905. J. H. TOWNSEND, Secretary. JNO. CASSIDY, El ectrical W orker. 159 KING ST. TEL. MATJC 153. F. D. WICKE, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Store Fittings a Specialty, rtepairlngr. Cabinet Work and Polishing;. lusz Alakea St., rear of Y. M. C. A. Phone M, 447. residence Phone W. 11L B. !RV(7Tinlria fe fffl. " IMPORTERS AND DEALERS BUILDING MATERIALS: DOORS, SASH, SHINGLES. Builders Hardware at lowest rat Alakea c-eet. mauka Sailors' Horn. O20 NU1