Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU JULY 25, 1906. 10 cf MLl d cn Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Line Steamers running in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. all at Honolulu on or about the following dates: FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. JULY 28 AUG. 25 .SEPT. 14 AORANGI MAHEXO MIOWERA Through tickets Issued to all points in Canada, United States and Europe ; THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD. GENERAL. AGENTS. Pacific Mail S. S. Co , Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co., and Toyo Risen Kaisha. Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leav this yort on or about the dates below men ticned: fBOM SAN FRANCISCO TO THE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ORIENT. MAWHURIA JULY 27 JULY 23 CHINA MONGOLIA ..... NIPPON MARU. JULY 27 .-. ....AUG. 4 DORIC AUli. 11 l or runner iniormauon a-vviy i H. HACKFELD & CO.. LTD.. Agents. 4 pQyui 31:oarnship o The fine passenger steamers of this ereunder: ttt ca-m TTWANCISCO. A" AkWU. .J--. 'ALAMEDA Jul7 27 SONOMA AUG. 8 ALAMEDA AUG. 17 VENTURA AUG. 29 In connection with the sailing of MM. tn. i.eno tn imnrHntr nassene-ers. toad, from San Francisco to all points Tork by any steamship line to all For further particulars apply to . American-Hawaiian VROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU. S. S. Oregonian Aug. 15 S. S. American....... . Sept. 5 Freight received at all times at the Company's wharf, 31st street. South Brooklyn. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HONO LULU. S. S. Nebraskan.... ... S. S. Nevadan........!.'...... t ..Aue. 3 .Aug. ?4 And each month thereafter. Freight received at Company's wharf, Breenwich street. ', H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.,. Agents. C P. MORSE, General Freight A gent. WILL CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE. , We pack, haul and ship your goods and save you money. Dealers in stove wood, coil and kindlings. Storage in Brick Warehouse, 126 King Street. 'Phone Main 58. Onion Express Go. 6 Oueen i Having baegage contracts with the following steamship lines: ' Oceania StLnx&to Ot. Iciflc Mail StsaanMP Co. Occidental Oriental Bteaabtp Co. Toys Kai Steamship Co. We check your baggage at your homes, saving you the trouble Sf checking on the wharf. Piano and Furniture Moving TaIaIIi Aft A fll'lifl Q a Specialty. J. F. Morgan, President; C. J. Campbell, Vice-President; J. L. Mc ' Lean, Secretary; A. F. Clark, Treasurer; N. E. Gedge, Auditor; Frank Hustace, Manager." laz-uLStace-ocis: Cp Ltd.. 2 DRAYMEN, 63 Queen Street. A DEALERS IN FIREWOOD, STOVE AND STEAM COAL. Q Also White and Black Sand. THE PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser Bntered at the Post Office at Honolulu, T. H., as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $12.00 aix Months ... 6.00 Advertising rates on application. Published every morning except Sunday -, '!by. the ; HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD., Xon Holt Bloclc, No. 65 South King St. C. S. CRANE ------- MANAGER Local ofitice or the united STATES WEATHER BUREAU. 'Alexander Young Building, Honolulu. Tuesday, July 24, 1906. 3 ? THERMO. 52 WIND 5 ? f I gS -.3 as : J : 5 1 5 . s. a s - S.I : - o v i. : - E. : I : 1900 '2H-96 Stt 76 81 .00 2 2 SE, ... 1901 29 95 80 69 74 -C5 T7 8 N 1902j29 9j83 69 77 .00 70 4 K .. 1903 130 06 81 72 78 .tl 72 4 KK 1B04 83 75 7 .01 60 S SE .. 1905 !s0.02: n 73 78 .00 4 2 nk 5 1906 'so-ooj 8i 73 79 .00 70 2 nk 7 Tge 29-9H -3 ! 72 ! 78 I .04 63 I 4 H WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. PANAMA OR STRAW CLEANED AND BLOCKED We guarantee. Globe Clothing Co HOTEL STREET. FOR VANCOUVER. MAHEXO JULY 25 MIOWERA AUG. 22 AORANGI..... SEPT. 19 ' HONGKONG MARU. .AUG. KOREA AMERICA MARU. ..AUG 14 . AUG. 2 line will arrive and leave this port as FOR SAN FRANCISCO. . . ALAMEDA ALU VENTURA Aug. ALAMEDA AUG. 2 CTTT'TT A .AUG. 23 the above steamers, the agents are pre CouDon Through Tickets by any rail- In the United States, and from New European ports. W. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. Steamship Company FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN CISCO. S. s. s. s. Nevadan ..Aug. Vehraskan ......Aug. 26 FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO HONOLULU. S. S. Nevadan .. July 25 S. S. Nebraskan Aug. 10 Branch of- Hustace, Peck Co., Ltd. Street. i 0 t 0 Telephone, Main 295. METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. Issued Every Sunday Morning by the Local Office, TJ. S. Weather Bureau. THBBM. If BAH 9 m Is a o SB 0m o ID 5" o S 15 80-00 84 74! t(75 4 NB 9 M 16 30- 00 74 00 70 5 E 10 T 17 29.93 62 71 C2i t4 2 'E 9 W 18 29-58 84 75 T j tt e 10 T 19 '3i 04 84. 76 T ! 8 3 NE 10 F ;20 30.07 64 77 00 62 5 nk 11 S 21 64 75 .OCj 65 5 Njs- S Note: Barometer readings are cor rected for temperature, Instrumental errors, and local gravity, and reduced to sea level. Average cloudiness stated In scale from 0 to' 10. Direction of wind ts prevailing direction during 24 hours ending at 8 p. m. Velocity of wind Is average velocity In miles per hour. WM. B. STOCKMAN. Section Director TIDES, BUN AND MOON. o i ! 2 .'I H jtr. : H - o i"5 sis p m. j rt a m 1 ;a 11 1 Sets M T W T P .6 s aas i.e 4 52 10 R 5 30 6 43 8 38 I . t ; n. 1 1 i 24; o.5i 1.9 5 40, 0 13 11 02 5 30 6 42 til III 2 6.33 1.6 6 ZZ. 0 4911 55 5 SO 6 4210-C4 I I. I I :p.m. I 1 26, 7-21; 1 3 7 36, 1 28, 1 05 5 31 6 4i 10 46 2.j 8.11 l.l' 8-40 2 06 2.31,5 31 6 41 11.28 a m I p.m. I I 1 28 ?,58, 1-3, 9 10 2.52j 4.18,5 32 6 41' 29 11 15 1 5 10 25 3 43''s 3! 6 40' 0 11 First quarter of the moon July 28. The times of these tides are not given in the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tables. The tides at Kahulul and HIIo occur about one hour -arlier than at Hono lulu. Hawaiian staiward time Is 19 hours 0 minutes elcwer than Greenwich fame, being that of the meridian of 157 degrees thirtv mmutes. The time whit tle blows at 1:S0 p. rn- which Is the came as Greenwicb, 0 hours 0 minute. Sun and toon are for local tin for 'he whota ffftmp. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. Tuesday, July 24. C.-A. S. S. Maheno, Gibb, from the Colonies, 6 p. m. .Sir. Mauna Loa, Simerson, from Kona and Kau pons. Str. J. A. Cununinj, Searle. tiom Ktolau ports, :3u p. in. DEPARTED. S. S. Argyll, Dickson, for Port Har ford, 11 a. m.. with barkentine Fuller ton in tow. Am. bktn. Fullerton, McKechnie. for Port Harford, 11 a. m., in tow of St. Str. Kinau, .Clarke, for Hilo and way.Young Street 30.OO ports, u noon. - Str. .W. G. Hall. S. Thompson, for ' Kauai ports, 5 p. m. Str. Likelike,. Naopala, for Molokai and Maui ports, 5 p. m. PASSENGERS. Arrived. Per S. S. Maheno. July 24, from the Colonies Octavius Steele, Mrs. Caro line Eastmuir, Mrs. Eleid Wunderberg, Miss Helene Wunderberg, Norman Kay, Mrs. Louise Morris, Mrs. Alice Heapy. Per stmr. Mauna Loa, July 24, from Kau Miss A." Graves. F. E. Thompson, carles Meinecke; from Mahukona, Miss Freda Gay, H. P. Wood and wife, L. Malterre; from Kona ports, D. Lloyd Conkling, Miss A. Beard, Miss R. L. Burpee, E. J. Hardee, Miss K. Kealoha, u. Kauhipo, E. Henriques, Rev. U. Iwamura. J. D. Paris, R. A. McWayne, J. Yates; from Maui ports, Pia Cockett, Rev. D. Scudder, Rev. R. R. Dodge, H. I. Shoemaker, E. H. Paris, D. T. Carey, G." G. Kussell, T. Kobayashi, Mrs. M Silva, R. L. Bonine. K. Mitani. and wife, K. Kealoha and 40 deck. Departed. Per stmr. Kinau2 July 24, for Hilo and way ports Miss E. M. Robinson, Mrs. Grider, Mr. Grider, L. Barkhau sen, Watson Ballentyne, A. I. Silva, E. C. Brown, J. A. Perreida, Miss Harne, Miss M. Ashford, S. P. Woods, P. P. Woods. C. W. Ashford, "W. C. Took and wife, H. B. Pehhallow, Alexander Garvie, Miss Amy Ching Mrs. F. Hutchins, L. Schmidt, H. Silbermaghe, L. L. Ross and wife. Miss Ruth Kau- hini, Miss Ivy Kekuku. D. K. Dayton, M. S. Prosser, W. F. Dillingham, J. A. Bownicker, E. E. Somermeier, Miss Henning, Mrs. Henning, H. C. Davis and wife, K. F. Tan Bow. Mrs. S. C. Fong, G. D. Russell. Per stmr. Likelike, July 24, for Maui and Molokai ports Joe Goldstein, C. A. Hartwell, F. F. Hedemann, Mrs. Reidford, Master Kenneth Reidford, Mrs. P. Higgins and daughter, A. C. Dowsett. Miss w S. A. Smith, J. F. Brown, E. K. Duvauchelle. Per stmr. W. G. Hall, July 24, for Ka uai-ports C. R. Dement, C. M. Lov- sted, Mrs. Creig. Mrs. Bettis, R. S. hosmer, C- S. Judd, Mrs. A. H. B. Judd, Miss Daisy Neal. L. J. Mundon, A. s. Wilcox. Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs.' Mary A. Silva and infant, J. Silva, J. F. Col- burn. Ben F. Vickers. Booked. Per S. S. Maheno, today, for Vic toria and Vancouver" Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Whitney, Mrs. H. W. Mist, -Miss Mist, R. E. Mist. Dr. and Mrs. Mays Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ferguson, H. Shoe maker, Mrs. Stodart, Miss Hisscox Mrs. T. A. Way, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Way, Mrs..C. W. Lyke, Mrs. J. Payne and 3 children, Mrs Worth, Mrs. F, Harland. Miss B. Young, Mr. and Mrs C. J. Cooper, Miss C. Saxton', H. E Gares, J. M. Wilson, R. H. Long, Mr Swadling, G. Payne, R. Jones, D. Ca rey, A. D. Colburn, A. McGee, ,L Woodruff. VESSELS IN POET. ARMY AND NAVY. '. S. R. C. Manning, Roberts, Kalau- papa, July 10. (Merchant Vessels.) ' Alice Cooke, Am. scr., Penhallow, Port Gamble, July 13. Andre Theodore, Fr. sp., Louvet, Car din. July 13. Atlas, Am. sp., Amberman, Yokohama, July 15. Chas. Levi Woodbury, Am. scr.. Har ris, from Hilo, July 23. Coronado, Am. bktn., Potter, San Francisco, July 20. Dauntless, Am. tug, Shay, Monterey, July 2L Hilonian. Am. s.s.. Johnson. Portland. July 20. Klikitat. Am. bktn., Cutler, Port Gam- Die, July 10. Mary E. Foster, Am. scr., Johnson, Port Gamble. July 14. Mohican, Am. bk., Hersey, San Fran Cisco, Juna 27. ' Monterey, Am. barge, Berg, Monterey, July 21. Morning Star, Am. s.s.. Garland. Gil bert Is., July 13. 1905. (Laid up.) Restorer, Br. cable stmr., Combe, San Francisco, Feb. 9. TilHe E. Ptarbuck, Am. sp., Winn, New castle, June 29. Wilbert L. Smith, Am. scr.. Smith, Newcastle. July 12. TRANSPORT SERVICE, Thomas, sails from Manila for Hono lulu, today (may be delayed). 1 Logan, sailed for San Francisco, July 20. Sherman, sails from San Francisco for Honolulu, July 25. Sheridan sailed for Guam and Manila, July 13. Lawton sailed for Guam and Manila, July 17. THE MAILS. Malls are due from the following points as follows: San Francisco Per Mongolia. July 25. Orient Per Manchuria, July 27. Victoria Per Aorangi, July 28. Colonies Per Ventura, Aug. 7. Mails will depart for the following points as follows: San Francisco Per Manchuria, July 2". Orient Per Mongolia, July 25. Colonies Per Aorangi, July 2S. Victoria Per Maheno, today. . w BORN. WEST At Maternity Home, July 20, . to Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie West, a daughter. . LYNCH In' this city, July 23, at Ka piolani Maternity Home, to the wife of F. W. Lynch, a son. DIED. ROBINSON In Honolulu. J.i!v 20, John Robinson, aged 2 years. "TSbyfS -JTaSSgET COMPANY. T iin'W'Tr- " For Rent McCully Street 25.00 Lunalilo Street 50.00 uanaaii Jane . zj.uu - KaDiolani Street 26.2'; fkiiiou tiucci ............ iu.-ij College Hills 35oo Beretania Street 35-o Emma Street 30.00 Kinau Street 20.00 Matlock Avenue Beretania Street 50.00 TTTnTTCiTii7rk. r uiiiMioncLf ; rnmnlAtplTr furnlcViP, lir bedroom house, College Hills, for rent for three months from Aug .., c -r: o usi J., lyuu. irutc, ju.uu. For Sale Lots'in Manoa valley: 19,000 sq. ft . . $ IC50.00 20,000 sq. ft 1100.00 18,000 sq. ft 1000.00 HENRY WATERHOUSE TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED. Cor. Fort and Mercha-t Sts., Honolulu, as 3 Si v Another Bargain: A de sirable home in splendid loca tion. We also have several furnished houses, Makiki dis trict, and other sections of city. TO LET. NuuaAu St., 4 B. R $50.00 Nuuanu Valley, 2 B. R.. 17.00 Nonpariel Ave., 2 B. R... 17.00 Thurston Ave., 2 B. R.. 30.00 Thurston Ave., 3 B. R... 40.00 Spencer St., 3 B. R. 25.00 Waikiki Rd., 5 B. R 25.00 Victoria St., 5 B. R 35.00 JPensacola St., 2 B. R 30.00 Gulick Ave., 2 B. R 15.00 King St., 2 B. R 25.C0 Nuuanu St., 4 B. R "0.00 3 1- 3 FURNISHED Pacific Heights ... 3 .00 jRENT and COMPANY 938 FORT STREET.. Telephone Main 407. P. O. Box 795.1 ALBERT F. AFONG . 920 Fort Street. . STOCK AND BOND BROKER MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK AND I BOND EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 building lots in Manoa Valley, 1-2 acre each, $1000 a lot. " Beautiful site, bracing air, magnifi cent view. . Absolutely fire-proof, flnt cui sine, elegantly furnished and the best of service. JNOAH W. GRAY, Manager, HONOLULU, T. H. FOR RENT. Cottage, King St.. Vida Villa Cottage. Kalihi, on King St.. . .$22.50 . 20.00 Real'estate for sale in all parts of the city. . .- Money to loan on good security. W. W. CHAMBERLAIN, i Room 206. Judd Bid. FOR RENT. Cottage on Artesian street; No. 1216. $12.50. Dwelling-house, Chaplain lane. $20. 2 Cottages,' Young street. $15 and $17.50. 2 Stores, Fort street. $30 per month. BISHOP TRUST CO.. LTD. POULTRY EXPERT COMING HERE A chicken fancier of mainland repute is at present on his way here, in the person Of B. M. Stone of Fresno, Cal. Mr. Stone is expected to arrive by the S. S. Alameda on Friday and dur ing his- stay in Honolulu will be the guest of A. W, Seabury. the local poultry authority. His specialties are Barred Plymouth Rocks and Buff Or pingtons, of both of which he is an extensive breeder, his stock having won numerous prizes at Oalifornian shows. It is likely that Mr. Stone will de-' liver a lecture before the Hawaiian j Poultry Association while in Honolulu, m which he will give his views on. and ; experiences with, his two favorite ' breeds. On his arrival a special meet-j ing of the association will be called to consider the matter. ' n HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Honolulu, Tuesday, July 24, 1906. NAME OF STOCK, iPaid Cp j Val,!Bid. ;Ask. Bkkwkk 4k Co.... Bl'UlB (1 000.000 1100 ;65 f-wa ... Haw. Aeriouitural. 5,000,000 25 I 2"S K?4 l.w ',um , iuu no j HiW-Coiu isugar Coi 2.312,155. 100 i '5 Hwaiiau bugur Co.. H juomu .onoKaa dalku Sahuku- 750.000 100 140 2,000.000 0 1 13 600,000 100 I 600,0ii0 20 ! tO 185 8" 30 ,50 !C1 alhei lan. Co. Ltd.. ?,O0,000 5li 7i 160,000; 100 500 OOO; 100 8.5O,000 20 8.600,100 100 1,000,0 0! 20 1 6 98 31 5' VA 60 18 1 unumea oiaVsuiaVcoLid"" 500,000 20 I 5.000,000 150.000' 20 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 Olowalu Paauhau SugPla&Co. Pacific Paia Pepeekeo Pioneer.. n Waialua Agrl. Co Wailuku Wailuku Sugar Co. Scrip wain, naU 5,000 000 500,000 150.000i 750,000 200 liX) 63 .750,000 4,500,000 132 v; 62-i 275 tl50 105,0001 100 130 252,000, 100 ;l--5 135.000 100 55 27.50I naimea Sugar Mi'lill I illSOELLANBODS iDcer-i8iand s s. Uo 1.500,000 100 ! 1 25 I Haw. Electric Co 500,000, 100 ,120 . I a. k. t. r. via 1.150,000 150.000 inn L! 'J. L Co.. 58 8' 10 j uiioR. rHV"' 4,CC0,0O0i l'C i.coo,ooo; n - Honolulu hi win? 4 1 iui)i!Lc.i(!a 400.00J 20 Bo Amt.Out daw.Ter.,! ..(Fire standing! viaima ala.OdOi ftOo.OOo! 1.000,000! l.OOO.OOOl 209.0001 Haw. Ter. 4 p. c (Re- muuine two) Haw ler.4!4p.c Haw Tr. iU n. o Cal"Beet4 Haw. Gov't., 5 p. c.... ai. eeiifc sug. M Co 6. n. c! 300.000. ... 1,677,000;..... 500,000 .... 1,000,0001 .... !C2V mm 75 107K Haiku 6. d. o... iiom ctaw. torn. & ugar Loo" o. a o. o Baw. Sugar 6 p. c... Hilo R. R. Co.. 6 p. c. Hon. R T. k L. Co.. 6 D. C 70',000 200,000 .... 2,000,000 ..... 750,000 1.250,000 .... 450,000 ... 1,250.00 ... 1000.000 1C 163" Kafiukn 6 p. o 0. K. A L Co. 6 o. c. liatr00- uaww-'usyMa wav U raiao d.c 10114 Pioneer Mill C0.6 o. c. l-3 ?m waiaiuaAg tJo. op.o. 98 98 McBryde Sugar Co. I 2,(M).000r. .. 23.1275 paid. 165 per cent. SESSION SALES. (Morning Session.) 23 Oahu Sugar Co., 100; 15 WaialuaJ 62.75. - SALES BETWEEN BOARDS. 100 Ookala, 5.50; " 10 Waialua, 62.50: 46 Oahu Sugar Co., 100; 125 Pioneer, I 135; 25 Hon. B. & M. Co 25.25; 35 Haw. & S. Co., So. THIELEN & WILLIAMSON DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? WE HAVE FOR SALE A large lot, corner Makiki and Hast ings streets. . A large lot at Waikiki, next to Judge Dole's. . 5 lots at Kaalawai. 4 lots at corner King and Punahou streets. 4 lots at corner King and McCully streets. WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE A " HOME NOW READY? WE HAVE THREE BARGAINS A nice cottage at College Hills. 1 A nice house on Young street, nearJo Thomas Square. " ! A fine house on Anapuni street. . Summer Homes: There is nothing better than one wel can offer you at Kaalawai. If you prefer the mountains, we have two homes on Tantalus. Classified Advertisements. FOR SAiVE. COMPLETE eet bounu volumes Plant ers' Monthly. 22 vols., 1882 to 1904. Uniform binding: full sheep. Price $175.00 Address P. M., care Hawaiian Gazette Co. FOR RENT. COTTAGES on Vineyard St., 3 bed rooms, mosquito-proof. Rent $27.50 $30. Apply S.'S. Peck, 297 Vineyard. 175 FURNISHED or unfurnished house of eicht rooms, 1087 Beckley St. Apply Honolulu Planing Mill. 7418 DR. MURRAY'S rooms on Alakea St. Apply at office of Royal Hawaiian Hotel. 7470 OFFICES FOR RENT. "THE STANGENWALD," only fire-! proof office building in city. ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING. Honolulu s only up-to-date fire-proof building; rent includes electric light, . hot and cold water and janitor ser vice. Apply the Von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd. 7276 ROOM AND BOARD. ROOM and board in private family. Gentlemen or couple. High eleva - tion. Address "D.", this office. 7471 SPECIAL NOTICE. ORDERS for typewriting left with Ga zette Co. done on shortest notice. 7470 Professional Girds ARCHITECTS. W. MATLOCK CAMPBELL. PhOB White 95L DENTISTS. A. B. CLARK. D. D. S., room 311 Boa ton Building. Tel. Main 303. FOR SALE ! A lew innre Ints vr rm, - F w- . V" .1AA..Jf I","-".-.' I cuuicoi. jjiace near me ciiy. I Some choice Kaimuki lots, near the J car line, with fine view, at prices and terms you can not duplicate. Several cheap and pretty homes in Nuuanu Valley, Kalihi, and other parts of the city. Lots of all sizes, at lowest prices and on . best of terms, both In and out of town. Also for rent, several neat, up-to-date cottages. . J. H. SCHNACK. Halstead&Co.,Lt(l. STOCK AND BOND LOANS NEGOTIATED. Members Honolulu Stock Exchange. and Bone PINEAPPLE LAND AT WA- I . HIAWA. Eefore making a trip to the Colony, call for information. I can offer a tract on easy terms. W. L. HOWARD. Financial Agent. 5 Mclntyre Bldg. Z COMPANIES Z t The American Insurance Co. of HewarK, Mercantile F. & M. Insnr ancs Go. of Boston. Both the above companies are paying San Francisco claims in full or dollar for dollar. Almost two-thirds of the Insurance Compa nies are refusing- to do this. Notwith standing; 1 the confusion and delay 1 in adjusting and paying J San Francisco losses that A Insurance Companies are O having, the Honolulu busi- ness will be as promptly attended to as before. The Mercantile F. &. M. Ins. Co. 1 0 4 I A Paid a Loss caused by a fire that oc curred since the earth quake without any delay as the following letter shows: Honolulu. T. H., June 26th, 1906. The Waterhouse Co., Agent for Mercantile Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Boston, City. ' Dear Sirs: We beg to acknowl edge having received from you the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1000), being the to tal amount of Insurance covered by policy No. 812,921 in the Mer cantile Fire & Marine Insurance Co., covering property destroyed by fire last month. We wish to thank you for the prompt payment of this loss, 1 6 J A S V which has been paid In full. Very truly yours, E. KUNST. JOHN EMMELUTH, Trustee. For Sale A desirable home in an aprfl nf TTnnc V . - ........ 1V UOVj nearly new. Will sell for less than what the house alone cost. I Real Estate Agents. Judd Building. P.' O. Box 365. Telephone 168. R. C. A. Peterson GENERAL COMMISSION BROKER, REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS, Fire and Life Insurance, Mortgage . Loans and Titles. HONOLULU, H. I. I 12. .XPERT APPRAISALS AND IN- FORMATION ON ALL CLASS SE- CURITIES AND INVESTMENTS STEIN WAY AND OTHER PIANOS. THAYER PIANO CO. 1B AND 158 HOTEL STREET, Opposite Young Hotel. "fcFttH tr&5? tTS'B! fa 5 illifi Cn UP in UMIi ' X ,1 m V if mgm: