Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL; ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 25, 1906. 'J f l i r f-- J 1 OfS i s Electric Cares Me a Here is the way to get back your rigor, to cure the "come and go" pains and aches in your back and shoulders, to m9 yourself strong and active, full of bf and conraje. Sr. MeLangluin, Electric Belt cure while yon sleep. Yob feel the glowing current carrying -rigor into every organ. It baa a core in every town. It saves doctor bills and makes a ma feel like a man ought to. ilsil this ad. to me . and I will send yen full particulars and hundreds of testimonials of people vrhom I have cured. Write today. dr. m. g. Mclaughlin, 906 MA2KET ST, SAN TSANCISCO, CAi. 75,000 TOURISTS COMING The Promotion Committee ex pects this large number of tour ists to arrive and suggests that the citizens of Honolulu beautify their grounds, and particular! y, to paint their residences. This large number of travelers mas cot arrive in one year, but some of this number will undoubtedly be here this season. A little paint applied by Stanley Stephenson, the painter, not only preserves your property, but will impress the visitors with the neatness and good taste of our citizens. Will Wear ! We have just received a fine new stock of Chinese and Japanese mat ting, also Chinese matting rugs. All ardisplayed. southat you-can , easily select the pattern that pleases you most. These goods, as the saying is. will wear for ever. We invite your inspection Ibis 8 fift. II 171 S. KING STREET. Catton, Noil! & Co., Ltd EN'GI2TEEHS and MACHINISTS ST7EEN AND EJCHART3 STREKTB. Boilers re-tubed with charcoal-iron r steel tubes; general ship -work. CO Some beautiful soft Loulu Mats, just the size for punees or polished floor. Tapas. Brasses Potterv. Bamboo. lulu anOj; Lauhala Hats. HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS CXHRIO CO., Young Bunding. PLACE AND SvORE CADS- We are carrying a swell line . of novelties in Place and Score Cares, which is worth your at tention. llAWAlIAX EWS CO Alexander Young Bidg. KIND3 OK BtTTIJDING AND REPAIR WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE Wm. T. Patv. 164S AT.ATTTEA STREET. T OSHIK A W A EEANCH STOKE PANAMA HATS AND CLOTHES CLEANED AND DYED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. King near River. Armstrong Block- Standard Books EOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS AT WS. C LYOH CO , LTD. Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.; TJpstAlrfc For sale, rare Calledhims. AT For Ever Mrs. E.M. Taylor -OCXO BUTLDI3- M In : ?pite of a twelve-hour deiav at Suva and a side trip to th Fann!;.g Island?, the C-A. S. S. Maher.o ar rived at Honolula yesterday evening M 6 o'clock, withir a few hours or her schedule. Without the delays the tur biner would have reached here on Hon fiay morning. The Maheno brought seven jassen gers for Honolulu and has a large through list, eighty saloon passengers and 147 second and third class. She brought a small amount of freight for this port. Leaving Sydney July she ai rived at Suva on the 16th and at Fannin? Islands on the 20th. where she landed stores and mails. Throughout the trip fair weather has been encountered and no unusual incidertts are reported. At Suva a delay occurred in making corrections with the S. S. Taviuni, with mail and passengers from New Zealand. In view of the reports that the Ma hno has had trouble with her tur bines, it is interesting to know that so far the company has had to spend nothing for repairs and that only once has the cover of one of them been re moved. This was to allow the inspect or at Vancouver to inspect the new machinery. The Honolulu passengers on board were Octavius Steele. Mrs. Caroline Eastmuir. Mrs. E. Wunderberg. M!ss Helene Wunderberg. Norman Hay, Mrs. Louise Morris and Mrs. Alice Heapy. The Maheno sails today for Van couver at 1 p. m. MONTARA WITHOUT FLAG. SEATTLE (Wash.). J Lily 13. Until a new register is secured 'for the steamer Montara the vessel now load ed with freight and ready to set sail for San Francisco will be classed as denaturalized by the United States Government, and a fine of about S1600 is hanging over the ship. It came about as a result of the -aomara putting into port irom japan without flag or register, and is the i outcome of the seizure of the vessel by a Japanese war vessel during the recent trouble with Russia. Loaded with a contraband cargo, the iicr.tara was overhauled by one of the Mikado's cruisers August 16, 1905. The ves-sel was stripped of all movable equipment and placed out of commis sion. During the month of April, Rob ert Dollar, acting as agent for the Pa cifie- -Coast -Siajassnip Company, put chased the Montara from the Japa nese Government. The officials de clined to give up the vessel's register for some unknown reason with the sale of the ship. MONGOLIA AT THE DOCK. The big steamer Mongolia, after having been furnished with new pro pellers, is to leave Hunter's Point dry- deck and go to the inside slip at the old Mail dock this morning, where a . cargo is to be taken aboard for Japan arrf China. As usual, the Mongolia wfH earrv an immense amount freight, both local and Eastern, and her list of passengers wiil be large. G. C. Johnson has been transferred from the China to the Mongolia as rreignt cat-ra., - w-oe. - freight clerk of the China. Dr. C. E.1 iewis nas ueeii aj-pui-j'-e ;ui6wu v- the China, ce Dr. L. H. Meadows. Call. GOOD WHALING CATCH. F'rst of the whaling barks to be heard from tnis season is me e Alice Knowles, Captain Montgomery, which there are here, the stor?s and build has reported at Hakodate, Japan, with ir,gs. These will be for lantern slides, a catch cf 1200 pounds of bone, 100 bar- Then I will have some moving pic rels of oil and 500 barrels of sperm oiL The news comes by way of New Bedford, Mass.. her home port. As the Kr-owles is still to cruise in the Okhotsk for rigr.t whales, it is likely that Fbe will return with the best catch she has made in- years.--July 13. MARINE NOTES. The bark Mohican sails tomorrow for IIi!o. where she .will complete her carso for Pan Francisco. The barkentine S. G. Wilder, which ajVed at San Francisco from Hone- mla on Sm.d t v li st, was put into uia.."..v. .... The S. S. Argyll, from Kana.ui. ar" rived off port yeeruaj v . . i T-ir te barkentine Fuller-s il uviU'i ir-- ..u.- - ton. After remaining a "" a snort time, the steamship tooi tne t uaerton n yhe e?Eect: of tfce5e pictures taken from tow and departed for Port Harford. the ront of a moving train when The S. S. Mongolia, from the Coast. thrown on the screen is that of view r.nd the S. S. Manchuria, from the!-m ln country from a swiftly-mov-Orier.t. are due- here tomorrow. The. automobile. The street scenes of former will dock at the Naval wharf j Honolulu are to be taken off a street No. 3 and the latter at mcce.u s i -wharf. Both are due in tie morning. falr-ized crowd of - passengers raraln vesterday morning from Maui fend Hawaii c-n the steamer Mama Loa. The in;, v.-as a rough one g"ing --r,n v nolulu. but the retum was made in -fair weather Loa brought the usual The Mauna ssortment of e'and fre-ght. A cablegram received ftt the Nav land 25 Cents REAL BARGAIN'S Peepissloiposierer 5 i ticn yesterday announced tht all tie fe stores taken to Midway on ; Trnm.ois had had to "pej overboard. The tiMe "did ot it . !-:ir whether the sacriS-cmg :h- f..rfi was due to rough weath er to something g''ing wror.g wit-. s:..:v-s themselves, but the former the ac-c-fc i one. . jr W. r-ray 5 hole stcve in her l"Tt h'jw en repaired. When the yacht ed up it was found that the only thin which prevented her f -.tun-ring her recent experience ie floor in her bottom hau swollen and become watertight, so ilvj'jh so th3t holes had to be bored ir it to allow the water to run out of her hull. The hole in her bow was a in i"ri one., ihrouah which a man s Tiie Inter-Island steamer W. G. Hall is to b laid up f r repairs and will be out of commission for some weeks, her run to be taken by the Maul. New boilers for the W. G. Hall, which have b-et-n ordered at the Coast, are to be put in while the vessel is laid up. and other repairs are to be made. Before going on the run the Maui is to be put on the marine railway and the repairs on the railway are being rushed to Jiow of this. It is possible that the Maui can be taken on on Friday, al though the repairs to the railway will not be wholly completed for a couple cf "fteeks. . LUCAS NOT CANDIDATE (Continued from page 1.) there will be a ouic-k readjustment of lines. Among the names most prominently and most favorably mentioned fo Suirvisor in the place cf Lucas is that of TValttr Dillingham. He i' a man o the best tvtc. and it is thought- could be persuaded to see that it was hi eiric dutv to accept a nomination. If he did, Le w.nld be elected and would te a most valuable man in the Board Then, the Lane Sunday School Class wants to put Nigaran Fer nandez in the Board, and there is al ways Brother Jim Quinn to be reck oned with. Brother. Jim has not been friendly to tbe Lucas-Johnson combinr ikn, and so cannot expect to inherit airv of the Lucas strength but stilL but .f-till, polities sometimes makes strange men to lie down together. All told, tnis is the most momentous piece of eo;ciy noiitical news thai ha bern told vet. It means so much. It is J likely to be productive, of such far reaching consequences, It breaks up . t-o raanf combinations, ana rnsKes so n-any new ones 'possible. It swee from the Brown men. at one stroke, all the good that they have reaped from their reeent alliance with Sam Johnson and Supervisor Lucas. It is likely to throw the whole 'force of the Eoad De partment into some other camp, alto gether. The Road Department, so much cf it' as was opposed to Brown, saved Crabbe about all that he did save in the Kepublican Precinct Club elections. SCENES OF HAWAII (Continued from Pae 1.) in whale boats. Then I have surf sctnes, sampan and canoe races, Japa nese wrestling, poi pounding and two fine panoramic views of the crater at Kaleakala. Tn Unnnni'n T 0 ti 0"rTT!( 1. O ; ser:es or views ana moving pictures to show the people on the mainland that this city is up-to-date. You know that there is a very hazy idei among the American people as to The Hjtwaiian islands. Any time tin e Wustrate Haw the pa- waiian news they dig out a picture of a grass hut. or a cocoanut tree, or a i.-'cture c-f the Kamehameha statue. And the people think that that is about all ihere is here. i "Xow. I am coins- to take a lot of x,jctv,rei, Df tve beautiful homes that rictures of tures ot street scenes, tne nsn marsec and the landing of some of the big xean liners. These will be a help in showing the people what you have here. "There is nothing that educates like a picture, and the--? films will be set : all ove- the United States. All over! the world, for that matter, for you would be surprised at the number of j ti:ms we are sending au the t:me to . . Europe. The pictures tell their story ? In every languaze and tne moving: P - 'cture is poruiar everywhere. j liiu' , x e.t. -...-..t fi- ti rade is to oe arrance3 ind I Jill also catch the surf bathing at i .he railway company I Vv'aikiki. Theu is soir.g to run a car for me to Pearl; tt., . . . :,, t v ixy aiitl Oli It' and WL.1 take three or four pictures en route. car, probably on Tharsday." In the course of his Edison company. Mr. . work for the Bonme nas traveled through mose of the pictur-; 1 esaue parts of the earth. With his camera he has passed up the wondrous valley of the Rhine, through thej scenic sections of Southern France and Switzerland, in the wonderlands of the Yellowstone National Park, through s the White Horse Pass and into the gold gulches of the Klondike, along the Great Lakes and through the Orient. Thu he will know what is worthy of beins taken and the fact that he has spert some weeks here in transferring so many Hawaiian scenes to his films is proof, should we need it. of the charm this land has for the visitor. , In answer to cabled instructions. Mr. Eonine leaves f 3r the Coast on Au-1 gust 14. UGAR -" -C - -.' -i -2 -i. The Week. Raw?: Advanced .14 c. Evf.ued: Advanced ,lCc Net cash quo tations tins Gate are: Molasses. 3. n mnsi'ftvadO. 2-21c r-ers t rif rr-) 1 . granulated. 4 3c. Receipts. 46.435 tons, nulling. 4.v") tons. Total stock, in four ports. S42.62 tons, against 3&.167 t.ns last week, and 2ST 231 tons last year. Beet sugar quotations, f.o.b. Hamburg, is. 4d. per cwt. for SS deg. analysis. without bounty, e'jual to 3.74::. for S"J test centrifugals at New York. First marks German granulated f.o.b. Hamburg lirs. 6"4d.. without bounty, equal to 4.37c. New York, duty paid. Estimated af.oats . to the I"nite-3 States from Cuba and West Indies. 40.- 000 tons: Hawaii. 55.000 tons; Peru. etc.. 'J.'w. tons. Total, llo.OOO tons, against 135 000 tons last year. Net Cash Prices Refined. It is gen- erally understood that the lowest price named for refined here is basis of granulated, in barrels and bags, 4.55c. net cash, by all refiners. Statistics by Special Cables. Cuba. The six principal ports: Receipts, 1000 tons: exports. 13.S0O tons; stock, 230.000 tons, against 322 000 tons last year. 6 centrals grinding against 5 last year. This week's summary of the stitis- in Javas, which are now offered at 9s. tical position shows stocks in the 7 l-2d. c. and f. for July-August ship ed States and Cuba together of 572,602 ment, equal to 3.S3c landed basis tons, against 5S5.167 tons last week and deg. test. 559.231 tons last year. Increase of. 13,- It is rumored that some 25.000 tons 371 tons from last year. European beet sugars have been sold to Europe. Stock in Europe, 2.44?. 000 American refiners, within a week, for tons, against 1.642.000 tons last year. shipment to New Orleans, and to New Hamburg reports shipments of 3000 York, at equal to 3.72c. for centrifugals tons refined sugar to the United States or, say, Ss, S l-4d. c. and f. or Ss. 2 l-4d. this week. f. o. b. Hamburg. Beet is offered to- Visible Supply. Total stock of Eu- day at Ss. 10 l-2d. c. and f., equal to rope and America, 3,013.602 tons, 3.77c. landed for centrifugals. against 2 201.231 tons last year atlthe Europe and Java will be in corape- same uneven dates. The increase of stock is 814.371 tons, against an in- crease of S3404S tons last week. Total stocks and afioats together, show a visible supply of 3.140.602 tons, against 2.331.131 tons lastyear. or anincrease of 73.371 tons. Raws. As anticipated. Cuba has this week recovered by its advanced prices the full parity of the beet sugar values. This shows that ix has been possible for Cuba to have maintained prices throughout the entire campaign at the level of the European markets provided facilities had been given her for storing and carrying the crop and selling it to i.xie t. uh,; jum . i.l as wanxea. ine estaonsnment or a new Dank m business is now oeing aone uy an re Havana under the auspices of large finers. American financiers may contribute to this end for next crop. At one time iuiiiig mis L-rui' me uliiu iJttriij ic-il i'j j-i-. Ler treiov r.urupe. It would have made a vast difference to the Cuban sugar interests if the crop naa Deen sold at the European At the close there is a strong unaer parity as was contemplated by our tone, it being noted that the margin Government when giving Cuba the ad- between raws and refined is now only vantage of 20 per cent reduction of SOc. indicating a further improvement duties. " .in prices. Now that Cuban and European par-' uy are equal we must expect ship ments from Europe -or Java to com-; mence again in the near future. Stocks in the U." S. and Cuba together are only 13 371. tons in excess of last year, the decrease in excess being rapid, say 10.000 tons for the week. From this it apieara certain that as much sugar supplies from now to end of the year will be required to be obtained from countries outside of Cuba, plus some ten per cent increase which will be needed to meet the larger consumption going on in the U. S. Java may not be in position to give us all we require. but. according to the European statis tical figures is a large amount of sugar in the word that can't be ac- counted for at the moment, but which will no doubt be forthcoming when it is wanted. For the present, therefore, Europe resumes the position of making quotations and deciding what the U. S. i must pay for its sugar. I The situation in Europe is peculiar, j With large statistical supplies, the market continues to improve within reasonable limits. However, as supply and demand Mavilen's JEagle Mr ami (DoiuIeMtsetl Wilh i 8.- r .-r YOU CAN'T IMPROVE ON BORDEN'S. Tfieo. H. Davies & Co. Ltd., DISTRIBUTORS FOR HAWAII. IN FOREIGN LANDS or in vour native land when yon are away from home, th SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE will be found a most welcome visitor; giving as it does a condensed summary of all the local news of the Islands and Honolulu. Subscribe before you start on your travels and you won't need to "wonder, what is happening at hone" while you art away. Price 50 cents per month or $00 per year postpaid to any part of the United Statet. Foreign postage extra. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD. PUBLISHERS. 65 South Kinf St. Honolulu, HawalL Phon tt. By . . WILLETT & GRAY. e,ventuaily control r.j iimit to w hat r.i;.y gard i. j further rise . icvs. there is a expected in re 't pr:ces and w-e mc-iine to bv smn lewhat conservative in' tn:s respeci. While the U. S. was g-t-tmg its supplies mainly from Cuba. it was patent that prices must ri.-e. but ' the point having been reached where supplies of the world are available, it' "is a different matter to forecast a rise! of tne whole sugar world. The general situation must be considered healthy and permanent on the present baN at! least. Further oil conditions and sentiments out.-ide of Cuba and the U. S. which require constant watchfulness to anticipaTe. The advance of the week has been -06c per lb. to .14c. ner lb., dutv ri.l making the entire advance for deg. te?t centrifugals from the extreme low Point of 3.42c to 3.75c, the present spot value. The parity of beet sugar is now 3.74c. per lb. Last sales of Cubas was at 2 S-16c, c. and f.. basis &5-deg. test, equal to 3.70c. landed tor 96-deg. test. Holders are now asking 2 3-Sc. c. and f. for 94-deg. test, equal to 3 SOc. landed" for 96-deg! test, with buyers at equal to 3.74c. for July. August and September shipment, No recent business has been reported tition to supply the demand from America for some time to come, Refined. The market opened for the week with an active business on the basis of 10 points below list prices, but soon thereafter the concession was , withdrawn and all refiners held their product firm at full list basis of 4.60c. less 1 per cent, cash for granulated, List quotations for the American and Howell soft grades are now 10 points above the Arbuckle prices for such grades. Toward the close the Federal ad- vanced their list to basis of 4.70c. less 1 per cent, for cash, but continue to j iet:eyt uiufis ett ai iiii.n a. gwu i The movement of sugars withdrawn against old contracts continues to be a ueavi uiic. re;-uii.wig i.i man.- ill reunersi ii,iniirriii.s miu suui:is very gratifying increase in the actual j consumption. j MONGOLIA'S NEW PROPELLERS. The big steamer Mongolia is in the drydock. at Hunter's point, wnere two new propellers are temg placed in po sition. They are slightly larger than the old cnes,.and are expected to prove more economical as well as faster. The liner will return to the n?w Mail dock on Saturd'ay, and begin to load a cargo inr t'.-e Client, tabling on Friday, July 2 Call. BATTLESHIP TEXAS OUT OF SER VICE. WASHINGTON, July 7. Ey becom ing the station ship at the new navy vsrd at Charleston. S. C. the United States battleship Texas passes f orevt r frcm the active list of the navy. Her six-inch guns have been removed. rrrr - ' " " REMOVAL NOTICE, Dr. J. Uchida has removed his ofhee to 1263 Nuuanu street, between Kukui and Beretania. in front of residence. 7471 The Original and Leading- Brand Since 1S57. f Best for Infants :Eest for Household. TO IHYESTORS and SPECU LATORS i HTl . . . . -'mowing UnJs are hert-hv offer- - ' -""' u ursuersijrnea: 1. 14 acres of land fronting on the extension of Fort street and Pauoa road. 2. Land on Kukui lane and Nuuanu street. 3. Lands in Waiilua under lease to the Waialua Agricultural Co, Ltd. 4. Land and brick building?, north east corner of King and Kekao like streets. .". Land and buildings on Kir.g street, formerly Love homestead. u- J-aiiu w Itn COItaSTeS thfronn on Beretania strer 7. Beach lot at Kaalawai. beyonl Diamond Head. S. Four (it beach lots at Waikiki. 9. Land and buildings fronting on South street and Kawalahao lane. 1ft. Land and buildings, northeast cor ner of Emma and Vineyard streets. 1L Rice lands at Waikiki. 12. Five (3) building lots on Keeaa- moku street. Makikl. 13. Lands in Ma noa Valley. 14. Lands In Pauoa. Valley. 13. Lands on South street near Hono lulu Iron Works. 16. Land and buildings, comer Klna and Punchbowl streets. 17. Building lots at Kewalo. 15. Two (2) acres of land at Kukula- aeo. near, Ala Moana road. Also several pieces in the business center of the city. JOHN F. COLBURN. No. 89. TERRITORY OF HAWAIL COURT OF LAND REGISTRATION. TERRITORY OF HAWAII TO THE TRUSTEES OF OAHL COLLEGE by P. C. JONES, Treasurer; FLO RENCE HARLAN; JOHN KID WELL; TERRITORY OF HAWAII by E. C. PETERS, as Attorney General; COUNTY OF OAHL. by G. W. SMITH, as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors; and to all - whom it may concern: Whereas, a petition has been present ed to said Court by WILLIAM ANSEL KINNEY, to register and confirm his title in the following-described land: Beginning at the easterly corner of Kaala Avenue and Vancouver High way, (said corner being connected to Rocky Hill Triangulation Station by tn followinsr traverse: Resrinnfrnr t the Rocky Hill Tris Station and run ning by true azimuth: 277" 10' 15". 1730.5 feet ta a buried monument at the intersection of the center lines of Oahu and Kamehameha Avenue ma " V fi"i G feet fi.lrni the center line of Oahu Avenue, to the ri0rth-eater!v SSS2 21' 413 5 line of Kaala Avenue; o teet tne nortn- easterly line of Kaala Avenue to said corner 1. and running bytrue azimuths: (1) 2t9 21. 4S feet, along Kaala Avenue and Kaala Avenue Ex tension to an iron pin: 209 21', 630 feet, along land of John Kidwell to iron pin; 11S 21'. 229 feet, along same ti Hills Tract; 42s 51'. 32 feet, along said wall along lot belonging to The stonewall bounding College Trustees of Oahu College; 503 40', 33 feet, along same; (2) (3) (4) (') z , 41 teet, along wan aion lot belonging to Florence Har lan; 23 45', 33 feet, along same; 113" 21'. 123 feet, along lot of Flor 7) ence Harlan to the south-easterly side of Vancouver High way; (g) 29 21'. 430 feet, along Vancouver Highway to the initial point; containing an area of 5.224 Acres, more or less; Being portions of L. C. A 819 to G. Beckley, and R. P. Grant 173 to The Trustees of the Punahou School; in College Hills Tract and Wailele, Ho nolulu, County of Oahu.- You are hereby cited to appear at the Court of Land Registration, to be held at Honolulu, Island of Oahu. on the 1st day of August, A. D. 190. at one o'clock and thirty minutes in the after noon, to show cause, if any you have, hy the prayer of aid petition should not be granted. And unless you appear at said Court at the time and place aforesaid j'our default will be recorded, and the said petition will be taken ae confessed, and you will be forever bar red from contesting said petition or anv decree entered thereon. TVitness, PHILIP L. WEAVER, En quire. Judge of said Court, this lrtt day of July, in the year nineteen hun dred ar.d six. Attest with Seal of EaSd Court. . (Seal) W. L. HOWARD. ' Registrar. 7464 July 11, IS, 23, 31 QUARTERLY MEETING. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., LTD. The regular quarterly meeting of the Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.. will be held at the office of the corporation. Hono lulu, T. H. on Monday, July 30. at nine o'clock a. m. JAS. GORDON SPENCER, Secretary. Honolulu. July 21, 196. 7t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING E. O. HALL & SON. There will be a peci,il meetlr g of th stockholders of E. O. Hall & Son. hel l at the or I the corporation. Fort and King Sts., Honolulu, on Thursday, July 26. !.', at TO a. in., for the purpose of considering amendments to the by laws and for the conducting of any business that may be brought before the meeting. E. H. PARIS, Sec v., E. O. Hall & Son, .Limited. 7471 MEETING NOTICE. HAWAIIAN FERTILIZER CO. LTD. The annual mating of Hawaiian Fertilizer Co.. Ltd., will be bid at tne ..j tjft omces or C brewer at f.o.. ia.. l j r- ulu. on Saturday, July 2S. at 1 a'clocr. JOHN WATERHOITSE. 457 - Secretary. 1 t .V 1" if f ii . f f T t 1 i i 1 .tj 1 f 't 1 i i 'l 1 ti ft i t '.! 1 ( V H.n ' V i f '! t r r hi, r