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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 25, 1906. FRATERNAL MEETINGS POLYNESIA ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1, I. O. O. F. Meets everv first and third FRIDAY the month at 7:30 p. m., in Odd Bellmen Hail Fort street. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. F. A, JACOB?OX, C. P. L L. LA PIERRE, Scribe. IEXCELSIOR LODGE NO. i, I. O. O. F. Ueeti every TUESDAY evening at T.IQ, In Odd Fellows' Hall. Fort street FVlsltlng brothers cordially invitea attend. R. A. BOBBINS, N. I. L. L. LA PIERRE. Secretary. PACIFIC REBEKAH LODGE, NO. i, I. O. O. F. vr&oa cvprv second and fourth Thrflav at 7:30 d. m.. Odd Fellows Wan. irnrt street. Visiting Rebekahs him cordially invited to attend. GRACE O'BRIEN, N. G. JENNY JACOBSON. Sec'y. DLIVE BRANCH REBEKAH LODGE NO. 2, I. O. O. F. Mot everv first and third Thurs- .v at 7:30 r. m.. in Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort street, Visiting Rebekahs j r cordially invited to attend. ALEXANDRA GERTZ. THORA OSS. Secretary. OCEANIC LODGE NO. 37. F. & A. M. Meets on the last Monday of each saonth. at Masonic Temple Vlsltlns brethren and members of Hawaiian and Pacific are cordially to- vltsd to attend. C. G. BOCKUS, W.M. LEAHI CHAPTER NO. a, O. E. S. Meets every third Monday at 7:30 p. s. In the Masonic Temple, croner of AbLkes. and Hotel streets. Visiting sisters and brethren are cordially ln-j vlteA to attend. BMMA LONG3TREET RICH CRABBE P. W. M., Secretary. MARY E. BROWN, "Worthy Matron. UE1 ALOHA CHAPTER, NO. 3, O. E. S. Meets at the Masonic Temple every bOBd Saturday of each month, at 7:S0 1lock p. m. Visiting sisters and tosrffters are cordially invited to at- MARGARET HOWARD, W. M. MARGARET LISHMAN, Sec'y. LADIES' AUXILIARY, A. O, H., DIVISION NO. i. Meets every first and third Tuesday, t 8 p. m.. in C. 3. U. Hall, Fort street Visiting sisters are cordially invited to j Attend. MRS. M. COWES, Pres. MARGARET K. TIMMONS, Sec'y. 1 ' HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. x. I. O. R. M. Meets every second and fourth FRI CAY of each month. In I. O. O. F. Hall. tnaltlng brothers ordially invited to rtend. W. F. DRAKE, Sachem. A. E. MURPHY, C. of R. WILLIAM McKINLEY LODGE, NO. 8, K. of P. Meets every SATURDAY evening af J:80 o'clock. In Harmony Hall, King Street. Visiting brothers cordially In cited to attend. MERLE M. JOHNSON, C. C &. A. JACOBSON,. K. of R. & S. HONOLULU TEMPLE NO. x, RATHBONE SISTERS. Meets every 2nd and 4th Monday, at Knights of Pythias' Hall, King street. 'All visitors cordially Invited to attend. IWALANI K. DAYTON, M.E.C., GRACE O'BRIEN, M. of R.&C. HONOLULU LODGE 616, B. P. O. E. Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E, Will meet In their hall, on Miller and Beretanla streets, every Friday even tea;. By order of the E..R, HARRY H. SIMPSON, Secy. HARRY E. MURRAY, E. R. COURT CAMOES, NO. 8110, A. O. r. I . , -iUCl e7ry lna "an - J ""-M fc I p. m., in Ban Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. Vis iting brothers cordially in vited to attend. , A. D. CASTRO. C. R. M. C. PACHECO, F. S. HONOLULU HARBOR NO. 54, A. A. OF M. & P. Meets on first and third Sunday even lags of each month, at 7 o'clock, at X. of P. Hall. All sojourning brethren re cordially Invited to attend. By order Worthy Captain. F. MOSHER. - FRANK POOR, C.C. HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. O. E. nJnf. Meets on 2nd and fS 4th Wednesday even &&&' H ings of each month at street. -ting Eagles are invited to attend. SAM'L McKEAGUE, W.P., H. T. MOORE, Secty. THEODORE ROOSEVELT Camp No. i, U. S. W. V. Department Hawaii. Meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, Waver ley Block, corner Bethel and Hotel, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting comrades cordi ally invited to attend. H. T. MOORE. Comd-. R. H. LONG Adjutant. 4r e? SAYS LAW ISJBSURD Judge Robinson Ex presses Himself in Plain Language. Yesterday Judge Robinson said that it was conceded that Section 2114 of the Revised Statutes was contrary to common sense, and the matter of en forcing it or of declaring it uncon stitutional is to be submitted on briefs. The section, it is claimed, is absurd, contrary to common sense ana. worse than all that, affords means of loot ing tne estates or aosemees. , The discussion arose in the small garnishee suit of L. M. Chow, doing business under the firm name of Wong Mow, against the Hammond Milling Company of Oregon, and Gonsalves & Company, garnishees, the amount in volved being $175. A Judgment against the garnishees was obtained, in the dis trict court and this morning Attorney Douthitt moved to have it set aside because the Hammond Mill Company, the defendant in the case, had never been served with the complaint. It appeared that the suit had been brought and, on service on the gar nishee only, a judgment had been ob tained, and it also appeared that the statute of Hawaii provided for exactly this method of procedure. The statute seems to authorize the method you have followed," said Judge Robinson after Thayer had argued his side of it, "but it is certainly a most remarkable procedure." Douthitt declared that the law was manifestly unconstitutional. "If a man is out of the Territory and has money here," he said, "anyone can brins a suit against him and a gar nishee, and get his money or property without him knowing anything about the matter at all. Such a law is ut terly absurd and unconstitutional." Thayer admitted that the proposition was a queer one, but said it was what the statute set forth, and that he could not do anything but follow the statute A United States Susreme Court au thority was quoted by both sides, Judge Robinson suggested that the section offered a fine chance for mulct ing the estates of persons who had property here and lived elsewhere. All that would be necessary would be col lusion between the holder of the prop erty and some one else, and a suit could be brought and the property ob talned without the owner ever hearing of the case. The judge thought this very strange law. It was finally agreed that the au thorities should be submitted in briefs, and with this proviso the evidence was taken and the case submitted. The section in question is one which de scribes the method to be followed In suing and garnisheeing absent persons or companies. It appears to have left out any means of furnishing notice to the person sued. LAND COURT BUSY. Judge Weaver had a busy day in the Land Court yesterday, giving four decisions. In the case of the applica tion of the Hilo Masonic Hall Associa tion, the title to the property petition ed on was declared to vest in the as sociation. The Bishop Estate had its title to tthe property on Fort street adjoining the Kentwell lot on School ANCIENT ORDER HIBERNIANS, DIVISION NO. i. Meets every first and third "Wednes- aays, at 8 p. nt, in C. B. U. Hall, Fort street. Visiting brothers, cordially in- -nteci to attend, F. D. CREDON, Pres. T QUINN. Secy. TTi3t-i T -7.-v ..1 i it 11 ii a.rj,Wdru wen, x hear next ear 1 ' ' Cyrus Chinstul.ble " Yep. Doc. Dosem 'omen and Girls Who suffer every month from Cramps, Backache, Headache, Vomiting, Dizzi ness or Fainting Spells shouM know that if a few Joses of the Bitters were ( taken at the first symptom they wouh; J save all this unnecessary suffering. Al ways keep a bottle of Hostetter's Stomach Bilters handy and you'll always enjoy good health. Thousands of other sickly women have foun.l this true. It also cures Insomnia, Poor Appetite, Sleeplessness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Biliousness or Malaria, Fever and Ague. We hope all sickly men and women will try it at once. STOMACH street confirmed. In the application of the Hawaiian Lodge of Masons for ad judication on the title to the Masonic Hall property. Hotel and Alakea streets, Mrs. Lillian Jones was given two days in which to check the boun dary ot the property owned by her and now occupied by the University Club. It was decreed that P. C. Jones has title to property at Merchant and Ala kea street, subject to certain mortgage liens. COURT NOTES. District Magistrate Wm. L. Whit ney is being talked of for appointment to the Circuit Bench In succession to Judge De Bolt. Howeve it is said in certain circles that Attorney Ander son may be "considered to have the call on the alace. The examination into the affairs of the Honolulu Clay Company, now dead, continued to drag its weary length through Judge Robinson's court during the greater part of yes terday. Allen & Robinson have filed suit against John Mansfield for $314.18 with $4S.75 for goods delivered. The Penn sylvania Fire Insurance Company of North America is named as garnishee. Mansfield's house at WaikikI burned a few days ago, and the company named carried the insurance. 110 PATENT LAWS " . HAS TBISTIBBITOBY A letter has been received by Sec retary Atkinson from the firm of C. Anderson & Co.. London, asking for copies of the Patent Laws of Hawaii. The answer was not "Twenty-three,'' exactly, but in his reply the Secretary informs the firm in question that Ha waii is a part of the United States of America, that the United States of America runs a pretty sizeable patent office in the city of Washington, and that the patent laws of the United States run here. This is not the lan guage, perhaps, but it is the substance. And so the firm of L. Anderson & Co. will be put in possession of some valu able if delayed information. KAUAI LIQUOR CASE WILIJE HEARD The third arbitrator in the appeal of the Kauai Wine and Liauor Company from the decision of Treasurer Camp bell not to grant a license to the con cern has been chosen. It Is Alexander McBryde, of Kauai. The arbitrator in behalf of the government is W. O. Smith, and the Kauai people have named John Cathcart. These three will meet and hear testimony in the Throne Room at the Capitol this morning at 10 o'clock, and as there are allegations of lying and bribery both involved in the matter, the hearing should be productive of interesting re sults. A GOOD FIELD. . yer gom' ter advertise this place as a an' the undertaker hev promise.! ter m BaL, SI ' s I EWA HIGHLY PROSPEROUS Manager Renton Will Take Vacation Next Month. EWA, July 23 Ewa plantation will complete the grinding of the 1906 crop in. about two weeks more. The total tonnage up to date is 2S.000 tons and when the season is finished there will be about 2500 tons over the manager's estimate. The manager, George F. Renton, ac companied by his wife leaves in the steamship Korea next month for an extended tour through the States. This is " Mr. Renton's first vacation since assuming the management of Ewa nearly eight years ago. but in all prob ability he will enjoy the trip better under the present circumstances, as Ewa's unexampled prosperity under his administration is indeed a record to feel proud of and he is leaving at the close of a very successful season The old proverb of departments run ning like clockwork may well be ap plied to the systematized way things are accomplished at Ewa. Especially is this true of the mill work, reports from that department showing results that were considered impossible one year ago. EWA LOCALS. Mrs. and Miss Guild, mother and sister of Ewa's bookkeeper, have ar rived safely at their old home in Scot land. Mr. and Mrs. O'Dowda and family sail in the Korea for a stay of several months on the mainland which may be extended to the Emerald Isle. . Mr. and Mrs. West and Mr. and Mrs. McKeever are being congratulated- on the arrival of bouncing baby girls In their respective homes. George F. Renton, Jr., enters Yale this year. THIS DAY! Auction Sale FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1900, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., At my salesroom. FINE GRADE PHAETONS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS FINE IRON AND BRASS BEDS, LOTS OF FURNITURE. TABLES, CHAIRS, ROCKERS, PICTURES, EXTENSION DINING TABLE, ICE CREAM FREEZER, NEW CLOCKS, COAL OIL STOVES, PIANO, , COMPUTING SCALE, BAY HORSE. ETC., ETC. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. ASK YOUR WIFE ABOUT IT. I sold today the half block, 8 lots, one block from car line to one individual. Now I want to sell you a lot singly and build you a bungalow of lanai, living room, parlor, two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and pantry. THE LOT AND HOUSE, $850. Plan and specification, my office. Think over it quickly, then apply at once. Lot 100x150. Fine climate, one block from car line. Soil grow anything. The suburb. TERMS: $200 cash, ba!ance monthly. JAS. F. MORGAN, health resort an' st art a hotel here pay fer all the alvertisin' ' id Ml i r i AAMUKI 'F-U'SI3 i nev are moving fast Here they are Here they are A square advt. A lot 100x150, a new house, fine neighborhood. Close to car line Time payments Iiot and house only $850.0O PHILANTHROPIST? WHY, NO! Plans and specifications at my office. Go out on Waialae car. Ask any conductor he'll let you off at 10th Ave. JAS. F. MORGAN, 'auctioneer. ol IN RE HART & CO.. LTD., A BANKRUPT. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order made by the District Court of the United States for the Ter ritory of Hawaii, Honorable Sanford B. Dole, Judge thereof, presiding, on July 19, 1906, in the matter of Hart & Company, Limited, a corporation, a bankrupt, there Avill be sold at public auction at the Elite Ice Cream Parlors, on Hotel street, opposite the Young Hotel, in Honolulu, Oahu, on Monday, July 30, 1906, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said da the following property of said bankrupt: All of the store fixtures, furniture, kitchen utensils and other property and appliances of the bakery, candy, restaurant and ice-cream departments of said bankrupt's business; all of such stock in trade, consisting of candies. cakes, provisions, cigars, tobacco, etc., as may be on hand on the date of sale; all other property owned and used by the bankrupt in connection with the business, heretofore conducted by it and now being continued by the said trustee on tne premises at ana near Hotel street, in said Honolulu, of man ufacturing and selling Ice-cream, can dies, soda water, cakes and other ar ticles of consumption, of selling cigars and tobacco, and of maintaining and conducting a restaurant; and all out standing accounts due to said bank rupt's estate and which on the day of sale shall remain uncollected and un paid. All of said property will be sold free from an alleged lien for the sum of Sixty-eight Dollars ($68) claimed by one F. D. Wicke. All of said property will first be of fered as a whole at the upset price of Five Thousand Dollars ($:000). Fail Sng such bid, said property will be of fered singly or in lots. Instruments effecting sale at ex pense of purchaser. Payment, 23 per cent cash on rail of hammer, balance on approval of sale by court. Sale subject to approval of court. For detailed inventory of property or other information apply to Bishop Trust Company, Limited, Trustee, Merchant street, or to J. F. Morgan, auctioneer. Dated Honolulu. July 13, 1906. BISHOP TRUST CO., LTD. Trustee of piM j-"vi-.f;. sae BQIIS MM Castle & Cooke, Ltd. HONOLULU. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SUGAR FACTORS. AGENTS FOR . The Ewa Plantation Co. The Waialua Agricultural Co. Ltd, The Kohala Sugar Co. ' The Waimea Mill Sugar Co. The Fulton Iron Works. St. Louis. The Standard Oil Co. The George F. Blake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Mutual Life InsuF ance Co., of Boston. The Aetna Insurance Co.. of Hart ford. Conn. The Alliance Assurance Co.. of Lon don. 60c. PER ROD UP. Monuments, Safes. J. C. Axtell & Co. 1048-50 Alakea St. Phone Blue 1801. P. O. Box Ml. "HOW SAVINGS GROW." Our little booklet with the above title free for the asking. FIRST AMERICAN SAVING AND TEUST CO. OF HAWAII, LTD. Oahu Ice & Electric Co Ice delivered to any part of the city. Island orders promptly filled. Tel. Blu 3151. P. O. Box 600. Office: Kewalo HORSE SHOEING! L W. Wright Co., Ltd. have opened a horse-shoeing depart ment in connection with their carriage shop, etc. Having secured the services of a first-class shoer, they are prepared to do all work intrusted to them In first-class manner. JAPANESE AND AMERICAN an Fancy Goodo Manufacturers of Straw Hats. IWAKAMI k OO HOTEL STREET. Sxnoke- H. J. N. PANE TELA! CIOAES BEAVEB LUNCH ROOMS H. J. NOLTE. HONOLULU IRON WORKS COMPANY. Machinery, Black Pipe, Galvanize Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Iron and Steel, En gineer's Supplies. Office Nuuauu street. Works Kakaako. TRY OUR DELICIOUS "Peach Mellow" and "RasDorf AT CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER MlL G. S. LEITHEAD, Manager. PHONE MAIN 71. THE HAWAIIAN REALTYI AND MATURITY CO. Limited. REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE, LOANS AND INVESTMENT SECU RITIES. Office: Mclntyre Bldg., Honolulu. T. H. P. O. Box 265. Phone Main 141. Everything newr First-class cooks; courteous waiters BEST MEAL TO BE HAD IN TOWN. Open from 5 a. m. to 8 p. m. Private Dining Room for Ladies. 7320 LEONO HOY, Proprietor. F. D. WICKE, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Store Fittings a Specialty. Repairing, Cabinet Work and Polishing; 1082 Alakea St., rear of Y. M. C. A. Phone M. 447; residence, Phone W. 1611. C. B. Reynolds & Co IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BUILDING MATERIALS. DOORS, SASH, SHINGLES. Builders' Hardware at lowest rates. Alakea street, mauka Sailors' Home. SHOGETSU RESTAURANT Just Opened 17 Hotel Street, Near Nuuanu. MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. Ice Cream and Cak?s Served on Ground Floor.