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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL; ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JULY 26, 1906. m W M - . W - M N M M - W M W W -c M -K H -K M - W M -c M - M -K M--fc M -K M M W - . sj ' UTHOBIZED Mr. Holloway Dis- r putes Statement of Mahelona. Are You Tr avelmg If you want to have your clothing nicely packed for travel ing we can greatly assist you by providing convenient pack ing facilities. . We have just received another splendid new line, em bracing: Steamer trunks, Ladies' trunks, Hat trunks, Wall trunks and Wardrobe trunks, Suit cases, Club bags, Shawl straps, Trunk straps, Steamer rugs, etc., We are Headquarters for EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE I X- 1 X- X X- X- X- x X- - X- X- a x a X- a X- a X- M. IVflclnermy, Ltd x- a X- rai X- a X Laj X- m x- M X- Laj Over Lis own signature Representa tive Mahelona has made the charge! that Superintendent of Public Work Hollowav has been guilty of bad faith in undertaking the construction of the Auuanu da:n and reservoir at all. As Mr. Mahelona was a member of the House in the last Legislature, and was moreover chairman of the Committee on Public Land and Internal Improve ments, this charge at once assumes very grave proportions. In the last session of the Legisla ture, Superintendent Holloway asked for an appropriation of $85,000 to con struct the big reservoir in Nuuanu val ley. This request went to the commit tee of which Mahelona was chairman, and in a long report signed by Mahe lona, Andrade, Pali, Fernandez, Quinn, Holstein and Mahikoa, it was denied. It did not, therefore pass the House. The statement of Mr. Mahelona con cerning this committee and its works is as follows: of the Legislature but if the reports are true with reference to the con struction of this dam. It has been squandered, and worse han a:l. life and property jeopardized to a frightful extent. S. MAHELONA. HOLLOWAY JS SIDE. "The construction of the Xuuanu dam was authorized by the Legislature of 1Q03," said Superintendent of Pub lic Works Holloway yesterday, when asked about the matter. "Here is the item in the Loan bill passed at that session, setting aside $75,000 for that rk." At this point he showed the copy of the Loan bill kept in his office. "When the last Legislature Was in session," continued the Superintendent, Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets. Preserve and Beautify Your Houses by staining them with Cabot's Creosote Shingle Stains The Creosote will make the woodwork impervious to decay or to injary by insects, and the soft, velvety colorings will give a beauty that can be got in no other way. They are made with the best pig ments and pure linseed oil, and the colors are guaranteed to be fast. They are the original shiDgle stains, and, the only bona fide Creosote, wood-preserving stains. Iarm at Qlen Cove, U. I. C P. M. Qiucrt, AncnY, N.'V. 1 For samples on wood, prices and full information, apply to LEWERS & COOKE, Ltd., HONOLULU. SAMUEL CABOT, Sole Manufacturer, - BOSTON, MASS. Honolulu, July 13, 1906. While there is so much talk with reference te the insecurity of the Nuu- anu dam creating an impression in the community that there has been official corruption and graft, there is one very important matter of which the public should be reminded and which makes the building of the dam by the Super intendent of Public "Works, if not al together illegal at least a flagrant breach of faith on the part of that offi cial. During the session of the last Legislature when an attempt was be- I ing made to secure government control! of the waters of the valleys of Manoa, Pauoa, and Kalihi. a resolution was in troduced at the instance of Mr. Hollo way through Lilikalani to insert in the , appropriation or loan bill the sum of eighty-five thousand dollars iur increasing me storage capacity or water in Nuuanu Valley. This resolu j tion was referred to the Committee on Public Lands and Internal Improve- "icuw nuiiu cunsisieu uj. iiianeiona, Andrade, Pali, Fernandez, Quinn, Hol stein and Mahikoa. The committee re ported saying: "There are now in Nuuanu Valley three (3) large reservoirs in which are collected the storm surface water from the upper end of the valley, which, in the course of its progress to the reser voirs passes through the upper lands and runs over and amongst, decaying organisms of numerous characters where it with the effect of the direct rays of the sun, evaporates and be comes impregnated with the germs generated in the basins, rendering it absolutely unsafe and dangerous for use for domestic and drinking pur poses. The plan, as your commit tee believes, is to build another large I storage reservoir or dam, and there collect and keep a much greater supply of water of the same character as now conserved, and which is open to the same objections and dangers to the users as the water now supplied. It is practically inviting an epidemic in the City of Honolulu, by making it the main and practically, if all the money for the bettering of our water supply is spent thereon, the only water for household use. That this danger of sickness is not an idle dream is shown by the recent occurrences on the Is land, of Molokai and in Kona, where the death rate was exceptionally large, considering the number of inhabitants what it would be in so thickly a ruiuicu i-ciiici a.o nuuuiuiu is tern-1 , ,, , , , , . . , , ble to contemplate. The storage of a for chlldren and adults- and is the only larger body of similar water under tho remedy that will cure chronic diar- same conditions, would, without fail rhoea. Every bottle is warranted. For greatly increase the dangers of anl.oi k,, rni,nn &;v, rv ta i cpiuciiuu vl ijpnoia, ana aiseases or a ! the proposition was ud to purchase i A the Pauoa water supply. I was not in favor of that, but was and am in favor of the Xuuanu proposition. I asked for $S5,000 to buiid tne Auuanu reservoir, and the request was beaten by the Pa uoa fellows. "Then I put the thing in the form of a plan to appropriate $200,000 for the general improvement of the Hono lulu water supply, and that carried. It was, perfectly well understood in the Legislature that a part of that appro priation was to oe used to construct the storage reservoir in Nuuanu. I also had asked for an appropriation for the jvaiini reservo r. and that was refused As to the understanding about the use of a part of the money to construct the nuuanu reservoir, you can ask W. VV. Harris. The expenditures on the Xuuanu dam for construction so far," said the Superintendent, when, asked concern mg tne sum so tar used, "amount to $40,147.20. With- theten per cent, drawback thnt we hold, this will make the amount elose to $o0,000. " UNDERSTANDING EXISTED. . "There certainly was an understati ng that a part of the $200,000 appro priates! tor the general improvement of the Honolulu water supply was to be spent m the construction of the Nuu anu reservoir, ' ' said V. W. Harris, who nail neen one or the leaders m the last house. - "The special appropriation for that purpose failed to pass, because of the Pauoa nght. The Pauoa proposition could not get through, either. The on ly thing to do was to put through an appropriation for the general improve ment of the water supply, and leave the expenditure of the amount to the discretion of the executive. The Pa uoa fellows, I suppo&e, thought they could bring , some kind of pressure to ,$g. 0Q(n bear to get' the Superintendent to nur ? i! chase their springs. I was willing:, on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Immense Begins Monday, Jnly 30th, We are now preparing for an immense mid-summer clear ance sale of our entire stock which will exceed in importance any similar event in Honolulu for years. Watch for our big announcement later. R. BL0M, MODEL, BLOCK, FORT STREET. The LEONARD CLEANABLE REFRIGERATOR pos sesses sterling qualities which place it in advance of all other makes. The cleanable feature is, in the LEONARD, far su perior to that found in "other refrigerators. The parts are re movable' and may be taken out one at a time. This makes the process of cleaning a much lighter and pleasanter task than is the case when the entire ice-box has to be lifted out. H. Hackfefd k Company, Hardware Department. . Ltd.) A DANDY SHINER for home use, makes shoe polish ing almost a pleasure. It is the only rigid shoe holder and holds any size shoe perfectly rigid for polishing with either brush or cloth Then we have the brushes and the blacking and polish. Try a Dandy Shiner, the real article sold for One Dollar, by E. 0. Hall & Son, Ltd. prints, x was willing, on my part, to leave it to executive dis cretion. I p.m in favor of the Nuuanu scheme, provided of course that the reservoir is made safe. But this is what happened in reference to the water appropriation.' ' In other words, it would appear that each side in the water controversy in the last Legislature played with load ed dice, the leaders believing they could win out, and that Superintendent Hol loway refereed the game with his mind made up in advance as to what he would do. Incidentally, mayle the old plan of pumping water showed its head in the deal, but it does not seem to have had much show,, at any stage. The . tale is ,an interesting one as showing how legislation is sometimes manipulated, and how legislators do not always succeed in getting what they scheme to get. Of course, if the Ma helona crowd also understood that ex ecutive discretion was to be used in exnendinsr the monev anDronriated for I the Honolulu water works and there I i 1 1 A- V - 1 1 ' 1 1 f vvuiuu seem 10 ue no oilier possiuie un derstanding in that kind of general ap propriation they were merely beaten at their own game, on the surface of things. : CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC. CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. The great success of this preparation in the relief and cure of bowel com plaints has brought it into almost uni versal use. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable EAT MUTTON The sweetest, fattest and most savory mutton we have been able to secure comes to us from New Zealand. Every sheep fattened on the succulent grasses that grow on the slopes of that far-off country. It comes to us in cold storage and in good condition. Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. AND LAMB J if 3 - - A ' - - ' A it ' - m ir . - I?, - ' - 1 - v., A. t l . p i m3immm2 The Leader m all thinf; Japanese, Nuuanu street, above Hotel street. KIMONOS, Silk and Cotton Crepes. Embroidei ed Shirr Waist Patterns Fine Bits of Porcelain. Old Ivory-Bronzes IsSH m similar nature. "We believe that the health of the community at large is to us our great est care 'and in order to preserve the same measures should be taken and available publio moneys spent for the purpose of obtaining the purest, health iest and most wholesome water possible and for this much desired end all such moneys should be first appropriated for the acquisition of all available spring water which can be procured from many of the valleys surrounding j in the City of Honolulu I "Therefore th j mends that no money be appropriated! i ior increasing the storage capacity of ( water in Nuuanu Valley, and that the resolution be tabled." resolution was m accordance with the report of the committee tabled. Mr. Holloway then asked for an appropriation of "Two Hundred Thousands Dollars ($200,000) Water General." The House believing that he would expend it in the way that he was directed to do by the Leg islature, passed this appropriation. In f view of the unanimous adoption j of the committee report the House couia never have supposed that Mr. Holloway would take the money which it had voted for the purpose of securing a supply of pure spring water to do the very thing which it had refused him permission to do. but as soon as the Legislature adjourned, Mr. Holloway took the mat ter into his own hands and openly violated the express directions of the House by takinsr the monev whiTi wa J appropriated for the securing of pure ; spring water to the building of this . reservoir in Xuuanu Valley which the j House had refused to sanction. Such a high-handed procedure ought to sub- IPrt Hn! Iaii -i i- -. . id niiptrittiinient ana tne J work should have been stopped at its very inception by injunction. Xo one,! however, seem to want to take the initiative and so the peopled money has not only been spent in direct violation Agents for Hawaii. MISSING WITNESS. Sheriff Brown returned unserved warrant for the arrest of Harata, material witness for the prosecution in the case of Territory of Hawaii vs. Sasaki, perjury. It is set forth that a due and diligent search had been made for Harata, but he could not be found nor his whereabouts ascertained. FOOD OR STIMULANT. Ask your doctor if when he orders a patient to drink lots of pure milk he advises the addition of a large quantity of whiskey. He'll tell you "no" very emphati cally. Yet there are people who, when ordered to get Scott's Emulsion, will accept some wine, cordial or extract of cod liver oil and think it is the same thing or better. If you want and need cod liver oil' in its 'best, purest and most easily digested form, get Scott's Emulsion. If you want whiskey, that's another matter, but don't look for the same results. SCOTT & BOWXE, 409 Pearl St., New York. Just Arrived Strong Mules Fine for plantation work. Call early and make your selection. Schuman Carriage Co. Young' Building. Experienced Japanese cooks, waiters, house servants' suDDlied at short notice. All help guaranteed. JAPANESE HOTELS UNION. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE King-Street near Maunakea. - - - Tel., Main 285 Large ssortment KIM0K S In sill sosnima , No. 30, King Street. Our Belts Susenders j Trunks Gloves Spri"g Neck- Hanck'fs i and Under- and Summer wear Duck Valises wear, Stock Hats Pants Shirts gtc. ' io4 Fort Street, I. O. O. F. Building and 152 Hotel Street. 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0