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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, APRIL 23, 2907. 8 Fraternal Meetings HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. 1, I. O. E. M. Meets every first ana t&ira murs dav of each month, in K. of P. Hall, corner of Fort and Beretania streets viuitin hrothers cordially invited to attend- E. V. TODD, Sachem. A E. MURPHT. C. f B. HONOLULU AERIE 140, P. O. E. .J0S. nd fourth Wednes- 5Saar jay evenings of each month, at 7:30 o'clock. In Pythian Hall, cor. Beretania and Fort streets, visit tag Eagles are Invited to attend. Ii E. TWO MET, W. P. H. T. MOORE, Secy. GEOKOE W. DE LONG POST SKAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Rartnnlne with January. 1907. the Poet will meet on the third Monday of eack month, instead of the first Mon day. All comrades are welcome. P. W. RIDER, Commander. rmosopmcAL society OAHU LODGE. Koom 2 (second floor), Alexander Tomng building. Mondays, 7:45 p. m., Iblic meeting; visitor welcome T-rsdays. 7:45 p. m.. lodge meeting. IJing room and library open every weekday from 3 to 4 p. m. VOXOLULU SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUB. Meet on the first and third Friday, it 7:J o'clock p. m.. In roma In Ore- )i9 B'ock. entrance on Union street. JAMES C. McGILL, Chief. JOHN MACAULAY, Secy. riOKOLULU LODGE 616, B. P. O. E. Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E., will meet In their hall, King street. aer Fort, every Friday evening. By erder ef the E. R. FRANK E. RICHARDSON, E. R. V HARRY H. SIMPSON, Secy. DIMEEN COUNCIL, NO. 563. Y. M. I. Meets every second and fourth Wed- XAnixy, at 7:30 o'clock, in San Antonio j 21 all. Vineyard street. FRED W. WEED, Pres. E. V. TODD. Secy. Fraternal Meetings SELLING STfiO 1, P. M. L O. CANTON OAHU NO. O. F. Meets every second month, at 7:30 p. m.. Hall, Fort street. H. T. MOORE, Commandant. PAUL. SMITH, Clerk. Friday of the in Odd Fellows' i MINOR E DRINK POLYNriSlA ENCAMPMENT, NO. L L O. O. P. Meets every first and third Friday of the month, at 7:30 p. m., In Odd Fellows Hall, Fort street. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. M. T. SIMONTON, C. P. LL.U PIERRE, Scribe. Waliach Not Sentenced Kel- lett's Ward Wants Money Judgments, Etc. EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. l.t L O. O. F. Meets every Tuesday evening, at 7:30, In Odd Fellows' Ha., .Fort street. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. A. H. HODSON, N. G. L. L. LA PIERRE, Secretary. HAEMONY LODGE NO. 3, L O. O. F. Meets every Monday evening, at 7.30, m Odd Fellows' Hall. Fort street. Vis iting brothers cordially invited to at tend. CHAS. A. SIMPSON, N. G. E. R. HENDRY, Secretary. PACIFIC BEBEKAH LODGE, NO. L L O. O. F. Meets every second and fourth Thursday, at 7:30 p. m.. Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort street. Visiting Rebekahs axe cordially invited to attend. MARION WRIGHT, N. G. JENNY JACOBSON, Secy. Jacintho Miguel was put on trial yes terday morning before Judge De Bolt, for selling liquor to a minor. County Attorney J. W. Cathcart prosecuted and L. M. Straus and Geo. D. Gear appeared for defendant. The jury consisted of Jas. L. Arcia, R. G. Moore, Geo. K. Fox, John Duncan, J. R. Pearce, E. Erickson, Hiram KolonKV ku, A. F. Cooke, S. J. Alencastre, Jos. Morse, F. H. Armstrong and W. E. Tyrrell. Mr. Straus accused John M. Martin, agent of the Anti-Saloon League, of making facial signals at the star wit ness but did not the charge stick. The trial is still on. WALLAOH STILL. WAITING. J. Lor waliach s motion for a new trial and sentence for perjury are still pending. Judge De Bolt yesterday overruled the objection of Attorney Clanahan & Derby for plaintiffs; R. W. Breckons and W. W. Thayer for de fendant. H. G. Middleditch for plaintiff hav ing moved to place H. E. Mclntyre v. Mrs. Jessie K. Kaae on the calendar and set it for trial, C. W. Ashford for defendant signs consent to have the case set for May 27 or later and to waive jury. Alice m. McChesney by her attor. ney, H. u. Middleditch. moves to have her suit against Honolulu Soap Works o., Ltd., set for trial. Magoon & Lightfoot for defendants have perfected their appeal from Judge Lindsay's judgment , for plaintiff in Yong Tat v. Lee Chu et al. feaito by his attorney, C. F. Chilling- worth, denies every allegation of Ota- chi s libel for divorce. FEDERAL TRIAL JURY EXCUSED ONE WEEK In the United States District Court yesterday many criminal cases were set for trial.1- Others were passed for the time being. The trial jury came in but was ex cused for one week, some Jurors being excused for the term. Judge Dole sentenced H. Yoshida to imprisonment at. hard labor four months and payment of $100 fine for perjury. It was a case of straw bail swearing. Hi This Day Auction Sale Tuesday, April 23, 1907, 10 o'clock a. m. At my salesroom, 857 Kaahumanu St Everything in: Furniture, Dry goods. Mouldings, Buggy, Harness, Small safe. etc. OLIVE BRANCH EEBEKAH LODGE NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Meets every first and third Thurs day, at 7:30 p. m In Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort street. Visiting Rebekahu are cordially invited to attend. ANITA PHILLIPS. N. G. AGNES DUNNE, Secretary. OCEANIC LODGE NO. 371. F. & A. M. Meets on the last Monday of each month, at Masonic Temple. Visiting brethren anu members ef Hawaiian and Paclfle are cordially in vited to attend. CHAS. A. BON, W. M. F. WALDRON. Sec. LEAHI CHAPTERS NO 2. O. E. S. Meets every third Monday of each Keprodnctions of Mus- monin " ' . ,p- . I ? LT covite Altor, Brasses and members of Lei Aloha Chapter No. A Ji.11.. M M A. . J J. 4.4- a J ml Cnnnprq Tpoo are coruiaiiy inviieu iu aucuu. Pottery. Fans, kets, Mats. Bas- HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS CURIO CO., ALEXANDER YOUNG BLDG. BUY NOW! Gems, Gold and Silv-n Jewelry. Up-to-date Styles. Ready-made ot by special order. Prices reasonable. Call on us. SUN WO No. 1308 Maunakea St. P. O. Box 94S. R. W. PERKINS, Artistic Photographer StudioHotel Street, near Fort. Lauhala Mats, Aloha Fans, Feather Leis, Calabashes, Curios from Japan. THE ISLAND CURIO CO. (Steiner's), Elite Building. Hetel Stfu Holly Flour "the best of the wheat" Sold by all Grocers. Tneo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Distributors. MIKE WRIGHT CIGAR The best smoke sold in this market. Try It. HAYSELDEN TOBACCO CO. Alexander Young Bldg. ALICE G. HERRICK. W. M. j ADELAIDE M. WEBSTER, Sec. LEI ALOHA CHAPTER, NO. 3," O. E. S. Meets at the Masonic Temple every second Saturday of each month, at 7:30 p. in. Visiting sisters and brothers are cordially Invited to attend. MARGARET HOWARD, W. M. LOUISE A. TRUE, Secy. LADIES' AUXfTiTABY, A. O. EL, DIVISION NO. 1. Meets every first and third Tuesday, at 8 p. m., in C. B. U. Hall, Fort street. Visiting sisters are cordially Invited to attend. MRS. M. COWES, Pres. MAUD O'SULLTVAN, Secy. ANCIENT ORDER HIBERNIANS, DIVISION NO. 1. Meets every first and third Wednes day, at 8 p. m.. In C. B. U. Hall, Fort street. Visiting brothers cordially In vited to attend. H. F. DAVISON, Pres. F. D. CREEDON, Sec. , MYSTIC LODGE, No. 2, K. of P. Meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in K. of P. Hall, cor. Fort and Beretania. Visiting brothers cor dially invited to attend. A. S. WEBBER, C. C. F. WALDRON, K. R. S. william Mckinley lodge, no. 8, . EL of P. Meets every Saturday evening, at 7:80 o'clock, in Pythian Hall, cor. Beretania and Fort street. Visit'ng brothers cor dially invited to attefad. L. H. WOLF, C. C. E. A. JACOBSON. K. of R. ft S. district Attorney Breckons entered General Peters to the court's consider- a nolle prosequi for Maleka Kahoohuli, insr the motion ior a new trial. The a U1 irum last term, xne objection was on the ground that the motion in arrest of judgment was a waiver of the motion for a new trial, but the court decided that it was not. He continued the motion until 8:30 this morning. RUBBER TIRE CASE. Schuman Carriage Co., Ltd., files an answer of 23 typewritten pages to the bill for accounting brought by Hawai ian Carriage Manufacturing Co., Ltd. A. G. M. Robertson and Geo. A. Davis are solicitors for defendant. The main thing denied is that the Hawaiian, re lying on an agreement with the Schu man company, expended $9&15.43 to purchase the stock-in-trade of Pacific Vehicle & Supply Co., Ltd. The agree ment in question was alleged to have contained a promise that the Schuman company would give its trade in rub ber tires to the Hawaiian company. It is denied that the Schuman com pany paid $5000 for certain merchan dise of the Pacific company's stock-in- trade on account of the alleged agree merit. Another thing denied Is that Gusta v Schuman, though president and manager ; of defendant company, had such control of its business as would enable him to enter into the agreement at issue. Defendant denies that through any neglect or fault on its part plaintiff has sustained damage of $200 a month as alleged. SMALL WINDFALL. Miss Rose Neven petitions for prob- Leonce Lefaivre, JAS. F. MORGAN", AUCTIONECH. THE same thing was done with the case of Mokuahi. In the lumber trust case Judge Dole announced that he would examine the Hackfeld correspondence and admit whatever he found relevant in it as evidence. H. E. Cooper, as counsel for the firm, would assist him in the ex amination. There was another inning of the Manchuria salvage case yesterday. BHL1Y TRANSACTIONS Entered for Record April 22, 1907. Western & Hawaiian Invst Co Ltd to Annie K Watkins It Annie K Watkins and hsb to E F Bishop tr M Henry K Holi and wf et al to Ku ala Land Co Ltd D Mrs Koleka Kamanonahu to Ane Keanu (w) D , Wm P Kapulani by atty to Notice. X Kue and hsb to S P Correa.. D Henry Smith tr to William OIepau..P R W B Opulauoho and wf to George K Opulauoho . . D Poipe Hanuna and hsb to II P Bald win. . D Kaala Ako and hsb to H P Bald win. . D WHOLE BLOCK Lunalilo, Kapiolani and Kinau Sts. WILL CUT UP IN LOTS or for ELEGANT RESIDENCE Auction Sale Saturday, April 27, 1907, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At my ialeronm, fc57 Kaahumana street, I will offer for ale at Public Auction, . BEACH LOTS at The Peninsular Being Lot 33 and 31, Mock 25, corner of Coral and Franklin Avrnuf, dlf. onally ncro from the Park. Thre are no buildings to obstruct the view. Fine water front. GOOD BATHING AND BOATING Bungalow containing larire room. bath, k'tchn. covered lanal. two. roomed servant's house. Fine lawn and large trees. Mosi attractive email property the Penin.ula. OQ or SITE FOR A CHURCH. SANITARIUM, HOME. for Government fwrli iralP UOIIIII srocKs Or very suitable official's residence. ISifil 0 In 9' I O. OKAZAKI MERCHANT TAILOR HONOLULU TEMPLE NO. 1, PYTH IAN SISTERS. Meets every first and third Mon day, at Knights of Pythias Hall, Fort and Beretania streets. All visitors cor dially invited to attend. JENNIE JACOBSON, M. E. C. ' GRACE O'BRIEN, M. of R. & S. COUBT CAMOES, NO. 8110. A. O. P. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at 7:30 p. m.. in San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. Visiting brothers cordially In vited to attend. M. A. SILVA, C. R. M. C. PACHECO, F. S. All kinds of Suits, Crepe Shirts and Pajamas made to order at very low prices. CAMOES CTECLE NO. 210, C. O. P. Meets every second and fourth Thurs- dav of each, month, at 7:30 n. m. In San OlOtneS CleanCCl, Dyed Antoni Hall, Vineyard street. Visit ate of the will of which makes her sole devisee and executrix of an estate of $325 in per sonalty. She is named as the testa tor's dear friend. The will ds on a printed form and was executed at Portland, Ore., on March 19, 1904. S. F. Chillingworth is attorney for peti tioner. Judge Robinson has ordered costs remitted. GOSLAND FORTUNES. . W. L. Stanley, administrator, files an inventory of the estate of Thomas Gosland, deceased, showing a valua tion of $2216.40, and an inventory of the estate of Christina Gosland, deceased, showing a valuation of $2391.20. De cedents were an aged couple visiting1 iHonolulu who died here at a short in terval between each death. WANTS HIS MONET. Kan Yee of Bocas del loro, Pan ama, formerly of Honolulu, was a minor under guardianship of P. D. Kellett Jr., who on March 1, 1907, was removed and John Marcallino appoint ed guardian in his place. At the same time it was ordered that Kellett pay to Marcallino the sum of $2344. Now Kan Yee by Ho Sun, his attorney in fact, files a motion showing that he was over twenty years of age when the order just mentioned was made, so that the appointment of a new guard ian was not necessary, and asking the court to set aside the order and to order Kellett to pay the $2344 with in terest from March 1, 1907, to Kan Yee forthwith. Lyle A. Dickey is attor ney for the movant. DECREE FOR MAILE C. W. Ashford and S. H. Derby, at torneys for plaintiff in the suit of C B. Maile v. James W. Pratt, assessor, and H. van Gieson, trustee, give no tice to Magoon & Lightfoot, attorneys tor the trustee, that they will present a decree to the Supreme Court for al lowance at 10 o'clock tomorrow. FORECLOSURE DECREE. Judge Lindsay signed a decree of and Repaired. lng companions are cordially invited to I foreclosure in the suit of Lahapa Ern- attend. Tek "White 3702. P. O. Box Ul. H.?tel St., near River, Honolulu, T. H. MINNIE STEVENS, C. C M. C. PACHECO, F. S. COUBT LUNALILO, NO. 6600, A. O. P. Meets every first and third "Wednes- HAWAIIAN DEVELOPMENT C0Jfoi:r streets. Visiting brothers cordially LIMITED, P. B. McSTOCKES : : Manager. 8TANOENWALD BUILDING. Cable Address Develop P. O. Box 268. Examine This We offer you on easy payments a beautiful Morocco 20-volume edition of THE DRAMA its literature, history ind influence WM. C. LYON CO., LTD. Hotel St., opp. Un'on. Invited. GEO. MAILE, C. R. JAS. K. KAULIA, P. CAMP j estberger v. Kina Nahau (w), Nahau tK), Beke Kaonohi Chong and Eddie Chong. The mortgage debt is $2112.07, to which costs of court will be added. and John Marcallino is appointed com missioner to sell the property. COURT NOTES. Union Feed Co., Ltd., by its attor ney, H. G. Middleditch, discontinues Its suit against George Kaiser and the garnishee, Hamakua Ditch Co., Ltd., acknowledging payment of the account involved. ' Mary A. Kalawaia sues Henry Kala waia, to whom she was married on August 6, 1900, for divorce on the THEODORE ROOSEVELT, NO. L U. S. W. V. Department Hawaii. Meets PVPry flrf artc third Wednesday Wav- ground o extreme cruelty and failure erley Block. cor.Bethel J?. , . and Hotel, at 7:30 p. m. .V A SV1S notice of motion Visiting comrades cordi- fr 0day to nave Plain""s bill of ex- allr invited to attend. cf10.ns in Jhe ease of W. R. Kalae- O. SCHWERDTFEGER, v!3 MZBOO&C) I Comdr. HONOLULU HARBOR NO. 54, A. A. of M. & P. Meets on first and thlJd Sunday even ings of each month, at 7 o'clock, at Pythian Hall, Fort street. All so journing brethren are cordially invited rental. to attend. By order Worthy President, A. L. LANE. FRANK C. POOR, Sec 1 By an oral decision the Supreme Court has decided in favor of the Bishop estate against Honolulu Plan tation C., on an agreed submission of facts, awarding the former $1333.33. The claim was for a percentage of the sugar crop raised on Bishop lands as Had t ie crop been taken nfr before January!, 1906, a lower rental would have been payable, owing to terms and conditions of various leases mentioned in the case. Kinney, Mc- Kapohuli and wf to Hawn Comrcl & Sugar Co D Mrs Mary Kaleikini to Lam Say Kan L Chas S Desky, tr and wf to T B Murray. D Cecil Brown tr to James L Akana. Ill Yim Leong to Y Ah Eng RS Maria J Vierra and hsb to Lowers & Cooke Ltd M II E WSalker to S K Xainoa A L Hawn Agretl Co Ltd to Miamoto Cane Pltg Co A Recorded April 15, 1907. Queen's Hospital to Herbert P Eakin, Rel; por gr 3291, Hassinger and Piikol sts, Honolulu, Oahu. $6000. B 295, p 69. Dated Apr 13, 1907. Herbert P Eakin and wf to Ormond E Wall, D; por gr 3291, Hassinger and Piikoi sts, Honolulu, Oahu. $6500. B 291, p 103. Dated Apr 13, 1907. Ormond E Wall and wf to Queen's Hospital, M; por gr 3291, Hassinger and Piikoi sts. Honolulu, Oahu. $5000. B 295, p 69. Dated Apr 13, 1907. Bishop & Co to Peter Jacobs, A M; mtg M Macdonald and hsb on lots 25, 26. 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, Kekio Tract, Honolulu, Oahu. $1429. B 295, p 71. Dated Apr 15, 1907. August Dreier by atty to Paul Muh lendorf, Rel; por R P 4519, kul '64S9, bidgs, etc, Makiki, Honolulu, Oahu. $6000. B 295, p 73. Dated Apr 15, 1907. S K Kim to ii S Harh, C M; 2 bldgs on premises, Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu. $600. B 295, p 73. Dated Mar 5, 1907. Christopher J Holt and wf to R W. Holt, D; int in R P 2243, kul 10613, Makaha, Waianae, Oahu. $1500 and mtg $1000. B 292, p 140. Dated Jan 28, 1904. Jacintho da Costa and wf to Est of August G Serrao, C M; bldgs and 12 cows, Kaumana rd, S Hilo, Hawaii. $211.30. B 290, p 272. Dated Apr 9, 1907. Manuel da S Passos to Louisa da S Passos, D; 1-3 int in lot 2, Patent 4964, Walkaumalo, Hilo, Hawaii. $1, etc. B 292, p 135. Dated Jan 8, 1907. Amelia de Rego and hsb (A de) to Cezar Rodrigues, Rel; 2 68-100a land, Puuohala, Wailuku, Maui. 2340. B 290, p 273. Dated Apr 9, 1907. Kaeleku Sug Co Ltd to L Y Aiona, Ex D; int in por kul 419, Hana, Maui. B 292, p 136. Dated Apr 12, 1907. L Y Aiona to Kaeleku Sugar Co Ltd, Ex D; int in 17490 sq ft land, Wa- nanalua, Hana, Maui. B 292, p 136. Dat ed Apr 12, 7907. Sweeping view from D'amond Head over the city toward Ewa. Natural drainage. View cannot be shut out. The only block of its kind left In Honolulu. Former price $17,500. I have got an upset of only $10,000. Saturday, May 4, 1907, at my sales rooms, 857 Kaahumanu St. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale On Tuesday, April 30, At 12 o'clock noon At my salesroom, 857 Kaahumanu St, I will sell at public auction by order of the treasurer, Mr. J. Waterhouae. the following ' nf I'JUIUJ Ul in the riAHIKU SUGAR CO,, Ltd. unless the fifth aflsessment now delin quent, w:th Interest and advertising expenses. Is paid on or before that date and order of rale, at the office of Alex ander & Baldwin, Limited, Stangen wald building. Honolulu: Certificate No. 326, J. II. Callaghan. for 50 shares. Certificate No. for 10 shares. Certificate No. 73' mond, for 20 shares. J. WATERHOUSE, Treasurer Nahlku Pugar Co., Ltd. Honolulu, April S, 1907. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. 422, J. X. Kanaula. Frank M. Or- Auction Sale por Sale WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1907, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M-, At my salesroom, 847 Kaahumanu Street, CHOICE COLLECTION from Mrs. Inman of CALLADITMS, Assorted; REX BEGONIAS, MAIDEN HAIR, HANGING BASKETS, New; CHOICE MOSS, NEW UMBRELLA PLANTS, VARIEGATED. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. Auction Sale OF LEASE Auction Sale SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1907, 12 o'clock noon. At my salesroom, 857 Kaahumanu St., x w:ii sell: The lease of Lot on Maunakea Street FOR 20 YEARS Beginning, at a point on the Eastern side of Maunakea St., 30 feet from the Southeast corner of Maunakea Street and Pauahl Street and running by true bearings as follows: 1. S. 21 04' E. 121.0 feet along fence of I C. A. 544. 2. S. 74 10' W. 76.5 feet along L. C. A. 149. 3. N. 21 05' W. 93.1 feet along L. C. A. 127 to Maunakea Street; thence 4. N. 75 10' E. 77.6 feet along Mau nakea Street to the initial point; con taining an area of 8356 square feet. Conditions of lease at time of sale. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. CHINATOWN 6 111 10 Do You Want A or For Rent THE FINE STONE RESIDENCE, known as the A. Harrison house, act uate on Lunalilo street, mauka side of Junction with Kinau street. House contains: 14 rooms all lofty and of large size. The building Is of bluestone blocks; everything Is of the best material; large lanal, side lanal enclosed in glass; latest Improved plumbing. All connected with sewer. Grounds are well laid out; concrete walks; stabling for 4 horses; servants' dwellings. Rent very reasonable to suitable tm ant. The Furn'ture Is also for sale. Apply JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. FOR SALE on Hassinger Street r r a Pensacola Street. Isenberg. Eakln. 1 4 p m A 3 t 1 2 I vers. Stackable. FOR SALE JS.1C0 sq. ft. Smith Street Very low upset. Saturday, May 4, 1907, At my Salesrooms. Full particulars at my office. BOW i in: Pill FOR AUTOMOBILE? Nearly new. See me today. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. JAS. F. MORGAN. AUCTIONEER. LOT 160 x 176 Area 23.160 sq. ft. Grounds are tastefully la d out; very gentle slope; planted In Hawaiian fruit and shade tres. Lawn turfed with manienle grass. Hou.e of 7 rooms Outbuildings. Location con'fdf-d to be one of the br.t In Honolulu. Terms Jiooo cah; balance $".') a month for one yeir; balance 2 years at 771. Price Only $4,000 JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. L