Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER 21, IQ07. i 1 William O. Smith Trust Department Estates Managed, Kevenucs Collected, v Loans and Investments Made. Insurance AGENT FOR ENGLISH-AMESICAN UNDEEWUmiitS. Real Estate FOR RENT. - House on Vineyard Street, next to San Antonio Hall. Possession Novem ber 1st. Lot With 2 Cottages Comer Miller and Beretania streets CHEAP. Lot in Palolo Tract Area, 18,000 square feet. House and Lot "Kewalo. Lots in Puunui Tract. Houses and Lots in Palama. Lots in Nuuanu Valley and Kaimuki. FOR SALE MARINE effect of easing the tossing of the ves sel and keeping the seas from break ing aboard when lying broadside on. On Thursday afternoon, while the weather was still rough and tempestu ous. the Mokoia hove in sight. Rockets were fired to make sure that she would The denartur. for the Coast of the ! not nass on. But she had seen the t a trannrt PSufr,rri t s virrW I Monowai. and came rapidly to her aid iter arrival was mneiy, lur wu and the arrival $ of the Inter-Island steamers Maui, from Kauai; Iwalani, from Maui and Molokai ports, and Ke Au Hoa, from Koloa, yesterday morn ing kept the waterfront from going to sleep a short portion of the day, but after;that everything was in slumber- terwards a thick sea fog came down, blotting out everything within 50 or 60 yards of the ship's side. Then was witnessed a fine specimen of seamanship. Captain Smith swung the Mokoia alongside the disabled Mo nowai on the sheltered side, passed a line aboard, and then eased away land, unless the French cruiser Catinat again. There was one exciting mo , , . . , I ment as a huge sea lifted the two ves- could be taken as an exception.. It towards each other and the Mo was not visitors' day aboard the Cat- J koi3L stern touched against the side of inat, but a few ladies and their es- : the Monowai with a force sufficient to corts. w ho wf-re curious to view the : smash a portion of her railing. Then view smart little man-of-war, were not re fused the privilege or going aboard. They found the men busy with games of cards, mending clothes, writing let- she cleared, and the long tow for home was begun. The drift of the Monowai lasted 33 hours, during which she went 49 miles to "southward and eastward, then 60 ters home and reading. Tonight the miles to the north and east. At one Commodore. Monsieur Buchard. e-ives ; period of her drift the steamer was a reception, and tomorrow morning early the Frenchman expects to get away for San Francisco, San Diego and Acapulco. WHARF TN BAD SHAPE. Engineer Southworth of the Territo rial Publ'c Works Department has spent many days past in making an examination of the old Government actuallv within IS hours' steam of Syd ney. She was towed 322 miles to port. AMERICAN BOATS FAVORED. Bids for supplying coal to the Atlan tic fleet on its cruise to the Pacific were opened at the Bureau of Equip ment of the Navy Department Sept. 24, eighteen bids having been submit ted, and while some calculating will Well built house, in irakiki District, 5oe block mauka Wilder Avenue cat line. House contains two bedrooms, large mosquito proof lanai, living room, din ing room, kitchen, and.bathroom. Servants' quarters, eajrriage house. Lot is 80x156; good lawn and shade. PRICE 52.700. BISHOP TRUST CO., Ltd, 924 BETHEL STREET LOCAL OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU. Honolulu. Sunday, October 20, 1907. 1 THERMO. Z if ; l; I J 1W 'so 00 63 1901 SO 00. M i" 30 0 80 f 1 . 190S ! 88 83 !; 1904 '.9 9lj 81 i 1905 S0 1)8 80 t ! i 1 1905 '29 W 62 I ' I I 1907 SO 09, 81 L Avjc S3 CO 82 c , - s -- jd - r. V -TO ft WIND wharf, says a Hilo naner of October 15. He hs examined every pile and j be required before the contracts can also all o. the flooring and in his opin- be awarded, says the Army and Navy ion the structure has been so neglect- j Journal, it is clear that most of the ed that it is worthless. It will hav cod, win be carriea in forein ships to be enthely rebuilt, as It is too far , . , . . . , . gone to be patched up. It is believed ",m w UUL " " that if th Tnter-Tsland e-ets n leas be purchased. Under one form of for a wharf site from the government a different location in the immediate vicinity will be chosen. TRANSPORT FOR THE COAST. The stay of the transport Buford here was one of the shortest of recent record for army vessels. She took on proposal estimates' were submitted for transporting 133,000 tons of American semi-bituminous coal in either Amer ican or foreign bottoms, and another form asked for estimates for supply ing 120,000 tons of Welsh coal. The contracts require that the coal shall be delivered at Trinidad, December no coal here and had no passengers , 1-3; Rio de Janeiro, December 5-10; for this port, and all she did here was ! Punta Arenas, December 10-18; Callao drop a few bags of mail, take on water, December 15-20; Magdalena Bay, De give her passengers an opportunity to ; cember 20-27 and January 1-9; and San stretch their legs ashore and take away j Francisco or Mare Island, January a few passengers, including Major Dunning, was has. been ordered to the MORE LIGHT ON MURDER (Continued from Page One.) to her house. Then Kaapana, who had beaten her so brutally, undertook to transport the almost lifeless burden the rest of the way, says Kahula, and, arriving at their house, the husband propped her against a post. Then Kahula, although he noticed that the woman's eyes were horribly discolored and there seemed to be clotted blood in her bedraggled hair, and her lips were cut and bruised and swollen, thought he had accomplished all that was necessary and trudged along homeward. Kahula was sober at the time. Kaapana himself was called to tes tify at the inquest. Coroner William Jarrett warned him that anything he said might be used against him and informed him that he did not have to testify unless he wanted to. Kaapana repeated the story he had told, with out bringing out any new -noints. He remembered some of the incidents of the beating he had administered to the woman with whom he had lived for four months, but he could not rec ollect altogether what had led up to the attack. She had been at the house of her foster father, Akina, and he wanted her to go home. She at first did not want' to go with him, but fi nally started. He had slapped her when she first argued with him in re gard to going home. That was near the brickyard. Later he kicked and struck her and a police officer, Napoha, had remonstrated, but had not other- ise interfered. Kaapana remembered Kahula help ing him to get his wife home. REALTY TRANSACTIONS By Authority Entered of Record Oct 19, 1907. J M Monsarrat et al by Comr to Bruce Cartwright Bruce Cartwright to Robert W Shingle D Bruce Cartwright to Robert W Shingle A M Maria V da silva and hsb to Man uel M Jordao...." D David Kalaikilo to Mrs M Kuaio- noiant Peter X Kahokuoluna and wf to H f iiaiawln . J B Piliwale to Onomea Sugar Co Koko 'Kekua to Onomea Sugar Co -D D M 21-26 and January 25, February 1. In spite of the fact that the bids- of for- Coast to pass the new examination j eign shippers were the lowest, Amer- required to show that he can ride a horse fifteen miles at three different gaits. MANNING'S SURGEON ILL. Dr. S. J. Call, surgeon of the United States revenue cotter Manning, which was stationed here for some time, was ordered home by the medical board ican shipping interests have already protested to the Navy Department against the award of the big coal con tract to foreigners, their contention being that such an award would be in violation of the coastwise trading law forbidding foreign vessels to carry cargoes from one American port to another. In view of this complication the Secretary of the Navy will refrain T x 3 j l . , . , wm)S on uuiy m ln norln recently, from awarding the contract until the and has gone to Hollister, California, w,iifu f tho transaction has been where he owns a ranch, to recuperate. passed upon by the President and the Dr. Call had been sick while north be- Attorney General. Rear Admiral Wil- lore ana aia not want to go on ! lir, a r T I 6 8o 00 70 I , m .... 9 76 02 80 2 ' ! 72 7ft .01 6I 4 HI 68 76 .00 '9 i I 69 76 .00 70 1 Ni 6 71 76 .(6 68 6 KB II 74 78 .CO 73 2 KB 7 74 18 .00 61 0 n 9 7 78 .01 70 i 4 W WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. TIDES, SUM AND MOON. 9 -O m at. If! I s o I 'rrl 1"";0 -:' i v 21 9 dad J iJ.iJ 00 northern duty from here. CLAUDINE HITS WHARF. When arriving at the Railroad wharf at Hilo on . Sunday. October 13. the force of the current swerved the steamer Claudine against the end 'of the wharf. She cut clean through the stringer and knocked out two piles. The boat was little damaged. PRATT'S FLYIi-TG VISIT. R. J. Pratt of the Honolulu Iron Works paid a flying visit to Hilo yes terday, says a Hilo paper of October 15. He landed at Laupahoehoe, came through by the road, visited four plan tations where machinery is being in stalled, arrived in Hilo yesterday morning and left by the Claudine in the afternoon. Id T W T r 8 8 p m p m. ' m I S 42, 1 6 8.40 9 s: 10.08 5.59 & 30 Rise I 22 4.2? 1 7 4 11 10.03 10.58 5 .9 I 29 6 55 i 23 5 00 1 7 4 40 : 0 27 11 47 6 00 5 29 7 8? ; I p.m. : t 24 S 83 1.7 5.C8 10 50 it 42 6.03 5 V"8 8.19 25 6.20 1.7 5 19 11 13 1.45 6 01 5 27 9 07 i ! ' I 26 7 03: 1 6 ?.2j 11 40 3.8 01 5.27 9 53 ! i t 27 7.5J 1 8 45 ....I 4 S3 6 02 5 2d 10 44 Full moon October 20 at 10:4a p. m The tides at Kanulul and Hilo occur about one hour earlier than at Hono lulu. Hawaiian standard time la 10 hours SO minutes slower than Greenwich ftime, being that of the meridian of 157 rwftheTi 1 ? Threes tnirty minutes, xne time wnis f tie blows at 1:30 p. m., which Is the same as Greenwich 0 hours 0 minutes. Sun and moon are for local time for the whole group. METEOROLOGICAL RECORD, Issued Every Sunday Morning by the Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau. 2 - MAS UM. IB '3 8 4 . IJ5 a 13- O m tea, is o . 8 III' 29 90 82 ! 73 0C 7fl I 7 1 S 5 II il4j M - 3 74 -00 77 7 " 6 T IS; 29 90 84 Ti .(0,72 i K 5 Wis! 29 80 72 0 Ti 5 V T 17 3') CO 80 7S ,00 1 4 15 F IS 80 0 7i 72 .W 5 6 11 8 ij J0 04 80 73 :0J 5d 5 U ENTERPRISE'S SAILING. The Matson liner Enterprise left for j San Francisco on Saturday at 2 o'clock, according to a Hilo paper of last Tuesday. Her passengers were Dr. and Mrs. Davis. H. L. Shaw and wife, Henry Louisson, D. Forbes, wife and child, and H. O. Parsons and wife. The Enterprise carried a cargo ot sugar and also a shipment of canned pineapples from the Hilo cannery. SHTPPING ITEMS. After standing off port for a couple! of days, the barkentine Mary Winkle mann put into Hilo on October 10 with lumber for the Hilo Mercantile Co. from Aberdeen, Wash. The last week's trip of the steamer Kinau was the one thousandth made by that vesnel between Honolulu , and this port, s.s a Hilo paper of 5. In honor of the occasion a silk flag was presented to Admiral Beckley, who has so safely brought the ship through many perils. HELPLESS IN MID-OCEAN. The Sydney Daily Telegraph of Sep- j tember 16, has the following concern ing the S. S- Monowai, phich used to run here: "All's well that ends well." The anxiety felt concerning the safety of the Union Steamship Company's inter colonial liner Monowai, four days overdue from Wellington, New Zea land, was ended by the safe arrival of the vessel in Sydney Harbor early yes terday morning. . She had met with a mishap during heavy weather at sea not long after passing the Wim- mera, New Zealand-bound, last Mon U. S. N., Chief oj" the Bureau of Equipment of the Navy De partment, says the bids show that there will be no trouble in , obtaining all the coal required for the fleet. Ha is also quoted as follows "I was dis appointed, however, in not obtaining more- proposals for shipping coal In American bottoms. From a hasty survey of the estimates submitted, as far as they have been tabulated, we will be able to ship American coal in foreign bottoms at a cheaper rate than we can obtain Welsh coal, so there will be no necessity for resorting to that." The President has decided that if the additional cost shall not ex ceed $200,000 to carry coaf for the fleet J going to the Pacific in American bot toms rather than foreign he will take that course SUPPLIES FOR FLEET. It is expected that all the vessels in the fleet going to the Pacific will leave laden down with all the supplies they can take from the Navy storehouses, and when they use them up resort will be had to the supplyships, Culgoa and Glacier, which will go along with the fleet, says the Army and Navy Jour nal. Dehydrated vegetables will be furnished, which are regarded as by far more palatable and healthful than the desiccated. They are preserved by dehydration under refrigeration and retain the original flavor to a most lifelike degree. Most of these goods come from the works of the American Dehydrating Company, W'aukesha, Wis. "Ohio April Eggs" are also to be furnished. These are put up in tins in a dry yellow powder. The cans con tain twenty-five pounds, which would be the equivalent of twenty dozen. For cooking pastry or for scrambling this sort of eggs answers every pur pose. There has been talk of taking fresh eggs laid down in "water glass" or silicate of potassium. This is a vis cous liquid in which eggs will keep sweet and fresh for years, and when boiled or fried cannot be told from fresh ones. By using unfertilized eggs, laid by hens kept apart from the male birds, and laying them down prompt ly in water glass in strong covered cans there would be little difficulty, it is believed, in having fresh eggs for the whole voyage. ' M Fong Sui to Sing Loy B g Recorded Oct 10, 1907. Henry Holmes to Adelaide Marques A M; mtg J F Souza on pc land, Pa- 1010 valley rd, Honolulu, Oahu. $300 a p 1S3. Dated Oct 11, 1907. Otto Hillefeld to W T Schmidt, P A general powers. B 294, p 410. Dated isov 24, 1905. v ong j ivam to Wong But Yip, A L.; int in pc land, Beretania st, Ho nolulu, Oahu. $50. B 29S, p 78. Da ted Oct 10, 1907. H M von Holt Tr to Oahu Railway & Land Co, D; lands, leasehold, live stock, etc, Kahuku Ranch, Koolauloa, Oahu; lands, leaseholds, livestock, etc, Halemano Ranch, etc, Waialua, uanu; lands, leaseholds, livestock, etc, Honouliuli Ranch, Ewa, Oahu. B 296, p .Dated Oct 10, 1907 H M von Holt Tr to Oahu Railway She!& Land Co' D; lands leaseholds, live- was placed indoors, after spending a! t ' T , -lwnuKU -"ancn, Koolauloa, time on the veranda, and he reposed : al?u: land' leaseholds, livestock, etc, beside her to sleep. He had an idea ! f ma,no n,c,h' Waialua. Oahu; that she was half-fooling him and that! . leaseholds, livestock, etc, Ho she wa nnt wt hrnv Q rh, n i nuliuli Ranch, etc, Ewa, Oahu. B 2fi n Sill Tio f,1 rr. in mnr she wanted it to appear. He slept and HIGH SHERrFF'S SALE NOTICE. he thought she slept. The idea of her being unconscious did not appear to strike him. He had been drinking heavily down town. When he awoke in the morning and called to his wife, lying there beside him, she did not an swer, and, sobered, he examined her and came to the conclusion that she might be benefited by medical attend ance. His sister agreed with him; in fact, his sister is supposed to have been the first to convince him that 296, p 340. Dated Oct 10. 1907. George Mundon and wf lo Francis M Swanzy et al, D; shares, bldgs, etc, in hui land Wainiha, Halelea, Kauai. $320. B 296, p 341. Dated Sept 201907. Recorded Oct 12, 1907. Wr E Rovvell to Wong Kam On, L; 6 4-10a land, Manoa Valley, Honolulu, Oahu. 10 yrs; 6 mos $1 pd, rem term $96 pr y. B 298, p 79. Dated June 13, 1907. . Edward Ingham and wf to Reorgan ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter his wife was seriously hurt. He then Day Saints, D; S E 1-2 of lot 7, gr went down town to give himself up to the police and to ask that the police patrol wagon be sent for her to take her to the hospital. He found at the police station that someone had al ready telephoned for the wagon. Kaapana was detained at the police station. He is now in Oahu prison, charged with murder in the first de gree, the woman having died at 9 o'clock Friday night, about twenty four hours after the beating which re sulted in concussion of the brain, cerebral hemorrhage, fracture of the skull, broken ribs, cut lips, black eyes and internal injuries. Akina, foster father of the dead wo- rrnah, also testified, as did a lei Woman, Mrs. Edwards, a near neighbor, near whose house the fatal beating oc curred. The witnesses seemed to have thought that the trouble between the man and woman was not unusual and intimated previous beatings. No one ha1 "seen the actual beating, although they had heard high wvords of the quarreling and the woman's cries for her man to cease his onslaught. The jury returned a verdict of death through cerebral hemorrhage caused by blows administered by Kaapana. - IRRIGATION EXPERT HERE (Continued from Page One.) Colorado State Agriculture College and from 18S8 to 1899 was first territorial, and then state, engineer of Wyoming. He next entered the Federal employ as the chief of the irrigation and water D; int in lot 18, gr 4755, Maulua Home- investigations being made by the Uni bldgs, etc. King st, Honolulu, Oa hu. $1. B 299, p 53. Dated Oct 11, 1907. C F Hart and wf to W V Roden hurst, D; 2a land, Niulil, Kohala, Ha waii. $1, etc. B 299, p 54. Dated May 5, 1902. W r Rodenhurst to Hawaii Railway Co Ltd, M; 2a land and bldg. Nlulii, Kohala, Hawaii. $1080.07. B 297, p 184. Dated Oct 8, 1907. Sarah C Waters (Mrs) et al to A M Cabrinha, Rel; makai half of lot 5, R P 23, bldgs, etc, Amaula st, Hilo, Hawaii. $600. B 299, p 187. Dated Sept 26, 1907. 8 W Pika et al to John T Brown, A M; mtg SWA Kaleihoa on pc land, Paleileiha, Waihee, Maui; It P (gr) 150S, Maluaka, Honuaula, Maui. $150. B 297, p 188. Dated Oct 9, 1907. Hugh M Coke and wf to Antone Furtado, D; pc land, .Kapapohaku, Wailuku, Maui. $1200. B 299, p 56. Da ted Oct 8, 1907. Recorded October 14, 1907. Dan Leong by tr to T Kajita, Rel; leasehold, bldgs, etc, Waikele, Ewa, Oahu. $1600. B 297, p 189. Dated Oct 12, 1907. Carlos A Long to Manl K Cook, A L; premises, Beretania Ave, Honolulu, Oahu. JI5Q0. B 298, p 81. Dated Oct 12, 1907. Flora Girvin (widow) to Mary S Rice, M; lot 150, gr 371, Kinau St, Ho nolulu, Oahu. $2000. B 297, p 189. Dated Oct 8. 1907. Mary S Rice to Bd of Hawn Evan gelical Assn, A M; mtg F Girvin (widow) on lot 150, gr 371, Kinau St, Honolulu, Oahu. $1. B 297, p 192. Dated Oct 10. 1907. Elia Naone and wf to G V Jakins, Under and by virtue of a certain Writ of Execution, issued out of thd Circuit Court of the First Judicial Cir cuit, Territory of Hawaii, on the 5th day of June, 1907, in the matter of the Hawaiian Hardware, Company, Limited, an Hawaiian Corporation, plaintiff, vs. Koolau Kaikainahaolc, defendant, for the sum of Nine Hundred Eighty-two and 19-100 ($982.19) Dollar?. I did make a personal demrfud upon said Koolau Kakainahaole, defendant, for the pajmcut of said judgment as above stated, and having failed lo ooniidv with such demand to pay said judg ment, I did, on the 3rd day of October, A. D. 1907, after the above mentioned Execution had been duly extended ac cording to law, levied upon, and shall offer for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, so much of the property hereinafter referred to as may be necessary to satisfy the said Writ of Execution at the front entrance of the Capitol Building, in Honolulu, Isl and and County of O:hu, Territory of Hawaii, at 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, the 5th day of November, A. D. 1907, all of the following described prop erty of said defendant Koolau Kaikai nahaolc, unless tho judgment and costj of said execution, together with inter est, and my fees and expenses are pre viously paid: FEOPEKTY TO BE SOLD. All the right, title and interest of said Koolau Kaikainahaolc, in and t Apana 2 of R. P. 2803 L. C. A. 5204 to Kalama 2, situate at Polapola, Hono uliuli, in the D.strict of Ewa. Oahu, conveyed to said Kaikaijahaole Koolau by deed of Kalama 2 and Hoopii hi wife therein joining, as recorded in the office of the Registry of Conveyances ia Honolulu, in Liber 120, page 50. A cash payment of ten per cent of tha amount of the successful bid to be made at the time of sale, balance to b paid in TJ. S. Gold Coin upon delivery of deed. Deed at the expense of purchaser. Dated at Honolulu, Oahu, October 4, 1907. wjr. henry, High Sheriff, Territory of Hawaii. 7850 Oct. 5, 21, Ncv. 5. . ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ted States department of agriculture and ' has been professor of the in stitution " and practise of irrigation a the University of California. He left his work with the Federal governmen to accept the offer from Melbourne. He is the author of many reports and articles on the subject of irrigation and also of a book known as "Irrigation Institutions." There is a letter in the advertised list for Nicholas Russell. Is this our own Dr. Nicholas Russel? days and nights was made a plaything S. and NE. - j by the winds of heaven and the great Note, Barometer readings are cor-1 billows of the Tasman Sea. rected for temperature, . instrumental j By a curious coincidence tne steamer errors, and local eTavitr. and reduced was picked up by the same sistership, to sea level. Average cloudiness stated the Mokoia, that rescued her In Oc- ln sale from 0 to 10. Direction oi tober nearly six years ago, wnen sne wind la prevailing direction during 24 was disabled through her propeller 44 hours ending at 8 p. m. Velocity or blades struung noaung wreciuige. i win. ia n vaivitv m miles oer v.A...ei. ( W. t indicates trace of rain. afternoon of Friday, September 6, t 'j rwvur kix iHehtlv laden. She rode into a heavy ft Rftetion Director. I southwest gale on the following Mon day, and about 3 a. m. on Tuesday. n-Vcn oTitVii-n 9n hours' sail of Svdnev Taxpayers should not wait until to6?! the, rudder head snapped, and the ves- e sued for their taxes, now is the senwas helpless in a troubled ocean. J time to call at the Tax Office and as- The rudder was secured with difflcul- certain what you owe and pay up, xor I -, thi3 ingenious con sults are now heing prepared against trivanC for steadying the rudderless all delinquents. ' ; vessel was carried away, the tremend . , I ous seas snapping tne steei rupe us " . I u-r. o fio nrnvprhinl carrot. There's more money wasted in in- h hpi2ht of the gale the expedl- Judicious advertising every, year han ent 0f -pouring oil upon the troubled ia buying wild cat mining stocks. 'waters was resorted to. and had the . The Tax Office is not required under Section 1267, E. to send out in dividual notices of the amount of taxes due by each and every taxpayer. TI JAPANESE GOME CURTAINS FOR LUNCH. The sea wind shook the Japanese curtain of bamboo and glass beads, and as the strands divided the beach was visible the white beach, the blue sea and the bathers bobbing up and down in the sun-warmed billows. "These Japanese curtains," said the host, "are a fraud, some of them. No wonder you can see through them They get thinner and thinner. For the srlass beads disappear. The mice eat them." "Mice eat glass beads? Impossible!" "So I thought at first. But finding the beads on all my curtains disappear ing, I Investigated, and 1 touna inni these pretty pale beads were not made of glass at all. They were made of rice. They were translucent rice ker nels strung -bead-like between the bits of bamboo. "No wonder they disap peared so fast. They made a fine lunch for the mice." Chicago Tribune. FROM NEW CALEDONIA Two Japanese arrived here by the Miowera from New Caledonia by way of Suva. They went to New Caledonia seven years ago as contract laborers to work in a nickel mine on a f our- LANGITAGE STUDY IN CHINA. The retiring Tartar general of Kirin. Central Manchuria, has memoralized the. throne in regard to the establish ment of a foreign language school at Kirin for training Chinese students to learn foreign languages and literature for government appointment in future. The proposed school is to be divided into five classes, namely, English, French. German, Russian and Japa nese, while the number of students for each class is to be limited to twenty men, who are to be between 18 and 23 years of age and descendants of re- stead Lots, Hilo, Hawaii. $1. B 299, p 58. Dated Oct 10, 1907. J Kalua Kaohi and wf to H L Hol- stein, D; int in R P 7490, kul 8815, Niulii, Kohala, Hawaii. $25. B 296, p 343. Dated Oct 14. 1907. N G Peterson to Chas K Simpson, D; lot 15 in hui land. Kuau, Hama- kuapoko, Maui. $100. B 296, p 344. Dated Oct 12, 1907. HONOLULU BREWING & MALTING COMPANY, LTD. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Honolulu Brewing & Malting Company, Ltd., held at the of fice of the company, in Honolulu, Oc tober 15, 1907, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President Mr. Fred. Harrison Vice President...... Mr. E. Coit Hobron Treasurer.... ....Mr. Chas. G. Bartlett Secretary .Mr. W. C. Parke Auditor Mr. Frank Halstead The above, with Mr. J. J. Beteer and Mr. A. Hocking, constitute the Board of Directors. W. C. PARKE, 7860 Secretary. MEETING NOTICE. DIVIDEND NOTICE. EWA PLANTATION COMPANY. The directors of this corporation having declared a dividend of 3 per cent., Dividend No. 124 is due and pay able on Thursday, October 31, 1907, to stockholders of record at the close of the stock-transfer books, Monday, Oc tober 21, 1907. at 12 m. Stock-transfer books will be reopen ed on Friday, November 1, VJUt- CHAS. H. ATHERTON, Treasurer, Ewa Plantation Company. Honolulu, October 19, 1907. 7863 The annual meeting of the Hawaiian Live Stock Breeders' Association- will be held In Honolulu, Oahu, Monday, November 18, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the rooms of the Hawaiian ' Sugar Planters Association, Judd building. A. M. BROWN, 7S60 Secretary. - NOTICE OF STOCKHOLD ERS MEETING. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF MARIA E. DA AVEIRO, DECEASED. I have been duly appointed executor of the estate of Maria Emelia da Ave- ro, deceased, by a Judge of the First HAWAIIAN MAHOGANY LUMBER COMPANY. LTD. At the request of the Board of Di rectors of the Hawaiian Mahogany Lumber Company, Limited, a Hawai ian corporation, a meeting of the stockholders of said company is hereby called for Monday, the 21st day of. October, . A. D. 1907, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of considering an Increase In the capital stock of said, company, the election of officers, and for such other business as may properly come before the meet ing. Such meeting will be held at the of fice of P.ruce Cartwright, Esq., No. 23 Merchant street, Honolulu. ROBERT W. SHINGLE, Secretary. Dated October 11, 1907. 7851 FOR LEASE. 1. That psreel of land situate on the makai eide of Hotel street, ad Joining the Ewa side of the Hub Clothing Store, for a term of years. Circuit Court of Hawaii; and hereby Lessee to erect stone, brick or concrete year contract. There are about 1200 Japanese in New Caledonia, where snectable families. The teachers are to iney receive n& rrancs, aDout is, a be engaged from tne nve cuunui" month. From New Caledonia these two went to Fiji, where there are. according to them, seventeen Japanese men and one Japanese woman. They were treated well both In New Cale donia and In Fiji. In the latter place they ran across a copy of the Jiyu Shinbun, and so decided .to come here. named, through the medium or tn Chinese ministers at London. Paris. Berlin, St. Petersburg and Tokio re spectively, after imperial sanction has been received by the memorialists. The annual expenditure for the maintenance of this school is to be about 50,000 taels. (Tael, 80 cents.) notify all persons having claims against said estate, even if sucn claims be secured by mortgage upon real estate, to present the same, duly authenticated, with proper vouchers, if any exist, to me, at tne omi-e ji a. Humphreys. 33 King street, Hono lulu, within six montns rrom tne date of this notice, or within six months from the day such claims fall due, or the same will be forever barred. JOSE DA AVEIRO, Executor, Estate Maria E. da Aveiro, Deceased. Dated the 21st day of October. 1907. 7863 Oct. 21, 2S; Nov. 2, 9, 16. 23. NOTICE. Fnog Sui, doing business under the firm name of Sing Kim Wo, at Wal pahu. this island, has assigned all of his right, title and interest in and to all book accounts, two wagons and one horse to Sing Loy. PING LOY. 231 By FARM CORNS. building. 2. Lower floor of building known as "Masonic Block," corner Queen an Fort streets. 3. Store formerly occupied by Ha waiian Hardware Co., on Fort street, between Queen and Merchant streets. Offices on the second floor of th Campbell Block, corner Merchant and Fort. Apply at office of ESTATE OF JAMES CAMPBELL, 7819 97 Merchant Street. N0TIC OAHU RAILWAY AND LAND COM PANY. Notice Is hereby given that the cashier's office of the Oahu Railway and Land Company has been moved from the Honolulu station to 404 Stan genwald building. Telephone 321. Honolulu, T. II., October 14, 1907. 7853 , - r r WW i-1 I -