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THE PACIFIC COMMEBCIAZi ADVEETI5ES, HONOLULU, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1908. 14 The Yokohama Specie Bank, Limited HISTORIC JEWELS 60 UNDER THE RAWER r ir ESTABLISHED 1880. Capital (Paid op) Ten 24,000,000 Beaerre Fund Yen 15,100,000 yrrATi orncE, Yokohama. Branches and Agencies: Tolio, Kobe, Osaka, Nagasaki, Lon don, Lyons, New York, San Francisco, Bombay, Hongkong, Shanghai, Han kow, Chefoo, Tientsin, Peking, New- chang, Dalny, Port Arthur, Antung linen, Uaoyang, Mukden, Tieoling, Changchun. The bank bays and receives for collection bills of exehanee. issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, and transacts a general banking business. Honolulu Branch, 67 S. King Street Motor Boats Fitted with 4 Cycle Engines, $125 Up CHARLES D. WALKER'S . Boat and Machine Works, KINO ST., NEAR SOUTH ST. P. M. POND General Contractor PLOWING, GRADING, HAULING, EOCK, SAND, ETC Let Us Submit an Estimate P. M. POND - Telephone 890 fl GENERAL REPAIRS Te CARRIAGES OR AUTOMO BILES. ; , W. W. WRIGHT h CO. UNO, NXAR SOUTH STXR Grays and Browns SIRS, SOFT GOLDEN AND PURPLE Such are the mew colors in Houso Decoration GOOD WORK AND ' ARTISTIC COLORING TOM SHARP The Painter. ELITE BUILDING - Telephone 397 SharpSix&S Make Good Barnhart rill deUrer a superior grade of ICE at 25c Per Hundred Pounds 1X0DUCT3 OF Love's Bakery IVH.fyTfwT Goods; Baked Daily Saloon Pilot Pilot and Soda Crackers j for sale by the following Irai: HENRY MAY & CO , J. M. LEVY & CO, T. H. DAVIES & CO, . H. HACKFELD 4 CO, C J. DAY & CO, GONSALVES & CO. Fire Insurance rrvrv xt t? tmt t TXTntTAmr m LTD. General Agents for Hawaii: Atlas Assuraaee Company of London. New York Underwriters Ageney. PnrrideBee Washington Insurance Company. Union Electric Co. ft BERETANIA 8TREET. Telephone SIS. How Wiring - Belli - Dry Oelli Bpeeial attention to installing priTito telephones and general repair work. This woman says Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound laved her life, Itead her letter. Mrs. T. C Willadsen, of Mannin! Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham; I can trulr sav that Lvdia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound saved my life, and 1 cannot express my gratitude to you in words. For years I suffered with the worst forms of female com plaints, continually doctoring and pending- lots of money for medicine without help. I wrote you for advice, followed it as directed, and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it has restored me to perfect health. Had it not been for vou I should hare been in my grave to-day. I wish every suffering woman would try it." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, mado rom roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities. periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? , Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Send Your Suit To the EAGLE DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS rIaaee 571. FORT RTXmrT For Kimonos SEE K. Fukuroda ALL 00L0B3 AND PRICES. PURE DISTILLED, WATER Is Manufactured and Delivered By Consolidated Soda Water Works , Phone 71 Consult Us ABOUT DELIVERING YOUR . LETTERS AND PACKAGES Territorial Messenger Service Phone S61 Christmas Packages PUT UP F.I. A. Gunst & Co. Fort and King Streets. REALTY TRANSACTIONS Entered of Record December 16, 1908. Becky K Chang and hsb to Mrs II E Wright D Kok Ng to Sam Sing Wai Co BS Maui Agricultural Co to Sam R Dowdle L William L Castle, tr, to Mabel W Swain D William Medeiros to E S Cunha. .Sur L A C Talfrey to Laupahoehoe Sugar Co AM Antonio B da Silveira to Jason Andrade PA Recorded December 11, 1908. Maria J Forbes (widow), bv attv, in Ellen S Daven. D; por R P (gr) 1302. Wyllie St. Honolulu, Oahu. $750. B 310, p 444. Dated Dec 8, 1908. Trent Trust Co Ltd to Tin Look, Rel: pes land. Fort St, Honolulu. Oahu. $350. B 312, p 78. Dated Aug 22, 1908. Fanny Straueh and hsb (P E R) to John Apio. D; int in R P 2470, kuls fififiO and ini82, Palikea, Honolulu, Oahu. $1. B 310, p 446. Dated Dec' 10, 1908. ; Est of S C Allen by trs to Claus Snrekels & Co, A M: mtg M Rosen bledt on por gr 153, Punahou St, Ho nolulu, Oahu. $10000. B 312, p 79. Dated Dec 11, 190. Henrv Holmes and wf to Jeanette P,-GipnoHx, D; lot 10. blk 7. College Hills Tract, Honolulu. Oahu. $1250. B 310. p 447. Dated Dec 10, 190S. Jeanette P .Gignoux and hsb (A J) to Henry Holmes. M: lot 10, Wk 7, College Hills Tract. Honolulu. Oahu. $750. B 312, p SO. Dated Dec 10, 1908. ' Henrv Holmes and wf to Harriet J Campbell. D; lot 9, blk 7. College Hills Tract. Honolulu. Oahu. $1250. B 310, p 449. Dated, Dec 10, 1908. Mrs Harriet J Campbell and hsb (M) to nenry Holmes. M; lot 9, blk 7. College Hills Tract, Honolulu. Oahu. $750. B 312, p 83. Dated Dec 10, 1908. Guy S Goodness and wf to BJ of TIam Evangelical Assn. D; land pat ent 5070. Kanaio. Ilonuanla. Maui. $1. B 310, p 415. Dated Sept 24, 1908. Buyers and interested spectators to the number of over two hundred and fifty atten.lfd the auction sale of his toric jewelry held in the Kapiolani Estate building yesterday morning, the, jewelry being a portion of that belong ing to the late Prince David and con sisting of the many pieces bequeathed to the late Prince by King Kalakaua. Many of the pieces, including all the orders, were bought in at private sale bv the Frineess Kawananakoa. Among the buyers were several ma- lihinis, who appreciated the historic value of many of the pieces and who made the bidding lively, forcing good prices for the greater part of the col lection. Among the local buyers, (ieorge Davies, Sam Parker, S. H. Bickerton, F. J. Lowrey and Morris , Rosenbledt secured several of the best relics. The latter secured possibly the best ; buy from the standpoint of intrinsic , values of the sale, this being a gold . bracelet, formerly the property of the j Princess Toomaikalani. The piece of j jewelry was massive and set with five white and one black diamond, and aj number of other jewels. The bidding! on this piece started at $250 and the I knock-down price was $360. A Ma sonic sword, which had been a presen- ation to King Kalakaua from a for eign Masonic lodge, went to Mr. Bick erton for $60, and a gold cigarette case, bearing a diamond crown, a pres ent from King Kalakaua to the Prin cess Poomaikalani, fell to Sam Parker at a price of $265. The bidding on thi was the most spirited of the sale. George Davies secured an unlooked- for, bargain in a kukui-nut locket, which he bid in at a comparatively I 6mall price. After the purchase the new owner discovered a secret spring i and on opening the locket it was found j to contain a beautiful miniature of Queen Kapiolani, set opposite a gold plate inscribed with Hawaiian charac ters. Make your Christmas a kodak Christmas. No other gift will give the same amount of pleasure for the '. money, iocai plane KoaaKs ana cam eras, folding pocket kodaks, photo graphic supplies. Honolulu Photo Sup ply Co. By Authority The Board of License Commissioners for the County of Oahu will hold a meeting at the Executive building on Thursday, December 31, 1908, at 4 p. m., to consider the application of FRED P. JOHNSON for a Wholesale License to sell intoxicating liquors at Honouliuli, Oahu, under the provisions of Act 119, Session Laws of 1907. All protests or objections against the issuance of a license under said appli cation should be filed with the secre tary of the Board not later than the time set for said hearing. A. J. CAMPBELL, Secretary, Board of License Commis sioners. ' 8212 Dec. 3, 10, 17, 24. NO. 150. TERRITORY OF HAWAII. Court of Land Registration. - Territory of Hawaii to S. F. Burbank, Walter Coombs, Mrs. S. S. Kinney, Mrs. Emma Abies, Mrs. Dixie Owen, , A. M. Simpson, Mrs. George Ford, Madge Waring, Emily C. Judd, Juliet Judd Swanzy, Emily Pauahi Judd, Charles H. Judd. Jr.;, Terri tory of Hawaii, by Marston O.unp belL as Superintendent of Pub.Uc Works, and by C. R. Hemenway, as Attorney General; County of Oahu, by Charles Hustace, Jr., as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and to all whom it may concern: Whereas, a petition has been pre sented to said Court by Frederick C. Miller, to register and confirm his title in the following-described land: Beginning at a bolt on the east side of Makiki street and at the north cor ner of this lot, the true azimuth and distance to the concrete monument at the west eorner of Makiki and Nowe wehi streets being 187 17', 94.6 feet; and the true azimuth and distance from said bolt to the iron pipe filled with cement marking the east corner of Makiki and Hastings streets being 223 35 171.2 feet, and running by true azimuths: (1) 318 16', 110.5 feet, along lot owned by Mrs. Emma Abies to corner of fence; (2) 44 33', 49.9 feet, along lots own ed by A. M. Simpson and Mrs. S. S. Kinney to bolt; (3) 138 16', 109.6 feet, along lot owned bv D. F. Owen to bolt; (4) 223 35', "50 feet, along Makiki street to the point of beginning; Containing an area of 5484 square feet, being part of L. C. A. 8241, Sec. 2. A p. 2. to John li; known as por tions of lots 74 and 75 of the Anapuni Subdivision, on the east side of Ma kiki street, Honolulu, Oahu. Yon are hereby cited to appear at the Court of Land Registration, to be held at Honolulu, Island of Oahu, en i the 15th day of January, A. D. 190!', at one o'clock and thirty minutes in the afternoon, to show cause, if ny you have, whv the prayer of said pe- l tition should not be granted. And unless you appear at said Court :itthe time and place aforesaid your default will be recorded, and the said petition will be taken as confessed, and yot will be forever barred from contesting said petition or any decree entered thereon. itness. u. w i. i-.n, i Esquire. Judge of said Court, this 15th day of December, in the year nineteen hunilred and eight. Attest with Seal of said Court. (Seal) W. L. HOWARD, Roiiisrrtr. 8224 Dec. 17, 24, 31; Jan. 7. ijj o f, 3! r 1 t ' 4 - P C H - -c THIS MORRIS CHAIR Complete with cushions is to be sold while those now on hand last for It is of solid oak, well constructed in every way, and can be had in weathered or golden oak finish. .Order today and we will deliver at Christmas time. OFFICE DESKS We are headquarters for office furniture.. We have the best and cheapest to be had in the market. Twenty patterns of roll top desks to select from, from three feet to six feet in lie length. Small desks suitable for the home or giants for the banker or big office man. We 'also have office tables of various lengths, office chairs, stools, and long standing bookkeepers desks. Our desks are of Grand Rapids make and are O. K. in every particular. SECTIONAL BOOKCASES 1 We have the best line of oak sectional bookcases made. These are made of SE LECTED QUARTERED WHITE OAK. The units are united by interlocking dove tail joint; very simple and the strongest seperable wood joint known, and by this method of construction the manufacturers were able to discatd all metal bands, castings and screws in making the, case, yet it is fastened so firmly together that for all practical purposes it is one single piece. - It is MOVEABLE ON CASTERS WHERE AND AS YOU WISH, WITHOUT DISTURBING ANY OF THE CON TENTS. If you are acquainted with the regular sectional book case and are familiar with its faults come and see the great im provements which have been made in the construction of these cases. A handsome article for home use. AND IT SELLS AT THE SAME PRICE AS THE CUMBURSOME AND RICK ETY ONES DO. SOME SUGGES TIONS FOR which we can furnish you in great variety: Wicker Tables, Wicker Chairs, Wicker Rockers, Smokers Stands, Cellarettes, Shaving Stands, Music Cabinets, Framed Pictures, Couch Covers, Sewing Tables, Go-Carts, Parlor Tables, Library Tables, Bookracks, Foot Rests, Jardiniere Stands, Beds, Iron and Brass, Rockers, Portieres, Rugs, Cribs, High Chairs, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables Sideboards, China Cabinets, Morris Chairs, Table Covers, ciW" Rope Portieres. And a hundred and one different articles suitable for use in the home. Make your Christmas gift one which will be useful every day for the next ten years then it will be appreciated. Every steamer for the last two months has brought us great quantities of goods. If you have not visited us for a couple of months you should do so now as we have got tigether the finest stock of Furniture, Rugs, etc, ever shown in Honolulu. We would like to show these articles to you CASH OR PAY-LI TTLE-AT-A-TIME. i Half an acre of floor space in the L'ewers & Cooke P.ldg., King St., devoted entirely to house furnishing. Largest house of its kind in the Islands. Best goods and lowest price. Open Evenings Until Christmas 1 ir