Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1909. REALTY T BU5K1I5 Entered of Record January 7, 1909. Henry K poepoe to Louisa Keoneu la and hsb Eel Martha Berger to August Dreier, Ltd AM Kukantanu K I'uu and wf to Maria K Scott D Walter II Bradley to Jacob S Bai ley.. .: Agrmt Joao Reizentes and wf to E Dotta M Mitchell Kalauia to William bav idge, Tr W B Opunui Kua and wf to Wil liam O Smith ' 1st of R F Biekerton, by Tr et al, to Grace D Merrill i'lias Makaokalani to Meleafl:; Queen's Hospital to Kohala Ditch Co, Ltd - Mercedes L Soule and hsb to Bank of Hawaii, Ltd M Oahu College, by Trs, to Charlotte D I Steere D Charlotte D I Steere and hsb to Trs of Oahu College M Recorded December 26, 1908. Lui Maw to Kok Keong Hing, B S; iht in 1-10 share in Mow Hung Co, 763 Sheridan St, Honolulu, Oahu; $1100. B 321, p 26. Dated Dec 18, 1908. William It Castle, by Regr, Notice f decree of title in Land Reg Court Case No. 53. B 321, p 27. Dated Dec 23, 1908. First Bank of Hilo, Ltd to Abbie K Maguire (Mrs), A M; mtg A W Akau ind hsb on 13,961 sq ft land, leasehold, bldgs, etc, Puueo, HiTo, Hawaii; $562.25. B 307. d 294. Dated Dec 16, 1908 II Hackfeld & Co, Ltd, to C Akui, Rel; leasehold, bldgs, etc, Waipunaula I, S Kon, Hawaii; $470.93. B 307, p 297. Dated Dec 24, 1908. Stephen Carty to George C Carty, D; lot 6, Patent 4490, Kaohe, Puna, Ha waii; $500. B 310, p 459. Dated Nov 24, 1908. S Kimura to First Nat Bank of Wai Tuku, C M; leasehold, bldgs, livestock, wagons, etc, Waikapu, Maui; $1500. B 307, p 295. Dated Dec 23, 1908. Recorded December 28, 1908. ' Kepolaliilii (widow) to Fanny Strauch, D; int in R P 2465, kul 732, Leleo, Honolulu, Oahu. $60. B 311, p 278. Dated Dec 26, 1908. A Lewis, Jr, and wf to Joe Ornellas, D; int in lots 23 to 36 (incl), blk 13, Kapiolani Tract, Honolulu, Oahu. $204. B 311, p 279. Dated Nov 7, 1908. John Walker to Edward II Holt, F.xehge D; int in por kul 585, Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, Oahu. , $1, etc. B 311, p 281. Dated Nov9, 1908. Edward II Holt to John Walker, focehge D; int in por kul 788, Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, Oahu. $1, etc. B 311, p 281. Dated Nov 9, 1908. D II Lewis to John Walker, Par Rel; int in por kul 788, Nuuanu Ave, Ho nolulu, Oahu. B 311, p 281. Dated Nov 9, 1908. K Tsunoda to M Morimoto, Rel; mdse, bk accts, fixtures, etc, in store and livestock, wagons, etc, Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu. $2000, B 307, p 298. Dated Dec 26, 1908. K Tsunoda to S feshima, B S; lease Bold, bldgs, mdse, fixtures, bk accts, in store, and livestock, wagons, etc, Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu. $2750. B 321, p 28. Dated Dec 26, 1908. G J Waller to Esther Kamakolu et al, Rel; por R P 683, kul 8504, bldgs, B 307, p 298. Dated Dec 28, 1908. . Esther Kaneakua and hsb (J M) et al to G J Waller, M; por R P 683, kul 8504, bldgs, etc, Kumuulu, Honolulu, Oahu. $1500. B 307, p 299. Dated Dec 28, 1908. Est of Abigail K C Parker by admr to Samuel Parker, Rel; lands, lease holds, bldgs, etc, on Oahu, Hawaii and Maui, $1. B 307, p 302. Dated Dec 26, 1908. Est of Emma Kaleleonalani by tr to J R Gait et al, trs, L; 1 l-2a land, Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, Oahu. 5 yrs at $5 per yr. B 313, p 220. Dated May 19, 1908. Y Anin, tr to Leong Hum, D; ap 5A of R P (gr) 177, King St; ap 1 of R P 7167, Hauhaukoi; lot 8 of Ka 11a Lots, Waikiki; por R P 147, kul 74, Maunakea Sjt, Honolulu, Oahu. $1. B 311, p 284. Dated Dec 1, 1908. Leong limn tft Y Anin, D; ap 5xV of R P (gr) J 77, King St; ap 1 of R P 7167, Hauhnulioi; lot 8 of Kalia Lots, Wraikiki; por R P 147, kul 74, Mauna lea St, Honolulu,-Oahu. $1. G 311, p 286. Dated Dec 2, 1908. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS OP HONOLULU PLANTATION COM PANY. Notice is hereby given that, pur suant to the provisions of that certain mortgage, dated the first day of Feo roary, A. D. 1902, which was executed fcy the Honolulu Plantation Company to. Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, aa trustee, those certain fffty-wx (56) of the bonds secured by iwitf mortgage, and hereinafter desig natrI by their numbers, were, on the fifth day of December, 1908, selected, drawn and'designated for payment and redemption in the manner provided in saul mortgage. Said bonds so select eT. drawn and aesignated for payment wilF be paid at the office of Mercantile Trmrt Company of San Francisco at Number 464 California street, in the City and County of San ' Francisco, State of California, at the rate of one thousand (1000) dollars per bond and accrued interest, on the first day of February, 1909. Such bonds shall be urrendered to the company for pay ment, redemption and cancellation, as provided in said mortgage; and inter fist thereon shall cease from said first day of February, 1909. Any bond holder who may desire to surrendei lis bonds foT cancellation before Feb rnary 1, 1909, may do so and receive payment at the rate of one thousand (1000) dollars per bond and interest to the date of such surrender. The following are the numbers of the fifty-Bix (56) bonds so selected. drawn and designated: Numbers 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, 33, 34 35. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 47 499, 533, 542, 560, 570, 571, 572, 573 374, 575, 576, POO, 902, 903, 932, 933 49, 950, 951, 952, 960, 961, 962, 964 994, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001 1002, 1003, 1205, 1206, 1210, 1211 72 1 2, 1213. Dated, San Francisco, December 7, 1908. J. A. BUCK, President, ITonolulu Plantation Com Taur. ; 8227 Dec. 21-25, 28 31; Jan. 12, 4 9 11-13. By Authority RESOLUTION. Making Appropriations for the Various Services of the City and County of Honolulu. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu: That the following sums, amounting to Two Hundred and Fifty-one Thou sand Two Hundred and Twenty ($251, 220.00) Dollars, are hereby appropri ated to be paid out of moneys in the general fund of the Treasury of the City and County of Honolulu, for sal aries fixed by law and other salaries, wages of labor, donations and general expenses of the said City and County for the : period beginning with the Fourth day of January, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, and ending with the Thirtieth day of June, 1909, said pay ment to be made in pro rata monthly subdivisions of said amount as stated in the schedule thereof herein con- tained: Per Month. Six Months. Salaries fixed by law $ 2,095.00 $ 12,570.00 Mayor: Material and sup pi res Clerk: ' Office employes.. Material and sup plies Auditor: Office employes.. Material and sup plies Attorney: Deputies and of fice employes. Material and sup plies Treasurer: Office employes.. Material and sup plies ....j. ... Municipal of fices: 150.00 340.00 100.00 125.00 900.00 2,040.00 600.00 (50.00 50.00 300.00 880.00 5,280.00 100.00 600.00 125.00 750.00 25.00 L50.00 Rent .......... 250.00 1,500.00 Maintenance of Pounds: ' Payroll For Engineer ing and Sur veying Work: Payroll Material and sup plies ......... Maintenance of Parks: Payroll Donation: Kapiolani Park. 30.00 1S0.00 2,550.00 425.00 100.00 600.00 1,200.00 4,200.00 200.00 700.00 Maintenance and Construc tion of Roads, Bridges a n d - Parks: Honolulu 11,500.00 Ewa 1,800.00 Waianae 400.00 Waiaiua 1,875.00 Koolauloa 1,525.00 Koolaupoko 1,825.00 Maintenance of 69,000.00 10,800.00 2,400.00 11,250.00 9,150.00 10,950.00 Police Force: Payroll ........ Material and sup plies 6,625.00 1,000.00 39,750.00 6,000.00 22,050.00 Maintenance of i Fire Stations and Fire Ap paratus: Payroll 3,675.00 Material and sup plies 600.00 3,600.00 8,400.00 Collection and Disposition of Garbage: Payroll 1,400.00 Mainten a n c e and Construc tion of Elec tric Light System: Pavroll 675.00 4,050.00 6,000.00 Material and sup plies 1,000.00 Maintenance of Police and Fire Alarm. Svstem: i Payroll 125.00 750.00 750.00 Material and sup- plies 125.00 Maintenance of Hawaiian Band: Payroll 1,350.00 , 8,100.00 Material and sup plies 75.00 450.00 Donation: Leahi Home ... 125.00 750.00 Witness Fees. 150.00 900.00 Coroner's In- ' quests 75.00 450.00 P r e m ium on Bonds Not pro rated... Total 1,550.00 $251,220.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following sums, amounting to Ten Thousand and Fifty Dollars ($10,050), are hereby appropriated to be paid out of moneys in the road tax general fund of the City and County of Honolulu, for the building and maintenance of roads and bridges in the respective districts named herein, said payment to be in pro rata monthly subdivisions of said amount as stated in the scbed ule thereof herein contained. Per Six Month. Months, Honolulu ,.$500.00 $3,000.00 Ewa and Waianae. 700.00 4,200.00) Waiaiua 125.00 750.00! Koolauloa 175.00 1,050.00 Koolaupoko 175.00 1,050.00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Auditor is hereby authorized and. directed to draw warrants on the Treasurer for any of the sums named herein, or parts thereof, upon having filed with him schedules of salaries fixed by law and other salaries, of do nations named herein, of payrolls and of accounts for material and supplies, accompanied by original vouchers and certified by the Clerk as having been duly passed by the Board of Super visors at any regular meeting, or any special meeting called for the purpose of considering expenditures. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to make expenditures under this resolution, i.t shall be necessary that all salary lists, items of donations, payrolls, items of materials and sup plies and accounts of general expenses shall before being presented to the Board of Supervisors, be passed upon by a Committee or Committees and by such be reported to the Board of Su pervisors with the recommendation of such Committee or Committees, and sums found to be lawfully due and payable may then be voted upon singly or collectively as convenient on a call of the ayes and noes. In the event of any such Committee failing or ne glecting to so pass upon any such mat ers, or to make any recommendation n regard thereto, the Board may there upon act. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no payments under this resolu tion shall be made, nor indebtedness of the City and County of Honolulu incurred, in any month in excess of the monthly pro rata sums herein au thorized. The foregoing resolution making Ap propriations for the various services of the City and County of Honolulu was, at a Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu held on Tuesday, January 5, A. D. 1909, passed to print on the fol lowing aye and no note of the said Board of Supervisors: Ayes Ahia, Aylett, Cox, Kane, Logan, Quinn. Total, 6. Noes McClellan. Total, 1. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONO LULU. By D. KALAUOKALANI, JR., City and County Clerk, City and County of Honolulu. 8240 Jan. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11. SEALED TENDERS. Sealed tenders will be received by the Superintendent of Public Works until 12 m. of Thursday. January 7. 1909, for printing the Annual Reports of the Department of Public Vv'oiks for 1907 and 1908. Proposals are on file in the office of the Superintendent of Public Works and may be had on application. MARSTON CAMPBELL, Superintendent of Public Svorks. Department of Pulftic Works, Janu ary 5, 1909. ' , 240 MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN TION TO FORECLOSE AND OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that whereas J. II. Fisher of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, did exe cute the following mortgage, namely: mortgage to Emily C. Judd of the said Territory of Hawaii, dated June 9, 1900 A. D., recorded in the Registry Office, said Honolulu, in Liber 207, pages 273, 274 and 275, upon the prop erty hereinafter described, o secure the payment of the promissory note of said mortgagor for Eighteen Hun dred ($1800.00) Dollars, in one (1) year from said date; And whereas default has been made by said mortgagor in the payment of the principal sum seeured according to the terms of the said mortgage, and such default still continues; Therefore, the said Emily C. Judd, acting herein under the power of sale in said mortgage provided and re ferred to, now intends to foreclose said mortgage, for breach of the conditions in said mortgage. Notice is also hereby given that the land by said mortgage conveyed and the improvements thereon will be sold at public auction at the auction rooms of James F. Morgan, at No. 857 Kaa humanu, street, in said Honolulu, on Saturday, the 23 rd day of January, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, in foreclosure. The property in said mortgage de scribed and intended to be sold is de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the south east side of Makiki street at the northerly corner of land conveyed by P. M. Pond to one Weaver, said point being distant 147 feet north 43' 35" east, true from' the present east corner of Kinau and Makiki streets as shown on the Government Surveys' Register ed Map 1100, and running by true bearings: (1) S. 47 7' E., 134 3-iu ieet aiong the mauka boundary of said land of Weaver, being a portion of T? P Grant 3106: (2) N. 43 35' E., 53 feet or a littlei more along R. P. Grant, or a portion thereof, and L. C. A. 95, to the makai boundary line of land now or formerly belonging to Makanoe Kaepa; thence along same IV N. 47 T W., 134 3-10 feet to the said southeast side of said Makiki street; thence along same (4) S. 43 35' W., 53 feet or a little more to the said northerly cor ner of land conveyed to said Weaver, the initial point, and beinar the same premises convey ed to the said mortgagor by deed of Percy M. Pond, dated June 5, 1900, and duly recoraea, Together with the improvements thereon and appurtenances belonging Terms: Ca6h m U. S. gold com ten per cent, of purchase price pay-1 tjtuie i i ti v. - on delivery of deeds. Deeds at ex pense of purchaser. Dated, Honolulu, T. H., December 10. 1908 EMILY C. JUDD. By Her Attorney in Fae. F. M. SWANZY. 8225 Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., will be held at the office of the Com nany on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1909, at 9 a. m. F. B. DAMON. 8241 Secretary. CO-PARTNERSHIP STATE . MENT. Henry Holmes, William L. Stanley, and Clarence 11. Olson, co-partners en gaged in Lusiness in the .territory of Hawaii, make and hie in the office of the Treasurer of saiu Territory the fol lowing statement: 1. Their names are as hereinbefore given, and they all reside in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. 2. The business in which they are engaged as co-paj-tners is the general practice of law in said Territory. 3. Their firm name is "Holmes, Stanley & Olson." 4. Their law office is in said Hono lulu and they are engaged in the prac tice of law throughout said Territory. HENRY HOLMES, WILLIAM L. STANLEY, v- CLARENCE H. OLSON. City and County of Honolulu j jss. Territory of Hawaii On this 6th day of January, 1909, personally appeared before me Henry Holmes, William L. Stanley and Clar ence H. Olson, all known to me to be the persons described in and who exe cuted the foregoing instrument and sev erally acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and volun tarily and for the uses and purposes therein set forth. (SEAL) IL C. CARTER, Notary Public, First Judicial Circuit, Territory of. Hawaii. 8242 Jan. 9-16 DIVIDEND NOTICE. Waiaiua Agricultural Co., Ltd, sws The directors of this corporat ing declared a dividend of 1 cent, dividend No. 9, is due and payable on Friday, January loth, 1909, to stock holders of record, at the close of the stock transfer books Friday, January 8th,-1909, at 12 m. Stock transfer books will be reopened on Saturday, January 16th, 1909. CHAS. H. ATHERTOX, Treasurer Waiaiua Agricultural Co., Ld. ; Honolulu, Hawaii, January 6, 1909. 8242 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. At the regular annual meeting of the members of '"Ing Sit Sha Society," held Dec. 30th, 1908, at its Society hall at Punaluu, Koolauloa, Oahu, the fol lowing officers were elected to serve during- the ensuing year: C. T. Aana President Ching Shai .Vice President C. Lai Young English Secretary Chang Bun Chinese Secretary Wong Singchew Treasurer Kara Fatsing Auditor C. LAI YOUNG,. Secretary Ing bit Sha Society. 8242 NOTICE. All holders of Police Commissions, badges and keys, issued under the Coun ty of Oahu, are hereby requested to re turn same to the office of the City and County Sheriff. W. P. JARRETT, 8242 Sheriff. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. MAKEE SUGAR COMPANY. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Makee Sugar Company, held December 31, 1908, at the Com pany's office, Kealia, Kauai, the fol lowing officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Rufus P. Spalding President Geo. H. Fairchild . . . .Vice President The Spalding Company of Los.... Angeles Lai., . . . Treasurer John W. Neal Secretary MAKEE SUGAR COMPANY, Jno. T. Neal Secretary. 8241 QUARTERLY MEETING. C. Brewer & Company, Ltd. The regular quarterly meeting of the shareholders of C. Brewer & Company, Limited, will be held at the offices of the corporation, in Honolulu, on Thurs day, January 14, 1909, at 10 o clock a. m. E. F. BISHOP, Secretary. Dated, Honolulu, January 6, 1909. 8240 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing persons were duly elected to serve as officers of the United Chinese Society for the ensuing year, viz: President Yee Chin Viee President Lau Tong Secretary Chang Kim Assistant Secretary Lhong Jack Lai Treasurer Ho Fon Assistant Treasurer Doo Wai Sing CHANG KIM, Secretary, United Chinese Society. 8241 BOUNDARY COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. Proper application having been made to me by George Rodiek for the settle ment of the boundaries of a Lele of Nini in Nuuanu valley, Honolulu, Kona, Oahu. Notice is hereby given to all owners of adjoining lands and all persons in terested in said (boundaries, that there will be a hearing for the settlement of the boundaries at mv office. Waitv ; J Block, Honolulu, on Saturday January - 30, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. M. D. MO N SA R RAT, Commissioner of Boundaries, 1st Judi cial Circuit. Honolulu, January 8. 1909. . 824H Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29. PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING. Of fice of Depot and Constructing Quarter master, Honolulu, T. II., Jan. 4th, 1909. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received- until 10 a. m. January 11, 1909. and then opened, for miscella neous printing, ruling and furnishing the paper and cardboard for same, necessary at Honolulu, H. T., during the period 'beginning January 15, 1909, and ending June 30, 1909. For further "in formation apply to. the office of the undersigned. M. N. FALLS, Capt. & Quartermaster, U. S. A.. Depot and Con structing Quartermaster. 8240 COMMISSIONER'S OF VALUABLE LAND SITUATE AT Kuwili, Honolulu, COUNTY OF OAHU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. ' f Pursuant to a decree of foreclosure and sale made by the Honorable J. T. De Bolt, First Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, said Territory, on December 31, 190S, in a suit Equity No. 1623, entitled August Dreier, Limited, an Hawaiian corpora tion, complainant, ts. W. W. Ahana and Choi Seem his wife? Richard H. Trent, Trustee, and Henry Holmes, re spondents, the undersigned, appointed as Commissioners by said Decree, will sell at public, auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confirmation of Court, on junto Ami 30, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, at the front mauka entrance of the Judiciary Building, said Honolulu, the mortgaged property following, to-wit: FIRST: All of the land situate at Kuwili, Palama, Honolulu aforesaid, mention ed and described in Land Commission Award No. 1089 to Kapehe and in Land Commission Award No. 671 to Paakua and in said foreclosed mort gage of W. W. Ahana to August Dreier, dated November 10, 1899, of record in Liber 196, page 467, Hawaiian Registry of Conveyances, (except only that portion of the land described in Land Patent No. 10S9 expressed to be conveyed by said W. W. .hana" to the Hawaiian Dredging Company, Limited, by deed dated Aug. 1, 1902, and of record in Liber 238, page 313, said Registry and described in partial release of mort gage by said August Dreier to said WT. W. Ahana dated Aug. 15, 1902, of record in Liber 237, page 438, said Reg istry), the remaining portion of said lands covered by said mortgage,, and to be sold as aforesaid, being described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Nrth corner of this "piece of property at junction of fences on the South side of Dowsett Lane and running: 1. S. 57 00' W. true 112.8 feet along fence along Dowsett Lane; 2. S. 30 35' E. true 88.9 feet along fence along L. C. Award 2440B to Kauaua, Apana 1; 3. N. 86 00' Wr. true 36.3 feet along fence along same; 4. S. 13 45' E. true 71. feet along t fence along same; 5. S. 72 40' W. true 23 feet along same; I S. 16 55' E. true 30. feet along , L. C. Award 826 td Keakahiwa, Apana 2; j S. 41 25' E. true 37. feet along'; 6. same and L. C. Award 2440B, Apana 2 to Kauaua; S. 73 35' E. true 27. feet along 8. L. C. Award 2440B. Apana 2; 9. S. 17 20' E. true 50. feet along L. C. Award 2440B, Apana 2; 10. S. 8 5' E. true 116. feet along L. C. Award 2440B. Apana 2; 11. N. 87 10' W. true 45. feet along L. C. Award 2440B, Apana 2; 12. S. 11 25' E. true 47. feet along Government; Thence 13. S. 87 10' E. true 98. feet along Grant 3475 to Oahu Railroad and Land Company, Apana 2; 14. S. 83 10' E. true 187.4 feet along portion of L. C. Award 10S9 sold bv W. W. Ahana to Hawaiian Dredging Company, to point that ' bears N. 28 29' W. true 29 feet from a redwood post; - 15. N. 28" 29' W. rue 78. feet along Grant 4804 toH. M. von Holt; 16. S. 85 40' W. true 110.9 feet along L. C. Award 826-to Keakahiwa, Apana 3; . 17. N. 12 15' W. true 78.5 feet along same; 18. N. 85 25' E. true 93.7 feet along same to a point 3 feet mauka of corner of fence; 19. N. 10 50' X. true 106 feet along Grant 4804 parallel to fence; 20. N. 30 25' W. true 42. feet along . L. C. Award 2440B, Apana 3 to ' Kauaua to -corner of fence at coral ; 21. S. 76 35' W. true 72. feet along L. C. Award 2072 to Kapaalua Ap. 1 along fence, to corner of same, Thence !. N. 19 50' W true 219.6 feet along same and L. C. Award 12S5 to Kaluau Ap. 1 along fence to initial point. Area 1.78 Acres. SECOND: All those pieces or parcels of land situate at Honuakaha. makai of Queen Street in said Honolulu, described in Royal Patent (grant) 3495-to Neina Nou Tentetoa, area 590 square feet, conveyed by her to W. W. Ahana by deed dated" May 24th, 1899, recorded in register office, Oahu in Liber 195 pages 135-136. Also all the land de scribed in Royal Patent (grant) 356$ to Annie Tenetetoa, conveyed to W. W. Ahana by deed of J. Alfred Magoon, et al., dated June 8, 1899 recorded in said office in Liber 194 pages 251-252 containing an area of 8640 square feet. TERMS OF SALE Cash. U. S. Gold Coin, 10 per cent, at time of sale, bal ance on confirmation b Court and de livery of deed. Deeds at the Expense of Purchaser. For further particulars apply to Thompson & Ck-mons, attorneys for complainant, Campbell Block, Honolu lu, or to James F. Morgan, auctioneer. 857 Kaahumanu street, said Honolulu, or to the undersigned at 916 Fort St., said Honolulu. IRWIN II. BEADLE, Commissioner. Honolulu. December 31. 190S. r . 8236 Jan. 1, 8, 15, 22. Oahu Railway TIME TABLE OUTWARD. For Wai anae, Waiaiua, Kahuku and Way Stations 9:15 a. m.. 3:20 p. m. For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations f7:30 a. m., 9:15 a. m. 11:15 a. m.. 2:15 p. m., 5:15 p. m' $9:30 p. m., fll p. m. For Wahiawa 9:15 a. m., and 5:15 p. ni , INWARD. Arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, Wai aiua and Waianae S:36 a. ni., 5:30 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill aiid Pearl City f7:46 a. m., S:36 a. m. 10:38 a. in., 1:40 p. m., 4:31 p. m.' 5:31 p. m 7:30 p. m. Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa 3:36 a. m. and 5:31 p. m. The Haleiwa Limited, a two-hour train (only first-class tickets honored), leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:22 a. m.; . returning, arrives in Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops only at Pearl City and Waianae. Daily. fEx. Sunday. $Suudav Only. G. P. DES ISON, F. C. SMITH, Superintendent. G. P. & T. A. Koolau Railway TIME SCHEDULE DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS Leave Kahana for Punaluu, Hauula, Laie, Kahuku and Way Stations at 12:0OM. Arrive Kahuku at 1:00 P.M. Returning: Leave Kahuku for Laie, Hau ula, Punaluu, Kahana and Way Stations at 1:45 P.M. Arrive Kahana at.... 2:45P.M. SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS Leave Kahana for Punaluu, Hauula, Laie, Kahuku and Way Stations at 11:00 A.M. 1:30 P.M Arrive Kahuku at 11:58 A.M. 2:15 P.M. Leave Kahuku for Laie, Hau ula, Punaluu, Kahana and Way Stations at 12:35 P.M. 3:00 P.M. Connections are made at Kahuku with the O. R. & L. Co.'s 9:15 a. m. train from Honolulu, and the 2:20 p. m. train, which arrives in the city at 5:30 p. m. . JANUARY 1, 1909. J. J. Dowling, Superintendent. s R. S. Pollister, Gen. Passenger & Freight Agt, WM. G IRWIN & CO., LTD. SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION AGENTS Wm. G. Irwin... . , President John D. Spreckels 1st Vice President W. M. Giffard. 2nd Vice President H.' M. Whitney.. Treasurer Richard Ivers Secretary D. G. May Auditor AGENTS FOR Oceanic Steamship Company, San Fran cisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadel- , phia, Pa. ' Hakalau Plantation Company. Hilo Sugar Company, Honolulu Plantation Company. Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Company. Kilauea Sugar Plantation Company. Olowalu Company. Paauhau Plantation Company. Waimanalo Sugar Company. Wm G. Irwin & Co.,, It I AGENTS FOR THE Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool, Eng land. Scottish Union & National Insurance Co., of Edinburgh, Scotland. The Upper Rhine Insurance Co., Ltd. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., of London. C. BREWER & CO., LTD. SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' List of Officers C. M. Cooke. President; Georse M. Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Secretary; F. W. Mae farlane, Auditor; P. C. Jones, C. M. Cooke, J. R. Gait, Directors. Fife Insurance THE B. F. DILLINGHAM CO, LTD. General Agents for Hawaii: Alas Assurance Company of London. New York Underwriters' Agency. Providence Washington Insurance Com pany. HONOLULU IRON WORKS COMPANY. Machinery, Black Pipe, Galvanized Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Iron and Steel, En-' gineers' Supplies. OFFICE Nuuanu Street. WORKS Kakaako. SMOKE 10c. Mild Havana Cigar TO ORDER AND FIT ASSURED GENTLEMEN' S CLOTHING J. E. ROCHA. HARRISON BLK. - FORT ST. Y. WO SING & CO. 1186-1188 NUUANU STREET Fresh CALIFORNIA FRUITS P.O. Box 952 - - Telephone 238 &ZAD TEX AD7EXTISEX WO&LD'Q KXWS DAILY ! i I I ft n 4 l s y