Newspaper Page Text
I L i-firr J . - ' - SI."-' .V' THE SUNDAY ADVERTISES, JUNE 27, 1909. J IRUStCOMPAHVL- We are instructed to offer for sale, for a limited period, a desirable resi dence in the Makiki District. This property is large, more than half an aere, well planted in trees and shrubs, the house commodious and modern. The owner desires to leave the country and ha3 giveix us a bargain price. rgains o Felker premises Manoa Valley. House and lit LunalUo street. If II WATERHOUSE TRUST" Fort and Merchants Streets Albert F. Afone 832 POET STREET & js STOCK AND BOND BROKER Member Honolulu Stack, ul Boat Exchange ill DEVELOPMENT CO. LIMITED. STANGENWALD BUILDING. F. B. McSTOCKER Manager P. O. Box No. 268. Cable: Develop Halstead & Co., Ltd, STOCK AND BOND BROKERS LOANS NEGOTIATED Measbers Honolulu Stock aad 'Bene Exchange DUEING YOUR ABSENCE FROM THE ISLANDS we are prepared to manage your estate and look after your interests here. You will find it greatly to your advantage to place the management of your affairs with , a capable and responsible con cern. Come and see us as to terms. Bishop Trust Go., Ltd. BETHEL STREET To Enjoy the Day OBDEB A BIG FEOM The Club Stables FOET STEEET Phone Main 109 Let Us Talk AboutfPictures Whether you want to buy or simply see, you will find here hundreds of pictures for inspection. The subjects are happily selected and there's not a poor picture in the lot. We also do the best fram ing in the city and at the lowest price. SALE LSJSI P PICI1 FRAMING CO. 1050 Nuuanu Street, near Hotel. ) FOJ? SALE COTTAGES AND BUNGALOWS KALIHI a. 1-Story 2 b. r. cottage on improved, fruit tree planted lot, acre..... b. 1-Story 4 b. r. cottage on improved lot, 20,0x150....$ c. 1-Story 3 b. r. cottage on improved lot, 95x190.......$ d. 3 small houses on 2 acres of land; 1 acre taro . ,$ e. 6-room house on, improved lot, 50x100 f. 3 b. r. house on lot 50x100.$ g. 2 b. r. house on lot 100x100.$ 3,500 3,750 2,350 1,500 950 1,200 1,700 MAKIKI a. 1 14-Story 8 room house, mod ern, on improved fruit tree planted lot, 75x100........$ 5,000 b. 1-Story 6-room house and im proved lot, 50x100; easy terms . ..$ 2,750 c 1-Story 8-room house and im proved lot, 75x125, or ex change . ...... t 3,750 d. - 2 b. r cottage, high eleva- . vation and modern improver s ments ...$3,200 e. 9-Boom modern home on im- proved lot, 125x150... $ 6,800 f . 2-Story house on improved Jot, 150x200 $10,000 g. 7-Eoom pleasant home on lot, 100x300, well improved lot.. $10,000 h. Large modern house in ele gant condition on lot lOOx 298; artistically improved... $12,000 2 b. r. modern cottage, ser vants' quarters on improved ' lot, Kewalo st .;......$ 8,500 9-Room modern house, serr vants' quarters and stables, electric lights, gas, etc. .. . .$ 8,000 KAIMUKI a. .Bungalow, modern ana artis tic, 3 b. r., It 100x150. $ 2,750 8-Room house on improved lot, 200x300 '....' $ 3,500 c. Z otory House on lot louxdOU, fine location...;. .....$ 2,830 2 b. r. house on well im proved lot, 1 acre and a half . ...................$ 3,500 3 b. r. 8-room house with stable, poultry yard, etc., 1 block from the car line .$ 1,800 PUNAHOU 3 b. r. house, well built, on lot of fair size. ...... .....$ 2,500 b. 3 b. r. house on improved lot, 60x120. Easy terms. .. . $ 2,000 4 b. r. bungalow on lot 130x125. Improved . . .$ 4,250 CENTRAL . a. 1 -Story 3 b.-r. cottage on small lot close to center of Honolulu ; modern ......... 8) 2,500 b. 1 -Story 3 b. r. cottage on small fruit tree planted lot, close to city. . $ 1,503 c. 1-Story 5-room house on im proved lot, 50x120, Bereta- . nia avenue........... $ 2,500 d. Handsome modern home on .. improved lot, 100x150 $ 9,000 e. 2 Dwellings on fine lot, , 75x290. . ......... J $ 8,000 f. Handsome 3 b. r. house on lot 100x150.. $ 5,000 g. Modern home on improved lot, 80x295....,-. ..$ 7,000 h. Largs 2-story bungalow, 9 rooms on improved lot. .... .$ 6,000 1. 2 b. r. house on small lot...$ 1,000 j. 3 b. r. house on improved lot . $ 1,000 k. 2-Storv 4 b. r. home on im proved lot. Easy terms..... $ 3,250 1. 3 Modern cottages on im proved lot, leased at a net income of 9 per cent.- oh in vestment . ...... . $10,000 m. Large 2-story dwelling house on -a laree lot. on the mauka side of Beretania street $15,500 n. 2-Storv 2 b. r.' house, mod ern . $ 3,250 0. 7-Eoom house on lot 50x140.$ 6,000 p. Large house and 2 small cot taffes. all modern improve ments . .... 9 8,000 a. 2 b. r. modern cottage on lot 60x137. Easy terms $ 3,200 r. 9-Room house, Beretania st..$ 5,750 s . 2 Pleasant cottages on lot 55x90 .' .'. 5,250 t. Larcre house and 4 cottages " on large lot, l4t acres $16,000 u. 8-Koom moaern Dungaiow and small garage, on well improved lot, 67x120.......$ 7,000 KAPAHUIAJ o vsu-nrv Tinnse ' 8 rooms, on improved lot, 150x200 $ 4,000 b. 1-Story 5-room cottage on improved fruit tree planted lot. 70x100 1.500 c. 6-Roora house on improved lot over 1 acre in size, with chickens. wagons, tools, plow, etc $ 5,000 '- ' - t PACIFIC HEIGHTS l-Storv 2 b. r. rustic cottage on improved lot, 100x100 $ 1,150 KINAU STREET a. 3 b. r. modern artistic home. on small lot. Easy terms $ 2,750 b. 2-Story 10-room house and 2-story stable, all modern on irrmrnvpd lot 75x150. $3000 can remain on mortgage. .. .$ 4,250 e. 2-Storv 2 b. r. house, mod ern, on well improved lot. . .$ 4,000 TANTALUS HEIGHTS a. Beautiful modern summer home on well improved lot, IV. acres with stables, ser vants' quarters, etc........$ 6,300 MANOA a. 9-Room modern house on improved lot $ 8,500 b. 2 b. r. modern bungalow on lot 100x140 $ 3,700 7-Room bungalow, modern improvements . 5 3,400 c. Real EMe EJtage 82 S. King Street. awl wmm nfmm Yesterday many of the deep water vessels left port. The British ship Glen holm left the harbor an4 went to the outside anchorage. The American ship Dirigo with a full load of si)gar left in the afternoon for Delaware Break water via Cape Horn. The auxiliary schooner Flaurence Ward of the Pacific Commercial Cable Company, departed for Midway Island carrying supplies for the cable colony. The oil ship Marion Chilcott, after discharging he load of oil, sailed for Gaviota in the afternoon. The schooner Prosper, load ed with ties, did not leave for Eedondo as anticipated. The American barken- tine S. G. Wilder has also left for San Francisco with a load of sugar. A.-H.'s New Ships: Seattle Times, June 9. The Amer ican-Hawaiian Steamship Company has awarded the contract for. three 9000-ton steamers to the Pennsylvania Steel Company of Sparrows Point, Md. An nouncement of the proposed building of these steamers was recently made in The Ledger following the return of officials of the company to New York from an inspection of the Pacific Coast. According to the advices received yesterday from Philadelphia, the steam ers are for the Pacific , trade instead of the Atlantic, as originally stated. The company is at present operating a line from Coatzaeoalcos, the Atlantic port of the Tehuantepec National rail way, to New York, and two lines in the Pacific trade, one along the coast to Salina Cruz and one from San Fran cisco and Puget Sound across to the Hawaiian Islands, returning by way of Salinaf Cruz. Recently the -company es tablished an affiliation with the newly organized Mexican Oriental Steamship Company, operating from the Orient to Salina Cruz, whereby the freight brought, by ther latter company's line- would be transferred to the American Hawaiian vessels on the Atlantic. ShirP pers believe that when the new steam ers are constructed they will be placed m the .facinc trade and three of the smaller ones taken from the Pacific for the Atlantic. The business interests of the Hawai ian Islands have been clamoring for a direct line between the islands and Puget Sound and shippers have under stood that when the railroads now build ing into this port were completed the direct service would be possible. A great part of the through business from the islands will then come to the Sound, the railroad time across the States from Puget Sound will be quicker than in the past and. the Hawaiian island-Puget Sound line, it is said, will be one of the many new steamship services which will follow the building of the railroads to the Sound. t The steamers to be built at Sparrows Point will be of the same type as the newer vessels of the American-Hawaiian fleet and, will cost $1,750,000 each. Shipping Notes. The German ship Alexander Isenberg sailed June 20 from Hamburg for Hono lulu with a cargo for Hackfeld & Co. and the Pacific Fwtalizer Company. C P. Morse, general agent for the American-Hawaiian company at this port, plans to take a vacation about next October, spending much of his time on the Coast. Under Mr. Morse's able direction the A.-H. line has built up a splendid freight traffic to and from the Hawaiian Islands. The cruiser St. Louis brought no mail from the Coast. : . Author Have you read my new book? Friend Yes. AuthorWhat do you think of itf Friend Well, to be candid with you, I think the covers are too far apart. Pick-Me-Up. Oahu Railway TIME TABLE OuiwAlL. For Waianae, Waialna, Khukm ami Way Stations :15 a. 1:S0 f. m For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations f7:30 a. m., 9:lf a, m. 11:15 a. m., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 j. m. 5:15 p. no., t9:30 p. m., til P- m. ' For Wahiawa 9:15 a. m., and 5:ll p. m. UXWAXD. Arrive Honolulu from Kanaka, Wal alua and Waianae 8:J a. m., f:SI p. n. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa MiD an Pearl City 17:46 a. m., 8:86 a m 10:38 a. m., 1:40 p. nu, 4:ll . . 5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Arrive Honolnln from Wahiw 3:36 a. m. and 5:31 p. nu The Haleiwa Limited, a tw-koa' train (only lrit-elaii tickets konored leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:U a. m.; returning, arrive in Honlal at 10:10 p. m. The Limited atopa emlj at Pearl City and Waianae. Daily. tEx. Sunday. Sunday Omly G. P. DENISON, T. C. SMITH, Superintendent. G. P. c T. 1 ?.' - f fl-t " ' Six P K" af ip if if if if p r r r r r r MARINE REPORT. V-- Jt J Jl jt jl j j j jl Jt J Jt JS Jt Jl (From Ban Francisco Merehanta Ex .. ehange Saturday, June 26, 1909. San Francisco Sailed, June 26, S. S. Alameda, for Honolulu. San Francisco Sailed, June 26, bk. R. P. Rithet, for Honolulu. San Francisco Sailed, June 23, A.-H. S. S. Missourian, for Honolulu. . , . San Franciseo-Arrived, June 25, A.-H. S, S, Alaskan, from New York. Hilo Arrived, June 22, schr. Balboa, 5 p. m., hence June 16. Hilo Sailed, June 25, S. S. Enter prise, 7 p. m., for San Francisco. Hilo Sailed, June 26, schr. Robert Lewers, for San Francisco. PORT OF HONOLULU. AEEIVED. Saturday, June 26. "'XT. SS. St. Louis, from San Francis co, 2 p. m. Str. Mauna Kea, from Hilo, 7 a. m. DEPARTED. Am. sp. Dirigo, for Delaware Break water, via Cape Horn, 2:30 p. m. Schr. Flaurence Ward, Piltz, for Midway, noon. Str. Likelike, for Kukuiha'ele, 12 m. Br. bk. Glenholm, to outside anchor age (to await orders). , Ar. sp. Marion Chilcott, for Gaviota, 3 p. m. .. Schr. Moi Wahine, for Hawaii, 5 p. m. DUE TODAY. S.' S. RosedTans, from Gaviota. Str. Kinau, from Kauai ports, a. m. Maui ports, a. m. PASSENGERS. , . Arrived. Per' str. Mauna Kea, from Hilo and Maui ports, June 26. J. L. Gordon, J. Miln(;r, Mrs. Milner, Misses McAllister (2), H. C. Meyer, Dr. Byar, L. A. Baggs, W. Mayar, H. D Lee, J. F. Mer rill, Miss Cable, Mrs. E. Gray, Miss Postlewaite, W. Wright, Major E. Win slow, E. Tuhomi, Miss Deyo, Mrs. Fol som, Misses Lindsay (2), Miss A. Chal mers, A. Constable, Geo. Mundon, E. P. Irwin, Thos. Diynn, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Castleman, B. McStocker, H. V. Pat ten, Bro. Albert, Bro. Mathias, Bro. Raymond, Bro. Vincent, Miss M. L. j Rev, Yee'Woo, Rev. J. W. Gunn, Mrs. A. J. Oapwell, B. D. Bond, Miss Bick nell, Miss M. Woods, Miss Holstein, Miss E. Akina, Mrs. H. Hanakahi and 2 children, IT. Laoa, E. Parker, Sfe E. Jamieson, T. W. Gay, J. Rosenberg, Capt. Howe, Miss Payne, Rev. E. T. Simpson. Mrs. F. Murray, Mrs. J. D. Koki, Jas. Parker, Sam Parker and servant, Sam Parker Jr., Geo. Davis, Dr. F. H. Raymond, S. Kahele, Mrs. Kahele and 3 children, S. Chaney, Rev. Shun Yin Chin, A. Nelson, H. Lewis, Rev. W. F. Bingham, Rev.-Canon Ault, Mrs. Ault, V. Fernandez, T. C. Daw kins, ?iev. J. F. Jones, Rev. J. W. Wadman, Miss J. Hansen, Mrs. W. F. Dole. ?yTr9. Cockett, Kasorio, Mrs. Kaso rio a ad infant, C. Hedemann, Dr. Cloos, R. S. Hosmer, Dr. Douglass, H. F. Hay selden and son, F. W. Pease, St. C. Sayr. j and son, Mrs. Cloos. Rev. L. Keclt, Miss F. Woo, Miss L. Kawainui, Mrs. Susan Flint, H. M. Gittel, W. Gr?--n, Mrs. Mary Pua. Departed. Per S. fcj. Enterprise, for San Fran cisco, June 25. From Hilo: Mrs. Lud loff, Mrs. J. B. King, Miss M. K. Na ilima, Miss YL R. Nalimu, Miss Jessie L. Newson, Miss Allen, Miss McCord, Miss Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Capellas, Miss Porter, Mrs. J. T. Lewis, Mrs. W. Beers, Miss Mary Vieira, Miss M. Wise, Mrs. L. Horner, Mrs. Scares Medeiros, Mr3. H. Jenkins. Miss G. Howell, Robert Horner and wife. VESSEL? TJX FOET. (Army ana Navy.) Iroquois, TJ. S. station tug, Moses. Kukui, U. S. L. H. T., Jobson. Jap. cruisers Aso and Soya. U. S. S. St. Louis, San Francisco. (Merchant Veasela.) Alden Besse, Am. bk., Denny, Hilo, May 1. Coronado, Am. bktne., Houdlette, San Francisco, June 12. Falls of Clyde, Am. sp., Gaviota, June 24. Glenholm. Br. sp., "Williams, Iquique, May 15, (at outside anchorage). Mary, Winkleman, Am. bktne., Coos Bay, June 12. Mexican, Am. S. S., Tapley, Seattle, June 19. Prosper, Am. schr., Trainor, Xahului, June 4. St. Katherine, Am. bk., San Francisco, June 9. TEANSPOET SESVICE. P-nford. at Pub Prancisco. Dix, arrived Seattle from Honolulu, June 4. Losran. from Honolulu for Manila, June 14. Thomas, arrived San Francisco from Honolulu, June 11. Sheridan, from Nagasaki for Honolulu, J une 22. THE MAILS. Mails are due from the following nointo as follnr"? San Francisco Manchuria, June 30. Vancouver Per Aorangi, July 24. it n .yM f -NX'- fft , 4 Orient Per Mongolia, July 6. Colonies Per Marama, July 20. Mails will depart for tae followinj points as follows San Francisco- Per Lurline, July 2 or 3. - Vancouver Per Marama, July 20. Orient Per Manchuria, June 30. Colonies Per Aorangi, July 24. . ; ' "Mamma." inquired little Waldo Bunker of Boston, who is spending the winter in Florida, "what is that body of waterf " "The Atlantic Ocean, my dear." "The Atlantic Ocean!" ex claimed little Waldo, in amazement. "Why, I thought the Atlantic Ocean was near Boston! "Master, Mate and Pilot. .. "That drug clerk must be very old." "Yes, he's an old-timer.'-:-He claims to have seen a prescription once. "Pitts burg Post. THEATRE ' -' ; k k ' NEW FEATURE FILM Change of program three time a week Monday, Wednesday and Friday. THE EMPIRE MOTION PICTURES Thorough ventilation, com fortable chairs. TWO SHOWS DAILY. Admission: 10c. 15c, 25c "AREO" Vacuum Cleaning Machines are thor ough, efficient and sanitary. WILSON FEAGLEE, AGENT. P. O. Box 101. SHOES THAT WEAR L. AYAU SHOE GO. NTJTJANTJ ABOVE KING. Barrettes and Gombs The latest styles, just arrived. EM RICH LUX FOET AND BEEETANIA STREETS, Harrison Block. Koolau Railway TIMS KCHEDTJLX DAILY, EXCEPT BATHED AT, SUNDAY AND HOLTDAYl Lear Kahana for Pun&lun, Hauula, Laie, Elahukn and Way Stations at.... 11:00 M. AjrriTe Kahuku at 1:00 PJ Eeturning: Leare Kahnku for Laie, Hau ula. Punaluu, Kahana and Way Stations at 1:41 PJ ArrlT Kahana at t:4JPJi 9ATUEDAY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY Lesre Kahana for Pnnalnu. Hauula, Laie, Kahuku an4 Way Stations at 11:60 A.K 1:10 P.J AxriT Kahuku at 11:58 AJi Leave Kahuku for Laie, Han ula, Punaluu, Kahana and Way Station at 12:SSPJa S :00 P.M Connections are made at Kahnki with the O. R. & L. Co. 'a f:li a, 'rain from Honolulu, and the 8:20 p. m train, which arrives in the eity at :!! ' JANUARY 1, ltOt. r. 3. Dowling, Superintendifnt. . 8. Foiiirter, Gen. Passenger k Freight Aft. i HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE Honolulu, Saturday, June 26, 1909. N AMI or STOCK. Paid CP v l Bid . Mkbcamtilb, 12.000,000' 100 Swi 5.000,000! ao 27! 27?i Baw. Agi "cultmul .... 1 200,000! 100! naw torn sugar to HivSnFtf i'n mil,,: a,ooooo 750.000! 2.oon,oooi 2h 0 20 100 40 1 2u0 2W HoDOmu Konok.a.. '".'. Haiku .. UntcMsaon Sag Plai. to. Eahukn aoo.uoo loo 85 2.500.000' 500,000! 19 Kekaha Sugar cii. .'. to 800.0001 500.0i 3,00,000f soo.oooi; iso.oix! 100 100 ISO tioioa ... McBrvde f mm i!n r l.V"" Oahu Sugt ,o.'. Onomea.. 4 2i 41 17 20 uoiaia Olaa ttagar Co Ltd.. Olowalu 20 20 loo 4Vi 24 150 Pnauhau 8ug Plan Co 5,0iO.0(iOI 500.000 100! 100i 140 AO Pla. r.MMM....M.....M4 750.0001 750,0UCj .750.000l 240 Heixiekon Piooer ...I. 100 loo 100! 100' 100! 100j 10c 100 war so watalua AgrlCo Wailuku . Watmanalo Wai mea Sugar M ili""."! MlSCBLLAHBOPa Inier-IlDd 8 8 Co 4.500.000! 11,500.000 252,000 125.0U0 1K00 245 1M0 75 15-1 145 18C Haw Kiectrlc Co.... H tt T A 1. I n Pf; H E T Co Com. I'ZZ 1.I5000 150 000 60,000 lop 10 loo 100 H) 8H mniui Tel vo vanlku Rubber Co . Nahiku Rnbixrt:o ... Mo ORAL. Co 4.0004300 loc 135 i8 Hilo K RTo 14H Honolulu Brewing A Matting uo Ltd Haw Mueapple Co. 400.000 400,000 20 2'K 24 2C B0KB8 Ami. Out standing Haw Ter 4pc (Plv Clalmsi Haw Ter' pc(Ko. 815.000 600,100 1,009,000 1.000.000 1,044,000 lunaing 105..... Haw Tpt n r Haw Ter 4H pe, naw ier p c.... Cat Beet kiug & Kei lu B p c . ........ Hulk ll K n 1,003,000 225.000 1C1 UK) Hamakua Ditch Co tQDDerditrht Ma 200,000 to! Hawaiian Irrigation CO nn, 20 p C paid.. . Hawaiian Irrigation 745.CCC 21 84 w, o, iuny paia.. , Haw Com & bugar Co Snr 5!,00ti HiiO K R Co'epC 1.240XOC 1.00O,O0ffl M 94 rionokaa Hug v,o 8 p Hon R T A I. P a n 450.000 647.000 2,000,000 2.00000 &M000 15tfsooo; 102MI .... no iua Mchryde 8ug Co 6 p ORAL Co 8 p c Oahu Htlffar Co K n Olaa Sugar Co 8 p c... 101 raciDc sugar Mill Co a a soo.000 Paia ft p c .. . S7.5C0 100 .w 104 10 'HI noneer mm ( O ope Waialua Ag Co S p c. 1,250,000 100,000' 23.125 on U00 paid. t&0 per cent. Paid. .: :;-:):. -' -': ;'. j' Session Sales. $1000 Waialua 5s, 100; 5 Ewa, 27.50; 5 Oahu Sug. Co., 29.50 ; 60 Haw. C. & S. Co., 30; 5 Ewa, 27.625; 170 Oafca Sug. Co., 29.25; 5 Oahu. Sug. Co., 29.375. . , .; . A Between Boards. $5000 Waialua 5s, 100; $5000 O. E. 6 L. 6s, 102. v LOCAL OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES WEATHES BTJBEATJ. Honolulu, Saturday, June 26, 1909. THSRMO. a o g t 2-S 19C0 1901 1902 190 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 30 04 ' 1 72 69 70 70 78 71 74 75 71 71 72 .08 .00 00 .00 T .00 .01 T J01 J31 .01 72 74 70 60 67 71 66 64 71 70 "69 M MB UK Vt Kl KB KB B MX MB MB ac.oc 29.99) I 80 OS 80 08 30 OO 80.11 80.00 80.06 I SO. 00 Avge 80.08 WM, B. STOCKMAN, 4 Section Director. TIDES, STJ2T AND MOON. a E S3 n 4 4 s tp.ra.i F a.m a.m. a.m. 1 8etfi 21; 6.28 1 8 6 25 1.40 10 .AO S 19 6.43 10 20 ! ! j l 1 22 7.01 1.6 7 88 2.10 11 28 8 19 6 J5 U.Oo i P m. I I 28. 7 89 t.5j 9.00 2.4812 24 S-20 8 45! 1.85 2! 8 28 1.8,10.21 8.22 2.0oVa!s 45' 4 c w I t ! I I t 1 1 11 22 8.58i 8.58 5 20 65 0.C3 P.m I f 25 9 18 a.m 26 11.51 1.11C 08 4.26 6 46 516.46 0.40 p ra. 1 ! I I I I I 27,12 881 1.4,11 02 4 57, 7.1ljs.21 8.46 1.13 . " ' I First quarter of the moon June 25. The tides at Kahului and Hilo occur about one hour earlier than at Hono lnln. Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours SO minutes slower than Greenwich time, being that of the meridian of 157 degrees thirty minutes. The time whis tle blows at 1:30 p. m., which is the same as Greenwich 0 hours 0 minutes. Snn and moon are for local time for the whole group. WM. B. STOCKMAN. . . Section Director. METEOROLOGICAL EE COED. wjei Every Sunday Morning by t Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau. THERM. WIND 2 S a . 3 5 a s s r S3 2 5 :0S it 1 a 2 :805 78 71 .08 78 8 M 8 M 21 j.fj6i i 72 T "l 8 v 8 T 22 3f.loi 82 74 T frS 4 UK 10 W 28 80 08' S3 Tl .(176 4 nu S T 80.05; 62 72 .31 8 - 7 F 25 29..W 7 70 OS 71 7 M 10 a yi3o.iX: 82 71 01 i mb ' 9 ) I i N.E. and E. Note. Barometer readings are cor rected for temperature, instrumental errors, and local gravity, and reduced to sea level. Average cloudiness stated In scale from 0 to 10. Direction of wind is prevailing direction during 24 hours ending at 8 p. m. Velocity of wind Is average velocity in miles per hour. TO B. STOCKMAN. Section Director. Mrs. B. If I should die. would you ever forget me! Mr. B. I think not. The doctor said that I will suffer'frora dyspepsia all my life. Kansas City Journal. 1 il3 lu S3 8 19 9 9 s m I LTD. 187 TV Smith 1X9 li6L : I deli J