Newspaper Page Text
THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISES, HONOLULU, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1909. la products or Love's Bakery Dailj Saloon Pilot Pilot and Soda Crackers re for eala by ti following 1 rnu: HHNXY HAT CO. J. M. LEVT CO. , T. XL DAVTE8 It CO. H. BACSFKLD CO. O. J. DAT CO. GON8ALVE8 CO. PARAGON MARKET ( LLAKKA-UKION-EEEETANIA. Undar Management FSED'K W. KLEIN ad stlof particularly to th maJ seed of fxmilie. Superior Quality Excellent Service LUMBER' a cargo of lumber from Washington mills has just been received by us. We eitn fill your order for any quan tity. ; City Mill Co., Ltd KEKAULIKE STREET Exactly Right CONSOLIDATED SODA WATE3 WOSSS CO LTD. TELETHONS 7L Try a Bottle of Pachsca's Dandruff Killer It keeps the acalp clean. Tor Sale at all Druggists and Paeheeo's Barber Shop, Port St. II Cits (Mil "ft. Gentlemen 'e Suits cleaned and pressed, four times per month or 11.50. Work guaranteed HARRISON BUIDING, Beretania Ave. Tred Harrison, Pres. E. A. Douthitt, T. Pies. W. W. Harris, Treas. C, G. Bartlett, Auditor, A. V. Gear, Sue. Real Estate Exchange Ltd. EXCLUSIVELY REAL ESTATE. 82 S. King St. Opposite Union Grill HBoubiic Associated Garage LTU. Kssxmxsr axd sxsxo; its. St WALL, JSICHOLS CO, LTD. PORT AND MERCHANT. RAMBLER and REGAL AUTOMOBILES SL A. WTLDEX : 1 Aftat EUREKA PERFECTION ROOF PAINT is the Best, Cheapest and Freshest Postal for booklet to P. O. Box 93. THEO. 2L DAVTES & CO, Agents. INDEPENDENT AUTO STAND, Efcaa nd Bishop Streets. Phone 609. THESE J3 ONLY ONE "Tftj Paint "". O. Tmln ft Co. : C, Bex -757 Stepney h a LI feZV lies Alfalfa Hay HAWAIIAN GROWN All bay, no stones or rubbish. In 100-lb. bales not compressed. Price $25 a ton CALL ON YOUR DEALER OR The Pond Dairy TEL. 890 MANILA CIGARS NOW FIVE CENTS Fitzpatrick Bros. TWO STORES THE CURIO SALOON IS THE Orpheum Saloon FORT STREET EDWARD EVERETT HALE COMPLETE W0RE5. Brown & Lyon Go. YOUNG BUEUINQ. Jade Jewelry Chinese and European Designs BO WO Hotel, between Maunakea and Smith NEW LINE OF Wicker Veranda Furniture 1 HOPP & CO. Largest Furniture Store in the Island King Street Near Alakea ' Tour Credit Is Good LEWIS & CO. LEADING GROCERS. KING STREET TELEPHONE 240 YOU HAVE SANITARY PLUMBING, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELEVATORS AND AUTOMOBILES. WHY NOT VACUUM CLEANING? WILSON FEAGLER P. O. BOX 101 Nainsook Underwear Coat Shirt Knee Drawers 80c a Suit. C. K. Chow & Co. Cor. King and River Sts. Consult Us for A dvertlslng ideas THE CHAS. R. FRAZIER CO. 122 KING ST. - Phene 871 THE STAR Merchant Tailor Dyeing, Cleaning and Bepairing all kinds of Clothes. Skillful workmen. Best in Town. All work Guaranteed. Telephone 182. Give us a Call. No. 208 Beretania 8t near Emma St WING CH0NG CO. KOA FUBNITUEE. Exquisite Models. King Street, Next to Bethel. ill 11IIC0. LIMITED. MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION. CITY MAUSOLEUM. HAND-MADE LACE Exquisitely Delicate. Mrs. Jane Lishman More HARRISON BUILDING. Wing Tai & Co. Contractors and Builders Furniture, Wall Paper, Painting 1216 Nuuanu Are. THE CUSHMAN MARINE MOTOR, 4-horsepower, weighs 145 lbs. A little wonder. Can be seen at Neill's work shop, 135 Merchant street. Machinery repaired, ship and general blacksmithing, gasoline engines, etc. MAINLflNDERS BOOM LANDS Honolulu Real Estate May Be Listed by Outside Promoters. Honolulu real estate prices are slow ly advancing but they are along con servative lines and not to be confound ed with boomer methods, but it is eaid that mainland real estate promoters have their eye on loeal real estate offerings and the possibilities of developing the market on mainland plans, and that in a few months much of the local real property may be ad vertised in mainland publications. Florida and Minnesota city proper ties are advertised - by New York, Philadelphia and Chicago real estate promoters, and recent news from the mainland, contained in' private letters, indicates that some of these promoters may adopt the 6ame policy with Hono lulu and endeavor to persuade people with capital, who desire winter or per manent homes, that Honolulu has plen ty of good property .for home pur poses. ...... : REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Entered of Record Sept 24, 1909. F K Makino to von Hamm-Young Co Ltd ..CM Kukana Apao and hsb to James Nakapaahu . M PER Straueh and wf to John Thompson and wf.. D Fernandes J C Leme and wf to San Antonio Por Ben Soc of Haw. . . M Von Hamm-Young Co Ltd to C H Behn . ........Eel Moses Kapiiaho and wf to Waialua Agrctl Co Ltd M Konohia to Pioneer Mill Co Ltd... $ L K Poka and wf to Pioneer Bldg and Loan Assn of Haw... M Kwong Lee Wai Co to Lee Sun Chong et al BS Mon Quong et al to Charles B Coop er . B 3 Ching On to Mo Foo. . . . L Samuel Parker to Samuel K Parker D Samuel K Parker to Annie T K Parker . .." D Norah Vredenburg and hsb to Sam uel Parker, Jr 1J Recorded Sept 10, 1909. Maui Steam Laundry Ltd by mtgee to First National Bank of Wailuku, Fore Affdt; leasehold, bldgs, inchnry, engines, fixtures, etc, of Maui Steam Laundry Ltd. B 325, p 22. Dated Sept 8, 1909. . Liliuokalani by atty to Joseph F Du rao, Can L; pc land, Kahala, Honolulu, Oahu. B 323, p 66. Dated Sept 9, 1909. Liliuokalani by atty to Joseph F Du rao, L; pc land, Kahala, Honolulu, Oa hu. 10 yrs at $40 per yr. B 323, p 67. Dated Sept 9, 1909. Oahu College toy Trs to First Am Savs & Tr Co of Haw Ltd, A M; mtg E G Winston and wf on R P 1088, por R P 1651, ap 2, por ap 1, R P 5610 and pes land Kapuukolo, etc, Honolulu, Oahu. $17,000. B 325, p 27. Dated Sept 9, 1909. First Am Savs & Tr Co of Haw Ltd to E C Winston, Agrmt; in re extn mtg on R P 1088, por R P 1651, ap 2, por ap 1, R P 5610 and pes land, Ka puukolo, etc, Honolulu, Oahu. B 325, p 28. Dated Sept 9, 1909. Wm A Beckley and wf et al to Irene K Dickson, D; 1-3 int in ap 2, R P 2071 and R P 736, rents, etc, Moanalua, Honolulu; 1-3 int in lot 2, blk 34, rents, etc, Pearl City lots, Ewa, Oahu; 1-3 int in pc land, Kahului I, Kona, Hawaii; int in personal property of Mary K Brown, deed. $1. B 316, p 488. Da ted Aug 30, 1909. Cecil Brown to Irene K Dickson, Tr D; lots 5 and 7, blk 39, Kaimuki Tract, Honolulu, Oahu. $1. B 316, p 490. Dated Aug 30, 1909. William A Dickson to Irene K Dick son, D; 1-3 int in ap 2, R P 2071 and R P 736, rents, etc, Moanalua, Hono; lulu; 1-3 int in lot 2, blk 34, rents, etc, Pearl City lots, Ewa, Oahu; 1-3 int in pc land, Kahului I, Kona, Ha waii. $375. B 316, p 493. Dated July 19, 1909. Oahu Railway & Land Co to Kunia Development Co Ltd, L; 1000a land, Honouliuli, Ewa, Oahu. 20 yrs at $2.50 per acre, etc. B 323, p 69. "Dated Sept 9, 1909. John Kapukini to Atty of C A Fook, L; kul 6245, King st, Honolulu, Oahu. 20 yrs at $250 per yr. B 323, p 75. Dated Sept 10, 1909. Pinehaka K Naihe and wf to J U Smith, D; lot 5, gr 4972, Nanawale, Puna, Hawaii. $123. B 316, p 4S2. Dated April 11, 1908. Theo II Davies & Co Ltd to Jose F Ferreira, D; lot 8, 20 37-100a land, bldgs, etc, Kaiwiki Homesteads, S Hilo, Hawaii. $1200. B 316, p 483. Dated Aug 2, 1909. Jose F Ferreira and wf to Jose de Coito, D; 16a of lot 8, rents, etc, Kai wiki Homesteads, S Hilo, Hawaii. $1200. B 316, p 484. Dated Aug 18, 1909. Jose F Ferreiro and wf to Jose Farias, D; 5a of lot 8, rents, etc, Kai wiki Homesteads, S Hilo, Hawaii. $550. B 316, p 4S6. Dated Aug 18, 1909. . Paukuwahie Mia to Lohiau Kuwa waa, D; int in pc land, Okoe, S Kona, Hawaii. $40. B 316, p 4S8. Dated Sept 6, 1909. Antone de Giar and wf to G Seitz, M; Land Patent 4229, Paauilo, Hama kna. Hawaii. $58.70. B 325, p 24. Da ted Sept 6, 1909. Isabella H Woods et al to First Bank of Hilo Ltd, D: por R P 4SS8, Kapa au. N Kohala. Hawaii. $800. B 316, p 494. Dated Aug 26, 1909. Mary Avery (Mrs) to Young Men's Savs Soey Ltd. M; 2 70-100a land. Hai-ku-uka. Makawao, Maui. $150. B 325, p 26. Dated July 5, 1907. Plumber Have you got all we want for Brown's job? Boy Yes. Plumber Wot ! You 'aven't forgot nothin"? Well, that's a good 'im! Haven't for got nothin' and you learnin' to be a plumber! Philadelphia Inquirer. HIT B Y A UTHORITV AUCTION SALE OF GOVERNMENT COUNTY OF HONOLULU, On Monday, October 4, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of the Capitol, will be sold at public auction the following government lots: 1. 0. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Lot on Queen street, between Nuuanu and Smith . , Lot No. 1, mauka side of School Lot makai side of School street. . Lot head of Makiki street. Lot Tantalus Waiaka Lots, Kamoiliili Terms: Cash, U. S. gold coin. Expense of Patent Grant and stamp Further information can be had Public Works. Department of Public Works, Honolulu, September 2, 1909. Honolulu, T. H., September 17, 1909. RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, that the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars be and is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund for the pay ment of claims for advertising for the period ending December 31, 1909. Presented by Supervisor Daniel Logan. The foregoing Resolution was, at a Regular Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu, held on Friday, September 17, 1909, ordered passed to print on the following vote of the eaid Board: Ayes: Ahia, Aylett, Cox, Kane, Lo gan, McClellan, Quinn. Total 7. Noes: None. D. KALAUOKALANI, JR., Clerk, City and County of Honolulu. - 8461 Sept. 21. 22, 23, 24, 25 " The Board of License Commissioners for the City and County of Honolulu will hold a meeting at the Executive building on Monday, October 4, 1909, at 4 p. m., to consider the application of Jose J. Dias for a second class sa loon license, to sell intoxicating liquors at Waipahu, Ewa, formerly "Waipahu Saloon," under the provisions of Act 119, Session Laws of 1907. AH protests or objections against the issuance of a license under said appli cation should be filed with the Secre tary of the Board not later than the time set for said hearing. CARLOS A. LONG, Secretary Board of License Commis sioners. 8447 September 4, 11, .18, 25 NOTICE OF SALE OF RESERVOIR, ' CAMP SITES, BUILDINGS, AND LAND SITUATED AT KAUNA MANO, KAU, HAWAII. At 12 o'clock noon, Monday, October 11, 1909, at the front entrance to the courthouse, Waiohinu, Kau, Hawaii, there will be sold at public auction under Part IV, Land Act, 1895, Section 276, Revised Laws of Hawaii, the fol lowing reservoir and camp sites: (1) That certain reservoir and site situate on Lot No. 8, Kaunamano Tract, containing an area of .07 acres, more or less, together with the improvements thereon. Upset price, $2000.00. . (2) That certain reservoir 6ite sit uate on Lot No. 5, Kaunamano Tract, containing an area of .07 acess, more or less. Upset price, $100.00. (3) Those certain (2) two reservoir sites situate at Kaaliki, Kau, Hawaii, containing an area of 1 acre each, more or less. Upset price, $100.00 per acre. (4) Those certain camp sites (2) two situate on Lots Nos. 13 and 24, Kauna mano Tract, containing 3 acres each, more or less. Upset price, $15.00 per acre. Terms: Cash. The purchaser of the reservoir site designated above, as on Lot No. 8, Kau namano Tract, will be required, in ad dition to the price paid, to erect a 30,00 gallon tank upon the upper sec tion of Lot No 7, Kaunamano Tract, and to deliver daily to this tank 2500 gallons of water, if required. At the same time and place, there will be sold, . for cash, the buildings and tanks remaining and being upon this tract. At the same time and place, there will be sold the following Lot: Lot No. 30, Kaunamano Tract, con taining 27.0 acres of arable land, 42.5 acres of pastoral land. Upset price, $532.50. This lot will be sold under special agreement, containing the conditions that (59e) five per cent of the purchase price shall be paid after time of sale and (5C) five per cent one year there after, and (10i) ten per cent annually thereafter until entire price has been paid, and containing certain other con ditions. For conditions and full information respecting the above sale, application may be made to T. C. White, Sub Agent, 3rd Land District, Kona, Ha waii, -or at the office of the Commis sioner of Public Lands, Honolulu. (Sig.) MARSTON CAMPBELL, Commissioner of Public Lands. 8453 Sept. 11, 18, 25; Oct. 2, 9. LOTS IN HONOLULU, CITY AND TERRITORY OF HAWAII. Approx. sq. ft. Upset price. , . 6,993 $10,500.00 ... 2935 3,000.00 .. 6,177 4,500.00 ,. 13,720 . 2,500.00 , . . 9,615 500.00 .. 86,857 12,000.00 .. 10,400 - 250.00 ,. 20,400 500.00 , . 9,000 250.00 . 9,000 250.00 . 1,200 100.00 . 18,400 . . 900.00 ; . 6,840 . - 500.00 . 40,950 3,700.00 , . 6,070 - 425.00 -. 21,780 500.00 ,. 21,780 500.00 street. ' to be paid by the purchaser. at the office of the Superintendent of MARSTON CAMPBELL, Superintendent of Public Works. 8447 Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25; Oct. 4 SALE OP GOVERNMENT LOTS, MA KIKI HEIGHTS, HONOLULU, OAHU, T. H. On Saturday, October 16th, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of the Court House (Judiciary Building) will be sold at public auction the fol lowing lots in Government Subdivision of Makiki Heights, Honolulu: Lot No. Area. Upset Price. 594 31,900 Sq. Ft. $1650 00 595 24,720 " 1400 00 596 26,980 " 900 00 597 29,240 " 800 00 598 30,283 ' 750 00 599 24,064 " 400 00 599A 20,671 " . 350 00 599B 18,244 " 350 00 625 0.98 Acres 550 00 626 0.92 " 575 00 628 0.90 " 570 00 629 0.92 " "600 00 630 1.03 " . 650 00 631 1.21 " 880 00 632 1.07 " 700 00 633 0.97 " 700 00 635 "1.01 " 650 00 636 1.35 " 950 00 637 1.20 " 600 00 638 . 1.16 " 900 00 639 1.26 " 925 00 . 640 1.00 " 600 00 641 0.96 " 600 00 642 0.99 " OJ0 00 643 0.98 " 600 00 644 "0.98 . " 950 00 645 1.02 " 850 00 646 0.93 " 850 00 647 0.89 " 800 00 648 1.04 " i050 00 Maps of the same can be seen at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Works. Terms: Purchaser to have the follow ing options: 1st. Total purchase price at date of sale, or, 2nd. 25 per cent or 50 per cent of the purchase price at date of sale and balanee in two years at 6 per cent per annum, by equal installments in one and two years. The purchaser may make full payment at any time within the two years. All payments to be in U. S. Gold Coin, Expense of Patent Grant and stamps to be paid bv the purchaser. MARSTON CAMPBELL, Commissioner of Public Lands. Honolulu, Sept. 15, 1909. 8457 Sept. 16, 28, Oct. 2. 9, 16 TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TREAS URER'S OFFICE, HONOLULU, OAHU. In re Dissolution of the San Jnan Land and Development Company, Limited. Whereas, the San Juan Land and De velopment Company, Limited, a corpo ration established and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Ter rietory of Hawaii, has, pursuant to law in such cases 'male and provided, duly filed in this office a petition for the dissolution of the said corporation, to gether with a .certificate , thereto an nexed as require! by law. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to any and all persons that have been or are now interested in any man ner whatsoever in the said corporation, that objections to the srrantinor of the said petition mut be filed in this office on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 12th day of November, 1909, and that any person or persons desiring to be heard thereon must be in attendance at the office of the undersigned, in the Capitol, Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, to show cause, if any, why said petition should not be granted. D. L. CONKLING, Treasurer Territory of Hawaii. Honolulu, September 3, 1909. 8447 Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25; Oct. 2, 9, 16 IN THE CTRCUTT COURT OF THE FIRST CIRCUIT OF THE TERRI TORY OF HAWAII At Chabers Divorce. Gensho Hasegawa, Libellant, vs. Ko Hasegawa, Libellee. The Territory of Hawaii to Ko Hase gawa, Greeting: You are hereby notified that there is now pending in the above entitled Court, a suit filed agaiust you by Gen sho Hasegawa, wherein he "prays "for an absolute divorce against vou on the ground of desertion and adultery, and that said suit may be heard and de termined on or after the 23rd day of November, A. D. 1909. Honolulu, September 10, lpnp M. T. SIMONTON. Seal. clerk 8453 Sept. 11, 18. 25; Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23 Proposals for Cold Storage. Office Depot Quartermaster, Honolulu, H. T., Sept. 21, 1909. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received at this of fice until 10 a. m., September 28, 1909, and then opened for the rental of 2 rooms for cold storage. For further particulars apply to M. N. FALLS, Captain Quartermaster, U. S. A. 8462 Sept. 22, 23, 2. 25, 27, 23 NOTICE. The lands of the Hawaiian Fibre Co being posted, notice is herebv. giva that all persons found shooting" or tres passing on lands at Sisal or Ho aeae, will be prosecuted to the full ex tent of the law. " By order of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS 8465 Sept. 25, 26, 29; Oct. 2. ' SPECIAL MEETING Of Stockholders of Paia Plantation. By order of the Board of Directors of Paia Plantation, a speeial meeting of the Shareholders will be held at the office1 of the corporation, Stangenwald Building, Honolulu, on Thursday, the 14th day of October, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of increasing the Capital Stock of the Company and such other business as may come before the meeting. E. E. PAXTON, Secretary, Paia Plantation. Honolulu, September 17, 1909. 8461 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given by the under signed administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth Kalanipaahao, deceased, to all persons having any claim against said estate, to present the same to the , undersigned administratrix at the of fice of W. C. Achi, her attorney, in Kapiolani building, on north corner of King and Alakea streets, Honolulu, within six months (6) from the date of the first publication of this notice, or they will be forever barred. Dated Honolulu, August 27, 1909. LILIKALANI FERN, Administratrix of the Estate of Eliza beth Kalanipaahao, Deceased. W. C. Achi, Attorney for Administra trix. 8441 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE . UNITED STATES. FOB THE TERRITORY OF HA WAIL THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPH WHIT MARSH; HANNAH J. WHIT MARSH, wife of JOSEPH WHIT MARSH; KAMAKA WHIT- MARSH; ANNA WHITMAESH and SAMUEL WHITMAESH, un known heirs at law of PETEB WHITMAESH, deeeased; WIL- M. PA A; KAIAMA KEKA; JAMES AKO, attorney in fact for JOSEPH WHITMARSH; THE TERRITORY OF HA WALT; JOHN BROWN, JAMES BLACK, MAEY . BLUE and JANE PURPLE, an known owners and claimants; JOHN D. PARIS; MARY C. ' PARIS; J. D. PARIS, JUNTO B, and HANNAH PARIS, Defendant. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. GREET ING: To JOSEPH WITMARSH; HANNAH J. WHITMARSH, wife of JOSEPH WHITMARSH; KAMAKA WHIT MARSH; ANNA WHITMAESH and SAMUEL WHITMARSH, unknown ' heirs at law of PETER WHITMAESH, deceased; WILLIAM KEKA; S. AOKI; MARIE M. PAA; KAL1MA KEKA; JAMES AKO. attorney in fact for JOSEPH WHITMARSH ; THE TER RITORY OF HAWAII; JOHN BROWN, JAMES BLACK, MAEY BLUE and JANE PURPLE, unknown owners and claimants; JOHN D. PARIS; MARY C. PARD3; J. D. PARIS, JUNIOR, and HANNAH PARIS, Defendant. . You are hereby directed to appear, and answer the Petition in an action entitled as above, brought against you in the District Court of the United Qfafoo in on Taninw WVCXLVO, Ul flUll XU1 kUD i J VA. Hawaii, within twenty days from and after service upon you of a certified copy of Plaintiff 'a Petition herein, to gether with a certified copy of thi Summons. x And you are hereby notified that w less you appear and answer as above required, the said Plaintiff will take judgment of condemnation of the lands described in the Petition herein and for any other relief demanded in the Petition. WITNESS the Honorable SANFORD B. DOLE,. Judge of said District Court, this 26th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine and of the in dependence of the United State the one hundred and thirty-third. (Signed) A. E. MURPHY, v Clerk. (Endorsed) "No. 60 District Court of the United States for the Territory of Hawaii. The United States of Amer-. ica vs. Joseph Whitmarsh, et al. ' Sum mons. Robert W. Breckons, Plaintiff Attorney. Filed Julv 9, 1909. A. "E. MURPHY, Clerk. By (Signed) A. A. DEAS, Deputy Clerk." Territory of Hawaii, City of Ho-) nolulu. ) SI- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,) I, A. E. MURPHY, Clerk of the Dis trict Court of the United States of America, in and for the Territory and District of Hawaii, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of the original Summon! in case of The United States of Amerisa vs. Joseph Whitmarsh, et al., as t9 same remains of record and on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand and affixed (Seal) the seal "of said District Court this 12th day of July, A. D. 1909. (Signed) A. E. MURPHY, Clerk of United States District Court, Territory of Hawaii. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION AGENTS Wm. G. Irwin President John D. Spreckels. . .1st Vice President W. M. Giffard 2nd Vice President H. M. Whitney. Treasurer Richard Ivers Secretary D. G. May Auditor AGENTS FOR Oceanic Steamsnip Company, San Fraa cisco. Cal. Baldwin Locomotiva Works, Philadel phia. Pa. Hakalau Plantation Company. Hilo Sugar Company. Honolulu Plantation Company. Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co.npanj. Kilauea Sugar Plantation Company. Olowalu Company. Paanhan Plantation Company. Waimanalo Sugar Company.