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THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1909. I ,4 , Fraternal Meetings! Castle & Cooke, Ltd. SHIPPING AND COMMUMIOX MERCHANTS. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 822, A. F. A. M. it r- . . -M If 3 f 1; 1 1 t HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan SI. 50 a day up American Pian $3.00 a day up Steel and brick structure, furnish ingscost 5200,000. High class hotel at moderate rates. Center of theatre end retail district. On car lines trans ferring all over city. Omnibus meets ail trains and steamers. Send for booklet with map of San Francisco. Hotel Stewart now recognized as Hawaiian Island headquarers.Cable address, "Trawets." ABC Code. HOTEL STEWART THE NUUANU 1634 Nuuana Ave., near School St. Large and airy furnished rooms and Cottages with or without board. $2.00 a day; special rates by the month. Apartments, Cuisine and Service Highest Standard The PLEASANTON Wilder Ave. and Punanou DELMONICO HOTEL ISO Beretania Street, adjoining Central Fire Station. Tarnished rooms, mosqnito proof. First class accommodation, en suite r single, for men only. Terms reasonaable. HOTEL MAJESTIC Sic hi Block, fort and Beretania Sta. Fine furnished rooms, $1 per day or $10 per month and up. Splendid ae ommodationa. MBS. O. A. BLAISDELL. Prop. THE QUEEN Nuuana Street, near Vineyard. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FROM $2.50 UPWARD. Mrs. A. McDowall - - Proprietress Amberoi Records 70 New Ones for October HAWAIIAN NEWS GO., LTD. Alexander Young Bldg. Shrink AND KEEP HEALTHY. EUREKA PERFECTION ROOF PAINT is the Best, Cheapest and Freshest Postal for booklet to P. O. Box 93. TTXEO. H. DAVTE3 & CO., Agents. UNION BARBER SHOP ' M. VIEIRA, Prop. Entrances from King street next to Union Grill, and from Merchant street opposite Bishop & Co.'s bank. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE For Home Entertainment! ERGSTROM IK COMPANY. LTD TeL 321 LOCOMOBILE BABY TONNEAU BEADY FOB DEMONSTRATION. SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD. Wni. 6. Irwin & Go., Ltd. AGENTS FOB THE Boys! Insurance Co, of Liverpool, Eng land. Scottish Union & National Insurance ' Co. of Edinburgh, Scotland, The Upper Rhine Insurance Co, Ltd Commercial Union Assurance Co, LtsL, of London. A necessity in every household Wiley's Folding Ironing Table An improvement on the original, feeing made of reversed grain wood which will never warp. TO BE HAD AT H. F. Bertclmann's Shop. lOIlDlDHICO. LIMITED. MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION. CITY MAUSOLEUM. INDEPENDENT AUTO STAND, Ring and Bishop Street. Phone 609 WING ON CHONQ DO NOT PAY FANCY PRICES FOR CHEAP NEW FURNITURE. Bethel opposite the Empire. P. 0. Box 771 THERE WILL BE A STATED .ueetlnj of Pacific Lodge No. 822, A F. 4 A. M., at It hall. Masonic Temple, corner of Hotel and Aiakea street, 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, at 5 p. m. Members of Hawaiian and Oceanic Lodges and all sojourning brethren are ! invited to attend. By order of the R. W. M. C. F. JENKINS, Secretary. POLYNESIA ENCAMPMENT NO. 1, I. O. O. F. Mfti every first and third Friday of the month, at 7:30 p. m., in udd Feiioas' J7" Fort Street. Visiting brother cordiauy in rited to attend. W. ELLEREROCK, C. P. L. L. LA PIEKKE, Scribe. EXCELSIOB LODGE HO. 1, I. O. O. P. Meets evey Tuesday evening, i 7:30, in Odd Fellows' Hsli, Fort Street. Visiting botbere ecrdiaiiy invited to attend. 1L W. TSCHCDI, N. G. L. L. LA PIEKKE, Sec'y. HARMONY LODGE NO 3, I. O. O. T. Meets every Monday evening, at 7 :30, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort Street. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. K. W. FOSTER, N. G. E. R. HESDRY, Sec'y. PACIFIC BEBEKAH LODGE NO. 1, I. O. O. F. Meet every second and fourth Thursday, at 7:30 p. nr. Odd Fellows' Hall. Visiting Kebekaha axe cordially invited to attend. PKEIDA VON BERG, N. G. ALICE NICHOLSON, Seey. OLIVE BRANCH BEBEKAH LODGE NO. 2, L O. O. P. Meet aevery first and third Thursday, at 7:80 p. m, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Visiting Rcbekaha are cordially invited to attend. 8ALLIE L. WILLIAMS, N. Q. ALEXANDRA BATH. Sec'. OCEANIC LODGE NO. 371, F. A M. A ueets on tee last Monday of each month, at Masonic Temple, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting brethren are cordially in vited to attend. R. H. BEMROSE. W. M. W. H. GOETZ, Secy. I.F.AHI CHAPTER NO. 2, O. E. 8. Meets every third Monday of each mouth, at 7:30 p. nu, in the Masonic Temple. Visiting sistera and brothers are cordially invited to attend. ANNA S. WRIGHT. W. M. ADELAIDE M. WEBSTER, Secretary. LEI ALOHA CHAPTER NO. 3. O. E. 8. Meets at the Masonic Temple every second Saturday of each month, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting sistera and broth ers are cordially invited to attend. . MINNIE RHOADS, W. M. MARGARET LISHMAN. Secy. OAHU LODGE NO. 1, K. of P. Meets every first and third Friday at 7:30 o clock, Pythian Hall, corner Beretania and Fort streets. Visiting brother cordially in vited to attend. F. R. NUGENT, C. C. R. GOSLING, K. of R. 4 8. william Mckinley lodge no. 8, K. of P. Meets every second and fourth Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Pythian Hall, corner Beretania and Fort streets. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. F. M. McGREW. O. C. E. A JACOBSON, K. R. 8. COURT CAMOES NO. 8110, A. O. T. i Meets every second and fourth Tnes jffday of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in uf San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street V Visitine brothers cnrdiallv inviti) tn attend. CAESAR MEDEIROS, O. R. H. PEREIRA P. S. CAM0E3 CIRCLE NO. 240, C. O. P. Jaeets every second and fourth Thurs day of each month, at 7:30 n. m., in San Antonio Hall, Vineyard street. Visiting companions are cordially in vited to attend. MRS. M. R. MEDEIROS, C. 0. MR. L. A PERRY. F. 8. COURT LT7NALXLO NO. 6600, A O. P. Meets every nrst and third Wednes day evenings of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in Pythian Hall, corner Fort and Beretania streets. Visiting broth ers cordially invited. W. KELLE, C. R. JAS. K. KATJLIA. P. C, F. 8. HONOLXJLU AERIE 140, P. O. E. Meets on second and fourth Wednesday even- t?vO n? of each month- at HalL corner Beretania and Fort streets. Visiting Eagles are invited to attend. WM. C. McCOY, W. P. H. T. MOORE, Secy. HONOLULU HARBOR NO. 54. A A. of M. M. ft p. Meets on the first Sunday evening of each month, at 7 o clock, at Odd Fellows' HalL All sojourning breth ren are cordially invited to attend. By order Worthv President, J. B. SEARLE. FRANK O. POOR, Secy. THEODORE ROOSEVELT CAMP NO. 1, V. S. W. V. Meets every first and third Wednesday of each month in vvaverley Hall, corner Bethel and Hotel atreets, at 7:30 p. m. By order of the Camp Com mander. J. K. BROWN, Adjutant. MARINE ENGINEERS BENEFICIAL ASSO CIATION. Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month at the new K. of P. Hall, corner Fort and Beretania streets. GEORGE E. WARD, President H. O. WOOTTEN. Secretary. HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. 1, O. R. M. jneeis every nrst and third Thursday of each month, in K. . . T TT.1I , . "i ir. nan, corner t ort ana brothers cvtrriiallv invitaH ' attend. 4 E. V. TODD. C. of R. L. A PERRY. Sachem. HONOLULU LODGE 616, B. P. O. E. will meet In their hall. King street, near Fort, every Friday evening. Visiting brothers are cordially in vited to attend. E. A DOUTHnT, E. R. H. C. EASTOS, Secy. HONOLULU SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUB. Meets on 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month at 8 o'clock, in Rooms 11 and 12, Alexander tonne Bunding. e. R. M. MACLEAN, Chief. JAMES H. FTDDE3, Secy. HAWAII CHAPTER NO. 1. ORDER OP KAMEHAMEHA. Meets every first and third Thursday evening of each month at 7:30 o'clock in Fraternity Hall, Odd Fellows' building, on Fort street. N. FERNANDEZ, Kuauhan. DAMTEN COUNCIL, NO. 563, Y. M. I, meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in St. Lnuis Collepa Alumni Hall (Dreier Hsll, Union street. Visiting members are alwsvs welcome. W. J. GALLAGHER, President. THE STAR Merchant Tailor , Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing all kinds of Clothes. Skillful workmen. Best in Town. All work Guaranteed. Telephone 182. Give us a CalL No. 203 Beretania St, near Emma Bt was V ! I THE REVEREND Head of the West Hongwanji miBam sKsstaasss sssshbsc DAILY BOAT TO HIL0F0RECflST Big island Metropolis Twenty Five Years Behind Hono lulu, Says Paxton. Hawaii Herald. "Hilo is now about twenty-five years behind Honolulu, but it will only take about ten years for this town to catch up." This was said to the Herald last week by Mr. Elmer E. Paxton, of the Honolulu firm of Alexander and Bald win. Some exception may be made to the remark but those who knew Ho nolulu a quarter of a century ago will agree with Mr. Paxton, also that Hilo is in a position to cateh up pretty quickly. Mr. Paxton said further: "Within fifteen years I expect to see a steamer running daily between Honolulu and Hilo, instead of twice a week." , Mr. Paxton, accompanied by his wife, is now at the Volcano House Where he likes to spend a quiet week or two whenever he gets the .chance to. take a rest. Speaking of the Hilo railroad extension he said the line to Hakalau would be completed and open for traffic sooner than had been anti cipated. It was surprising what an amount of work had been done and it was only the non-completion of the bridge at Hilo that delayed the laying of the rails. It was a difficult piece of work but, as soon as finished, the heavy material needed in construction could be earried along from this end. "Conditions," said Mr. Paxton, "are favorable for the construction of the road right through to the end of the 'Hamakua coast without the work stopping at Hakalau. What is needed to help us is the moral support of the Hilo community and that is all we are asking. I can see that Hilo has grown since I was here last year and there are manv good improvements. One thing that strikes me as strange is the absence of a street car line for it is such a necessity in Honolulu." Mr. Paxton said he eould see how easy it would be for Hilo to grow with the opening of the back country, the completion of the breakwater and local improvements as they were needed. And Mr. Paxton is one of those men in Honolulu who can help Hilo grow and be a good friend to the town. DAVID THOM HAS PASSED THE POST SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. David Thom. a true sportsman of the old school and a man of sterling integrity and genial disposition, passed away in Berkeley, Cal., last Tuesday after an illness of about two weeks. "Uncle Dave" had been located in San Francisco for over thirty years and in that time had acquired a repu tation as a gunsmith of skill and artistic resources that made him known, either personally or by cor respondence, to thousands of sports men of the Pacific Coast from Alaska to the Isthmus. Aside from his standing as a gun smith of rare abilities he was noted for a gentle and pleasing personality that made him popular with everyone who met him. The last earthly duties of family and friends on behalf of the departed took place at the Masonic Temple in Berke ley on Thursday afternoon under the auspices of Durant Lodge, No. 263, F. & A. M. There was present a large attendance of friends and sportsmen. BRITISH FIGHTERS COaHNG. NEW YORK, Sept. 25. A delegation of English fighters will soon arrive in this country. The scrappers who are com ing over are Jem Driscoll, Owen Mo ran. Freddie Welsh. Johnny Summers. "Young Josephs," Digger Stanley and possibly Ian Hague, the big heavy weight. With the exception of "Young Josephs" and Hague, all of the others have appeared here before and made good in the bouts they fought. Driscoll and Moran will try and get on a match with Abe Attell. while Welsh will make an effort to induce Battline Nelson to fisht him for the lightweight champion ship title. "As a rule." said the cynic, "one may reckon the number of his true friend? on the finders of one hand." "Wei!." answered the good-natured person, '"'anybody who counts ut'i his friendsnips the same as he does his money doesn't deserve anv more." Now that we found one of the pole it ought to be easy to locate the other, which Ls directly opposite. Y. IMAMURA Mission in this Territorv. kona tobacco go. fine officer Maui News. The Kona Tobaceo Company has received a bona file offer from a giltedge, eastern manufactory for all of its output of wrapper tobacco at $1.10 a pound. This is Dig money, and the offer will be accepted. This ideal of the Kona Tobacco Com pany for the sale of its product makes clear the success of the tobacco in dustrv. Picture Hats Swell styles just in. MISS POWER Boston Building WE HAVE BEEN SELLING BRIDGE BEACH MFG. CO. STOVES AND RANGES for the last thirty years In Hawaii. Emmeluth & Co., Ltd 145 SING STREET. Face and Scalp Massage Electric or Hand. Silent Barber Shop (T (i U J. W. SMITHIES. Manager. AT AUCTION AT OUR SALESROOM, MERCHANT ST., ADJOINING THE STAN GENWALD BUILDING, Tuesday, October 12, 1909, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Gentlemen's Simoking Caps, Boys' Bathing Suits, Ladies' Waking Suits, Ladies' Belts, Ladies' Handbags, Collars, Cambric Lining, Dress Goods, Lace, Beads, Ribbons, assorted colors, Lace Capes, Lace, Baskets, assorted sizes, Shawl Straps, Hammocks, National Cash Register, Platform Scales. ALSO A lot of second-hand Roller Skates JAS. W. PRATT, Auctioneer. Jas. F. Morgan STOCKS, BONDS AND REAL ESTATE No. 857 Kaahumanu St. Our bargain for this week is a house and lot on the Beach road; lot has a frontage of 100 feet; also servants' quarters on the place. This kind of property is scarce. wo Weeks nly We are offering for two weeks only the house and lot on mauka side of Wilder avenue, opposite switch. AT AUCTION We will sell at public auction oa Saturday, October 16,. 109, at 12 o'clock noon, in our auction rooms, No. 837 Kaahumanu street, 2 shares Pa cific Club stock and t3 shares Ewa Bottling Works, Ltd By order of the executor of the Estate of Jas A. Low. JAS. F. MORGAN; AUCTIONEER. The following properties for sale; some for cash and some on easy terms: A pineapple plantation at a bargain; owner wants to leave town. A house and lot in Kalihi. The finest lot in Manoa Vallev. House and lot on Lunalilo street. K'-aere lot for $700. About 1 aere; good view; Wyllie and Liliha streets; 4 lots, all in PuunuL 5 cottages; large grounds; centrally located; near car line. Although Prices have advanced in we still have options on a few lots the old prices; but as soon as options are up our prices go up. We nave JAS. F. MORGAN, SUGAR FACTORS AND GE2TJEU1 INSURANCE AGENTS, REPRESENTING New England Mutual Life Lumraaeg Company of Boston. Aetna Fire Insurance Company. National Fire Insurance Company. Citizens' Insurance Company (Hartfert Fire Insurance Company). London Assurance Corporation, WE DELIVER FULL-WEIGHT ICJ TO YOUR DOOR FOS TWENTT, FIVE CENTS PES HUNDUJJ, BARNHART, TELEPHONE 18, V CHANT STREET. n WILL DO IT. " YAMATOYA, ALL KINDS OF SHIRTS, PAJAMAS and KIMONOS MADE TO ORDER. 1248 Fort St., J oat above Orphrta. r Rubber Goods GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R- H. PEASE - . . PmUst 573-575-577-579 Market 8trett, San Franeisco, CaL, U.SJL. Coca Cola Refreshes BOTTLED BY HAWAIIAN SODA WORKS PHONE 518. Gallon, Neill & Company, Ltd. ENGINEERS AND MACHTNSTS, Queen and Richards Streets. Boilers re-tubed with chareoal-iroa n steel tubes. General ship work. OUR MEATS ARE ALL EIGHT. Prompt delivery every day. 0. Q. YEE HOP a CO. NEXT THE FISHMARKET. PREFERRED BY ALL Keystone-Elgin AND Ingersoll Watches J08. SCHWASTI, AflMUTZ ri iTiN.n sa l aa f TV I sWV-Iliy J old Calabashes, Tapae, , iunos ana SouTtalri. j ISLAND CURIO CO, James Stelner,' EUte jauuiuag, iiotei street. Visitors alwayi wet come. Honolulu Scrap jron Co. C. H. BROWN .... MAWASO HALEKAUWTLA STREET Highest price paid for Old Brae Scrap Iron and all metals. Dealer la Second-hand Maehlxerr, TeL 642. P. O.'Box 547. KWONG HIN6 GH0N6 GO. CHINESE GRASS LINENS, LALIES' SHIRTWAISTS. PONQO, 1024 NUUANU STXZIT PRECIOUS STONES set in rings and brooehes. Gol aa silver jewelry made to order at reaee able prices. Your trade solieitei. SUN WO CHAN CHEW - . MANAGE 1808 Mannakea St., P. O. Bex 141 TOM KEENE Best 5 c Cigar WING CHONG CO. KOA FURNITURE. Exquisite Models. King Street, Next to BetheL Ill II WerL U a jSssri 2 n i .D. tl " jus IV! OV a : 1 Mo I kot tift I to : l Ma pi a c an (J ' 1 Pic Ho cor 1 me Ba: of It lie Un fWa wi oo( lov Pe Th dr of i J th( th foi gc tl vi ba wi fa dr. mr be Al ih Th is in; va at- Wf ar & '1 ' i ' f L i t : 3 r